Uniden EXAI2980 Series Owner's Manual

with digital answering system
caller id/call waiting
owner’s manual
EXAI2980 Series
To activate the Caller ID features, you must
subscribe through your telephone company.
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The EXAI2980 series features include
. AutoTalk allows you to answer a call by just removing the handset from the base so you don’t have to waste time pushing buttons or flipping switches. AutoStandby allows you to hang up by simply returning the handset to the base.
UUllttrraaCClleeaarr PPlluuss
true compander circuitry virtually eliminates background noise. This innovative technology, together with 40 different channels, provides you with the best possible reception during all your conversations.
To protect you against misbilled calls which might result from your phone being activated by other equipment, the EXAI2980 series has
RRaannddoomm CCooddee
digital security which automatically selects one of over
65,000 digital security codes for the handset and base. Also, the
feature electronically locks
your phone when the handset is in the base.
BBee ssuurree ttoo vviissiitt oouurr wweebb ssiittee:: wwwwww..uunniiddeenn..ccoomm
Congratulations on your purchase of the Uniden EXAI2980 series cordless telephone and answering system. This phone is designed and engineered to exacting standards for reliability, long life, and outstanding performance.
NNoottee:: SSoommee iilllluussttrraattiioonnss iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall mmaayy ddiiffffeerr ffrroomm tthhee aaccttuuaall uunniitt ffoorr
eexxppllaannaattiioonn ppuurrppoossee..
900 MHz Extended Range Technology
16 Digit, 3-line Backlit Display
Integrated Telephone Answering Device (ITAD)
Voice Prompted Guidance through ITAD Setup Menu
10 Number Memory Dialing
Caller ID and Call Waiting Caller ID
30 Number Caller ID Memory
32 Digit Redial
Bilingual Language Option
Flash and Pause
Pulse/Tone Dialing
7 Hour Talk Time/14 Day Standby Time
Handset Earpiece and Ringer Volume Control
Hearing Aid Compatible
40 Channel Autoscan
Uniden®is a registered trademark of Uniden America Corporation. AutoTalk, AutoStandby, UltraClear Plus, Random Code, and AutoSecure are trademark s of Uniden America Corporation.
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Controls and Functions 2, 3
Getting Started
Read this First 4
Checking the Package Contents 4 Setting up the Phone 5 Mounting the Base Unit on a Wall 9 Setting Caller ID Options/Language 10 Entering Your Area Code 10
Making and Receiving Calls 11 Terminology 12 Adjusting the Handset Ringer and
Earpiece Volume 12 Redial 12 Tone Dialing Switch-over 12 Traveling Out-of-Range 13 Selecting a Different Channel 13 Page 13 Flash and Call Waiting 13
Memory Dialing
Storing Phone Numbers and Names 14 Steps for Entering Names and
Special Characters 15 Making Calls with Memory Dialing 16 Chain Dialing 17 Editing a Stored Name and/or Phone Number 17 Erasing a Stored Name and Phone Number 18
Caller ID Features
Caller ID 19 When the Telephone Rings 19 Viewing the Caller ID Message List 20 Deleting Information from the Caller ID List 20 Using the Caller ID List 21
The Integrated Answering Device
Features 23 Turning the Answering System On/Off 23 Setting Up Your Answering System 24 Using Your Answering System 28
Additional Information
Changing the Digital Security Code 32 Installing the Beltclip 32 Headset Installation 32 Note on Power Sources 33 Maintenance 33 General Information 33 Troubleshooting 34 Index 36
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[ 2 ]
Controls and Functions
1. Handset antenna
2. Optional headset jack
3. Beltclip holes
4. Handset battery compartment
5. Handset earpiece
6. LCD display
7. Talk key
/left cursor ( )/tone key
9. Caller ID key
10. Volume down key (
11. Select key
12. Handset microphone and ringer speaker
13. Memory (m) key
14. Flash key
15. #/right cursor ( ) key
16. Delete key
17. Volume up key (
18. Redial/pause (p) key
19. Channel (chan) key
20. Handset charging contacts
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21. Handset retainer clip
22. Repeat/rewind (rew) key
23. Play/stop key
24. Delete key
25. Set key
26. Base charging contacts
27. Base speaker
28. Message counter display
29. Status LED
30. Skip/fast forward (ff) key
31. Voice memo/record (rec) key
32. Answer on/of f key
33. Menu key
34. Page key
35. Speaker volume keys
36. Microphone
37. Base antenna
38. DC IN 9V jack
39. Telephone line jack
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Read this First
SStteepp 11
Unpack the telephone and accessories.
SStteepp 22
((ppaaggee 55)) Next, choose the best location to set up the base unit.
SStteepp 33
((ppaaggee 66 ttoo 88))
Then, insert the batter y pack into the handset. Connect the base unit. You must charge the battery pack for 1155--2200 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinnttoo tteelleepphhoonnee lliinnee aanndd uussiinngg tthhee pphhoonnee
This cordless telephone must be set up before use. Follow these steps:
SStteepp 44
((ppaaggee 1100)) Finally, set the Caller ID options and store your area code in the memory to use the Caller ID service.
Skip the area code setting if your calling area requires 10-digit dialing.
Checking the Package Contents
BBaassee uunniitt
AACC aaddaapptteerr
RReecc hhaarrggeeaabbllee
TTeelleepphhoonnee ccoorr dd
Uniden Parts Department at (800) 554-3988 Hours: M-F 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. We can also be reached on the web at www.uniden.com
Make sure you have received the following items in the package. If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the Uniden Parts Depar tment.
AAllssoo iinncclluuddeedd::
This Owners Manual
Quick Reference Guide
Precautions and Important Safety
Instructions /Warranty Information
Other printed Material
WWaallll MMoouunntt
BBeelltt cclliipp
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[ 5 ]
Setting up the Phone
DDoo tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg sstteeppss::
A. Choose the best location C. Connect the base unit B. Install the battery pack D. Choose the dial mode
AA.. CChhoooossee tthhee bbeesstt llooccaattiioonn Before choosing a location for your new phone, read the INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS included in the PRECAUTIONS AND IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS brochure. Here are some important guidelines you should consider:
The location should be close to both a phone jack and a continuous power outlet which is not switchable.
Keep the base and handset away from sources of electrical noise such as motors, microwave ovens, and fluorescent lighting.
Be sure there is suf ficient space to raise the base antenna to a vertical position.
The base can be placed on a desk, tabletop, or mounted on a standard wall plate.
AAvvooiidd eexxcceessssiivvee mmooiissttuurree,, eexxttrreemmeellyy llooww tteemmppeerraattuurreess,, dduusstt,, mmeecchhaanniiccaall vviibbrraattiioonn,, oorr sshhoocckk
AAvvooiidd hheeaatt ssoouurrcceess,, ssuucchh aass rraaddiiaattoorrss,, aaiirr dduuccttss,, aanndd ssuunnlliigghhtt
AAvvooiidd tteelleevviissiioonn sseettss aanndd ootthheerr eelleeccttrroonniicc eeqquuiippmmeenntt
AAvvooiidd nnooiissee ssoouurrcceess ssuucchh aass aa wwiinnddooww bbyy aa ssttrreeeett wwiitthh hheeaavvyy ttrraaffffiicc
AAvvooiidd mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveennss
AAvvooiidd ppeerrssoonnaall ccoommppuutteerrss
AAvvooiidd ootthheerr ccoorrddlleessss tteelleepphhoonneess
CChhoooossee aa cceennttrraall llooccaattiioonn
AAbboouutt tthhee ddiiggiittaall sseeccuurriittyy ccooddee
This cordless telephone uses a digital security code to prevent unauthorized access to your base unit. This security code prevents other cordless handsets from making calls through your base unit. A random security code will be assigned automatically between your base unit and handset when you charge the battery pack for the f irst time. If you want to reset the security code, see page 32.
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[ 6 ]
CChhaarrggee tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk ffoorr aatt lleeaasstt 1155--2200 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg tthhee tteelleepphhoonnee jjaacckk aanndd ssttaarrtt uussiinngg yyoouurr pphhoonnee..
1)Press in on the batter y cover release and slide the cover down until it comes off.
2)Connect the battery pack connector observing correct polarity (black and red wires) to the jack inside the battery compartment.
Do not exert any force on this connection. It could cause damage to the battery or handset. Once you are cer tain that you have made a good connection, then insert the batter y pack into the batter y compartment. Do not pinch the wires.
3)Securely close the battery compartment cover by sliding it up until it snaps into place.
4)Place the handset on the base. Remove the beltclip, if attached, for face up charging.
BB.. IInnssttaallll tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk
BBaatttteerryy uussee ttiimmee ((ppeerr cchhaarrggee))
From fully charged
Seven hours continuous use.
Fourteen days when the handset is in the standby mode.
LLooww bbaatttteerryy aalleerrtt
When the battery pack is very low and needs to be charged, the phone is programmed to eliminate functions in order to save power. If the phone is not in use,
Low Battery“ appears on
the LCD and none of the keys will operate.
If the phone is in use,
Low Battery“ flashes and the handset beeps. Complete your
conversation as quickly as possible and return the handset to the base unit for charging.
The last number dialed in the redial memor y and the numbers stored in the memory locations are retained for up t o 30 minutes while you replace the batt ery pack.
Use only the Uniden batter y (BT-905) supplied with your phone. Replacement batteries are also available through the Uniden Par ts Department (see page 4).
Even when the batter y pack is not being used, it will gradually discharge over a long period of time. For optimum performance, be sure to return the handset to the base unit after each telephone call for charging the batter y.
If you must replace the batter y pack during a telephone call, complete the replacement within 30 seconds, and you may return to the caller.
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[ 7 ]
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggiinngg ccoonnttaaccttss
TToo mmaaiinnttaaiinn aa ggoooodd cchhaarrggee,, iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo cclleeaann tthhee bbaatttteerryy ccoonnttaaccttss oonn tthhee hhaannddsseett aanndd bbaassee uunniitt wwiitthh aa ddrryy ccllootthh oorr aa ppeenncciill eerraasseerr aabboouutt oonnccee aa mmoonntthh.. DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy lliiqquuiiddss oorr ssoollvveennttss..
CC.. CCoonnnneecctt tthhee bbaassee uunniitt
1)Connect the AC adapter to the
jack and a standard 120V AC wall
2)Set the base on a desk or tabletop, and place the handset on the base unit as shown. Remove the beltclip, if att ached for face up charging. (For wall mounting, see "Mounting the Base Unit on a Wall", on page 9.)
3)Raise the antenna to a vertical position.
4)Make sure the
LED lights. If the LED does not light, check to see that the AC adapter is plugged in and the handset makes good contact with the base charging contacts.
Use only the supplied AD-420 AC adapter. Do not use any other AC adapter.
Connect the AC adapter to a continuous power supply.
Place the base unit close to the AC outlet so that you can unplug the AC
adapter easily.
Af ter installing the batter y pack in the handset, charge your handset at least
1155--22 00 hhoouurrss bb eeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinnttoo tthhee pphhoonnee lliinnee
. Once the handset battery pack is fully charged, connect the telephone line cord to the base and telephone wall outlet.
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[ 8 ]
If your telephone outlet isnt modular, contact your telephone company for assistance.
DD.. CChhoooossee tthhee ddiiaall mmooddee
Most phone systems use tone dialing which sends DTMF tones through the phone line. However some phone systems still use pulse dialing such as in rural areas. The default setting is tone dialing. Depending on your dialing system, set the mode as follows:
1)Press and hold
until you hear a confirmation tone.
The current setting appears next to Dial Mode.
2)To set the dial mode for pulse dialing, press
# . Or to set the dial
mode for tone dialing, press
/tone .
A confirmation tone sounds to indicate the setting is complete.
If you are not sure of your dialing system, set for tone dialing. Make a trial call. If the call connects, leave the setting as is, otherwise set for pulse dialing.
If your phone system requires pulse dialing and you need to send DTMF t ones for cer tain situations during a call, you may "switch-over" to tone dialing. (Refer to "Tone Dialing Switch-over" on page 12.)
5)Connect the telephone line cord to the
jack and a telephone
outlet once the handset is fully charged.
Make sure your batter y pack is fully charged before choosing the dial mode.
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[ 9 ]
Mounting the Base Unit on a Wall
SSttaannddaarrdd wwaallll ppllaattee mmoouunnttiinngg
This phone can be mounted on any standard wall plate.
1)Snap the wall mount adapter into the notches on the base.
2)Plug the AC adapter to the DC IN 9V jack.
3)Wrap the AC adapter cord inside the molded wiring channel as shown.
4)Plug the AC adapter into a standard 120V AC wall outlet.
5)Place the handset on the base and charge for 15-20 hours.
6)Plug the telephone line cord into the TEL LINE jack. Wrap the cord inside the molded wiring channel as shown.
7)Plug the telephone line cord into the telephone outlet.
8)Raise the antenna to a vertical position.
9)Align the mounting slots on the base with the mounting posts on the wall. Then push in and down until the phone is f irmly seated.
SSeettttiinngg tthhee hhaannddsseett rreettaaiinneerr cclliipp ffoorr wwaallll mmoouunnttiinngg
1)On the base unit, pull the handset retainer clip out of the slot and rotate it clock­wise 180 degrees.
2)Flip the retainer clip from front to back. Slide it back into the slot so that the lip of the retainer is up and the
is down. The retainer holds the handset in place.
DDiirreecctt wwaallll mmoouunnttiinngg
If you dont have a standard wall plate, you can mount your phone directly to the wall. Before doing this, consider the following:
Avoid electrical cables, pipes, or other items behind the mounting location that could cause a
hazard when inserting screws into the wall.
Try to mount your phone within 5 feet of a working phone jack to avoid excessive cord lengths.
Make sure the wall material is capable of suppor ting the weight of the base and handset.
Use #10 screws (minimum length of 1-3/8 inches) with anchoring devices suit able for the wall
material where the base unit will be placed.
1)Insert two mounting screws into the wall, (with their appropriate anchoring device), 3-15/16 inches apart. Allow about 1/8 of an inch between the wall and screw heads for mounting the phone.
2)Set the retainer clip if necessar y.
3)Refer to steps 1 through 9 above to mount the telephone.
DO NOT use an outlet controlled by a wall switch.
If you have wall mounted the base, you have to remove the beltclip to hang the handset with the display facing forward.
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Setting Caller ID Options/Language
There are three Caller ID setup options available. They are AutoTalk, CIDCW (Caller ID on Call Waiting), and Area Code.
allows you to answer the phone without pressing the
button. If the phone rings when AutoTalk is on, simply remove the handset from the base and the phone automatically answers the call. Or if the handset is not on the base, press any key to answer the call. If the phone rings when AutoTalk is off, you must press
answer the call.
option can be used to choose the language of your display. You can select either English or French.
TToo cchhaannggee yyoouurr CCaalllleerr IIDD ooppttiioonnss//LLaanngguuaaggee::
1)Press and hold
ccaallll iidd
. The following screen appears.
and or a number key (1-4) to move the pointer to the selection that you would like to change. Press
to toggle between On and Off for AutoTalk and CIDCW.
3)To set up the language of your display, press
or the number key 4 to move the pointer to "Language".
select to select "Eng"(English) or "Fr"(French).
4)After you have made your Caller ID selections, press
ccaallll iidd
and return the handset to the base.
Entering Your Area Code
If you enter a 3-digit area code number in the Area Code option, your local area code does not appear in Caller ID messages. Do not program this option, if your calling area requires 10-digit dialing. When reviewing Caller ID messages, you will see only the local seven digit number. For calls received from outside your local area code, you will see a full 10-digit number.
1)When the phone is in the standby mode, press and hold
ccaallll iidd
The Caller ID setting screen appears.
to select Area Code or press ▼ twice.
4)Use the number keys (
to 99) to enter the 3-digit area code.
. A tone sounds and the displayed area code is entered.
If your calling area requires 10-digit dialing, do not progr am this option.
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