The EXAI2980 series features include
. AutoTalk allows you to
answer a call by just removing the handset from the base so you don’t have to waste time
pushing buttons or flipping switches. AutoStandby allows you to hang up by simply
returning the handset to the base.
UUllttrraaCClleeaarr PPlluuss
true compander circuitry virtually eliminates background noise. This
innovative technology, together with 40 different channels, provides you with the best
possible reception during all your conversations.
To protect you against misbilled calls which might result from your phone being activated
by other equipment, the EXAI2980 series has
RRaannddoomm CCooddee
digital security which
automatically selects one of over 65,000 digital security codes for the handset and base.
Also, the
feature electronically locks your phone when the handset is in the base.
BBee ssuurree ttoo vviissiitt oouurr wweebb ssiittee:: wwwwww..uunniiddeenn..ccoomm
Congratulations on your purchase of the Uniden EXAI2980 series cordless telephone and
answering system. This phone is designed and engineered to exacting standards for
reliability, long life, and outstanding performance.
NNoottee:: SSoommee iilllluussttrraattiioonnss iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall mmaayy ddiiffffeerr ffrroomm tthhee aaccttuuaall uunniitt ffoorr
eexxppllaannaattiioonn ppuurrppoossee..
• 900 MHz Extended Range Technology
• 16 Digit, 3-line Backlit Display
• Integrated Telephone Answering Device (ITAD)
• Voice Prompted Guidance through ITAD Setup Menu
• 10 Number Memory Dialing
• Caller ID and Call Waiting Caller ID
• 30 Number Caller ID Memory
• 32 Digit Redial
• Flash and Pause
• Pulse/Tone Dialing
• Page/Find
• 7 Hour Talk Time/14 Day Standby Time
• Handset Earpiece and Ringer
Volume Control
• Hearing Aid Compatible
• 40 Channel Autoscan
Uniden®is a registered trademark of Uniden America Corporation.
AutoTalk, AutoStandby, UltraClear Plus, Random Code, and AutoSecure are trademarks of Uniden America Corporation.