Like all mechanical products, this machine will require cleaning and maintenance. This Service Manual contains maintenance guideline s dedicated to qualified service personnel only.
All the units with12 or 20 litres bowls, both Deluxe and Compact series, are equipped with one adjustable thermostat for each bowl. The thermostats are located behind the panel under each bowl (see figure 1).
figure 1
It is possible to adjust temperature between 6 °C and 12 °C. On new machines the temperature is factory preset approx at 8°C.
For temperature adjustment proceed as follows:
- to decrease temperature: rotate the setting screw clockwise.
- to increase temperature: rotate the setting screw counterclockwise (see figure 2).
figure 2
For Artic Compact 5 and 8 series the situation is the following:
Arctic Compact 5-8/1 are equipped with one thermostat to control the themperature of the bowl.
Arctic Compact 5-8/2 are equipped only with one thermostat to control the temperature of the bowl at the right. Arctic Compact 5-8/3 are equipped only with one thermostat to control the temperature of the central bow l .
Arctic Compact 5-8/4 are equipped with two thermostats to control the temperature of the first and the third bowl from right.
The thermostats are always located behind the faucet side panel under the coresponding bowl.
This means that the refrigeration on and off depend from the setting of the temperature only of the bowls equipped with the thermostats.
It is possible to set the temperature between 6 °C and 12 °C. On new machines the temperature is factory preset approx at 8°C.
For temperature adjustment proceed as follows:
- to decrease temperature: rotate the setting screw clockwise.
- to increase temperature: rotate the setting screw counterclockwise (see figure 2)
Independent temperature setting for each bowl is not possible.
The following table summarizes the number of thermostats present on each model:
Rotating the setting screw of the thermostats co mple te ly counterclockwise it is possible to switch off the thermostat itself. This will stop the refrigeration only on single bowl units. On multiple bowls units it is necessary to switch all the thermostats off in order to stop the refrigeration.
On multiple bowls units the thermostats are electrically wired in parallel and they directly drive the compresso r. It is necessary that all the bowls reach the set temperature to stop the refrigeration (all the thermostats electrically open). It is enough that only in one bowl the temperature is higher than the setting to start the refrigeration (only one thermostat electrically closed). To adjust temperature on multiple bowls machines it is necessary to adjust all the thermostats together at the same setting. On multiple bowls units independent temperature adjustment for each bowl is not available.
Arctic Compact 5/1 - 8/1 1 Arctic Compact 5/2 - 8/2 1 - RIGHT BOWL Arctic Compact 5/3 - 8/3 1 - CENTRAL BOWL Arctic Compact 5/4 - 8/4 2 - FIRST AND THIRD BOWLS Arctic Compact 12/1 - 20/1 1 Arctic Compact 12/2 - 20/2 2 Arctic Compact 12/3 - 20/3 3 Arctic Compact 12/4 - 20/4 4 Arctic Deluxe 12/1 - 20/1 1 Arctic Deluxe 12/2 - 20/2 2 Arctic Deluxe 12/3 - 20/3 3 Arctic Deluxe 12/4 - 20/4 4
Arctic Deluxe series dispensers are equipped with spray pumps. Each pump is magnetically driven by an indepe ndent electric motor.
These machines are equipped with one Main Switch to power ON and OFF refrigeration and with one Pump Switch for each bowl (see user manual for controls details).
Spray pumps are suitable for a large variety of products but it is better not to spray coffee, tea, natural juices or other beverages that can foam. To avoid spray on these machines it is necessary to replace the original impeller with a different one (grey impeller pn 33900-01201) and to remove the spray tube from the bowl. In addition the original bowl can be replaced with a dedicated one (pn 22900-00010 or 22900-04810) to perform even more gentle agitation.
Arctic Compact series dispensers are equipped with submerged pumps. On double machines the pumps are driven by only one motor through a transmission belt and three pulleys. This motor also works as a fan. On triple machines two pumps are driven by one motor with the same system of double units and the third is driven by a single motor. On four bowls machies the pumps are driven by two motors (see figure 3).
figure 3
These machines are equipped only by one Main Switch to power ON and OFF all the functions, refrigeration and pumps.
Submerged pumps are suitable for almost all kind of beverages and particularly for coffee, tea, natural juices or other beverages that can foam. In case of need it is possible to equip Arctic Compact dispensers with spray pumps replacing the impellers (pn 33900-01204 or 33900-01205), the bowls (pn 22900-01900, 22900-02000, 22900-00000 and 22900-04800) and installing the spray tubes.
The following table summarizes all the available impellers:
The following table summarizes all the available bowls:
And the following one specifies all the available spray tubes:
Combined configuration can be realized for particular needings.
The impeller must spin freely on its pivot to perform efficient mixing and cooling. For this purpose keep clean both the impeller and the pivot from traces of sugar, pulp or other. If necessary, lube the parts with food grade lubricant. A self-lubricating washer is moulded into the bottom of the impeller. Regularly check this part and, if worn, replace the impeller with a new one (see figure 4).
figure 4
The impellers are magnetic coupled with their respective motors. The magnetic gap is factory preset and does not require to be adjusted. In case of loss of magnetic lock, one or more of the following problems can be present: bent pump motor bracket due to a transport shock, impeller improper spinning due to worn, damaged or dirty parts.
In case of noisy impellers, it is necessary first of all to remove them from the pivots and power the unit on. If the noise is still present it is necessary to power the unit off, unplug it and remove the panels in order to check the pumps motors assemblies. Possible causes of noise can be the following: faulty electric motor, improper magnetic alignment due to a bent
33900-01200 WHITE 12, 20 SPRAY 230V 50HZ, 240V 50HZ 33900-01201 GREY 5, 8, 12, 20 SUBMERGED 230V 50HZ, 240V 50HZ
115V 60HZ, 220V 60HZ
33900-01204 BLUE 5, 8
12, 20
230V 50HZ, 240V 50HZ 115V 60HZ, 220V 60HZ
33900-01205 RED 5, 8 SPRAY 115V 60HZ, 220V 60HZ
22900-01900 5 SPRAY 22900-01910 5 SUBMERGED 22900-02000 8 SPRAY 22900-02010 8 SUBMERGED 22900-00000 12 SPRAY 22900-00010 12 SUBMERGED 22900-04800 20 SPRAY 22900-04810 20 SUBMERGED
22900-00202 5 22900-00203 8 22900-00201 12 22900-00200 20
bracket, fan blade not rotating free from obstacles or some lose component vibrating during machine working.
On Arctic Compact with multiple bowls it is necessary also to remove the transmission belt from the pulleys and power on the unit. If the noise is still present the cause can be the electric motor once again. Otherwise, if the noise is not present anymore, it is necessary to remove the magnetic pulleys assemblies and check for the integrity of their ball bearings. If necessary replace the entire magnetic pulley assembly.
If, removing the impellers, the noise is not present anymore it means that the cause of can be in the impellers or in the magnetic coupling. Check for worn impellers and if necessary replace them. Clean the impellers and the pivots and if necessary lubricate them with food grade lubricant. Install the impellers and put some water into the bowls. If the noise do not disappear it is necessary to check once again the pump motor bracket planarity.
Two different faucets are available both for Arctic Deluxe and Arctic Compact series: pinch tube faucet and stainless steel gravity faucet.
This faucet is suitable for all kind of products, liquid or thick, with or without pulp or other solid particles. In case of dripping, it is necessary to drain the product out of the bowl, remove the pinch tube, clean it with fresh water and check for wear on it. If necessary, replace it with a new one.
This faucet is suitable for liquid prod uct without pulps or other solid particles. In case of dripping, it is necessary to drain the product out of the bowl, remove the stainless steel piston, clean it with fresh water and check for wear of the rubber gasket. If necessary, replace it with a new one. It is also necessary to clean the piston housing in the bottom of the bowl and check for the integrity of the rim around the piston hole (see figure 5).
figure 5
The dispensers of Arctic Deluxe series are available also with slow mixers. Two kind of slow mixers are available: one with magnetic driving (A) and the other with mechanic driving (B). The first one is suitable for delicate drinks like tea or coffee while the other one is suitable also for thick drinks (see figure 6).
figure 6
In case of magnetic slow mixer improper rotation, the cause can be a faulty drive motor, a magnetic mixer that can’t freely rotate on its pivot or ice on the evaporator caused by very low level of product into the bowl. In case of direct slow mixer improper rotation the cause can be a foulty motor or an excessive thickness of the drink.
The following procedure is the recommended approach to systematically inspect the entire system for refrigerant leaks
NOTE: when using refrigerant detector, follow along the bottom
The impellers are designed to spin always submerged and wet. It is very important to avoid to have them spinning dry to prevent worn out. For this reason on Arctic Deluxe always switch off pump of empty bowls and on Arctic Compact remove the impeller of empty bowls or fill them with water.
side of the copper tubing since the refrigerant gas is heavier than air. Where copper tubing is protected by an insulating jacket, check for leaks at both ends of each jacket section. .
figure 7
Referring to the diagram (see figure 7), perform the following steps: 1 Start inspection at the high pressure line of the compressor. Check around the soldered connection. 2 Follow the copper tubing to the condenser and check around the soldered connections at the top and bottom of the condenser. 3 Check also along the copper curves on both sides of condenser. 4 Follow the copper tubing to the evaporators, checking around the soldered connections of dryer. 5 Remove mixer motors and check the inlet (capillary) and outlet (suction) tubing. 6 Check the copper tubing all the way back to the compressor. 7 Check around the low side connections of the compressor
suction and process tubes.
If a leak has been detected, seal it and make a new refrigerant charge as per instructions in the following paragraphs.
1 Remove the dispenser panels. 2 If not present install a charging valve on the compressor
process tube.
3 Remove the screw cap from the compressor process tube. 4 Connect the process tube to the LOW part of the gauge set. 5 Connect the VAC port of the gauge set to an adequate
approved gas recovery system.
6 Open the LOW and VAC valves and recover the refrigerant. 7 Once the recovery operation is completed, close the LOW
and VAC valves and disconnect the recovery system.(see
figure 8)
figure 8
Always install a brand new liquid line filter dryer before evacuating.
1 Connect the REF port of the gauge set to the charging unit. 2 Connect the VAC port of the gauge set to the vacuum pump
and open the VAC valve. 3 Open the line valve of the charging unit and, for a while, also the REF valve, so as to purge air from the REF hose. 4 Open the LOW valve of the gauge set and turn on the vacuum pump for a minimum of half an hour. 5 While the pump is running, close the VAC valve once a vacuum has been established.
6 Turn off the vacuum pump.
The gauge set is usually w ith four ports and four valves (se e figure 8). This is the easiest option to be found in the market since it allows the charging through both low and high side of the system. Our refrigeration systems are manufactured so as to be chargeable through the compressor process tube only (low side): thus, the HI port is never mentioned nor used in the following procedure and therefore the HI valve must be kept closed. 1 Determine how many ounces/grams should be filled by the charging unit. This information can be found on the dispenser data plate.
2 Remove bowls and mixers from the dispenser. 3 Plug in the dispenser and turn on the power switch. 4 Open the line valve of the charging unit. 5 Open the REF valve very slowly so as to allow the
refrigerant to be pulled into the system as a gas. 6 When the amount of refrigerant listed on the data plate ha s been used, the system is charged. Close the REF valve and the charging unit line valve and allow the compressor to run few minutes.
7 Ensure that all evaporator plates are covered with frost. 8 Close the LOW valve, disconnect the LOW hose from the
compressor process tube and tighten the screw cap. The following table reports the suction and discharge pressures
of the machines with the different refrigerants. They must be verified under the following conditions: Ambient temperature: 32 °C Product temperature in the bowls: 5 °C Evaporation temperature approx -5 °C Condensation temperature approx 50°C.
To check for a leak in the low side of the system, it is advisable to have the evaporators at least at ambient temperature.
The refrigerant gas could be highly acid and toxic.
To determine if a burn-out has occurred, perform the following steps:
1 Disconnect the unit from power source. 2 Remove wiring from the compressor terminals. 3 Using an ohmmeter, check for ground between the
terminals and the compressor housing. If a reading exists, the compressor has shorted to ground.
In this case compressor must be replaced as per follow ing steps:
4 Recover the refrigerant using an approved refrigeration recovery system as per DISCHARGING instructions.
5 Remove the burned-out compressor. 6 Correct the system fault which caused the burn-out. Check
the condition of the capacitor(s) and compressor relay.
7 Install a new compressor and liquid line filter dryer. 8 Evacuate and charge the system as per EVACUATING and
CHARGING instructions.
DAILY Inspect the machine for signs of product leaks past seals and
gaskets. If proper assembly does not stop leaks around seal or gaskets, check for improper lubrication, worn or damaged parts. Replace parts as needed with original spare parts from the supplier.
Clean and sanitize the machine following the procedures illustrated on the Operator's Manual of the unit. Check for worn impellers, bowl gaskets, faucet pinch tubes or stainless steel piston gaskets. Replace parts as needed with original spare parts from the supplier.
Clean all internal components, primarily the condenser, using compressed air, vacuum or a soft brush. To clean these internal parts, unplug the unit and remove the panels. Condenser fins are very sharp. Use extreme caution when cleaning. On Arctic Delux e dispensers the condenser is located on the back of the unit and air flow is from back to sides (A). To clean the condenser it is necessary to remove the back panel. On Arctic Compact dispense rs the condenser is always located on the back of the unit but air flow if from sid es to b ack (B). To clean the condenser it is necessary to remove the faucet side panel and to clean it from the inside of the unit (see figure
figure 9
Refrigerant Suction (low)
Discharge (high)
pressure R134a 1,43 bar 12,17 bar R22 3,20 bar 18,39 bar R404a 4,10 bar 21,93 bar
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