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Third Edition
August 2001 Printing
Information furnished in this manual is believed to be
accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
How to Use This Manual ......................................................iv
Introduction .......................................................................................... iv
Who Should Read This Book? .............................................................. iv
Organization of This Manual ............................................................... iv
Conventions Used in This Manual........................................................ vi
Feedback............................................................................................... vi
Two different form-factors are available – 32-bit 33 MHz
PCI and 32-bit 33 MHz PDXI. PDXI is a PowerDAQ extension
for instrumentation and is a superset of Compact PCI and
PXI bus industry-oriented standards.
Who Should Read This Book?
This manual has been designed to benefit the user of
PowerDAQ™ PD2-AO and PDXI-AO boards. To use
PowerDAQ™ Analog Output Board, it is assumed that you
have basic PC skills, and that you are familiar with Microsoft
Windows NT/2000/95/98/Me and/or Linux/QNX operating
Organization of This Manual
The PowerDAQ™ PD2-AO User Manual is organized as
Chapter 1 - Introduction
This chapter gives you an overview of PowerDAQ™ Analog
Output series board’s features the various models available
and what you need to get started.
Chapter 2 - Installation and Configuration
This chapter explains how to install and configure your
PowerDAQ™ Analog Output series board.
How to Use This Manual
Chapter 3 - Architecture
This chapter discusses the internal structure and subsystems
of your PowerDAQ™ Analog Output series board.
Chapter 4 – API and Third-Party Software
This chapter explains how to use PowerDAQ™ Analog
Output series boards using the PowerDAQ™ API on
Visual C++, VB, Delphi, C++ Builder
or Third-Party software such as LabVIEW®,
TestPoint®, DASYLab®, HP VEE®, etc.
Chapter 5 - Interconnections
This chapter describes the I/O connections to your
PowerDAQ™ Analog Output series board.
Appendix A - Specifications
This chapter lists the PowerDAQ™ Analog Output series
board hardware specifications.
Appendix B - Accessories
This appendix lists the PowerDAQ™ Analog Output series
board accessories products.
Appendix C - Common Questions and Support
This appendix contains a list of commonly asked questions
and their answers relating to usage and special features of
your PowerDAQ™ Analog Output series board board. Should
you require assistance while installing or using PowerDAQ™
Analog Output series board, support service details are also
Appendix D - Warranty
This appendix contains a detailed explanation of
PowerDAQ™ Analog Output series board’s warranty.
The Index alphabetically lists topics covered in this manual.
How to Use This Manual
Conventions Used in This Manual
These are the main conventions used to help you get the
most out of this manual:
Tips are designed to highlight quick ways to get the
job done, or good ideas you might not discover on
your own.
Note Notes alert you to important information.
CAUTION! Caution advises you of precautions to take to
avoid injury, data loss, or system crash.
Text formatted in bold typeface may also represent type
that should be entered verbatim or a command, as in the
following example:
You can instruct users how to run setup using a command
such as setup.exe.
We are interested in any feedback you might have
concerning our products and manuals. A Reader Evaluation
form is available on the last page of the manual.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter describes the basic features of the
PowerDAQ™ PD2-AO boards.
About the PowerDAQ™ Analog Output
series board
Thank you for purchasing a PowerDAQ™ Analog Output
series board. The board you received is either a PD2-AO PCIbus board or a PDXI-AO CompactPCI bus board. These
boards differ in certain hardware respects however the
software is the same.
The PDXI series Analog Output boards utilize all advantages
of the PXI/cPCI form-factor.
The associated PowerDAQ™ Software Suite (PD-SDK) has
been written specifically for these products.
The PowerDAQ analog output boards are configured as 8,
16, 32 or 96 channels. The PDXI versions are available in 8,
16 and 32 channel versions. The PowerDAQ Analog Output
board uses 16-bit DACs and allows you to configure the
start up states for each channel (200ms maximum delay
between system reset and power-on value loading). The onboard DSP/PCI interface allows you to use up to three 24bit counter timers, high-speed IRQ/External Clock lines,
eight digital inputs and eight high-drive (-32/64ma) digital
outputs. Additionally each board has a special calibration
subsystem, which is used to calibrate each analog output
The major features of the PowerDAQ AO boards are:
24-bit 66/100 MHz Motorola 56301 DSP (Digital Signal
“Bus Master Ready” PCI Bus Host PC Interface (PCI 2.1
• 8/16/32/96 channel 16-bit +/- 10V DACs
• DC-100KHz per D/A throughput
• 2MHz/board maximum update rate
• 1/2/4/8/16/32/64 Fixed/Unlimited channel list length
• Asynchronous/Simultaneous update modes for the all
• Eight Digital Inputs
• Eight Digital Outputs
• Counters/Interrupt/Synchronization inputs
• Per-channel calibration
• Sense lines for the each DAC (optional), jumper-
selectable on PDXI models
•User-defined Power-Up states for the each DAC (200
ms maximum setup time after the system reset) Default
is 0V.
• Three 24-bit counter timers (16.5/25MHz maximum)
• On-board 2K FIFO (located in the DSP memory)
• 32Ksamples FIFO upgrade option
• Software:
Chapter 1: Introduction
PowerDAQ for
Visual C++, VB, Delphi, C++ Builder, Kylix
Drivers for: LabVIEW®
Note For the full list of specifications,
see Appendix A:
AO Applications
PowerDAQ Analog Output series boards provide a wide
range of powerful features that cover a wide range of
applications. The most common applications are:
• Process Control
• Closed-loop Servo-Control
• Motor Control
• Individual DAC voltage output
• Telecommunications equipment control (micro mirrors)
The Digital Input and Digital Output Subsystems applications:
• Electro-mechanical relay control applications
• Solid-state relay applications
• Alarm System sensors
• Digital motion control
The Counter-Timer Subsystem applications:
• PWM modulator
• Frequency counter
• Pulse generator
Chapter 1: Introduction
Note The easiest way to expand the possibilities of the PD2AO/PDXI-AO board is to use the PD2-MF/S or PDXIU-MF/S
multifunction boards series in the same PC.
PowerDAQ AO Models
PowerDAQ PD2-AO/PDXI-AO model numbers are derived as
PD2-[Type Of Board]-[Channels]-[Speed]/[Resolution][Gain]
PDXI-[Type Of Board]-[Channels]-[Speed]/[Resolution][Gain]
The types of boards are:
MF Multifunction
AO Analog Output
DIO Digital Input /Output
CTM Counter Timer
Models AO Features
PD2-AO-8/16PCI bus Eight 16-bit Analog Output Channels
PD2-AO-16/16PCI bus Sixteen 16-bit Analog Output Channels
PD2-AO-32/16PCI bus Thirty-two 16-bit Analog Output Channels
PD2-AO-96/16PCI bus Ninety-six 16-bit Analog Output Channels
PDXI-AO-8/16PXI/CPCI bus Eight 16-bit Analog Output Channels
PDXI-AO-16/16PXI/CPCI bus Sixteen 16-bit Analog Output Channels
PDXI-AO-32/16PXI/CPCI bus Thirty-two 16-bit Analog Output Channels
Chapter 1: Introduction
Table 1: PowerDAQ™ AO Models
All PowerDAQ™ AO boards have the following additional
Digital Input Eight static digital inputs
Digital Output Eight static digital outputs
Clock/Interrupt Lines
Counter Timers Three 24-bit (33/50MHz
Internal/16.5/25 MHz External)
Getting Started
To get your PowerDAQ AO board up and running, ensure
that you have the following:
A computer with PCI slots (for PD2-AO models) or PXI/CPCI
slots (for PDXI-AO models) and the BIOS compliant to
PCI Specifications 2.1 or greater. S
Common Questions and Support.
PowerDAQ™ PD2-AO PCI/PDXI-AO board with user manual.
ee Appendix C:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Latest PowerDAQ™ Software Suite CD (PD-SDK) Software.
This can be downloaded from
Minimum 16MB RAM for Windows9x and 32MB for
Windows NT/98/Me and 64MB for Windows 2000
Installation and
Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
Installation and Configuration
This chapter describes the hardware and software
installation and configuration of the PowerDAQ AO board.
Your PowerDAQ™ AO board is wrapped in an anti-static
bag to protect against electrostatic charges that might
damage the board. To avoid damage, proceed as follows:
Ground yourself with a grounded wrist strap or grounded
Discharge the static electricity by taking the board in the
antistatic bag and touching the metal part of your PC.
Remove the board from the antistatic bag. We suggest you
save the bag.
Inspect the board for any damage. If any damage is found,
notify your distributor to return the board to the
See Appendix C: Common Questions and
Note The PowerDAQ AO boards contain sensitive electronic
components. Please make sure the proper grounding and
electrostatic conditions are used.
You can install your PowerDAQ PD2-AO board in any PCI
slot. PDXI-AO boards should be installed into the Compact
PCI/PXI/PDXI chassis only. We recommend you use the first
available slot and complete the following instructions:
PCI board installation:
1. Turn off your PC.
Remove the cover and make sure you have clear access to
Connect all desired cables to the PD2-AO board.
Insert the PowerDAQ PD2-AO board into a PCI slot. (If the
the PCI slots.
PCI slots have not been used for a long time, insert the
PowerDAQ PD2-AO board, then remove it and clean
Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
the edge connector with alcohol. After this has been
done, replace the bard back into the slot.)
Screw the bracket and replace the cover.
Turn the PC on.
PDXI board installation:
1. Turn off your PC.
2. Remove the slot cover.
3. Insert the PowerDAQ PDXI-AO board into a slot.
4. Screw the bracket.
5. Turn the PC on.
The PowerDAQ AO board is now installed. All board
configurations are controlled via software using the PDSUITE.
Note For the Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP platforms, you
should install PowerDAQ Software Suite prior the board
Installing Multiple Boards
You can install multiple PowerDAQ AO boards in one PC.
You are limited to the number of PCI/PDXI slots in your PC.
PowerDAQ Software Suite CD contains drivers and software
(example code with source code) for Windows, Linux and
QNX (optional). You can always download the latest
software suite from
From the CD, run the SETUP.exe program. The setup
program will take you through the installation process. If
you downloaded the PowerDAQ software from the web you
just need to run the file downloaded and follow the setup
Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
As the installation process modifies your Windows registry,
you must only install or uninstall the software using the
appropriate programs.
Note Never delete the PowerDAQ software from you PC
directly. Always use Uninstall program from PowerDAQ folder
or Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs applet.
Note Once the installation is complete, the PC must be
rebooted for proper operation.
Note Windows NT/2000/XP users must be logged in as an
administrator or have equivalent access.
Base address, DMA, Interrupt settings
The PowerDAQ AO boards are configured automatically by
the computer BIOS on power up. Usually you do not have to
set any base address, DMA channels or interrupt levels. The
PowerDAQ driver is designed to share interrupts over PCI
devices but very rarely will the BIOS assign same interrupt to
mass-storage devices such as a SCSI controller or video card
and a PowerDAQ board. In this case it could be significant
latency between the time when board fires an interrupt and
the time the PowerDAQ driver actually receives it. In this
case we recommend changing your BIOS settings and
assigning a dedicated interrupt for the PowerDAQ board.
Please refer to your motherboard/computer manual for the
BIOS settings change procedure.
In order to confirm board operation, install the PowerDAQ
Suite. This automatically installs the PowerDAQ application
control panel diagnostic program that will display all
available PowerDAQ boards in your system.
Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
To access the PowerDAQ control panel, select START >
Settings > Control Panel and the PowerDAQ icon will be
Figure 1: PowerDAQ Control Panel Application
An alternative test is to use the SimpleTest program installed
by the Software Suite. Attached a oscilloscope of multimeter
to the outputs of the AO board. Run the SimpleTest.exe
program by selecting START > Programs > PowerDAQ > Delphi Acquisition Demo. This program shows all
information about the board(s) installed and allows you to
test all subsystems available on the board selected for the
Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
Figure 2: PowerDAQ control panel application showing PD2-AO-
32 board installed
Please refer to the PowerDAQ Software manual for a
complete set of ready to run example programs and the
detailed API for programming of the PowerDAQ AO boards.
All PowerDAQ AO manuals are supplied in electronic Adobe
Acrobat PDF format. If you require the PDF reader, this can
be downloaded from the Internet from
PowerDAQ AO boards have an extensive range of optional
Cables (3ft, 6ft or 9ft)
Screw terminal panels
Complete kits
J1 high-density analog cable (PD2-AO-8[16][32] only)
J2 PD-CBL-37 DIO connection kit (PD2-AO only)
J3-J8 IDC40 to DB37 flat/twisted pair ribbon cable (PD2-
AO-96 only)
J1 to J1/J2 splitter analog/digital cable
Digital cable (PD2-AO boards only)
PD-CBL-37: The J2 connector uses a 37-way ribbon
Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
connector set. It comprises of a 13” internal
ribbon cable, which connects from the
PowerDAQ AO board J2 internal digital
connector (DIO /Counters/IRQs) to a 37-way
D-SUB bracket. A 1-meter ribbon cable then
connects from the bracket to the PD2-AOSTP accessory panels.
Analog cable (PD2-AO-8[16][32] boards only)
PD-CBL-96: The J1 connector uses a 96-way shielded
round 1-meter cable with a metal connector
on either end. It connects to: PD2-AO-STP16or 32, PD-BNC-16 or 64 accessory panels.
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