UEi DT150, DT0150 Instruction Manual

1-800-547-5740 • Fax: (503) 643-6322
www.ueitest.com • email: info@ueitest.com
C o n t r ols and Indicators
1. T h e r m o c ouple Po r t : Polarized blades from miniature
thermocouple probe plugs in here.
3. Power Switch: Powers instrument on and off.
4. Hold/Relative Switch: Quick press freezes temperature data.
Long press switches instrument to the relative-zero display mode.
5. Back Light: Powers back light on and off.
6. K/J/T Thermocouple Select Switch: Changes input reference
for thermocouple ty p e .
7. ˚F/˚C Mode Select Switch: Toggles display mode from degrees
Celsius to degrees Fa h r e n h e i t .
8. Record Mode Select Switch: Starts record mode (relative clock).
Cycles display to indicate either the current temperature, the m a ximum temperature, or the minimum temperature along with the hour and minute it was recorded.
The DT 150 or DTO 150 is ideal for technicians working in HVAC/R maintenance, appliance repair, labora t o ry environmental monitoring, process control, agriculture, and numerous other purposes.
Features include
• Measures from -328 to 2498˚F (-200 to 1370˚C)
• Record mode with relative clock
• Relative zero displays change in temperature
• Hold function
• Switchable ˚F or ˚C
• Back light
Safety Notes
Before using this meter, read all safety information carefully. In this manual the word "WARNING" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may pose physical hazards to the user. The word "CAUTION" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may damage this instrument.
Exceeding the specified limits of this meter is dangerous and can expose the user to serious or possibly fatal injury.
• Read the safety precautions associated with the equipment being tested and seek assistance or advice when performing unfamiliar tasks.
• Place ONLY thermocouples (type K, J, or T) in the DT150
or DTO150 thermocouple ports.
• Make sure your DT150 or DTO150 is set for the proper
thermocouple type you are using.
• Be sure the thermocouple you are using can withstand the
temperature extreme it may be exposed to in your service task.
• Maintain your DT150 or DTO150 according to the schedule
provided and calibrate it regularly.
International Symbols
DTO150-MAN P. 1
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