Operating Instructions
Measuring DC Volts
To avoid the risk of electrical shock, instrument damage and/or
equipment damage input voltage must not exceed 1000 volts DC.
Do not attempt to take any unknown voltage measurements that may
be in excess of 1000 volts DC.
1. Set function and range switch to the desired DC V range. If you do
not know the value of the voltage to be measured, always start
with the highest range and reduce the setting as required to
obtain a satisfactory reading.
2. Plug the red test lead into the “V/Ω” input jack and the black lead
into the “COM” input jack of the instrument.
3. Disconnect the test leads to the circuit to be tested.
4. Connect the test leads to the circuit to be tested.
5. Reapply power to the circuit, the measured voltage will appear on
the display of the instrument.
6. If the red test lead is connected to the negative (or lower voltage)
side of the circuit, a minus sign will appear on the display, at
the left.
7. Disconnect power to the circuit before removing the test leads
from the circuit.
Measuring AC Volts
To avoid the risk of electrical shock, instrument damage and/or
equipment damage input voltage must not exceed 750 volts AC.
Do not attempt to take any unknown voltage measurements that may
be in excess of 750 volts AC.
1. Set function and range switch to the desired AC V range. If you do
not know the value of the voltage to be measured, always start
with the highest range and reduce the setting as required to
obtain a satisfactory reading.
2. Plug the red test lead into the “V/Ω” input jack and the black lead
into the “COM” input jack of the instrument.
3. Disconnect the test leads to the circuit to be tested.
4. Connect the test leads to the circuit to be tested.
5. Reapply power to the circuit, the measured voltage will appear on
the display of the instrument.
6. Disconnect power to the circuit before removing the test leads
from the circuit.
C o n t r ols, Indicators and Input Jacks
1. ON/OFF Push-button: Used to turn the power to the meter on
or off.
2. Data Hold Push-button: Freezes the reading on the LCD for all
functions and ranges.
3. “A” input jack: The red test lead is plugged into this jack for
measuring current on the 10 AC or DC amp functions.
4. “mAµA” input jack: The red test lead is plugged into this jack for
measuring mA or µA on either AC or DC current functions.
5. “COM” input jack: The black test lead is plugged into this jack for
all measurements.
6. “VΩ” input jack: The red test lead is plugged into this jack for
all ACV, DCV, OHM, Continuity Buzzer and Diode test functions
and ra n g e s .
DM383/DM410-MAN P. 2