YANMAR warrants to the original retail purchas er th at a new YANMAR TNV common rail series industrial
engine will be free from defects in material and/or workmanship for the duration of the warranty period.
Note: YANMAR engines may be equipped w i th ex t e r na l components including , but not l imited to: wiring
harnesses, electrical devices, control panels, radiator, air filters, fuel/or exhaust systems that are supplied
and/or install e d by manufactur e r s other than YANMAR. For warr a nt y information on such external
components, ple a s e cont a c t the machine or compone nt manufact urer directly or see your authori z e d
YANMAR dealer or dis tr ibut or.
This warranty is provided in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied. YANMAR specifically disclaims
any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular pu r pose, except where such disclaimer
is prohibited by law. If such disclaimer is prohibited by law, then implied warranties shall be limited in
duration to the life of the express warranty.
How Long is the Warranty Period?
The YANMAR standard limite d warra nty period runs for a period of twenty-four (24) months or
Two-thousand(2000) engine operation hours, whichever occurs first. An extended limited warranty of
thirty-six(36) months or three thousand(3000) engine operating hours, whichever occurs first, is provided
for these specific parts only: the cylinder block, cylinder head, crankshaft forging, connecting rods,
flywheel, flywheel housing, camshaft, timing gear, and gear case. The warranty period for both the
Standard limi ted warr anty and the extended lim ite d warr anty (by duration or operation hours) begins on the
date of delivery to the original retail purchaser and is valid only until the applicable warranted duration has
passed or the operation hours are exceeded, whichever comes first.
YANMAR limited warranty- continued
What the Engine Owner must Do:
If you believe your YANMAR engine has experienced a failur e due to a defect in material and/or
workmanship, your must contact an authorized YANMAR industrial engine dealer or distributor within
Thirty (30) Days of discovering the failure, You must prov ide pr oof of ownership of the eng i ne , pr oof of
the date of the engine purchase and delivery, and documentation of the engine operation hours. Acceptable
forms of proof of delivery date include, but a r e not limited to: the orig i na l warranty registr a ti on of sales r
eceipts or other documents maintained in the ordinary course of business by YANMAR dealers and/or dis
tributors, indicating the date of delivery of the YANMAR product to the original retail purchaser, This in
formation is nec e s s a r y to establish whether the YANMAR product is stil l within the warr a nt y period. Thus,
YANMAR strongly recommends you register your engine as soon as possible after purchase in order to
facilitate any future warranty matters.
You are responsible for the transporta ti on of the engine to and f r om the repair location as desi g na t e d by
To Locate an Authorized YANMAR Industrial E ngine D ealer or D istribut or:
You can locate your nearest authorized YANMAR industrial engine dealer or distributor by visiting the
YANMAR Co,. Ltd. Website at:
http://www.yanmar.co.jp (The Japanese language page will be displayed.) For English language “click” on
“English Page.”)
● “click” on “Network” in the website heading to vies the “YANMAR Worldwide Network.”
● Choose and “Click” on the desired product group.
● “Click” on the Icon closest to your region.
● “Click” on the desired country or associate company to locate your nearest authorized YANMAR
Industrial engine dealer or distributor.
You may also contac t YANMAR by clicking on “I nquir y” in the websit e heading a nd t yping in your
Question or com ment.
What YANMAR will DO:
YANMAR warrants to the original retail purchas er of a new Y ANMAR engine that YANMAR will make
such repairs and/or r e pla cements at YA NM AR’s option, of any part(s ) of the YANMAR product c ov e r e d
by this warra nty found to be defectiv e in mat e r ia l and/or workmanshi p. Such r e pa i rs and/ or replacements
will be made at a locat ion de s i g na t e d by YANMAR at no cost to the purchaser for parts or l a bor .
YANMAR limited warranty- continued
What is no Cover ed b y this Warranty?
This warranty does not cover parts affected by or damaged by ant reason other than defective materials or
workmanship, including, bur not limited to, accident, misuse, abuse, “Acts of God,” neglect, improper
installation, improper maintenance, improper storage, the use of unsuitable attachments or parts, the use
of contaminated fuels, the use of fuels, oils, lubricants, or fluids other than those recommended in your
YANMAR Operat ion Ma nual, unauthorize d a l te r a t ions or modificati ons , ordina r y wear and tear, and rus t or
corrosion. Thi s w a r ra nt y does not cover the cost of part s a nd/or la bor r e quir e d t o pe r form
normal/scheduled maintenance on your YANMAR engine. This warranty does not cover consumable parts
such as, but not limited to, filters, belts, hoses, fuel injector, lubricants and cleaning fluids. This warranty
does not cover the cos t of shipping the product to or form the wa r r a nty repair facility.
Warranty Limitations:
The foregoing is YANMAR’s only obligation to you and your exclusive remedy for breach
Of Warranty
A waiver of all claims for damages and other relief. In no event shall Y AN M A R or any authori zed
Industrial engine dealer or distributor be liable for incidental, special or consequential damages.
Such consequentia l damage s may include, but not be limit e d to, los s of re v e nue , loan pa yments, cost of
rental of substitute equipment, insurance coverage, storage, lodging, transportation, fuel mileage, and
telephone costs. The limitations in this warranty apply regardless of whether your claims are based on
breach of contract, tort(including negligence and strict liability) or any other theory. Any action arising
hereunder m us t be brought within one (1) ye a r af te r the caus e of act ion a c c r ue s or it sha l l be ba r re d. Some
states and countries do not allow certain limitations on warranties or for breach of warranties.
warranty gives you specifi c legal right s , and you may also have other rights which vary
Form state to state and country to country.
extent that they are prohibited by law.
Warranty Modifications:
Except as modified in writing and signed by the parties, this warranty is and shall remain the complete and
exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to warranties, su per sedi ng all prior agreements,
written and oral, and all other communications between the parties relating to warranties. No person or
entity is authorized to give any other warranty or to assume any other obligation on behalf of
YANMAR, either orally or i n writing.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this warranty, please call or write to the nearest
authorized YANMAR industrial e ng ine dealer or distributor or other authoriz ed facility.
. Failure to follow the requirements for submitting a claim under this warranty may result in
Limitations set forth in this paragraph shall not apply to
Your Warranty Rights and Obligations:
The California Air Resources Board (CARB), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and YANMAR
Co,. Ltd. hereafter referred to as YANMAR, are pleased to explain the emission control system warranty
on your industrial com pres sion-ignition engine. In California, model year 2000 or later off-road
compression-ignition engi ne s m us t be des igned, built and equippe d to meet the state’s str ingent anti-smog
standards. In al l st a te s , 1998 a nd la t e r non-road c om pre ssi on-ignition engines must be designed, built and
equipped to me e t the United S ta t e s EPA e missions standards . YANMAR warra nts the emission control
system on your engine for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect or
improper maintenance of your engine.
Your emission contr ol system may include parts such as the fuel injection system, the air induction system,
the electronic control system, EGR(Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system and Diesel Particulate Filter. Also
included ma y be hoses, belts, connector s a nd othe r e mission-related assemblies.
Where a warrantable condition exists, YANMAR will repair your non-rod com pres sion-ignition engine at
no charge to you including diagnosis , pa r ts a nd l a bor .
Manufacturer’s Warranty Period:
The model year 1998 or later certified and labeled non-road compres sion-ignition engines are warranted
for the periods listed below. If any emission-related part on your engine is found to be defective during the
applicable warranty period, the part will be replaced by YANMAR.
If your engine
is certified as
And its
Power is
And its
speed is
Then its warranty period is
Variable speed
Constant spee d
Constant spee d 19 ≤ kW < 37 3,000rpm
Constant spee d 19 ≤ kW <37 Less than
Variable speed 19 ≤ kW <37 Any speed 3,000 hours or five (5) years whichever comes first.
Variable speed
Constant spee d
kW<19 Any speed 1,500 hours or two (2) years whichever come s f ir s t.
or higher
kW ≥ 37 Any speed 3,000 ho ur s or (5) yea r s w hic hever comes first.
In the absence of a devic e to measure the hours of use,
The engine has a warranty p e r i o d of two(2) years.
1,500 hours or two (2) years whichever come s f ir s t.
In the absence of a devic e to measure the hours of use,
The engine has a warranty p e r i o d of two(2) years/
3,00hours of five (5) years whichever comes first.
In the absence of a devic e to measure the hours of use,
the Engine has a warranty period of five(5) years.
In the absence of a devic e to measure the hours of use,
the engine has a warranty period of five (5) years.
In the absence of a devic e to measure the hours of use,
The engine has a warranty period of five (5) years.
Limited emission control system warranty – USA only – continued
Warranty Coverage:
This warranty is transferable to each subsequent purchaser for the duration of the warranty period. Repair
or replacement of any warranted part will be performed at an authorized YANMAR industrial engine dealer
or distributor.
Warranted par ts not sc he dul e d for replacement as required maint e na nc e in the ope r a ti on manual shall be
warranted for the warranty period. Warranted part s s cheduled for replacement as required maintenance in
the operation manual are warranted for the period of time prior to the first scheduled replacement. Any part
repaired or replaced under warranty shall be warranted for the remaining warranty period.
During the warranty period, YANMAR is liable for damages to other engine components caused by the
failure of any war r a nte d part dur ing the warra nt y period.
Any replacement part which is functionally identical to the original equipment part in all respects may be
used in the maintenance or repair of y our eng i ne , and s ha ll not r e duc e YANMAR’s warr a nty obligations.
Add-on or modified parts that are not e x e mpted may not be used, The use of any non-exempted add-on or
modified parts shall be grounds for disallowing a warranty.
Warranted Parts:
This warra nty covers engine compone nt s tha t a re a part of the emission cont rol s ystem of the engine as
Delivered by YANMAR to the original r e ta i l purc ha s e r , Suc h components m a y include the following:
● Fuel injection system
● Electronic control system
● Cold start enrichment system
● Intake manifold
●Turbocharger systems
● Exhaust ma nifold
● EGR system
● Positive crankcase ventilation system
● Hoses, belts, connectors and assemblies associated with emission control systems
● Exhaust gas after treatment (Diesel Part icu late Filter (DP F)
Since emissions-related parts may vary slightly between models, certain models may not contain all of
These parts and other model s may contain the functional equiva lent s.
Limited emission control system warranty – USA only – continued
Failures other t ha n t hose arising from defects in mate ri a l and/or workmans hi p are not cov e r e d by this
warranty. The warranty does not extend to the following: malfunctions caused by abuse, misuse, improper
Adjustme nt, m odification, alte ra t ion, ta mpering, disconnec t ion, improper or ina de qua t e maintenance or use
Of non-recom mended fuels and lubri c a ti ng oi ls ; a c c ide nt -caused damage, and replacement of expendable
Items made in connection with scheduled maintenance. YANMAR disclaims any responsibility for
Incidental or consequential damages such as loss of time, inconvenience, loss of use of equipment/engine
Or commercial loss.
Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities:
As the engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance
listed in Your owner’ s manual.
receipts, covering maintenance on your non-road compre ssion-i gnit ion eng ine , but YAN MA R cannot deny
Warranty solely for th e lack of receipts, or for your failur e to ensure the performance of all scheduled
YANMAR may deny your warranty coverage of your non-roa d com pr ess ion-ignition engine if a part has
Failed due to abuse , neg le ct, improper ma i nte na nc e or unapproved modifications.
Your engine is designed to operate on diesel fuel only. Use of any other fuel may result in your engine no
Longer operating in compliance with applicable emissions requirements.
You are responsible for initiating the warranty process. You must present your engine to a YANMAR dealer
As soon as a problem exists. The warranty repairs should be completed by the dealer as expeditiously as
Possible. If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, or would like
Informat ion on the ne arest YANMAR dealer or authorized s e r v i c e center, you should contact YANMAR
America Corporation.
YANMAR recommends that you retain all documentation, including
Thank you very much for purchasing our tractor, which, we feel sure, will give you many years of
troubling the service.
The introduction in this manual set out the correct manner of operating, maintaining and checking
the tractor to ensur e long -term durability.
Please ensure correct operation of the tractor as i ncorrect operation can cause substantial
mechanical damage as well as cause accidents with the associated injuri es .
Please note that in some cases differences can exist between this manual and your tractor due to the
manufacture’s policy of constant product improvement.
In the event that you strike a problem not covered by this manual please contact your nearest dealer
who will assist you in resolving your problem.
CALIFORNIA Proposition 65 Warning
The Engine Exhaus t from this product cont a ins chemica l s known to the
The following warning signs in this manual draw additional attention to items of importance for the
safe and correct op er ation of the tractor.
state of California to cause cancer,birth defects or other reproductive harm
All information,illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on latest information
available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without noti ce.
Serious hazard with a very high level of risk of either serious injury or death
Hazard or unsafe practice that can lead to severe in jury or death.
Hazard or unsafe practice that can lead in inju ry or death.
Instructions for the correct operation of the machine which,
if followed, will ensure that it performs at it’s best
Sr. No. Description Page No.
1. Tractor Identification
2. About this manual
3. Introduction & description
4. Owner assistance
5. ROPS (Roll over protection structures)
6. Safety instructions, Do’s & Don’ts
7. Safety signs
8. Universal symbols
Section A
9. Controls, Instruments & Operations
Section B
10. Lubrication & maintenance
Section C
11. Specifications
12. Fuel saving Tips
13. Fault tracing
14. Wiring Diagram
16. Tractor history card
17. Service record
18. Daily operating Log
19. Part replacement record
All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on latest information available at
the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
The engine number is stamped on the left hand side of the engine block.
The chassis number is shown on the left hand side of the tractor as shown in the drawing.
Stamped position of the
Engine type or Num be r
Stamped position of the chassis number
Illustration A
The manufacturer warrants this product and full details of the warranty are provided on a separate
warranty schedule.
Service is available from any TYM dealer in the country.
To obtain spare parts please contact your nearest dealer and give him the details listed below.
Tractor model
Tractor serial number
Tractor engine number
Part number and description
Quantity required.
This manual has been prepared to assist you in following/adopting the correct procedure for running-in
operation and maintenance of your new TYM Tractor.
Your Tractor has been designed and built to give maximum performance, with good fuel economy and
ease of operation under a wide variety of operating conditions.
Prior to deliver y, The tractor wa s carefully inspected, both a t the factory and by your TYM
Dealer/Dis t ri butor , to ens ur e tha t it reaches you in optimum conditions .
To maintain this condition and ensure trouble free performance.
It is important that the routine services, as specified in this manual, are carried out at the recommended
Read this Manual carefully and keep it in a convenient place for future reference.
If at any time you require advice concerning your Tractor, do not hesitate to contact your Authorized
TYM dealer/Distributor.
He has trained personnel, genuine parts and necessary equipments to undertake all your service
TYM policy is one of continuous improve ment, and the right to cha ng e pric es, specific a t ions or
equipments at any time without notice is reserved.
All data given in this book is subject to production variations.
Dimensions & weight are approximate only and the illustrations do not necessarily show Tractors in
standard condition.
For exact information about any particular Tractor, please consult your TYM dealer/Distributor.
Introduction & Description
The word, ’Tractor’ has been derived from ‘Traction’ which means pulling.
A Tractor is required to pull or haul an equipment, implement or trolley which are coupled to the
Tractor body through suitable linkage.
A Tractor can also be used as a prime mover as it has a power outlet source which is also called Power
Take or PTO shaft.
In this book the operating, maintenance and storage instructions for all models of TYM Diesel
Tractors has been complied.
This material has been prepared in detail to help you in the better understanding of maintenance and
efficient operation of the machine.
If you need any information not given in this manual, or require the services of a trained mechanic,
please get in touch with the TYM Dealer/Distributor in your locality.
Dealer/Distributors are kept informed of the latest methods of servicing Tractors.
They stock genuine spare parts and are backed by the Company’s full support.
Through this m a nual.
The use of the terms LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT and
REAR must be understood, to avoid any confusion
when followi ng the intr oduc ti ons .
The LEFT and RIG H T means left and right sides
of the Tractor when facing forward in the driver’s
seat, Reference to the FRONT indicates the
radiator end of the T ra c t or , w hil e the REAR,
indicates the drawbar end (illustration B)
When spare parts are required, always specify
the Tractor and engine serial number when
ordering these parts. (See illustration A).
This will facilitate faster delivery and help ensure
that the correct parts for your particular
Tractor is received.
The tractor serial number is punched on a plate
attached to the le ft hand side of the engine body
(illust. A), For easy reference, we suggest you to
write the numbe r in the spa c e prov ide d i n the owner’s
( Front, Rear,Left,Right Portion)
illustration A
personal data.
■ General construction
The transmission case, Clutch, Clutch housing, Engine and Front Axle Support are bolted together to
form a rigid unit
■ Front Axle & Wheels
The 4WD front axle is a cent er -pivot, reverse Eliot type.
The front wheel drive mechanism is incorporated as a part of the axle.
The front wheel drive power is taken off the rear transmission and transmitted to the differential in the
front axle where the power is divided into right and left and to the respective final cases.
In the final cases, th e transmitted revolution is reduced by the level gears to drive the front wheel.
The 4WD mechanism with level gears provides wider steerin g and greater durab il ity.
■ Engine
The tractors are fitted with vertical, Water-cooled 4-cycle and spherical chamber type YANMAR
■ Clutch and Transmission
A single plate dry clutch (8.86″diameter) is used on these tractors.
Tractor with IPTO(Independent Power Take Off) are fitted with hydraulic Clutch Assy.
The transmission Gear box has Twelve forward speeds & Twelve reverse speeds with high-low selector
lever, Presently, TYM Tractors are fitted with partial synchro mesh type gears.
■ Brakes
TYM tractors are provided with independent disc brakes operated by two road travel.
A foot brake lever is fitted for parking.
■ Rear axle & Wheels
This is mounted on bal l be a r i ng s and is enc l osed in remova bl e housing which are bolted to the
transmission case.
The rim & Disc fitted with Rear tires are bolted to the outer flange of Rear Axle.
■ Hydraulic system & Linkages.
TYM Tractors are fitted with Live (i.e. system is in operation even when clutch is disengaged.)
independent, very touch of hydraulic System.
Three point Linkages can be used for category 1 type of implements.
■ Steering
It consists of Hydrostatic Power steering system, which has a hydraulic cylinder and tandem type
hydraulic pump
■ Electrical System
A 12 Volt Battery is used to activate the Engine through the Starter Motor and the Electrical system
comprising Horn, Head Lamp, Turn signal lamp, Taco-meter, Hour meter, Brake lamp, Gauge lamp,
Hazard Lamp.
General or Alternator, Fuse box also from part of th e Electrical system.
We at TYM CO.,LTD and your TYM Dealer/Distributor wants you to be completely satisfied with
your investment. Normally any problems with your equipment will be handled by your
Dealer/Distributor’s Service Departments, however, misunderstanding can occur.
If you feel that y our problem has not been handled t o your satisfa c t ion, w e sugg e s t the f ol lowing.
Contact the ow ne r or Ge ne r a l Manag er of the Dealershi p, ex pl a i n the proble m, and request
When additional assistance is needed, Your Dealer/Distributor has direct access to your office.
If you cannot obtain satisfacti on by doing this , c onta ct the TYM CO.,LTD. Office and
provide them with;
• Your name, address and telephone number
• Model and Tractor serial number
• Dealer/Distributor Name & Address
• Machine purchase date and Hours us ed
• Nature of problem
Before contacting TYM CO.,LTD office, be aware that your problem will likely to be resolved in
the Dealership using the Dealer’s/Distributor’s facilities, equipment and personnel.
So it is important that your initial contact be with the Dealer/Distributor.
(ROPS) Roll Over Protective Structures
TYM Tractors are equipped with a frame for the protection of operators.
In the case of cab tracto r s th e frame is incorporated in the cab structure.
The objective of the frame or cab structure is to protect the operator in the event of a roll over
and they are desig ne d to suppor t the entire weight of the tractor in that e v e nt .
Each TYM ROPS frame or cab structure is designed and has been tested to meet industry and or
Government standards.
Included in thes e tes t s w e r e all mounti ng ba s e s and bolt s or ot he r fasteners.
For ROPS frames to be effective and protect the operator, t he seat belt provided must be
worn in order to keep operators within the ROPS protected area in the event of a roll over.
Failure to use the seat belt can still cause serious injury or death.
On some models the ROPS frame has a fold down feature, which can be used to enter low
buildings etc.
Take care when lowering the upper section of the ROPS frame and take extreme care while
driving the tractor with the ROPS frame lowered.
Do not wear the seat belt with the ROPS lowered and please remember that the fold down facility
is for special circumstances only and must not be lowered for general use.
Use of the tractor w ith the ROPS lowered can cause fatal i njuries.
As the ROPS frame or cab together with the seat belt was designed to meet certain standards,
they must be ma int a ine d in g ood or de r and condition.
To achieve this objective, both the structure and the seat belt should be inspected on a regular
basis (every time the tr actor is serviced)
In the event that the seat belt is damaged or frayed, it should be replaced and in the event that the
ROPS frame or any part of the mounting structure is damaged or cracked, the faulty component
must be replaced with a new unit.
Such a unit must meet all of the test criteria of the original unit.
Fitment of an inferior item or items affects the certification of the entire ROPS structure and the
effectiveness of the structure in the event of an accid ent.
Drilling or welding of the ROPS structure is forbidden.
If the tractor has rolled over or the ROPS has damaged (such as striking an overhead object during
transport), I t m us t be replaced to provide the or i g i na l pr ote ction.
After an accident, check for damages to the 1.ROPS.2.Seat 3.seat belt & seat mount ings.
Before you operate a Tracto r , replace all damaged par ts.
Never attach cha ins , rope s t o the RO PS for pulling purposes; t his will cause the
Tractor to tip backwards.
Alway s pull from the Tractor drawba r.
Be careful when driving through door opening or under low overhea d objects .
Make sure there is sufficient overhead clearance for the ROPS fatal injuries
If the ROPS is removed or replaced, make certain that the proper hardware is
used to replace the RO PS a nd t he recommende d torque v a l ue s are appli e d to
the attaching bolts
Always wear your seat belt if the tractor is equipped with ROPS
How to adjust t he Seat
* Damping type
NOTE: Do not use solvents to cl e a n the se a t .
Use warm water with a little detergent added.
Before operating a Tractor it is important to adjust the seat to the most comfortable position
& check whether it is properly locked in its position.
Figure 1 identifies the seat fitted to your Tractor.
■ Sliding Seat type
Lift lever (A) and slide the seat to the position you want. Release the lever.
Make sure the seat is locked in position.
■ Damping Seat type
Lift lever (A) and slide the seat to the position you want. Release the lever.
Make sure the seat is locked in position. Turn knob (B) to adjust the height of the seat.
Turn lever (C) to adjust the damping effect of the seat.
The adjustme nt requi red will be dependant on t he ope rator’s weight.
Check whethe r the se a t properly locked in its positi on before driving t he tra c tor .
Always use the seat belt when the ROPS is installed.
Do not use the seat belt if a foldable ROPS is dow n or the r e is no R O PS.
Check the seat belt regularl y and replace if frayed or damaged
The message that follows the symbol contains important information
about safety. Carefully read the message
A signal word―DANGER, WARNING OR CAUTION―is used
with safety alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious
hazards. Safety signs with signal Word ―DANGER OR
WARNING―are typically near specific hazards. General
precautions are listed on CAUTION safety signs.
Carefully read all safety instructions given in this manual for your
safety. Tempering with any of the safety devices can cause serious
injuries or death. Keep all safety signs in good condition. Replace
missing or damaged safety signs.
Keep your tract or in prope r c ondi ti on and do not allow any
unauthorized modificati ons to be ca rr i e d out on the Tractor, which
may impair the functio n/safety and affect Tractor l ife.
Keep children and othe r s a way from the Trac tor while oper a ti ng .
- Look behind Tractor for children.
- Do not let children to r i de on T r a c t or or any imple ment.
The Roll Over Protective Structure(ROPS) has been certified to
industry and/or g ov ernment standards . Any damage or alterna t ion t o
the ROPS, mounting hard-ware, or seat belt voids the certification and
will reduce or eli minate protection for the operator in the e v e nt of a
roll-over. The ROPS, mounting hardwa re , and s e a t belt s hould be
checked after the first 100 hours of Tractor and every 500 hours
thereafter for any evidence of damage, wear or cracks. In the event of
damage or alter a ti on, t he ROPS must be replaced prior to further
operation of the Tractor.
The seat belt mus t be wor n during machine operation when the
machine is equip ped with a certified ROPS.
Failure to do so w il l reduc e or el iminate protection for the operator in
the event of a roll over.
Do not drive where the Tractor could slip or tip.
Stay alert for holes and rocks in the terrain, and other hidden
Slow down before you make a sharp turn.
Driving forward out of a ditch or mir e d condition could cause
Tractor to tip over backward. Back out of these situations if possible
Before working on the Tractor ;
Lower all equipment to the ground.
Stop the engine a nd re move the key
Do not allow riders on the T r a c t or .
Riders on Tractor are subject to injury such as being stuck by
foreign object s and bei ng t hr own off of the Trac tor
Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable. Do not refuel the
Tractor while smoking or near open flame or sparks.
Always stop engine before refueling Tractors.
Always keep your tractor clean of accumulated grease, and debris.
Always clean up spilled fuel.
Entanglement in rotating shaft can cause serious injury or death.
Keep PTO shield in place at all times.
Wear close fitting clothing. Stop the engine and be sure PTO drive is
stopped before making adjustments, connections, or cleaning out PTO
driven equipm e nt .
Use of hazard wa r ning lights and turn signa l s are rec ommended when
towing equipment on public roads unle s s pr ohi bit e d by state or loca l
Use slow moving vehicle (SMV) sign when driving on public road
during both day & night ti me, unless prohibited by law
Understand service procedure before doing work.
Keep the surrounding area of the Tractor clean and dry.
Do not attempt to service Tractor when it is in motion.
Keep body and clothing away from rotating shafts.
Always lower equipment to the ground. Stop the engine.
Remove the key. Allow Tractor to cool before any work repair is
caused on it.
Securely support any Tractor elements that must be raised for
service work.
Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed.
Replace worn or broken parts. Replace damage/missing decals.
Remove any buildup of grease or oil from the Tractor.
Disconnect bat te r y ground cable(−) before making adjustments on
electrical systems or welding on Tractor
Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious
injury. Keep hands and body away from pinholes and nozzles, which
eject fluids under hi g h pr e s s ur e . I f ANY fluid is injecte d into the s k i n.
Consult your doctor immediately .
Keep sparks, lighted matches, and open flame away from the top of
battery. Battery gas can explode.
Never check battery ch ar ge by placing a metal obj ect across the poles.
Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong enough to
burn skin, cause holes in clothing and cause blindness if found entry
into eyes.
For adequate safety always;
1.Fill batteries in a well-ventilated area.
2.Wear eye protection and acid proof hand gloves
3. Avoid breathing direct fumes when electrolyte is added.
4. Do not add water to electrolyte as it may splash off causing severe
If you spill acid on yourself;
1.Flush your skin with water.
2.Flush your eyes with water for 10-15 m inute s.
Get medical attention immediately.
Do not wear a necktie, scarf or loose clothing when you work near moving
parts. If these items were to get caught, severe injury could result.
Remove rings and other jeweler to prevent electrical shorts and entanglement
in moving parts.
Do not start the Tr a c t or in an encl os e d buil ding unless the door s &
windows are open for proper ventilation, as tractor fumes can cause
sickness or death. If it is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area
remove the exha us t f umes by connecting ex ha us t pipe e x t e ns ion.
1. The tractor can start even if the transmission is engaged position causing Tractor to runaway
and serious injury to the pe ople s t a nding nearby the tra c tor .
2. For additional s a fety keep the pull to stop k nob (fuel shut off control) in fully pulled out posi ti on.
Transmission in neutra l pos it ion, Foot br a k e engaged and PTO lever in disengaged position
while attending to Saf e t y Starter Switch or any other work on Tractor .
1. Clutch operated safety switch is provided on all Tractors which allow the starting system to
become operational only when the Clutch pedal is fully pressed.
2. Do not By-pass this safety starter switch or work on it. Only Authorized Dealers are
recommended to work on safety starter switch.
3. On some models Saf e ty Starter switch is prov ided on transmis s ion High-low shifter lever and in
PTO shifter lever.The tractor can be started only if High-low shifter lever is in neutral position.
Safety Starter Switch is to be replaced after every 2000 hours/4 years,
whichever is earlier
The manufacturer of your tractor has made every effort to make it as safe as is humanly possible.
Beyond this point i t i s the re s ponsi bil it y of the operat or t o a v oi d ac c ide nt s and we ask that you read and
implement our suggestions for your safety.
Ensure that only trained and co mpetent operat ors use this tractor and ensur e that they are fully
conversant with the machine and aware of all i t’s control and safe ty features.
Operators should not operate the tra c tor or as s oc i a te d machinery while tired or unt ra i ne d.
To avoid accide nt s plea s e ensure t ha t the ope r a tor wears clothing which will not get entang l e d in t he moving
parts of the trac tor or machine and protect hi m or her from the elements.
When sprayi ng or using c he micals, please ens ure tha t c l othi ng a nd pr otective equipm e nt is w or n w hic h
prevents respiratory or skin problems.
For full details consult the manufacturer of the chemicals.
To avoid lengthy exposure to noise ensure that ear protection is worn.
If adjustment to the tractor or machinery need to be made ensure the tractor or machine are turned off
Use of certified Roll Over Protection Structure (ROPS) is a must while operating a tractor.
Use of seat belt is a must whil e operating a tractor.
In summary, ensure at all times that the safety of the operator and any other worker is paramount.
1. At least on a daily basis check all oil levels.
Water level in the radiator and electrolyte level in the battery and perform services according to the
service schedul e.
2. Ensure tire pressure are even and the correct pressure for the job being done is maintained.
3. Check to ensure that the all controls and preventative mechan isms of the Tractor and i mpl ement
work correctly and effectively.
4. Ensure that an adequate set of the correct tools is available for maintenance and minor repairs.
5. Ensure that all service work and repairs are carried out on a flat area with a concrete o r similar
Do not carry out service work on a tractor unti l it is switched of f, and the parking brak e applie d
and wheels choke d.
Where a tractor is started in a confined area, ensure that the area is well ventilated as exhaust
gases are very harmful, and can cause death.
6. Do not work under r a i sed impleme nts .
7. When changing wheels or tires ensure t ha t a suit a ble wheel stand is plac e d under the axle prior
to removing the wheel and the wheels are chocked.
8. Where guar ds or shields need to be rem ov e d to perform a service or repa ir , ens ur e tha t the
guard or shield is correctly reinstalled before startin g t he Tractor.
9. Never refuel near an open flame or with an overheated engine.
Ensure to turn off Engine before re fueling.
10. The cooling system operates under pressure, take care when removing the Radiator cap on a
hot engine to pre vent being scal de d by stea m or hot water.
Do not add wat e r in the radi a tor when the engine is hot.
Add water to the radiator only after the engine cools down completely.
11.To prevent fires keep the tractor including the engine clean and free from inflammable material
and well away from fuels and other inflammable material.
(1) Ensure that all mounting and rem ov a l of imple ments is done on saf e flat ground.
Ensure no one is be t ween the Tractor and implement and do not g e t under the implement to avoi d
accidental injuries.
(2) After mounting the implement, ensure that all sway chains are correctly adjusted and, where
PTO shafts are used that the shaft is fitted and secured correctly.
(3) Where heavy implements are used, e nsur e tha t t he c ombination is wel l balanced or use proper
ballast to achieve balance.
(4) Before leaving the tractor at any time, lower the implement, stop the PTO shaft where
applicable, set the parking brake and switch off the engine.
(5) While operating the implements with the PTO keep all bystanders away from any moving parts
and do not attempt to make adjustm e nt s whi le the machine is running.
(6) Only the driver should ride on the Tractor with the ROPS frame fitted and with the seat belt
properly fastened.
(7) Where young children are present, particular care should be taken and the tractor should not be
moved until the whereabouts of all chi ldr e n is known.
(8) Only trained operators should opera t e t he Tr a c t or and s o taking care to ensure that othe r
workers are not injured.
In particular they should take care during dusty operations, which wil reduce visibility substantially.
(9) Never start the tractor unless the transmission is out of gear, the operator is in the seat and all
round safety has been checked.
(10) Only operate the tractor seated in the drivers seat and never turn or brake suddenly at high
speed as this can cause a roll -over and serious injury or death.
(11) When traveling on a public road ensure that the tractor and driver both meet all laws relating to
safety and licensing.
When traveling with wide implements use red flags on the extremities and observe all legal including
escort requirements.
(12) When operating unde r adverse conditions, hilly terra in or on ba d g r ound a dj us t t he spe e d of the
tractor to suit the conditions, safety comes first.
Never drive down hill at high speed or w it h the t ransmission in neut ral.
Use of the braking capacity of the engine as well as the service brakes.
Do not try to change gear going up or down a steep slope, select the correct gear before starting.
(13) Take care whe n tra v e l ing uphill with a heavy implement to ensure tha t i t does not overbalance
and tip up the f r ont end.
(14) Never remove or modify the seat belt.
(15) Never remove, modify or repair the ROPS frame.
A careful operator is the best operator.
Most accidents can be avoided by observing certain precautions .
Read and take the f oll owing precautions be fore operating the Tractor to prevent accidents.
Tractor should be oper a t e d only by those who are re spons i ble and properly trai ne d t o do so.
■ The Tractor
1. Read the operator’s manual carefully before using the tractor.
Lack of operating knowledge can lead to accidents.
2. Use an approved rollover bar and seat belt for safe operation.
Overturning of a tractor wit hout a roll ov e r bar c an result in death or injury.
3. Do not remove ROPS (Roll Over Protective Structure).
Always use the seat belt.
4. Fiberglass canopy does not give any protection.
5. To prevent falls, keep steps and platform clear of mud and oil.
6. Do not permit any one but the ope r a t or t o ri de on t he T r a c t or .
There is no safety place for extra riders.
7. Replace all missing, i llegible or damaged safety signs.
8. Keep safety signs clean of di rt and grease
■ Servicing the Tractor
1.Keep the tract or i n g ood ope r a t ing condition f or your safety.
An improperly maintained Tractor can be hazardous.
2. Stop the engine before performing any service on the tractor.
3. The cooling system operates under pr e s s ure , which is controlled by the radiator ca p.
It is dangerous to remove the cap while the system is hot.
First turn the c a p slowly to stop and allow the pres s ur e to es c a pe bef ore re moving the cap entirel y.
4. Do not smoke w hile the refueling the tractor.
Keep away any type of open flame.
5. The fuel in the injec t ion s ystem is under high pr e s sur e and c a n pene t ra t e the s kin.
Unqualifie d pe r s ons shoul d not r e move or attempt to adjust a pum p, inje c t or , noz z l e or a ny part of the
fuel injection system.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury.
6. Keep open flame away from battery or cold weather starti ng aids to prevent fire or explosions.
7. Do not modify or alter or permit anyone el se to modify or alt er thi s tr actor or any of it s
components or any tractor functions
■ Operating the tractor
1. Before starting the t r actor apply the parking brake, place the PTO (Power Take Off) l ever in the
“OFF” position, the hydra uli c control l e v e r s in the dow nward position, the r e mote control valv e
levers in the neutral position( if fitted) and the transmission in neutral.
2. Do not start the e ng i ne or cont r ols while standing be s ide s the t r a c tor .
Always sit on the tractor seat when the e ng i ne or oper a t ing controls.
3. Safety starter switch.
In order to prevent the accidental starting of the tractor, a safety switch has been provided.
The starting system of the tractor is connected through this switch, which becomes operative only when
the clutch pedal is depressed.
On some mode ls shuttle s hifter lever and PTO but ton should also be in neutra l pos it ion for compl e ti ng
the starting circuit.
Do not bypass the safety starter switch.
Consult your TYM Tractor Dealer/Distributor if safety- starting switch malfunctions.
4. Avoid accidental contact wit h the gear shifter lever while the engine is runni ng.
Unexpected Tractor movement can result from such contact.
5. Do not get off or climb the tractor while it is in motion.
6. Shut off the engine, remove the key and apply the parking brake before getting off the tractor.
7. Do not operate the tr a c t or in a n e nc los e d building without adequate ventila t ion.
Exhaust fumes can cause death.
8. Do not park the tr a c tor on a ste e p slope .
9. If power steering or Engine seizes to operate, stop the tractor immediately.
10. Pull only f r om the swinging draw bar or the l ower link drawba r in the down position.
Use only a drawbar pin that locks in place.
Pulling from the tractor rear axle carriers or any point above the rear axle may cause the Tractor’s front
end to lift.
11. If the front end of the tractor tends to ri s e w he n hea v y implements are atta c he d to the thr e e -point
linkage, install front end or front wheel weights.
Do not operate t he tra c tor with a light front end.
12.Always use hydraulic position control lever when attaching equipments/implement and when
transporting equipm e nt.
Be sure that the hydraulic couplers are properly mounted and will disconnect safely in case of accidental
detachment of implement.
13.Do not leave equipment/imple ment in the raised positi on.
14.Use the flasher/ Turn signal lights and Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) signs when driving on public
roads during both day and night tim e , unless pr ohibi te d by law.
15. Dim tractor lights when meeting a vehicle at night.
Be sure the lights are adjusted to prevent the blinding on the eyes of coming vehicle operator.
16.Emergency stopping instruction; If tractor fails to stop even after application of brakes, Pull the
knob of fuel shut off control rod.
■ Driving the tractor
1. Watch where you are going especially at row ends, on roads, around trees and low hanging obstacles.
2. To avoid upsets, drive the tractor with care and at speeds co mpat ible with safety, especially
when operating over rough ground, crossing ditches or slopes, and when turning at corners.
3. Lock the trac t or bra k e peda l s toge t he r when transporting on r oa ds to pr ov i de pr ope r wheel braking .
4. Keep the trac t or in the sa me gear when going dow nhil l a s use d when going uphill. Do not c oa s t
or free wheel down hills.
5. Any towed vehicle and/or trailer whose total weight exceeds that of the towing Tractor, must be
equipped with its own brakes for safe operation.
6. When the tractor is stuck or tires are frozen to the ground, back out to prevent upset.
7. Always check overhead clearance, especially when transporting the tractor.
■ Operating the PTO (Power Take Off)
1. When operating PT O dr iven equipment, s hut off the engine and w a i t until the PTO st ops be fore
getting off the tractor and disconnecting the equipment.
2. Do not wear loose clot hing when operating the power take-off or near rotating equipment.
3. When operating stationery PTO driven equipment, always apply the tractor parking brake and
block the rear wheels from front and rear side.
4. To avoid injury, alway s move down fl ip par t of PTO. Do not clean, adjust or s e rvice PTO
driven equipment when the tractor engine is running.
5. Make sure the PTO master shield is installed at all times and always replace the PTO shield cap
When the PTO is not in use.
■ Diesel fuel
1. Keep the equipment clean and properly maintained.
2. Under no circ umstances should ga s oli ne , alcohol or blended fuels be added to diese l f i re or
explosive haz a r d. Such blends are more ex pl os iv e than pure gasoline. I n a close d c ont a ine r ,
such as a fuel tank. DO NOT USE THESE BLENDS.
3. Never remove the fuel cap or refuel the tractor with the engine running.
4. Do not smok e while re fueling or when standing near fuel.
5. Maintain control of the fuel filler pipe when filling the tank.
6. Do not fill the fuel tank to capacity. Allow room for expansion.
7.Wipe up spilled fuel immediately.
8.Always tighten the fuel cap securely.
9.If the origina l fuel tank cap is lost, re pl a c e it w it h ge nuine ca p. A none approved cap ma y not be safe.
10.Do not drive equipment near open f i re .
11.Never use fuel for cleaning purpose.
12.Arrange fue l purchas e s s o that winter grade fuel are not he ld over and used in the spring.
N.B: It is suggested that after repairs if any of the Safety D ecal /sign is peeled/defaced, the same
may be replaced immediately in interest of your safety.
► DO’S-For Better performance
DO-Ensure that saf e t y shields are in place and in good c ondi ti on.
DO-Read all operating i nst r uc ti ons be fore comm e nc i ng to operate T r a c t or .
DO-Carry out all maintenance tasks without fail.
DO-Keep the air cleaner clean .
DO -Ensure that the corr e c t gr a de of lubric a t ing oils is used and tha t t he y are replenished and changed at the recommended intervals.
DO-Fit new sealing rings when the filter elements are changed.
DO-Watch the oil pressure gauge or warning light and investigate any abnormality immediately.
DO-Keep the radiator filled with clean water and in cold weather use anti-freeze mixture. Drain the system only in an emergency and fill before starting the engine.
DO-Ensure that the tra ns mission is in neutral be fore starting the engine.
DO-Keep all fuel in clean storage and use a filter when filli ng the tank.
DO-Attend to minor adjustments and repairs as soon as necessity is apparent.
DO-Allow the engine to c ool be fore remov ing the radiator fille r cap and a dding water, rem ove the radiator cap slowly.
DO-Shift into low gear when driving down steeps hills.
DO-Latch the brake pedals together when driving on a highway.
DO-Keep draft control lever fully down when not in use.
Don’ts-For safe operation
DON’T-Run the engine with the air cleaner disconnect ed.
DON’T-Start the tractor in an enc l os e d buil ding unless the door s a nd windows are open for prope r ventilation.
DON’T-Operate the tractoror engine while lubric a ti ng or c l e a ning.
DON’T-Allow the tractor to run out of diesel fuel otherwise it will be necessary to vent the system.
DON’T-Temper the fuel injec ti on pump, If seal is broke n the w a r r a nty becomes void.
DON’T-Allow the engine to run idl e for a long period.
DON’T-Run the engine if it is not firing on all cylinders.
DON’T-Ride the brake or clutch pedal. This will result in excessive wear of the brake lining,
clutch driven member and clutch release bearing.
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