PowerG2-Way Wireless MagneticCont act Device
with Hard-Wired Input Installation Instructions.
The PGx312is a two-way wireless PowerG magnetic
contact device. Thedevice has the following features:
l Weatherproof,water-resistant outdoor transceiver
l Flat and curved surface installation
l Battery pull tab for autoenrollment
l Functions atextreme temperatures( -40°C to
66°C / -40°F to151 °F) and is IP66certified
Note:ULtestingtemperatures:-35°C to 66°C
(-31 °F to151 °F)
l Battery life ofup to5 years (with typical
commerical use)
l Integratedmagnetic sensor
l Maximum magnetic gapof 44.5 mm (1.75 in.) on
woodand 31.8 mm (1.25 in.) on metal
l Magnetic sensor toggle if the auxiliary inputonly is
l Separatetransmissions from sensor andauxiliary
inputthat trigger thesame RF transmitter.
l Front and back tamper protection( back tamper not
available in USmarket)
l Automatic periodic supervision atr egular intervals
l PowerGtwo-w ay FHSS TDMA technology
l Anti-maskingprotection, based on panel software
l Auxiliary hard-wired input, programmable as
either normally open (NO), normally closed (NC),
endof line (EOL, or double end ofli ne (DEOL) for
usew ithadditional device. DEOLfunctionalityi s
based onpanel version software.
l Supports temperature level reports accordingto
PowerGpanel software version
l Paintableusing non-metallic paint. Recommended
paints includeKrylon 'Fusionfor Plastic', RustOleum 'Plastic', and Dupli-Color 'Vinyl & Fabric
Enrolling thePGx312
1. Enter into the installer menuand select 02: ZONES
3. Beginthe auto-enrollment process by pulling the
tab,inserting the batteries,or enteringthe device
4. Selectthe desiredzone number.
5. Configure thelocation,zone type, and chime parameters.
6. Configure thedetector.
l If the magnetic contactdevice is already enrolled,
configure the magnetic contactdevice parameters
usingthe ModifyD evices option– see step 2.
l To configurethe device parameters, select the
Device Settingsoptionand refer to Configuringthe
Device Parameters.
l To enroll thedevice, power onthe device bypulling
thebattery tab or insert thebatteries. Both methods
will activatethe auto-enrollment process. Alternatively,enter theID:107-XXXX (thenumber of the
deviceprinted on the label).
l If the device was not automatically enrolled, press
theenrollment buttonas seenin Figure 1B.
A:Enrollment tab B:Enrollment button
C:Ta mperswitch
Figure 1: Enrollment options
This equipmentis designed tobe installed byqualified
service persons only. Placethe device abovethe door
or window on the fixed frameand the magnet on the
movablepart ofthe door or window. Do not place the
magnet more than44.5 mm (1.75 in) from the marked
side of thedevice.
To monitor outdoor areas, you can mount the PGx312
ona curved surface,such as afence pole or simil ar.
l Oncethe battery cover is removed, a tamper mes-
sageis transmittedto thepanel. Subsequent
removal ofthe battery prevents transmissionof the
TAMPER RESTOREalert, leavingthe receiver in
permanent alert. Toavoid this,press thetamper
switch whenyou removethe battery.
l It is recommendedto wait about1 minuteafter bat-
tery removal before insertingthe new batteries.
Caution! Risk of explosion ifthe battery is replacedby
ani ncorrect type. Dispose ofthe used battery according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Attention! Some modelshave aback tamper switch
behind the device. As longas thedevice is seatedfir mly
within the bracket, the switchl ever will be pressed
against aspecial break-away bracket segment that is
looselyconnected tothe bracket. Be sureto fasten the
break-away segment tothe wall. Ifthe detector uniti s
forcibly removed from the wall, this segment will break
away from the bracket,causing the tamper switch to
Locald iagnosticst est
A local diagnostic test establishesthe signal strength of
a device ini tscurrent position during the installationprocess. Toperform this mandatory test,complete the following:
1. Separate the decorativecover from thedevice and
unscrew the battery cover. See steps 1to 3 of
Mounting the PGx312.
2. Press thetamper switch onceand release it.
3. Openthe door or window andverify thatdetection
is indicated by a redLED flash.
After two seconds,the LEDflashes three times in
oneof threecolors to indicatethe signal strength.
LEDresponse Reception
Green LEDflashes Strong
Yellow LED flashes Good
Red LEDflashes Poor
No flashes No communication
Table1: LEDreceptionresponse
Important! Reliable receptionmust beassured. There-
fore," poor" signal strengthi snot acceptable. Ifyou
receive a"poor" signal from thedetector, relocate it and
re-test until a "good" or "strong" signalstr engthis
received(i nregions requiring UL-compliant installation,
only “strong” signal strength is permitted).
l For UL, only strong signal strength is acceptable.
l For detailed diagnostics testinstructions,r efer to
thecontrol panel Installer Guide.
l After this step, reattachthe battery cover.
l The LED lighti soff in normal conditions.
Mounting th ePGx312
Figure 2: Mounting on a flat surface
1. Insert aflat-headscrewdriver into the slotprovided
andpush upward to removethe decorativecover.
2. Unscrew thelower screw from thedevice cover.
3. Separate the device from the bracket.
4. Mark anddril l the required number of holes in the
mounting surface.
5. Screw in the bracket with four screws provided.
6. Reattach thedevice to thebracket.
7. Mountthe magnet base withtwo suppliedscrews
to an adjacent surfaceand attachthe magnetto the
magnet bracket.
Figure 3: Mounting on a curved sur face with straps
To mount the device ona curvedsurface, use straps
(not included)as seen in Figure 3.
l Use holes A andD i nFigure 4 for standard mount-
ing.Add holes B and C inFigure 4 for tamper protection.
l Align the device and magnetaccordingto thespe-
cificationsin RangeCoverage Directions.
A:Stan dardmo unting
C:Ta mperprot ection
B:Ta mperprot ection
D:Stan dardmo unting
Figure 4: Devic e and bracket separ ation
Range coveragedirections
Non-metallic surface Supports Metallic surface
Open Close Direction Open Close
71 mm
(2.8 in.)
52 mm
(2.0 in.)
48 mm
(1.9 in.)
35 mm
(1.4 in.)
40 mm
(1.6 in.)
33 mm
(1.3 in.)
Y (up)
32 mm
(1.3 in.)
25 mm
(1.0 in.)
22 mm
(0.9 in.)
17 mm
(0.7 in.)
17 mm
(0.7 in.)
8 mm
(0.3 in.)
85 mm
(3.3 in.)
55 mm
(2.2 in.)
80 mm
(3.1 in.)
60 mm
(2.4 in.)
Table2 - Range coverage directions
l The values statedabovem ay vary byup to
10%.For steel installations, the gaps cannot be
less than 3.2 mm (0.1in.).
l For roller shutter assembly, themagnetneedsto
bem ounted 25mm to 35m m (1.0in. to1.4 in.)
from thedevices (onthe Xplane). For all other
installations, ami nimum gapof 5 mm (0.2i n.) is
l Whenm ountingon asli de door, refer to X. When
mounting on ar oller shutter, refer toY. When
mounting on anormal door, refer toZ .
Parallelmagne t Perpendicularm agnet
Figure 5: Range cove rage directions
l For UL commercial installations, themaximum
openingto activateis 50.8m m (2i n.).
l Y (up) refers tothe upper half ofthe Y plane.Y
(down) refers to the bottom half of thedevice on
theY plane.
l Whenm ountingthe magnetperpendicular tothe
device,align themagnetwi th the faceof the device
as seen inthe perpendicular magnet image.
Configuring the device parameters
Enter thecontrol panel DEVICE SETTINGSmenu and
follow the configuration instructions for thePGx312magneticcontact device as described in Table 3.
Option Configuration instructions
Determine whether toenable or disable the
magnetic sensor.
Optional settings :Enable (default) or Dis-
Input #1
Define the external input according to the
install er's requirements.
Optional settings :Disabled(default), NO,
Note:DEOL support is dependent onpanel
software version.
Determine whether toenable or disable the
Optional settings :D isabled (default)or
Note: This feature is dependenton panel soft-
warev ersion.
Table3 - Magnetic device parameters
Wiring the auxiliaryinput
l For UL installations,the device connected tothe ini-
tiatingcir cuit must be locatedi nthe same room as
l For UL installations,connectto UL listedres-
idential burglar alarm accessories only.
l For ULC installations,connectU LC listed products
only tothe auxiliary wiring input.
l An alarm messagetransmits oncethe loop is
openedor short circuited.
To connectthis devicew ithanother nearby device by
auxiliary input, completethe followingsteps:
1. Remove the jacket atthe end ofthe cable to
expose the wires within.
2. Perforatethe silicongasket witha 0.8m m
(1/32in.) pin.
3. Pass each wire throughan entry holeand out the
opposite side.
4. Remove the insulationfrom the end of eachwir e.
5. Connect each wire tothe relevant terminal, ref-
erencing Auxiliary Wir ingOptions.
6. Screw theterminal closedusing aflat headscrew-
l Use a22 AWG AUX cable (3.0 mm, 0.12 in.jacket
diameter) for this installation.
l Use acable shorter than3 m (10 ft) for theAUX
l Seal theauxiliary wir ing gasket withR TVSilicone
adhesive sealant.
Auxiliary wiring options
Youcan add more devices tothe circuit of the PGx312
for NC, NO, EOL, or DEOL applications. Each applicationtype is as follows:
NC Excl usiv ely use series connected NCs ensorcon-
tacts if the auxili ary input of the PGx312 is
defined as a normally c losed (NC) type.A nEO L
resistor is not required.
NO Exclusi vely use parallel connected NO sensor
contacts if the auxili ary input of the PGx312 is
defined as NO type. An EOL resis toris not
EOL For EOL supervision, NCor NOsensorc ontacts
can be used. A 5.6kΩEO Lresi stormust be wired
at the farend of the zone loop.
DEOL For DEOL supervision, only N.C. contacts should
be used. A 5.6kΩEO Lresi stormust be wired at
the farend of the zone loop.
Table4:Auxiliary wiringoptions
Note:Figure 6 Eill ustratesa DEOL resistor setupthat
is available dependenton panel software version.
A: N.O. switch
B: N.C. switch
C: EOL ;N.O. switch ;
use5.6 kΩ resistor
D: EOL ;N.C. switch ;
use5.6 kΩ resistor
E: DEOL; N.C. switch
only ;use 5.6kΩ
Figure 6:Auxi liary wiring options
Calibrating theanti-mask
The anti-mask featureenablesthe detectionof attemptedsabotage, for example, sensor obstruction.
©2018 Tyco Security Products,Toronto,C anada
D-307386 Rev.0 (09/18)