- SSL Listing Number ....................................................................................... afp1446
- FPA (NZ) Listing number ................................................................................. VF/117
AS/NZS 3548 1995 CLASS A
The 4100MXP is a product of
Tyco Safety Products
211 Maces Road
Christchurch 8030
Phone +64-3-389 5096
Fax +64-3-389 5938
COPYRIGHT (C) 2003,2004
Information contained in this document is subject to copyright, and shall not be reproduced in any
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The MX4428 Fire Indicator Panel provides a configuration programming facility, which may be accessed via a
programming terminal using a password. Because this programming facility allows the user to define in detail the
operation of the MX4428 System being customised, changes may be made by the user that prevent this
installation from meeting statutory requirements.
The Company, therefore cannot accept any responsibility as to the suitability of the functions generated by the
user using this programming facility.
21 March 01 Issue 1.0 Original
24 April 03 Issue 1.1 Updated DIM800 Compatibility, added VLC800, LPS800, Alarm
11 March 04 Issue 1.2 DIM800 with s/c fault option. Added "specs", noted source of
MXPPROG, updated MXP software version history.
28 January 05 Issue 1.3 Added requirements for AS1670.1. Noted DIM800 supply
supervision threshold is not adjustable. Added MIM800 max cable
length on inputs to its specs. Updated
replaced 814IB with 5BI.
Noted MkII Sounder Base has AS2220 and ISO tones. Added note
re acceptable type mismatches. Added reference to software
version 1.12.
28 October 05 Issue 1.4 Added 614CH, 614I, 614P, System Sensor 885WP-B detectors to
Table 3-4.
24 March 06 Issue 1.5 Added 614T Section 3.20.3. Added 814P Section 3.9, etc. Added
Loop Filter Board, Chapter 10.
Table 3-2. Added 5B,
VESDA is a registered trademark of Vision Systems.
This manual (MX4428 Product Manual Volume 11) is intended to provide all information and
procedures required to incorporate one or more MXPs within an MX4428 system. It
predominantly covers the function and engineering associated with the MXP itself, its impact
on the MX4428 Responder Loop and the analogue loop/line(s) to which the compatible
devices are connected. It does not duplicate basic MX4428 system engineering information,
except at the point of interface (i.e. at the MX4428 Responder Loop), or for clarification as
required. It is therefore a supplement to the F4000 Engineering Manual (F4000 Product
Manual, Vol 3), to which the reader is referred for further information.
The following MX4428/F4000 product manuals are available:
Volume 1, F4000 Operator's Manual, provides a complete guide to the operation and
maintenance of the F4000 FIP and
Australian Standards AS1603 Part 4. This manual is provided as standard with non-LCD
F4000 FIP panels (LT0057). See Volume 10 for AS4428.1 compliant systems.
Volume 2, F4000 Technical Manual, provides complete technical details on the F4000
system and Hardware/Software components, according to Australian Standards AS1603
Part 4, for servicing purposes (LT0069).
Volume 3, F4000 Engineering Manual, provides complete design details for correctly
engineering the F4000/MX4428 system to meet customer and standard specifications
Volume 4, F4000 Installation Manual, provides complete details for correctly installing
and placing into operation the F4000/MX4428 system (LT0070).
Volume 5, F4000 Programming Manual, provides details for correctly programming the
F4000/MX4428 system to meet the system engineering specifications (LT0072).
Volume 6, F4000 AAR Technical & Engineering Manuals, Volume 6-1 provides
Technical details on the AAR and Addressable Devices, and Volume 6-2 provides
Engineering Design information for correctly engineering the AAR loop (LT0095/LT0096).
Volume 7, F4000 LCD Operator's Manual, provides a complete guide to the operation
and maintenance of F4000 LCD FIP panels with Version 2.X software, according to
Australian Standards AS1603 Part 4, AS4050(INT), and New Zealand Standard NZS4512.
From Issue 2.35A onwards LT0117 includes networked operation, previously covered in a
separate manual LT0150 (LT0117/LT0118). See Volume 10 for AS4428.1 compliant
Volume 8, F4000 NZ Fire Indicator Panel Technical Manual, provides additional
installation and technical information regarding the application of F4000/MX4428 Analogue
Addressable Fire Alarm Systems in New Zealand (LT0126).
RDU panels, with Version 1.X software, according to
Volume 9, F4000 MPR Technical & Engineering Manuals, Volume 9-1 provides
technical details on the MPR and Addressable devices, and Volume 9-2 provides
Engineering Design information for correctly engineering the MPR loop (LT0139/LT0140).
Volume 10, MX4428 AS4428.1 LCD Operator’s Manual, provides a guide to the
operation and maintenance of MX4428 AS4428.1 LCD FIP panels with Version 3.10
software, according to Australian Standard AS4428.1, and New Zealand Standard NZS4512.
This manual (LT0249) is provided as standard with MX4428 panels.
Volume 11, MX4428 MXP Technical / Engineering Manual, (LT0273) provides technical
details on the MXP and its addressable devices, and provides engineering design
information for correctly engineering the MXP loop.
F4000 Point Text Installation & Operation Manual (LT0228) provides details of the Point
Text expansion option.
SmartConfig User Manual (LT0332) provides details on programming an MX4428
database using the SmartConfig program.
This manual makes reference to the following Australian Standards –
AS1603.4 Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
Part 4 - Control and Indicating Equipment
AS1670.1 Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems-
System Design, Installation, and Commissioning.
AS1851.8 Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment
Part 8 - Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.
AS4428.1 Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems. Control and Indication
This manual makes reference to the following New Zealand Standard –
NZS4512 Automatic Fire Alarm Systems in Buildings.
Inputs / Outputs 1. Standard F4000 / MX4428 Responder Loop.
2. Analogue Loop for up to 200 MX devices, with a
maximum output current = 400mA.
3. RS232 Diagnostics Port.
Card Size 194mm * 140mm * 35mm.
Supply Voltage 17.0VDC to 30.0VDC.
Current Consumption 50mA to 1.3A depending on the number and type of
devices connected. Refer to section
Operating Temperature Range -5°C to +50°C, 10% to 93% RH non condensing.
AAR Analogue Addressable Responder.
AC Alternating Current.
ACZ Ancillary Control Zone.
ADR Advanced Detector Responder.
Analogue Loop The wiring that allows an MXP to communicate with and
supply power to the addressable devices it is to monitor.
ARR Advanced Relay (and Detector) Responder, which is an ADR
fitted with an RRM.
AVF Alarm Verification Facility, or alarm check.
AZF Alarm Zone Facility, previously referred to as "GROUP".
CO Carbon Monoxide
CV Current Value (Filtered reading from detector)
DC Direct Current.
Detector Addressable device used to detect fires that interfaces to the
MXP via the Analogue Loop. It contains one or more sensors.
EOL End of Line device.
Evacuation Device Sounder for warning of evacuation.
FIP Fire Indicator Panel, as defined by standards.
GLOBAL A function that may affect more than one zone.
HH History High - the highest value a variable has reached
HL History Low - the lowest value a variable has reached.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display (usually alphanumeric)
LED Light Emitting Diode (Visual Indicator).
MAF FIP Master Alarm Facility.
MIC X Measure of smoke density used with ionisation smoke
MPR Multi Protocol Responder.
MXP MX Protocol Responder
MCP Manual Call Point (break glass switch).
Module Addressable I/O device that interfaces to the MXP via the
Analogue Loop.
NA Not Applicable.
NC Normally Closed.
NLR Number of logical responders.
NO Normally Open.
PCB Printed Circuit Board.
Point Any addressable device (detector or module) with a unique
address that is connected to the analogue addressable loop.
PSU Power Supp ly Unit.
Responder A general term for all responder types, e.g. ADR, ARR, MPR,
MXP, AAR and IOR that may be connected to the MX4428
Responder Loop A 4 core cable for communication and power to all responders
connected to an MX4428 FIP.
ROR Rate of Rise.
RF Radio Frequency.
RRM Responder Relay Module.
RZDU Remote Zone Display Unit.
Sensor Part of a detector which senses the environment - smoke or
temperature or CO.
SLV Step limited (or slope limited) value.
Zone Fire searchable area of Building.
The inclusion of one or more MXPs in an MX4428 system requires consideration of .....
(i) The definition of zones throughout the area to be protected.
(ii) Assessment of the detectors and other addressable device types and positions
required to monitor each zone and interface to external equipment. This will indicate
if and where the MXP's addressable devices are most appropriate, for purely
functional reasons or for reducing system cost through reduced wiring.
The Design Engineer should be fully familiar with the concept of logical responders,
as described in Section
This process should result in an initial system design defining .....
- Number and location of all Responders including MXPs.
- Number and location of all addressable devices.
- Planned cable route for MX4428 Responder Loop.
- Planned cable route(s) for MXP Analogue Loop(s).
(iii) Using the design rules given in this manual, analyse each MXP Analogue Loop/Line
to confirm .....
- the MXP's current capability is adequate for the proposed devices (see
Section 3.2).
- the proposed cable has the correct AC characteristics (see Section
- the proposed cable has the correct DC characteristics (see Section
(iv) Using Section 5 of this manual, in conjunction with the MX4428 Engineering Manual
(LT0071), analyse the MX4428 responder Loop. This should result in.....
- the type and size of cable to be used for the power and signal portions of the
MX4428 Responder Loop.
- the number and position of Loop Boosters required (if necessary).
(v) The results of (iii) and (iv) indicate whether or not the proposed system design is
practical and/or cost-effective. If not, analyse what factors have contributed to the
design being impractical, re-design these areas or consider the use of loop boosters
and return to step (i).
(vi) Assess and document the programming of the MX4428 Master to support the system
design. Programming of the MX4428 is covered in the MX4428 Programming Manual
LT0072, with additional details of using SmartConfig in the SmartConfig user manual
LT0332. The following data must be entered to support MXPs.
- information which, when downloaded to the MXP, defines how the MXP is to
process the data received from addressable devices on the Analogue
- information retained at the Master which defines how it is to process data
received from configured MXPs on the MX4428 Loop.
2.2, before allocating an MXP to monitor multiple alarm
The MX4428 Master Panel can transfer data to and from up to 127 uniquely addressed
Responders distributed around the MX4428 Responder Loop. Its database is structured to
support the 4 circuit inputs and 4 relay outputs associated with the most common responder
type, the ADR. Incorporating an MXP, which supports up to 200 input, output, or input /
output points, represents a departure from the original ADR / AAR structure, but it is similar
to that used for the MPR multiprotocol responder.
To incorporate the MXP, while still preserving the original 1 x MX4428 LOOP ADDRESS
SUPPORTS 4 INPUTS (“CIRCUITS”) AND 4 OUTPUTS (“RELAYS”) database assumption,
the concept of "logical responders" is used. A logical responder refers to a single responder
loop number, supporting 4 inputs and 4 outputs. An ADR/ARR therefore represents a single
logical responder. A responder that supports more than 4 inputs and outputs, such as the
MXP, must therefore occupy multiple responder loop numbers. That is, it is a "multiple
logical responder" unit. One MXP may in fact be configured at the MX4428 FIP to be
between 1 and 50 logical responders.
Since an MXP can support up to 200 points irrespective of how many logical responders it
has been configured to represent, it may be necessary to allocate multiple points to each
logical responder circuit input or relay output. This has certain implications described below,
the most significant being that it is a logical responder “circuit” which is mapped to a zone,
not a point, and it is a logical responder “relay” which is mapped to an ACZ, not a single
output point. Thus if multiple devices are allocated to a circuit, they must all be in the same
zone, and if multiple outputs are allocated to a relay, they will generally be controlled as one.
Points map to logical responder circuits and relays as shown in Table 2-1 for different
numbers of logical responders.
Basically the 200 points are evenly distributed across the number of logical responder
circuits/relays (= number of logical responders * 4), with the remainder allocated to the last
Input devices are map to the circuit. Output devices usually map to the relay, but may map to
the circuit by programming.
The 50 logical responder option is the only one that allows unique monitoring and full front
panel indication of all 200 individual points without using the MX4428 Point Text expansion
option. The 50 logical responder option however, uses 50 of the 127 available MX4428
responder loop addresses and therefore limits the remainder of the MX4428 system.
Figure 2.1 shows an example 3 logical responder MXP, which has a capability of 3 X 4 = 12
circuits (C1/1-1/4, C2/1-2/4, C3/1-3/4) and 12 relays (R1/1-1/4 ..... R3/4).
Splitting up the possible 200 addressable devices equally among the 12 circuits results in
each circuit being able to service 200/12 = 16 devices, with 8 left over. Thus devices 1-16
are associated with circuit C1/1, devices 17-32 are associated with C1/2, etc, up to C3/4,
which not only handles its own 16 points but also the extra 8 device addresses (193-200)
otherwise not catered for. Input devices are mapped to circuits, and output devices are
usually mapped to relays but may alternatively be mapped to the circuit.
Figure 2.1 Device To Circuit Mapping For 3 Logical Responder MXP
Taking the 3 logical responder example in the previous sections, assume that of the 16
possible device addresses that belong to C1/1, only 10 of these are in fact used, and that 7
are input devices, and the remaining 3 are output devices. Further, assume that the
MX4428 FIP is configured to map C1/1 to ZONE 1.
In this case, an alarm sensed by any of the 7 input devices would put C1/1 into alarm, which
in turn would put ZONE 1 into alarm, a condition indicated on the MX4428 Master front
panel. However, the MXP also generates what is referred to as an extended event,
indicating precisely which of the 7 input devices caused the alarm. This is transmitted to the
MX4428 Master where it is presented on the front panel LCD, entered in the history log and
printed on the logging printer (if programmed).
If, for instance, in this example it was input device 6 that caused the ALARM then the
extended event would take the form .....
"P1/6 ALARM" where .....
..... P = POINT
If the Point Text expansion option is fitted at the MX4428 Master, the event will be
associated with a text description of the point.
So far only input devices have been considered. To continue our example for output
devices, if the MX4428 Master generated an output command, via output logic, to turn on
R1/1, then the MXP would activate all output devices associated with that relay, that is, in
this case, all 3.
The System Designer should be aware of the following MX4428 characteristics before
proceeding with the design .....
(i) While the MX4428 with MXP capability can support up to 16 x 200 (3,200) points (i.e.
addressable devices), the Master unit has a maximum of 528 zones with which to
indicate the status of the system.
The 528 zones may be used to display the status of either an "alarm zone",
representing the status of a particular sub-section of the area to be monitored, or an
"ancillary control zone" (ACZ), representing the status of an output controlled by the
MX4428 system.
The Point Text expansion option can be used to extend this capability. Refer to the
F4000 Point Text Installation and Operation Manual (LT0228) for further information.
(ii) FIP zone indicators are controlled according to the zone’s status, which is generated
from the mapped circuit status. That is, the 4 circuits monitored by each of the 127
logical responders can control a maximum of 4 x 127 = 508 unique zones.
The point handling capability of an MX4428 system requiring individual LED
indicators per monitored point is therefore reduced to 508.
Therefore, the more individual LED indications that the FIP must show for each MXP
the more logical responders that MXP must represent.
Every additional 4 zones that must be indicated for the addressable devices on an
MXP incurs a cost of 1 additional logical responder (i.e. MX4428 responder loop
(iii) For the same reasons as given in (ii) above, the more individually controllable output
devices the MXP must drive and control from logic, the more logical responders the
MXP must represent.
Page 2-6 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-1
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
The MXP can communicate with a mix of up to 200 addressable devices, within limits
defined by loop size.
MX devices fall into three basic types:
(a) Sensors - Detectors (814PH, 814CH, 814I, 814H, VLC800)
(b) Ancillaries - Input (Monitor) (MIM800, MIM801, CIM800, DIM800)
- MCP (CP820, FP0838, FP0839)
- Output (Control) (RIM800, SNM800, LPS800)
(c) Bases - Standard Base (MUB, 5B)
- Short Circuit Isolator (5BI)
- Relay Base (814RB)
- Sounder Base (814SB, MkII Sounder Base)
In addition non-addressable smoke, thermal or flame detectors may be connected to the
MXP loop by means of the DIM800 Detector Input Module.
Code Description Input /
814PH Photoelectric Smoke + Heat Detector I/O Y
814CH Carbon Monoxide + Heat Detector I/O Y
814I Ionisation Smoke Detector I/O Y
814H Heat Detector I/O Y
VLC800 Vesda Aspirating smoke detector I/O Y
MIM800 Mini Input Module Input
MIM801 Mini Input Module normally closed
interrupt (FP0837)
CP820 Manual Call Point Input
output with supervised load wiring)
LPS800 Loop Powered Sounder Output
The devices above are addressed by the
801AP Service Tool
or by command from the diagnostics terminal of an MXP.
Page 3-2 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
The standard base for use with the 814 detectors is:
MUB Minerva Universal Base (4”)
5B Minerva Universal Base (5”)
The following special purpose bases may also be used.
5BI Isolator Base
814RB Relay Base
814SB Sounder Base
MkII Sounder Base
Sounder Base
(802SB, 812SB, 901SB,
and 912SB)
The 814RB and 814SB may be plugged into an MUB, 5B or a 5BI, or mounted directly on a
wall / ceiling.
Note that none of the bases are addressable devices. The functional bases (814RB, 814SB,
and MkII Sounder Base) are controlled by the MXP via the detector which is plugged into
The devices above marked as “Input/Output” are always inputs, but may also be used as
outputs via the Remote Indicator output and the signal to the 814RB, 814SB, and MkII
Sounder Base functional bases. The output functionality is programmable and not
necessarily related to the input status.
The devices which have a remote LED output may drive a Tyco E500Mk2 remote LED. The
functionality of this LED is programmable and it does not necessarily follow the local LED.
A brief description of the capabilities of each device follows:
a) 814I Analogue Ionisation Smoke Detector
This unit uses an ionisation chamber (with a small radioactive source) to detect airborne
particles of combustion products.
b) 814H Analogue Heat Detector
This detector incorporates a temperature sensor. The temperature sensor processing may
be programmed as Type A (rate of rise plus fixed temperature = 63°C), Type B (fixed
temperature only = 63°C), Type C (rate of rise plus fixed temperature = 93°C), or Type D
(fixed temperature only = 93°C). Type A, B, C or D operation is programmable at the
MX4428 panel.
c) 814PH Analogue Photoelectric Smoke Detector + Heat Detector
This unit uses light scattering to detect airborne particles of combustion products, and in
addition incorporates a temperature sensor. The heat function may be programmed in the
same way as for the 814H detector.
d) 814P Analogue Photoelectric Smoke Detector
This unit uses light scattering to detect airborne particles of combustion products.
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-3
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
e) 814CH Analogue CO (Carbon monoxide) Detector + Heat Detector
This unit uses a special sensor to detect carbon monoxide, and in addition incorporates a
temperature sensor. The heat function may be programmed in the same way as for the
814H detector.
f) Mini Input Module MIM800
This unit has a single input for monitoring clean contacts (e.g. MCPs, flow switches
conventional detectors with hard contact outputs, relay contacts, switches). As well as
monitoring the state of the contacts the MIM800 can supervise the wiring for open circuit
fault and (optionally) short circuit fault.
g) Mini Input Module MIM801
This unit has a single input for monitoring clean contacts (e.g. MCPs, flow switches,
conventional detectors with hard contact outputs, relay contacts, switches). As well as
monitoring the state of the contacts the MIM801 can supervise the wiring for short circuit
fault and (optionally) open circuit fault. The MIM801 is very similar to the MIM800, however it
is optimised for normally closed applications and can generate an interrupt on an open
circuit. (Interrupt is only used when a fast response is required.) (The MIM800 and CIM800
can also generate interrupts, but only in response to closing contacts.)
h) Contact Input Module CIM800
This unit has two separate inputs for monitoring switch or relay contacts (e.g. MCPs, flow
switches, conventional detectors with hard contact outputs, relay contacts, switches). As well
as monitoring the state of the contacts the CIM800 can supervise the wiring for open circuit
fault and (optionally) short circuit fault. Although there are two separate inputs, both belong
to the same point. Either input in alarm will put the point into alarm, and either input in fault
will put the point into fault. Unused inputs must be terminated with a 200Ω resistor.
i) Detector Input Module DIM800
This unit has two separate inputs for monitoring conventional detectors. As well as
monitoring the state of the detectors they can supervise the wiring for open circuit faults.
Although there are two separate inputs, both belong to the same point. Either input in alarm
will put the point into alarm, and either input in fault will put the point into fault. An external
power supply is required. The voltage requirements for some conventional detector types
are very specific. (Refer to section
j) Australian Call Point Module CP820
This unit consists of a MIM800 complete with a call point switch and break-glass housing.
k) New Zealand Call Point Module FP0838, FP0839
This unit consists of a MIM801 complete with a call point switch and break-glass housing.
FP0838 is flush mounting while FP0839 is surface mounting.
l) Relay Interface Module RIM800
This unit has voltage free changeover relay contacts rated at 2A 30Vdc for external loads.
No supervision of load wiring is provided. However the relay position is supervised and a
“relay checkback fail” fault will be generated if it does not operate.
Page 3-4 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
m) Sounder Notification Module SNM800
This unit has a relay rated at 2A 30Vdc for switching external loads. Supervision of load
wiring and the load supply is provided. The relay position is supervised and a “relay
checkback” fault will be generated if it does not operate.
n) Short Circuit Isolator 5BI
This detector base is designed for isolating short circuited sections of the analog loop. For
instance it can be used where the loop wiring crosses zone boundaries and it will prevent a
short circuit from affecting more than one zone. As well as housing a detector it can be used
with no detector inserted.
o) Sounder Base 814SB and MkII Sounder Base
These detector bases are designed as low cost warning devices. The MkII Sounder Base is
a newer version of the 814SB. Some variants are loop powered while others are powered by
an external supply. The sounder is controlled by the detector which is plugged into the base,
but the operation of the sounder can be quite separate from the operation of the detector.
The 814SB can be setup to generate a number of tones (none of which are AS2220 or
ISO8201 compliant), and three sound levels are selectable.
The MkII Sounder Base models can be setup to generate a number of tones including
AS2220 and ISO8201 compliant evacuation tones, and on some models the sound level is
continuously adjustable. Currently none of the MkII Sounder Base models are SSL listed.
Note that the current taken by a loop powered sounder base is very much higher than any of
the other loop devices (except the LPS800), and the number of sounder bases on a loop is
limited by the available current.
p) Relay Base 814RB
This detector base is designed for a low cost output device. It is controlled by the detector
which is plugged into it, but the operation of the relay can be quite separate from the
operation of the detector. A voltage two pole changeover relay is provided, rated at 1A 30V
q) Loop Powered Sounder LPS800
This device is similar to the SNM800, in that it drives one or more external sounders,
however the sounder power comes from the loop rather than an external power supply. The
available output current is much lower than that of a SNM800, and as all this current comes
from the loop, the number of LPS800s and their load is limited by the available loop current.
r) Vesda VLC800
The Vision Systems VLC800-MX VESDA Laser COMPACT is an aspirating smoke detector.
It samples the smoke from air which is extracted via piping from a large area of a building.
The sensitivity is adjustable over a wide range at the VLC800 by PC software programme.
The VLC800 requires a 24V power supply.
A summary of the electrical specifications of the various devices is shown in
Table 3-1.
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-5
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
All loop devices are rated at a loop voltage of 20Vdc - 40Vdc and a signalling voltage of 2V
p-p – 6V p-p. Alarm Currents specified do not include remote indicators. Add 7mA for each
remote indicator.
FP0838, FP0839
Ionisation Smoke Detector Requires base
Heat Detector Requires base
Photo Smoke + Heat
Photo Smoke Detector Requires base
CO + Heat Detector Requires base
Mini Input Module
Mini Input Module
(normally closed interrupt)
Contact Input Module
(Conventional) Detector
Interface Monitor
Call Point
NZ Call Point
Relay Interface Module
Sounder Notification
Module (Supervised relay
Loop Powered Sounder
Standard Base
Isolator Base
Loop Powered Sounder
Loop Powered Sounder
Loop Powered Sounder
Externally Powered
Sounder Base
Externally Powered
Sounder Base
Relay Base 1A 30Vdc
Vesda aspirating smoke
Requires base
EOL 200Ω
Alarm R (if used) 100Ω
Max Wiring R 10Ω
N/O mode - as MIM800
N/C EOL 200Ω
Max wiring R 50Ω
EOL 200Ω
Alarm R (if used) 100Ω
Max Wiring R 10Ω
EOL 4k7
Requires separate supply.
2A 30Vdc
2A 30Vdc.
Requires external supply.
Provides 24V at up to 75mA
Selectable tone (not AS2220 or ISO8201)
Adjustable sound level
Selectable tone (Including AS2220 and ISO
8201 Evacuation tone)
Adjustable sound level
Selectable tone (Including AS2220 and ISO
8201 Evacuation tone)
Selectable tone (Including AS2220 and ISO
8201 Evacuation tone)
Adjustable Sound Level.
Requires external 24V
Selectable tone (Including AS2220 and ISO
8201 Evacuation tone)
Requires external 24V
2 pole changeover
Requires external supply. Requires PC to
set up.
Table 3-1 Compatible Device Summary
The MXP will allow some alternative devices to be used without generating a fault, where the
inserted device can provide all the features of the configured device. This includes an 814PH
or 814CH used where an 814H was programmed, a CIM800 used where a MIM800 was
programmed, and an 814PH used where an 814P was programmed.
Page 3-6 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
The parameters which determine the maximum number of each device type that can be put
on a loop are as follows. The column “MAX NO. DEVICES” assumes that all devices are of
the same type. If this is not the case, it is necessary to perform the calculations described
The particular combination of device types, external loads, cable length and type may limit
the total number of devices. This is calculated in the following sections.
There are two types of load which must be considered - DC and AC. Also if isolator bases
are used, the loading between each isolator base must be considered.
275uA (no LED)
275uA (no LED)
100uA (Loop) 1 1
285uA (no LED)
450uA (no LED)
4mA, with
minimum of 12mA
6.8mA (Loud)
2.8mA (with LED)
AC Units
(max 250
1 1.5
1 1.5
1 5
1 5
1.5 1
2.4 2.5
0.5 2.5
2 1
IB Units
(max 100 IB
units between
Isolator Bases)
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-7
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
It is recommended that the PC program F4000CAL is used for conducting the loop loading
calculations. However note that it does not include the isolator base loading, this must be
done manually.
3.2.2 DC LOAD
The total current available from the MX Loop terminals on the MXP is 400mA DC.
This must supply operating current to all addressable devices an the loop. This not only
includes the quiescent current required to power the device electronics, but also the
additional current drawn by devices in the ALARM state or by associated ALARM LEDs and
other loop powered outputs.
The sum of currents for all devices connected to the loop is calculated using the “alarm
current” values shown in
1) The MXP limits the number of Alarm LEDs turned on at any one time to 5
(programmable at MX4428).
2) Remote LEDs must be allowed for at 7mA each. Remote LEDs programmed to follow
the detector LED will be limited by the number of alarm LEDs. However remote LEDs
programmed to operate on “Circuit Alarm” or “Relay” will not be limited in any way.
3) LEDs on relay output devices (SNM800, RIM800, LPS800) will operate when the
relay is activated, if the MXP is configured at the MX4428 to flash the LED on Poll
“Global Blink Mode”.
4) The 814RB, RIM800 and SNM800 relay load current must not be supplied from the
analogue loop.
The sum of all currents must not exceed 400mA.
Furthermore, the voltage drop in the cable must not exceed 16.0V, regardless of which end
of the loop the cable is driven from. This is in order to ensure that with the minimum 36V
voltage available from the MX Loop terminals on the MXP, the minimum voltage at any
device will be at least 20V.
If you have any LPS800 devices on the loop, you may need to design for a higher minimum
loop voltage and a lower voltage drop. Refer to section
Table 3-2. Note –
Calculate the total of the “AC Units” shown in Table 3-2. The total must not exceed 250.
Also ensure that the cable length does not exceed the values in
Cable type Cable length
MICC 2L1.5, 2L2.5, 1H1.5, 2H2.5 1.8 km*
Steel Wire Armour (SWA) 1.8 km*
Fire resistant ‘foil and drain wire’, e.g.
Radox FR3013, FP200, Lifeline, Firetuff
BS6883 marine cable 2 km
Table 3-3 Maximum Cable Lengths
* Up to 2km of these cable types may be used on condition that the maximum AC loading is
restricted to less than 220 AC units per loop.
Page 3-8 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
2 km
Table 3-3.
Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
If isolator bases are being used, calculate the sum of the “IB Units” from Table 3-2 for each
section of cable between isolator bases (or between the last isolator base and the end of a
cable spur). Include only one of the detectors at the ends of the section. The sum for any
section must not exceed 100.
See also section
4.1.3 for details of AS1670 requirements and section 4.1.4 for details of
NZS4512 requirements.
Consider an MXP monitoring 200 * 814PH detectors with 10 814SB Sounder Bases set to
High, on a 1300 metre long loop, using 1.5mm
wire. The cable is divided (with 9 Isolator
Bases) into 10 segments with 1 Sounder Base and 20 detectors on each segment.
(i) Calculate DC Load
IA = 195 x 275uA (No. of detectors in NORMAL)
+ 5 x 3.0mA (No. of detectors with Alarm LEDs turned on, assume limited to
5 max by MXP)
+ 10 x 15mA (Number of 814SB Sounder Bases)
+ 9 x 80uA (Number of Isolator Bases)
Table 3-2. Note 1mA = 1000uA)
= 220mA which is well under 400mA
For the voltage drop calculation, assume the worst case in the first instance, i.e. that
all devices are at the far end of 1300 metres. The loop resistance of 1.5mm
wire is
25Ω per 1000m and the isolator base resistance is 0.25Ω.
Total R = 25Ω x 1.3 + 9 x 0.25Ω
= 34.75Ω.
Voltage drop = 34.75 x 0.220 = 7.7V, which is well under the maximum allowable of
(ii)Calculate AC Load AC Units = 200 x 1 (detectors)
+ 10 x 2.4 (Sounder Bases)
+ 10 x 0.1 (Isolator Bases)
= 225 which is less than the maximum allowable of 250.
Cable length is well under the limits specified in
Table 3-3.
(iii)Calculate IB Load IB Units for each section = 20 * 1.2 (814PH) + 1 * 2.5 (814SB)
= 26.5 which is less than 100.
As all parameters are within the specified limits, the design is satisfactory.
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-9
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
The following “outputs” are available on the Analogue loop –
• Output modules – RIM800, SNM800, and LPS800
• Functional Base outputs of detectors (controlling 814SB, MkII Sounder Base or 814RB)
• Remote LED output of detectors.
Each of these is programmable at the MX4428 for which of 3 sources controls the output.
In all cases the outputs are turned off if the point is isolated.
The 3 selectable sources are as follows –
1. Relay output
The output is controlled by the state of the corresponding relay output as sent to the
responder. The relay output state can be controlled directly with a logic equation, be
controlled by the state of the ACZ that the relay is mapped to (this also allows supervision
fault states on the SNM800 and LPS800 output to be indicated), or be controlled by the test
state of the flow switch zone it is mapped to.
The functional bases and remote LED outputs for detectors mapped to circuit X of logical
responder R will be controlled by the state of relay X of logical responder R, i.e. the relay
with the same number as the detector circuit.
2. Circuit alarm
The output will turn on when the corresponding circuit goes into alarm. If the circuit maps to
a latching zone then the output will turn off when the zone alarm is reset. If the circuit does
not map to a latching zone the output will turn off when the circuit goes out of alarm. The
circuit alarm state is determined by the MXP and so can’t include other responder circuits,
nor the state of the zone(s) the circuit maps to. (Use “relay output” if these are needed.)
The functional bases and remote LED outputs for detectors will be controlled by the circuit
the detector is mapped to. Output modules mapped to relay X of logical responder R will be
controlled by circuit X of logical responder R, i.e. the circuit with the same number as the
WARNING - the output will not be disabled by zone isolate.
3. Point alarm
The output will turn on when that point goes into alarm. If the point maps to a latching zone
then the output will stay on until the zone alarm is reset. If the point does not map to a
latching zone the output will turn off when the point goes out of alarm.
This option is not available on output modules (RIM800, SNM800, and LPS800).
WARNING - the output will not be disabled by zone isolate.
Page 3-10 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
The programming of the output functions is done by setting the “mode” value for the RIM800,
SNM800, and 814I, and by one of the 7 device parameters for the 814H, 814PH, and
814CH. The LPS800 is programmed as an SNM800.
For example the following are the settings for the 814I.
Mode Functional Base Control Remote LED Control
0 Circuit Alarm Circuit Alarm
1 Circuit Alarm Relay
2 Circuit Alarm Point Alarm
4 Relay Circuit Alarm
5 Relay Relay
6 Relay Point Alarm
8 Point Alarm Circuit Alarm
9 Point Alarm Relay
10 Point Alarm Point Alarm
The value must be chosen from the above table to give the desired settings for controlling
the functional base and the remote LED.
For the 814PH and 814CH, programming of the “enhancement multiplier” is included in the
same parameter. The desired enhancement multiplier must be multiplied by 16 and the
result added to the above numbers. The tables in the sections for these detectors (
3.10.3) include the result when the default enhancement multiplier is used.
For the 814H detector and for an 814PH or 814CH with enhancement disabled, the
“enhancement multiplier” is irrelevant and therefore the above numbers may be entered
directly if desired. The global defaults for parameter 6 for all these detector types should
always include the desired enhancement multiplier * 16.
For the SNM800, other options are also included in the mode. Refer to section
3.9.3 and
3.22.4 for
All outputs retain their state if the MX4428 stops polling the responder (e.g. processing is
stopped), or if the MXP stops polling the devices (e.g. due to a new configuration download
from the MX4428). If a detector is removed from a relay or sounder base, the relay or
sounder output turns off.
If power to the MXP is lost, loop powered sounder bases turn off. RIM800 and SNM800
outputs, relay bases and possibly externally powered sounder bases usually retain their
state until MXP power is restored, then turn off when polling resumes (which may take some
minutes if the MXP has been off for some hours and lost its configuration), then revert to ON
after a few seconds if this is the correct state.
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-11
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
The following table gives a summary of the MX4428 default and alternate settings, and
approved range, for each detector type.
Detector Default Alternate Range Comments
814PH Heat
814CH Heat
814I 0.39 MIC X
814H 63 N/A 60 - 93 (Aus)
VLC800 Fixed at 100 0.005% / m to
66ppm is outside the approved range of the 814CH as an ionisation detector. However it
is an accepted value as a CO detector.
The Prealarm default and alternate sensitivities will generally be about 70% - 80% of the
corresponding alarm level. Note that Prealarm will also be more sensitive to rapidly changing
conditions as it does not go through the step limiting filter.
Det Units = Detector Units.
Temperatures are already converted by the MXP to degrees C and do not require
(80 det units)
Medium N/A Low, Medium,
(37 det units)
8% - 12% Enhancement is optional,
default off.
Enhancement is optional,
High (all
default off.
approved with
sensitivity =
63 N/A 60 - 65 Type B default.
Type A is option
Off is option.
(0.3 MIC X)
(93 det units)
(0.6 MIC X)
(160 det units)
23 - 66ppm
Enhancement is optional,
default off.
(23ppm = 0.15 MIC X
= 60 det units)
63 N/A 60 - 65 Type A default.
Type B is option
Off is option.
(66 det units)
0.22 MIC X
(23 det units)
0.2 - 0.4 (Aus)
0.2 - 0.6 (NZ)
0.59 MIC X =130 det
Type A default. Type B
50 - 80 (NZ)
Types C/D by changing
temperature to 93.
Note that actual
20% / m
sensitivity is adjusted by
PC connected to the
Page 3-12 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
Conversion from detector units to displayed values is by imagining a graph with a series of
joined straight lines from (0,0) and passing through each of the above defined points (e.g.
814PH 37 det units = 8%) and extrapolated in a continuing straight line past the highest
point if necessary.
For the 814PH detector the displayed values bear little resemblance to the static sensitivity
of the detector. They are valid only for the tests done in the SSL smoke room.
Observe ESD precautions when installing an MXP responder, or connecting any devices to
it. Refer to Product Bulletin PBG0025.
Detector Bases
Detectors attach to a circular, plastic base which has holes for screw mounting to a flat
surface, and screw terminals for connecting the loop wiring. There are various different
bases available. Most of the bases may only be mounted as just described, but the 814SB
sounder base and the 814RB relay base may be mounted as just described, or may
themselves be plugged into one of the other bases, to interpose between it and the detector.
The Modules are normally mounted within the enclosure of the equipment to which they
connect, or in a cabinet, junction box or switch box. They may be mounted on plastic
standoffs (4 x HW0130 required) on a gearplate or cabinet, or to a face plate that mounts on
a double flush or surface box. A hole may be required for the on-board LED. A standard
plate with a hole for the LED and three holes for the Service Tool is available (Ancillary
Cover M520). This fits a plastic surface box K2142.
The MIM800/801 is smaller than the other modules, and is supplied in a plastic housing
which has a lug for screw mounting.
Addresses for MX detectors and modules, and options such as LED blink on poll, are most
easily set using the MX Service Tool. These are set by placing the detector onto the Service
Tool, or connecting the module to the Service Tool with the supplied interface lead, and
programming as per the MX Service Tool Instructions. (Be careful not to leave the pins in the
module when removing the lead).
For all input devices, including detectors, the LED turns on steady when in alarm. For output
devices (RIM800, etc) the LED turns on when the device is activated (if Global Blink Mode is
enabled for the MXP). To enable a device’s LED to blink on poll, the MXP must have Global
Blink Mode enabled at the MX4428 panel, and the device must have LED Blink enabled.
For a mixed system, i.e. some devices are to blink on poll and some are not, then turn off
blink on those devices that are not to blink using the Service Tool, and enable Global Blink
Mode at the MX4428 panel for the MXP.
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-13
MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Device Information and Programming
In the following sections information is given about the programming of each device in the
MX4428. An explanation of the mode and the various parameters is given for each device
type, along with the global parameters that affect that device type. It is critical that only the
listed mode values are used for each device type, as in many cases the mode value is used
to define the actual device type. An incorrect mode value may cause a POINT TYPE
MISMATCH to be generated, or it may just render a device not able to work.
In some of the following sections descriptions are given about changing the sensitivity for a
detector by altering the specific parameter for that detector. This is correct (it sets the value
for just that individual detector), but in many cases it may be better to adjust the global
sensitivity for that device type so that all detectors of that type take on the new value. For
example, in NZ mode it is recommended that the global heat alarm temperature be set to
°C for both 814PH and 814CH, rather than setting each specific detector to this value.
Details for NZ mode settings are contained in the F4000 NZ Technical Manual (LT0126).
These details are most relevant when programming the MX4428 from a (dumb)
programming terminal. Alternatively you can program with "SmartConfig", which displays
and edits functional parameters and takes care of mapping the functional parameters into
the appropriate mode and parameter bytes for each device type.
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