Two Brothers Racing R6S User Manual

2003-04 Yamaha
V. A.L.E.™ Hi gh mou nt Sli p-on Exhaus t System with M-2 Canister Part # 0 05-220 406HM, 005-2 20407HM, 005-2204 08HM, 0 05-22 0419HM, 005-220420 HM
1. Make sure the bike is completely cool before starting the installation. Make sure the bike is secure on the sidestand or ideally a srvice lift.
2. Remove the stock muffler at the passenger footpeg bracket and where it attaches to the stock headers.
3. Remove the rear turn signals and replace with the provided flush mount turn signals. Use the scotch locks to splice into the stock wiring. We recommend sealing the connector with electrical tape or shrink tubing.
4. Remove the passenger footpegs. Install the hanger bracket with the 8mm x 35mm bolts and washers provided.
5. Connect the new S-bend pipe to your stock header, using the supplied T-bolt clamp. You will NOT be reusing the exhaust gasket. Leave loose for now.
6. Install VALE adapter Kit to muffler canister using the supplied kit instructions.
7. Place a bead of the hi-temp sealant on the outside edge of the s-bend that goes into the canister. Slide the TBR canister onto the end of the S-bend pipe. Wipe off the excess sealant that will squeeze out.
8. Carefully slide the muffler clamp over the muffler. (Note: The stainless steel canister clamp and the name badge on the canister come from the factory with a clear plastic protective film. Please remove this film before operation.) Attach the clamp to the hanger bracket using the 8mm x 40mm bolt, washers and nut provided.
9. Be sure everything is properly aligned and tighten all hardware. Install the two springs.
10. Before you run the bike, clean off all fingerprints and dirt, as any oily residue will etch the metal and become somewhat permanent when the system gets hot. Run the bike and enjoy. It is normal for some white smoke to appear the first time you start the bike. This is packing/manufacturing oil from inside the pipe burning off. Check for gaps or leaks. If you find a leak, a little high temperature silicon sealant should fix it. After 50 to 100 miles, recheck all fasteners for tightness.
Parts List
Qty. Description Part Number
1 Muffler Canister Varies 1 Canister Clamp Varies 1 Stainless Steel S-Bend Tube 005-2204HT 1 HARDWARE KIT 005-22H-3 1 VALE Adapter Kit 005-2-1-V 1 High Mount Bracket 005-22HB 2 80mm Swivel Hook Spring 005-S80 1 Barrel Clamp 005-27-65MSH 2 8 x 35mm Socket Head Cap Screw 005-SH835 1 8 x 40 mm Socket Head Cap Screw 005-SH840 3 8mm Washers 005-WF8 1 Nylon Lock Nut 005-NN8 4 Blue Scotchlocks 005-BS 1 Pair Turn Signals 0 05-88T 1 Permatex Ultra Black Gasket Mak er 031-P22072 1 T20 Torx Screw Wrench 005-9-15820 1 TBR Sticker Kit 015-10212
We recommend that this performance part be installed by a qualied
motorcycle technician. If you have any doubts as to your ability to install this performance part, please consult with your local motorcycle dealer. Read all
instructions rst before starting installation. Make sure the motorcycle and exhaust system are completely cool before starting the installation. Also, make sure the bike is secure on a center stand or ideally a service lift during installation. Be sure to save all stock components for possible use later.
Care & Cleaning
Care & C leanin g
Keep sys tem fr ee of dirt and moist ure. Store in a co ol, dr y plac e. For cleani ng use a mil d spra y clean er. Always a pply c leaner or pol ish wi th a s oft, cle an clo th.
Stainle ss Hea der Sys tem: Polis hed st ainless steel pipes will turn a light golden hue a fter a f ew hea t cycl es, thi s is a norma l charact eristi c of h igh qua lity stainle ss ste el.
Carbon Fiber Muffler s: Always make sure t he fiber glass packing i nside is in good c onditio n and not bu rned o ut, as exhaus t heat insid e an em pty ca nister will deterio rate t he Car bon Fi ber sle eve. TBR sells repack ki ts (TB R part # 005 -10038) that includ e new rivets and r epack mat erial as wel l as a drill bit (# 30), m aking it easy to do your self. Also , NEVE R dyno test y our bi ke wi th carb on fibe r muffl ers i nstalle d - th e inte nse he at and lack of cooling air c an qui ckly caus e the CF materia l to b urn. Two Broth ers Ra cing d oes not provid e a warr anty f or burn ed car bon fib er.
Aluminu m Muffl ers: U se an aluminu m or m ag whe el pol ish such as Mot her’s to restore the b right finish to fact ory sp ec.
Repack all road canisters every 3,000 miles. Part #005-10038
Two Brothe rs Racing p roducts are intended fo r closed co urse compet ition purpo ses only, and therefore are sold “a s is” witho ut warranty. Two Brothers R acing speci fically dis claims any warrant ies of merc hantability or fitness for a part icular purp ose and dis claims all responsibil ity for con sequential a nd incident al damages or any othe r losses ar ising from the use of these product s or parts.