Harley Davidson
Part # 005-3750199
**CAUTION** - Take care when installing black ceramic coated exhaust system. The coating can be scratched when installing heat shields and header anges.
1. Use a zi p-ti e around header pip e to keep ang es fr om slid ing dow n
the tub ing. Be s ure to r emove zi p-ties be fore s tar ting bi ke.
2. Spread hose cl amps w ide to cl ear header pi pes. C lose and fas ten
once s hield s are in pl ace.
Installation Instructions
1. Make su re the bike is c ompletel y cool befo re start ing the inst allation
and se cure on a s erv ice li ft.
2. Unplug O2 s ensor co nnector s from wir ing harnes s. Note: Pa y attent ion
to wire r outing for re inst allat ion.
3. Loose n heat s hield c lamps o n both the fron t and re ar head p ipes .
8. Remove O EM muf er bracket.
9. Install TBR mountin g bracket usin g provide d 5/16”x 1 1/2 ” ange bolts .
Two Brothers Racing products are intended for closed course competition
purposes only.
We recommend that this performance part be installed by a qualied motorcycle
technician. If you have any doubts as to your ability to install this performance
part, please consult with your local motorcycle dealer. Read all instructions
rst before starting installation. Make sure the motorcycle and exhaust system
are completely cool before starting the installation. Also, make sure the bike
is secure on a center stand or ideally a service lift during installation. Be sure
to save all stock components for possible use later.
Warranty Information
Two Brothers Racing products are intended for closed course competition purposes only, and therefore are
sold “as is” without warranty. Two Brothers Racing specifically disclaims any warranties of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility for consequential and incidental damages
or any other losses arising from the use of these products or parts. Not tested for use with OEM or aftermarket
4. Remove ex haus t header nuts loca ted at c ylind er head. Keep t hese
for use with TBR Comp -S sy stem.
5. Remove f ront he ad pip e clamp b olt. K eep for inst allat ion wit h TBR
6. Remove b olt tha t att aches muf er to m ounting brac ket.
7. Re move OEM exhaus t sys tem.
10. Inst all O2 bung s onto TBR hea ders. Us e copper w ashers an d anti-s eize.
11. Us in g sna pr ing pli ers , c are ful ly re mo ve th e ci rcl ip s and an ges fr om
th e sto c k ex ha ust sys tem . I nst all the sto ck a ng es to the new TB R he ad
pipe s. Che ck the c ondit ion of th e circ lips, w e recommend repla cing
them with new o nes if t hey are b ent or t wis ted.
Installation Instructions
12. Ins tall h ead pipes int o collecto r and at tac h sprin gs using supp lied
sprin g pulle r tool.
17. Inst all hea t shie lds ont o head ers.
Harley Davidson
Part # 005-3750199
Qty. Description Part Number
1 HD Dyna Mufer 005-375-M
1 HD Dyna Header 005-37501H
1 HD Dyna Bracket 005-375-B
1 HD Dyna Heat Shield 005-375-HS1
1 HD Dyna Heat Shield 005-375-HS2
2 45mm Spring 005-S45
2 02 Sensor Plug Kit 005-92-22KIT
5 Hose Clamps 005-27-9432
1 Permatex Thread Lock 031-P09178
2 HD Clip Nut 005-10-516CN
2 Flange Bolt 5/16”x 3/4” 005-FB51634
2 Flange Bolt 5/15”x 1 1/2” 005-FB516112
1 Spring Puller 005-SP
13. Ins tall clips onto muf er.
14. Ins tall O2 s enso rs ont o headers. A pply a nti- seize to thre ads.
15. Ins tall TBR sy stem onto mo torcycl e. Leave cy linder nut s lightly lo ose.
16. Feed clamp s throu gh head s hield r etainers .
18. Tighten cylinder/header nuts.
19. In sta ll and tig hte n mu f er mou nti ng an ge bo lt s 5/1 6” x 3/ 4”, and OEM
head er clamp bol t to front he ader brac ket. (Dis regard if n ot applica ble)
20. Re-r oute O2 sensor wire s and plu g into ma in harness.
21. Before you run the bike, clean off all ngerprints and dirt, as any oily
residue will etch the metal and become somewhat permanent when
the system gets hot. Run the bike and enjoy. It is normal for some
white smoke to appear the rst time you start the bike. This is packing/
manufacturing oil from inside the pipe burning off. Check for gaps or
leaks. If you nd a leak, a little high temperature silicon sealant should
x it. After 50 to 100 miles, recheck all fasteners for tightness.
Care & Cleaning / Warranty Information
Care & Cleaning: Ke ep system fr ee of dirt a nd moistur e. Store in a co ol, dry p lace.
Make sure vehi cle is com pletely co ol before ma intenance .
Stainless Header System: Polished s tainles s steel pipe s will turn a li ght golde n hue
after a few he at cycles , this is a nor mal chara cterist ic of high qua lity st ainless ste el.
Clean usin g a mild water b ased spray c leaner. Alw ays apply c leaner or p olish with a
soft, c lean clot h.
Titanium Header System: Polished ti tanium pipes w ill experienc e color shift r anging from
deep blue /purple throug h amber after a few heat c ycles. This is a nor mal chara cteristic
of high qua lity tit anium. Cle an using a mil d water base d spray cle aner. Alway s apply
cleaner o r polish wi th a soft, c lean clot h.
Polished Aluminum Canisters: Use an aluminum o r mag wheel p olish to res tore the
bright finish to factory spec.
Brushed Aluminum Canisters: Clean using a m ild water based spr ay cleaner. Always
apply cl eaner or po lish with a s oft, cle an cloth.
Carbon Fiber Canisters: Clean using a mild wate r based spr ay cleane r.
Always a pply cle aner or pol ish with a sof t, clea n cloth. Al ways make sure
the fiber glass pa cking insi de is in goo d conditi on and not bur ned out, a s
exhaust he at inside an e mpty can ister will de teriorate t he carbo n fiber sle eve.
TBR sell s repack ki ts (Road - # 00 5-100 38, O ffroa d - #00 5-100 38 MX) th at includ e
every thing you ne ed to easily d o it yourse lf.
Titanium Mufflers: For cleanin g use a mild wate r based spr ay cleane r. Always app ly
cleaner o r polish with a sof t, clean cloth . Always make sure th e fiberglass p acking inside
is in good c onditio n and not bur ned out, as ex haust hea t inside an em pty cani ster will
deterior ate the car bon fibe r sleeve.
TBR sell s repack ki ts (Road - # 00 5-100 38, O ffroa d - #00 5-100 38 MX) th at includ e
every thing you ne ed to easily d o it yourse lf.
Repack a ll road can isters ever y 3,000 miles . Part # 005 -10038
Repack a ll offroa d canister s after ever y 10 hours of use. Part # 005-100 38M X
NEVER dyno test yo ur bike with carb on fiber or titani um canisters inst alled - the intense
heat and la ck of cooling air c an quickly burn th rough the caniste r material. Two Brother s
Racing d oes not prov ide a warra nty for bur ned cani sters.