Quick Start Guide
TCS series
Models covered by this Quick Start Guide
TCS-61/106, TCS-122/XX(DP), TCS-152/XX(DP), TCS-1561/74(DP), TCS-B15A(DP), TCS-B15B(DP), TCS-B218(DP)
Thank you for choosing a TURBOSOUND loudspeaker product for your application. If you would like further
information about this or any other TURBOSOUND product, please contact us by phone at +44 (0)1403 711447 or visit
our website at www.turbosound.com
Unpacking the Loudspeaker
After unpacking the unit please check carefully for damage. If damage is found, please notify your supplier at once.
You, the consignee, must instigate any claim. Please retain all packaging in case of future re-shipment.
System Requirements – Passive, Bi-amped and Tri-amped Loudspeakers
The TCS-61 two-way loudspeaker operates as a passive system and
requires only one amplifier channel for correct operation; the
frequency splitting between the LF driver and the HF driver being
accomplished by the internal passive crossover network built into
each enclosure. It is equipped with a Speakon NL4 wired in parallel
with a 4-way barrier strip connector, providing input and loop-through
connections to additional TCS series loudspeakers.
where you will find a detailed user guide on these and other products.
The TCS-122 and TCS-152 will operate either in bi-amp mode; or in
one of three passive modes in which minor voicing adjustments are
made within the crossover network depending on the supplied HF
horn option, as indicated by the position of the internal jumper on the
crossover setup section of the connector panel shown here (all
models are shipped by default in passive mode). They are each
equipped with a Neutrik Speakon NL4 connector wired in parallel with
a 4-way barrier strip. The TCS-122 and TCS-152 two-way loudspeakers
in bi-amped mode require two amplifier channels and an external
electronic crossover.
The TCS-1561 is a switchable bi-amp/tri-amp loudspeaker (shipped as
bi-amp) requiring either two or three amplifier channels, together with
an electronic crossover. All connections are provided on two parallellinked NL8 connectors.
To avoid wasting amplifier power you should use heavy-duty speaker
cable with a minimum wire size of 12 gauge (1.5mm²), and preferably
10 gauge (2.5mm²) for longer runs. For extreme cable lengths be
aware of cable impedance and resistive losses. Always observe the
correct polarity as shown.
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Quick Start Guide
TCS series
Amplifier considerations
TCS series speaker enclosures should be driven by high quality power amplifiers designed for true professional use.
Amplifiers should be capable of delivering long term broadband power equal to the loudspeaker’s program power
rating at its stated nominal impedance. The use of under-powered amplifiers must be avoided as heavily clipped
signals can cause permanent loudspeaker damage.
Model TCS-61/106 TCS-122/XX TCS-152/XX TCS-1561/74 TCS-B15A TCS-B15B TCS-B218
Impedance 8 HF:8, LF:8 LF:8, HF:8 HF:16, MF:16, LF:8
350w HF:200w
8 8 4
1000w 1000w 2400w
System controllers with bi-amplified and tri-amped systems
These systems must be used with Turbosound LMS-D24 or LMS-D26 controllers, since these provide vital operating
and system security features. If you do not have a controller, DO NOT USE the loudspeaker without one; please contact
your Turbosound dealer for further details.
Turbosound LMS-D2X controllers provide factory presets for all TCS systems, as well as additional user program slots.
1. Power up the controller(s) and associated power amplifiers.
2. Press RECALL to select the appropriate program from the preset menu using the ‘A’ ROTARY ENCODER.
3. Press RECALL again to accept the preset. The controller will un-mute and is then ready for use.
Self-powered loudspeakers
Powered TCS loudspeakers feature very efficient integrated Class D amplifiers and control electronics modules,
providing a completely self-contained professional sound system. The XLR inputs and outputs are electronically
balanced and are wired pin 2 hot, pin 3 cold, pin 1 ground. Amplifiers will operate over a range of mains input voltages
from 100V to 240V AC without adjustment.
Connect the mains power using the supplied Powercon mains connector.
Connect the signal input from a professional mixing console to the female XLR input, and link out to additional
powered loudspeakers from the male XLR output if required
1. Power up the loudspeaker. After a short self-test routine the loudspeaker will un-mute; it is now ready for use.
Networking capability
TCS systems are designed to offer control and monitoring of system parameters over a BvNet network in real time
using a PC and TurboDrive™ software. LMS-D2X controllers are equipped with network cards and are pre-configured
with factory programs for all TCS series models. Self-powered TCS loudspeakers have built-in network functionality on
RJ45 connectors.
Download the TurboDrive™ software from the supplied CD or from http://www.turbosound.com
installation instructions.
Install the drivers. If connecting via RS232 there is no need to install drivers. If connecting via USB install the USB
drivers which can be found on the CD that came with your Linea Research USB interface.
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and follow the

Quick Start Guide
TCS series
Networking multiple devices to a PC: BvNet is the method of connecting multiple devices – these can be controllers
and/or powered TCS loudspeakers – and this is done with the Linea Research USB & RS232 Interface (available from
Turbosound). The interface enables devices to be connected to a PC either using RS232 or using USB. EIA485 is the
network protocol among the networked devices and is carried over CAT5-type cables. Minimum system requirements
are: PC with Pentium processor, Windows NT, 2000, XP, or Vista, CD ROM drive or internet access, RS232 or USB port.
RS232: Connect your computer to the BvNet interface using a standard 9-pin serial cable. External power is required
for RS232 operation and this should be supplied by the Linea Research Accessory Power Supply.
USB: Connect your computer to the BvNet interface using a USB Type A to USB Type B cable. External power is not
required when using USB.
Connect networked devices via RJ45 CAT5 cables.
Launch the TurboDrive™ software.
Application Authorisation: TurboDrive™ prompts for an Authorisation Code on the first launch which is PJLUWZ.
Select the COM port from Network > Com Port.
Click the Online toolbar button.
Click on one of the devices that appear in the tree view to Launch the panel.
When the progress bar indicates
Please refer to the TurboDrive™ User Guide for further information on networking.
adjust the controls as required.
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