Follow these instructions to install a
bed extender on your Nissan Titan
pickup. Refer to Owner’s Manual for
complete installation instructions.
Item Part # Description
1. 1703701 Nylon Lock Nut, 7/16”
2. 1703700 Cap Screw, 7/16” x 3/4”
3. 1703801 Cap Screw, Metric, M8 x 1.25 x 90mm
4. 1703699 Tube Spacer
5. 1700428 Flat Washer, 5/16”
STEP 1: Adjust Width of Bed Extender Cage: Open tailgate and
remove bed extender cage. Measure and record width
of cage. Using a #20 torx wrench, loosen torx bolts from
wedges. Pry wedges loose and slide tubes together, so
that cage is 4” narrower than it was originally. Replace
wedges and retighten torx bolts.
w e d g e s
s l i d e
t o g e t h e r
#20 t o r x b o l t
Tools Required:
5mm Allen Wrench
#5 Torx Wrench
#10 Torx Wrench
#20 Torx Wrench
10mm Hex Wrench
5/8” Wrench
11/16” Wrench
t u b e s
STEP 3: Install Spacers: Disassemble carriage brackets. Re-
assemble as shown.
s p a c e r
c a r r i a g e
t h u m b
n u t
b r a c k e t
b e d e x t e n d e r c a g e
STEP 2: Remove Stop Blocks & Carriage Brackets: Remove
stop blocks. Loosen thumb nut and remove carriage
brackets from Utili-track channels.
u t i l i -t r a c k
c h a n n e l
t h u m b n u t
c a r r i a g e
b r a c k e t
s t o p b l o c k
STEP 4: Replace Carriage Brackets:
Slid e carr i a ge bracket
assemblies into Utili-track
channels. Re-install rear
stop blocks and bed extender
cage, following manufacturer’s
c a r r i a g e b r a c k e t
STEP 5: Final Adjustments:
Rotate bed extender
ca g e t o r e st o n
tailgate. Adjust length
of safety strap and
re-fasten to tailgate.
Make sure all bolts
are tightened, and bed
extender operates
u t i l i -t r a c k c h a n n e l
s t o p
b l o c k
Truxedo, Inc.
P.O. Box1078, 2209 Kellen Gross Dr., Yankton, South Dakota 57078
Call Toll Free: 1-877-TRUXEDO (1-877-878-9336) Fax: (605) 664-9304 Visit Us Online:
P/N 1116308 Rev. A