All products shown are prototype. Actual product delivered may vary.
Product specications, features & soware are subject to change without notice.
For the most up-to-date owner’s manual please visit
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Todos los productos mostrados son prototipos. La realidad el producto suministrado puede diferir.
Especicaciones de productos, características y soware están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso.
Para la más actualizada de este manual del propietario, por favor visite
Para los documentos en otros idiomas, por favor visite
IMPORTANT: Tous les produits présentés sont prototype. Le produit réel livré peut varier. Spécications du
produit, caractéristiques et logiciels sont sujettes à modication sans préavis. Pour la plus à jour le manuel du
propriétaire s'il vous plaît visitez Pour documents dans des langues supplémentaires,
veuillez de visite
جمیع المنتجات المعروضة ھي النموذج. قد تختلف المنتج الفعلي تسلیمھا.
مواصفات المنتج، والمیزات والبرامج قابلة للتغییر دون إشعار.
لمعظم ما یصل حتى الآن دلیل المالك یرجى زیارة
للمستندات في لغات إضافیة، یرجى زیارة
WICHTIG: Alle hier gezeigten Produkte sind Prototypen. Das tatsächliche Produkt ausgeliefert wird, kann
variieren. Produkt-Spezikationen, Funktionen und Soware können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung
ändern. In den meisten Fällen bis zu Bedienungsanleitung Bisher besuchen Sie bitte Für
Dokumente in weiteren Sprachen nden Sie unter
BELANGRIJK: Alle getoonde producten zijn prototype. Daadwerkelijke product geleverd kan verschillen.
Product specicaties, eigenschappen & soware zijn onderhevig aan verandering zonder kennisgeving. Voor
de meest actuele handleiding van de eigenaar kunt u terecht Voor documenten in andere
talen kunt u terecht op
Frank Trulaske began TRUE Fitness® over thirty-ve year ago with the simple philosophy of delivering superior
tness products, service, and support. Today, TRUE is the global leader in premium tness equipment for the
commercial and residential markets. Our goal is to be the leader in technology, innovation, performance, safety
and style. TRUE has received many awards for its product over the years and remains the benchmark for the
industry. Fitness facilities and consumers invest in TRUE products for their durable commercial platforms used
in all its products, both commercial and residential alike.
e proud manufacturing tradition of quality and the culture of innovation at TRUE have given rise to a full line
of extraordinary cardio and strength equipment. As a result, people all over the world are beneting from the
TRUE experience. Innovation across the full product line has made TRUE successful and is a trademark of the
TRUE heritage. TRUE’s patented Heart Rate Control technology is just one of the remarkable ways we deliver
simple and superior performance every user can enjoy, and most importantly, use to achieve personal health and
tness goals.
At the heart of our success is the relentless and systematic life testing of both our products and their components.
We have dedicated employees who understand our philosophy is to deliver the best products in the world.
Our goal is to deliver the world’s best premium equipment for our customers’ health and tness solutions.
CHAPTER 4: CUSTOMER SERVICE ..............................................................................................................................40
exiting the machine. Be certain members are instructed on how to operate and adjust
1. Review and understand all of the warning labels affixed to this machine and on the facility
safety sign.
2. Be certain that the machine operation is understood before it is used. Refer to the
instructional procedure label affixed to the machine.
3. Make sure all users are properly trained on how to use this equipment. If this machine is
being used in a commercial setting, end users may not have access to this owners manual. It is
the responsibility of the facility to instruct users as to the proper usage of the equipment as well
as making them aware of potential hazards. Maximum user weight is 300 lbs (136 kg) unless
otherwise stated in the manual.
4. Use each machine only for the intended exercise. Do not allow anyone to invent exercises not
included on the instructional procedure label or the intended use Label.
Strength (Composite)
Ab Crunch-Back Row
5. Do not modify the machine.
6. This equipment meets industry safety standards for stability when used for the intended
exercise. Do not allow straps, resistance bands or other means to be attached to the framework
of this machine to perform stretching or body weight exercises. This can result in machine
instability and lead to serious crushing injuries.
7. Keep children away from this equipment. Adults should closely supervise use by teenagers.
8. It is recommended that users receive a thorough medical exam before commencing an
exercise program. All medical issues should be reviewed to ensure that weight training will not
aggravate pre-existing medical conditions.
9. If the machine appears damaged or inoperable, contact a facility staff member to place an
“OUT OF ORDER, DO NOT USE” sign on the machine until it is repaired. Only use TRUE
supplied replacement components to service this machine.
whenusing this equipment.
11.Do not attempt to free any jammed assemblies by yourself as this may cause injury.
12.On Plate Loaded and Free Weight machines:
12a. Use of spotter(s). Instruct users to seek the advice of the facility staff as to the
nstruct users not to wear loose or dangling clothes or have headphone wires hanging
appropriate use of spotters when lifting. More than one spotter may be required
depending upon the amount of weight being lifted.
12b. Instruct users to load weight plates evenly and carefully to avoid tipping equipment
and crushing injuries.
12c. If the machine is equipped with safety stops or catches, inspect them and verify their
proper operation before use and make sure they are securely in place before using or
12d. This equipment is designed for standard olympic size weight plates with a 50mm bore
Ab Crunch-Back Row
12e. Do not exceed the maximum weight capacity of the machine. Maximum plate size is
13. On Selectorized and Cable equipped machines:
45 lbs. (25 kg.).
13a. Do not allow users to perform any exercise by holding the end of the cable and/or the
cable end fitting. Use only appropriate handles or attachments properly connected to
the cable end.
13b. Do not high-pin or double-pin the weight stack. Do not allow the machine to be used if
the top plate or weight stack is pinned in a raised position. Use an assistant and
carefully return the machine to the proper position with the cap plate resting on the top
weight. Inspect the entire length of the cable to ensure that it is properly seated in all
of the pulley grooves.
13c. Do not allow the use of weight plates or dumbbells to be used as a means to add
additional weight to the weight stacks. Use only the TRUE adder weight system
specifically designed for the machine.
1. Read this installation manual entirely before assembling this equipment.
2. Verify that there is adequate space surrounding this piece of equipment for safe access and
operation. Installation must meet ADA requirements for accessibility.
3. Install this piece of equipment on a solid level surface that does not deviate more than 1/8”
over a 10’ distance (or as defined and required by local building and architectural codes.)
4. TRUE strongly recommends that all equipment be anchored to the floor to prevent movement
and increase stability.
•Due to the wide variation of flooring on which the unit can be installed, contact a
qualified contractor to determine an appropriate fastening system for your floor.
•Use 3/8” diameter hardware (10 mm) to anchor the machine. Anchors should have a
minimum pull out force of 220 lb (110 kg) for each position.
•When attaching the machine to the floor, if there is a gap between the machine foot
and the floor, do not use the anchor to remove the gap as this can cause the
machine frame to deform. Instead, place a shim between the bottom of the foot and
the floor, then tighten the anchor.
•Anchoring holes are provided on the feet of the frame. All anchoring locations must
be used when anchoring the equipment to the floor.
5. DO NOT install any fitness equipment near a pool, hot tub or other damp locations. Corrosion
caused by installation in these locations can lead to premature failure of components.
6. Be sure all hardware is tight before using this machine.
7. Some assembly materials may come preassembled in the carton. Refer to Chapter 2:
Assembly Guide for instructions on disassembling assembly materials where appropriate
before beginning assembly.
1. Refer to the maintenance schedule table in this manual for when to perform maintenance.
2. Check the function of your machine DAILY by verifying the following:
•If equipped with cables, inspect cables and end fittings for any signs of wear.
Replace if worn, frayed, or damaged with TRUE replacement components.
•Verify that all adjustments are possible and carried out with ease. Make sure that
each adjustment pin inserts completely into each position without binding.
•Verify that safety catches and stops are in proper working order and engaged.
•Verify that the exercise is performed smoothly, free of noise, and/or binding.
•If equipped with a weight stack, verify that the proper weight selector pin is in place.
3. Check the function of your machine WEEKLY by verifying the following:
•Nuts, Bolts, and Fasteners: check tightness weekly. If any hardware has become
loose, retighten it, use Loctite
Threadlocker 242, or both.
•Frames and Lifting Arms: Inspect weekly for integrity and function. Replace any
component at first signs of wear. Use only TRUE supplied components.
4. Replace any warning label at the first sign of wear. Labels and the facility safety sign may be
obtained from TRUE.
Preventative maintenance is crucial to maintaining the function and safety of this equipment. Your
facility must establish written guidelines for preventative maintenance and keep written or online
records of the maintenance performed on these products. As a minimum, the items presented in
the SAFETY section of this document and the items that follow here, should be included in your
maintenance program.
Strength (Composite)
Ab Crunch-Back Row
1. Cables (If equipped): inspect end fittings daily for wear. Inspect the entire length of the
cable weekly. Replace cables at the first sign of wear and on an annual basis. If the cable
tension has been adjusted, be certain that the cable nut is tight.
2. Nuts, Bolts, and Fasteners: check tightness weekly. If any hardware has become loose,
retighten and/or use Loctite
using the machine.
3. Safety Catches: inspect catches, stop rods and their associated fasteners weekly. Tighten
any loose hardware and replace any components at first signs of wear.
4. Frames: sweat, disinfecting sprays and spills can lead to corrosion which may lead to
premature failure of components. Wipe all machines down with a damp cloth and dry
completely each day. This includes painted parts, chrome parts and upholstered pads.
5. Painted and chrome plated parts: use Simple Green with a dilusion of 32:1 or similar
cleaner for light dirt and grime. Use Turtle Wax Polishing Compound or a good car polish to
remove heavier dirt and grease as well as for polishing. DO NOT use solvents, lacquer
thinner, acetone or finger nail polish remover. For scuffs and marks that are not removed
by the above methods use a soft scrub cleanser. Make sure all parts are dry upon
6. Weight stack enclosures (shrouds)(If Equipped): wipe down with a damp cloth as needed.
7. Exercise instruction labels: clean with soap and water as needed.
8. Guide rods (If equipped): wipe all dirt and dust from th
application of Tri-Flow
then wipe the guide rods with the rag. DO NOT use oil lubricants such as WD-40. Caution: Tri-
9. Bronze bushings: check monthly for signs of wear and replace as needed.
10.Linear Bearing Shafts: wipe any accumulation of dust or other contaminants from the
shafts on a weekly basis. Apply a thin layer of a Teflon
TRUE recommends Magnalube
11.When replacing any component, use only TRUEsupplied parts.
12.Be sure all hardware is tight before using the machine.
will stain carpet and clothing.
brand Threadlocker 242. Be sure all hardware is tight before
or other teflon spray lubricant. Spray the Tri-FlowTM on a rag and
® brand.
e guide rods before applying a light
® (PTFE) grease on a weekly basis.
Retain these instructions for future reference.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your TRUE dealer or TRUE Fitness Technology
Secure the footplate to the right main
frame rail using the identied hardware.
Note: Only the screw for securing the
footplate to the right main frame rail is
used at this time. e screw for the le
main frame rail is used to secure the
footplate in Step 8 (Footplate Assembly
ItemPart NumberDescriptionQuantity