Troy-Bilt Horse E682L Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
Rear-tine PTO Tiller Models
E682L--Horse TM
682J--Horse TM
Model 682J Shown
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-
(Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is available by contacting the service department at Troy-Bilt LLC, P.O. Box 361131 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019.
TROY-BILT LLC, P.O. BOX 361131, CLEVELAND, OH 44136-0019
Content Page
Calling Customer Support .................................................... 2
Safety ................................................................... 3
Assembly ................................................................. 6
Features and Controls ....................................................... 11
Operation ................................................................ 14
Maintenance .............................................................. 28
Troubleshooting ........................................................... 41
Attachments & Accessories .................................................. 43
Parts List ................................................................. 44
Warrany Information ........................................................ Back Cover
This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new Rear-tine Tiller. It will help you assemble, prepare and
maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the infor-
mation from it in the space provided below. This information is very important if you need help from our Customer Support Department or an authorized dealer.
You can locate the model number by looking at the rear surface of the tine shield. A sample model plate is explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the equipment
in the space below
Copy Model Number Here
P. O. BOX 361131
Copy Serial Number Here
The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating, speci-
fications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual packed sepa- rately with your unit for more information.
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section to locate this
Call 1- (330) 558-7220 or 1- (866) 840-6483 to reach a Customer Support representative. Please have information. You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to process your call.
SafetyAlert Symbol
,_ This is a safetyalertsymbol. It is used inthis
Failureto obey safety messagescould result in personal injury or propertydamage.
1. Carefullyreadthis Owner's Manual,the
separateEngineOwner's Manual,and any other literature you may receive.Bethor- oughly familiar with the controls and the proper useof the tiller and itsengine. Know howto stopthe unit and disengage the controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe tiller. Neverallow adults to operatethe tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operation clearof all persons, particularly children andpets.
4. Keepin mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people,their property,
1. Thoroughly inspect theareawherethe tiller isto beusedand remove all foreign objects.
2. Putthe Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever into NEUTRALbefore starting theengine.
3. Do not operatethe tiller without wearingadequate outergarments. Avoid loose garmentsor jewelry that could get caught in moving parts.
4. Do not operatethe tiller when barefoot or wearingsandals,sneakers,or light
footwear. Wear protectivefootwear that
will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Do not till nearunderground electric cables,telephone lines,pipes or hoses. If in doubt, contact your telephoneor utility
manualand on the unit to alertyou to potential hazards. Whenyou seethis symbol,
readand obey the messagethat follows it.
6. Warning:Handlefuel with care; it is highly flammable andits vapors are
explosive. Besureto takethe following precautions:
a. Store fuel in containersspecifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. The gascapshall neverbe removed
or fuel addedwhile the engineis running. Allow the engine to cool
for severalminutes beforeadding fuel.
c. Keepmatches,cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, openflames,andsparks awayfrom the fuel tank and fuel
d. Fillfuel tankoutdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors. Usea funnel or spout to prevent
e. Replaceall fuel tankand container
caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled,do not attempt to
start the engine, but move the machine awayfrom the areaof
spillageand avoid creatingany source of ignition until fuel vapors
7. Never makeadjustmentswhen engine is running (unlessrecommendedby
1. Do not put hands or feet nearor under
rotating parts. Donot allow handsor any other part of the bodyor clothing nearthe rotating tines or nearanyother moving part. Thetines beginto rotate forward
This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8
- 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the
American National Standards Institute.
Theengineexhaustfromthis productcontains chemicalsknowntotheStateofCaliforniatocause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
oncethe enginestarts, the Tines/PTO ClutchLever is in the ENGAGEposition,
the Forward Interlock Leversaresqueezed
closedand the Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Leveris shiftedto FORWARD.Thetines rotate in Reversewhether the Interlock
Leversare closedor open.
2. Exerciseextreme caution when on or crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads.
Stayalert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Do not carry passengers.
3. After striking aforeign object, stop the engine,removethe wire from the spark
plug wire and preventit from touching the spark plug. Thoroughly inspectthe
machinefor anydamage and repairthe damagebefore restarting and operating
the machine.
4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or
5. If the unit should start to vibrate abnor- mally,stop the engine, disconnectthe
spark plugwire and preventit from
touching the spark plug, and check imme-
diatelyfor the cause.Vibration is generallya warning of trouble.
6. Stopthe engine,disconnect the spark plug wire and preventit from touching the
spark plugwheneveryou leavethe operatingposition, before unclogging the
tines, or when making any repairs,adjust-
ments or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautionswhen leavingmachine unattended.Stopengine.
Disconnectspark plug wire and move it
away from spark plug. Removeignition
keyon electric start models
Section1: Safety
8. Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspect-
ing, stop the engine and make certain all moving parts havestopped. Disconnect the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching thespark plugto preventacci- dentalstarting.
9. Theflap onthe tine hood must be down when operatingthetiller, unless using the Hiller/Furrowerattachment.
10. Neverusethe tiller unlessproper guards, plates,or other safety protective devicesare in place.
11. Donot runenginein anenclosed area.Engineexhaustcontains carbon monoxide gas,adeadlypoison that is
odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Neveroperatethe tiller underengine power if the WheelSpeedLeveris in the FREEWHEELposition. In FREEWHEEL,
thewheels will not hold the tiller backand the revolving tines could propel thetiller
rapidly, possibly causing lossof control. Alwaysengagethe Wheel SpeedLeverin either FASTor SLOWposition before starting the engineor engaging thetines
with theWheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever.
14. Beaware thatthe tiller mayunex- pectedlybounceupwardor jump
forwardifthe tines shouldstrike extremelyhardpackedsoil, frozen
ground,or buried obstacleslike large stones,roots, orstumps. If in doubt aboutthe tilling conditions,alwaysuse thefollowingoperatingprecautionsto assistyouin maintainingcontrolofthe
a. Walk behindandto oneside of the
tiller, usingonehandonthe han- dlebars.Relax yourarm, butusea securehandgrip.
b. Use shallowerdepthregulator
settings,workinggraduallydeeper with eachpass.
c. Use slowerwheel, tine and engine
d. Clearthe tilling areaof all large
stones,rootsand otherdebris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressureon
handlebars.If needbe, useslight upwardpressureto keepthe tines fromdiggingtoo deeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the endof arow, reduceengine speedand lift handlebarsto raise
tines outofthe soil.
g. In an emergency,stoptines and
wheels byshiftingthe Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever
intoNEUTRAL.If youcan not
reachthe lever or havelostcontrol ofthe tiller, let go of thehandle-
barsand all controls. Do not attemptto restrainthetiller.
15. Do not overloadthe tiller's capacity by
attempting to till too deeply at too fast a rate.
16. Never operatethe tiller at high transport speedson hardorslippery
surfaces. Look behindand usecare when backing up.
17. Do not operatethe tiller on aslope that is too steep for safety. When on slopes, slow downand makesure you havegood footing. Never permit the tiller to freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystandersnear the unit.
19. Onlyuse attachments andaccessories that areapproved bythe manufacturerof
the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachments and acces- sories when recommended.
21. Never operatethe tiller without good visibility or light.
22. Never operatethe tiller if you are tired, or under the influenceof alcohol,
drugs or medication.
23. Operatorsshall nottamper with the engine-governorsettings on the machine; the governor controls the maximum safe operating speedto protect the engineand all moving parts from damagecaused by overspeed. Authorized serviceshall be sought if a problem exists.
24. Do not touch engineparts which may be hot from operation. Let parts cool down sufficiently.
25. POISON/DANGER--CAUSES SEVEREBURNS.The batteryon electric
start models contains sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyesor clothing. Keep
out of reach of children.
External- Flushimmediately with lots of
Internal- Drink largequantities of water or milk. Followwith milk of magnesia, beateneggs orvegetableoil. Calla
doctor immediately.
Eyes- Flushwith water for 15 minutes. Getprompt medical attention.
EXPLOSIVEGASES. Keepsparks,flame
or smoking materialsaway. Ventilate when charging battery or using inan enclosed space. Alwayswear safety goggles when working near battery.
27. Pleaseremember:You canalways stop the tines andwheelsby releasingall controls, or by moving the ignition switch and/or throttle control leveronthe engine
to OFFor STOP.
28. To load or unloadthe tiller, seethe
instructions in Section 4 of this Manual.
29. Useextremecautionwhen backingor
pulling the machinetowards you.
30. Startthe enginecarefully accordingto
instructions and with feet well awayfrom the tines.
31. Neverpick upor carry a machine while the engineis running.
32. When loading or unloadingthe tiller, alwaysdisengage tinesand use slower wheel and enginethrottle speeds. Use sturdy ramps wide and strong enoughto easily support the tiller (280-to-325 Ibs., depending on model) andoperator.
Nevergo down ramps in FORWARD drive--the tiller could tip forward, exposing you to the tines (which should
be disengaged). Alwaysuse REVERSE drive and backdown ramps. Togo up
ramps, useFORWARDdrive and follow the tiller.
33. TheForward Interlock SafetySystem should betested for correct functioning every time thetiller or PTOpowerunit is
used. SeeSection 4 in this Manual.
34. If using the optional Dozer Blade, either removethe tine attachment,or disengagethe tineswith the Tines/PTO
ClutchLever. Revolvingtines are dangerous.
Section1: Safety
1. Keepthe tiller, attachmentsandacces- sories insafe working condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, andscrews at frequent intervalsfor proper tightness to
be surethe equipment is insafe working condition.
3. Neverstore the tiller with fuel in the fuel tank insidea building where ignition
sources are presentsuch ashot water and spaceheaters,furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.). Allow engine to cool beforestoring in any
Foryour safetyand the safetyof others, various safetyand operational decalsare located onyour unit (Figure 1).
Keepthe decalscleanandlegibleat all times. Contactyour local servicedealer or the Factoryfor replacementsif any decalsare damagedor missing.
4. To reducethe chancesof afire hazard, keepthe enginefree of grass, leaves, or
5. Store gasolinein acool, well-ventilated
area,safely awayfrom any spark-or flame-producing equipment. Store
gasolinein an approvedcontainer, safely
away from the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of
this Manualand the separateEngine
Owner's Manualfor instructions if the
tiller is to be stored for an extended
A) WARNING:HotSurfaces. Topoftheaircleanerhousing. SafetyInstructions
7. Neverperform maintenancewhile the engine is running orthe spark plugwire is connected, exceptwhen specifically
instructed to do so.
8. If thefuel tank hasto bedrained,do
this outdoors.
C) WARNING:Operatingand
D) PowerUnit
Referto the Parts List for decal locations,
descriptions andpart numbers.
Varioussymbols (shown here,with word descriptions)areusedonthetillerandengine. Yourunitmaynothaveallofthesymbols.
F) EngineStabilization. Topof fueltank.
Figure1:LocationofSafetyand OperatingDecals.
(Briggs& Stratton engineshown)
B) WARNING:EngineIgnition. Electricstartmodelsonly.
To prevent personal injury or property
damage, do not start the engine until all assembly steps are complete and you have read and understand the safety and operatinginstructionsin this
Carefullyfollow these assembly stepsto correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is
recommendedthat you readthis Section in its entirety beforebeginning assembly.
NOTE:Varioustiller models are presented in this Manual. Useonly the information
appropriatefor your tiller model.
Inspectthe unitand carton for damage
immediately after delivery. Contactthe carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspect damage. Inform them of the damageand request instructions for filing a claim. To protectyour rights, put your claim inwriting and mail acopy to the carrier within 15 days after the unit has beendelivered. Contactusat the Factory if you needassistance inthis matter.
STEP1: UnpackingInstructions
NOTE:Do not severelybendany of the control cableson the unit.
1. Thetiller is heavy. Do not attemptto remove it from the shipping platform until instructed to do so in theseAssembly
2. Removeall unassembledpartsfrom the carton. Thehardwarebag is included in your literature packaging.
3. Checkthat you havethe items listed below (contact your local dealeror the
Factory if any items are missing or damaged).
NOTE: Usethe screw lengthtemplate (Figure2-1) to identify screws.
Qty. Description
1 HandlebarAssembly 1 Wheels/TinesPTODriveLever
Thefollowing items
are in the hardwarebag:
2 20 oz.Bottles SAE30W Oil 1 Clutch PawlSpring
1 BeltAdjusting Tool 2 PlasticCableTies
1 CurvedHeadScrew, 1/4-20 x 2 1 FlangedLock Nut, 1/4-20 1 PanHeadScrew,#10-32 x 1/2
Thefollowing parts (electric start models only), packagedseparately.
2 Nuts,1/4-20
(for battery terminals)
2 Screws,1/4-20 x 5/8
(for battery terminals)
2 Keys
(in ignition switch)
NOTE:LEFTand RIGHTsides of the
tiller are as viewed from the
operator's position behind the han- dlebars(unless otherwise noted).
for Assembly
(1) 3/8" open-endwrench* (2) 7/16"open-end wrench* (2) 1/2" open-endwrench* (1) 9/16"open-end wrench* (1) 3/4"open-end wrench* (1) Flatblade screwdriver (1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties) (1) Tire pressuregauge (1) 4-1/2" highwood block to prop unit
* Adjustable wrenchesmay be used.
Figure2-1: Toidentifylengthofscrew,
measuredistancebetweenbottomofscrew headandtipofscrew.
STEP 2: Attach Handlebar
IMPORTANT: When disassembling
handlebar assembly, keep left-side clamp
and ratchet separatedfrom the right-side clamp andratchet.
1. Disassemblethe handlebarassembly. To do this, remove the height adjustment
leverby turning the leverin a counter-
clockwise direction (Figure2-2).
2. Placethe handlebarendson either side ofthe base,with thewire harnesstoward
the rear ofthe base(Figure2-2).
3. Installthe heightadjustment lever
through the right-side clamp, handlebar end, ratchet, and base;then out through
the left-side ratchet, handlebarend,and clamp (Figure2-2). Securewith nut, but
don't fully tighten.
IMPORTANT:Do notforce the height
adjustment leverthrough the handlebars. The interlock wires may be blocking the
leverand could bedamaged.You may
gently movethe wiresaside if this condition occurs.
Section2: Assembly
4. Raisehandlebarsto oneof two height
settings andtighten the heightadjustment lever. Also, makesure all other mounting hardware issecurely tightened.
NOTE: Fully assembledhandlebar assembly should appearas shown in Figure2-3.
Figure 2-3. Fully assembled handle- bars.
STEP3: MoveTiller OffShipping Platform
1. Setthe DepthRegulatorLever (A, Figure2-4) to Travel position. Dothis
by lifting the tiller by the handlebars,then pulling straight backonthe leverand
sliding down to the highest notched setting.
2. Setthe WheelSpeedLever(B, Figure 2-4) to Freewheelposition. To do this,
move the leverapproximately halfway betweenthe Fastand Slow settings while
you rock the tiller forward andbackward until thewheels movefreely.
3. Lift Handlebarshighenoughto clear tiller tines and pull backfirmly to dislodge the tiller from the platform wheel wells.
STEP4: ConnectForward InterlockWire Harness
1. Removeany dirt fromthe Forward
Interlock wire harnessplug (C, Figure 2-5) andits receptacle(D).
2. Connect the Forward interlock wire harness plug (C,Figure2-5) to the recep- tacle (D).
STEP5: Attach WheelsiTines/PTODriveLever
1. Loosenthe bolt (Figure2-2) on the handlebar baseand swing the handlebars out to the right side.
Right Clam
Figure 2-2. Handlebar assembly.
Figure 2-4: Photo shows the Depth Regulator Lever (A) and the Wheel
Speed Lever (B).
2. Removeboth sets of nuts, star washers, screws, and one bushing
(A, B, C,D, E,F,G,Figure2-6) from the yoke plates(H). There is a bushing inside the short link (I). Becareful not to loseit when removing screw (G).
3. Slidethe platesat the endof the Wheels/Tines/PTOLeveroverthe yoke plates (Figure2-9). To aid in the next step, insert a screwtemporarily into the forward most holes (J, Figure2-7) of the yoke platesandthe lever.
Left Clamp
Wire Harness
Figure 2-5. Forward Interlock Wire Harness connection.
4. Align the rear most holes of theyoke platesand the Wheels/Tines/PTOLever. Uselong nose pliersto hold the bushing (L, Figure27) in placewhile insertingthe screw (K)through the leverand yoke plates.Install star washer (B, Figure2-6)
and nut (A),then handtighten.
5. Retrievethe clutch pawl spring (Figure 2-8) from hardware bag.
Section2: Assembly
Removethe temporary screw (J, Figure 2-7) from the forward holes andmove the Wheels/Tines/PTOLeverfully forward.
Install the wider hook end of the clutch pawl spring (M, Figure2-8) down into the
small holeat the end of the handle. Use pliers to insert the other endinto the hole
in the long link bar (N). NOTE:Do not bend or over stretch the spring while installing.
6. Pull the Wheels/Tines/PTOLeverback to align the forward most holes (Q,Figure
2-9) inthe yoke platewith the holes in the lever plates. Also alignthe bushing that is insidethe short link bar (P). Install the screw, starwasher, and nut, then tighten securely.
Securelytighten allother hardware(Q,R, Figure2-9). Alsoensure that the spring (S) is properly seatedat both ends.
Completedassembly should appearas illustrated in Figure2-9.
7. Testthe operation of the Wheels/Tines/PTOLever. Pushthe lever
down until it engages in the Forward
position. The clutch roller (T, Figure2-
10) must rest beneaththe adjustment block (U). Next,move the lever upto the Neutral position. Theclutch roller (T,
Figure2-11) should rest on theface of the adjustment block (U). To test Reverse,lift and holdthe leverall the way up in
Reverseposition, then let it go. Thelever
should automatically return to the Neutral
position (Figure2-11). If not, do not use the tiller. Seeyour localauthorized dealer
or call the FactoryTechnicalService
Departmentfor instructions.
Figure 2-9: Fully assembled
Wheels/Tines/PTO Lever assembly.
Figure 2-6: Illustration shows the yoke plates (H), nuts, washers, and screws (A, E, B, F, D, G), bushing (C), and long and short links (I, J).
Figure 2-7: Drive Lever assembly.
Figure 2-8: Clutch pawl spring. Tilt
WheelsiTinesiPTO Lever fully
forward before installing spring.
Figure 2-10 Forward position; roller (T) rests under the adjustment block (U).
Figure 2-11: Neutral position; roller (7) rests against middle area of the adjustment block (U).
STEP6: CheckGearOilLevels
Your tiller hastwo separatetransmis-
sions: one for the PowerUnit (Figure 2-
12), the otherfor the Tine Attachment
(Figure2-13). Both transmissions were filled atthe factory with SAE#85W-140 weight gearoil (with anA.P.I rating of
GL-4). Checklevelin both transmis-
sions to verify that they are still correct.
SeeSection 5, TransmissionGearOil
Maintenancefor complete information
on howto check andfill the transmis-
Section2: Assembly
IMPORTANT: Checkgearoil level in both
transmissions after the first 2 hours of
new tiller operation, then every 30 operating hours thereafter. SeeSection 5
for instructions.
OilLevel Hole
Figure 2-12: Checking oil level on Power Unit Transmission.
Figure 2-13: Checking oil level on Tine Attachment Transmission.
STEP7: AddMotor0il to Engine
1. Beforeadding motor oil, park thetiller
on levelground. Levelthe engineby placinga sturdy block under thetines or
the tines depth regulator bar.
2. Referto the EngineOwner's Manual provided with your tiller for detailed infor-
mation onhow to add motor oil andfor motor oil specifications.
IMPORTANT:Two 20 oz. bottles of motor oil are included with your tiller. Checkthe
oil level as instructed in the Engine Owner's Manual provided with your tiller
BEFOREpouring the full amount of each bottle into the engine.
Change engine oil after first 2 hours of
Check engine oil levelevery 5 hours of operation or eachuse.
STEP8: AttachEngineThrottle LeverandCable
Forshipping purposes, the throttle cable, together with the throttle lever, is wound
around the engine. Carefully unwindthe cable. If the throttle control label is
coveredwith a clear protectivecoating, peel it off.
To avoid electric shock from a short circuit (electric starttillers only), never
allow the throttle cable to touch the battery. Routecable belowthe battery,
onthe outsideof thebatteryholder.
To attachthe throttle leverandcable:
1. Runthethrottle cableup the inside edge of the right handlebarand position
the leverasshown in Figure2-14.
2. Fromthe outside of the handlebar, insert the curved headscrew (A, Figure 2-
14), through the handlebarand the center hole inthe throttle levermounting
3. Looselyinstallthe flanged lock nut and movethe throttle leverbackto the
4. Fromthe lever side of the bracket, threada pan headscrew (B, Figure2-14)
through the small hole in the throttle lever bracketand intothe handlebar. Tighten the screw securely.
5. Securelytighten boththe flanged lock nut and the curved headscrew.
6. Usetwo plastic tiesto securethe throttlecableto the right handlebarin two
places (Figure2-15). Loop eachtie around the handlebarand cable (serrated sidefaces in) and pull the ties tight. Trim
the ends.
Figure2-14: Engine ThrottleLever
position and installation.
Figure 2-15: Plastic Ties placement on handlebars.
STEP9: Adjust Air Pressure in
Forshipping purposes,the tires may be overinflated. Checkthe air pressurein eachtire andadjust them to between10
and 20 pounds persquare inch. You
must inflate eachtire to equalair pressuresto preventthe tiller from pulling
to one side.
Assembly is complete for recoilstart tillers. SeeAssembling TheElectric
Start Systemif you own anelectric start tiller; otherwise, refer to Section 3, Controlsfor information on tiller
Section2: Assembly
Thefollowing steps explain howto install and chargethe batteryon electric start tillers. For your safety,follow all steps and observe all accompanyingsafety messages. Section 5 contains othergeneralbattery maintenanceand recharginginstructions.
1. Usea 5/8" long screw (K,Figure2-18) and 1/4-20 hexnut (L) to connect the
Batteryproducesexplosivegases. *Keep away sparks, flames, and
. Ventilate area whenchargingor using
batteryin anenclosedspace.
. Make surebatteryvent tube is always
openafter batteryis filled with acid.
Remove metal jewelry before working near the battery or near the electrical system. Failureto complymay cause a short circuit, resulting in electrical burns, a shock, or battery gas explosion.
positive (+) batterycable(B)to the positive (marked +) battery post (C).
Make surethat this is the cableonthe left side, with oneend attachedto the
solenoid (D).
2. Slidethe black rubber boot (E) com- pletely over the battery postandcable
3. Usea 5/8" long screw and 1/4-20 hex nut to connect the negative (-) battery cable (F)to the negative(marked -) battery post (G) andsecurewith screw (H) and nut (I).
4. Slidethe black rubber boot (J) com- pletely over the battery postandcable
To Avoid Personal Injury or Property
* Do not touch positive batteryterminal
and any surrounding metal objects with tools, jewelry or other metal
items. Failure to complycould cause a short circuit leading to electrical burnsor explosionof batterygases.
* Neverbringa gascannearthe positive
(+) battery terminal. A short circuit could occurleading to an explosionof the gasoline or the battery gases. Always fill the engine fuel tank from thefront or sideof theengine.
NOTE:Ifthe battery is put into
serviceafter the dateshown onthe top of the battery, chargefor a
minimum of one hour at 6-10
amps. Referto the Maintenence section of this manualfor more
detailedinstructions regarding
proper batterycharging procedure
STEP1: Connectthe Wire HarnessReceptacle
1. Beforeinstalling the battery and its hold-down clamp, insert the plastic wire
harness receptacle(A, Figure2-18) into the prongs of the keyswitch (M)located
on the hold-down clamp.
2. Removethe ignition keysfrom the keyswitch andstore them safely away.
Do not insertthe key into the keyswitch until you complete this section andread
Section 3, Controls.
STEP 2: Install the
NOTE:The cableterminals should be toward the rear (keyswitchside) of the
battery posts.
Assembly is complete for electric start tillers. SeeSection 3, Controlsfor information on tiller controls.
Never jump start the battery with a
vehicle battery or chargingsystem. This
may produce a battery explosion, causingacid orelectrical burns.
Figure 2-18: Battery cable assembly.
Before operating your machine, carefully read and understand all safety, controls, operating instructions in this Manual, the separate Engine
Owner's Manual and on the decals on themachine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan resultin seriouspersonalinjury.
This section describesthe location and function of the controls and features on
your tiller. Referto Section 4, Operation for detailedoperating instructions.
Practice usingthesecontrols, with the engine shut off, until you completely understand the operation of the controls
and feelconfident with eachof them. IMPORTANT:Referto the separateengine
manufacturer's Engine Owner's Manual for information about the controls on the
engine. NOTE:All referencesto left,right, front
and rearof themachineare basedon a position behindthe handlebarsandfacing
In addition to powerfultilling capability, you canquickly convert your machine into a PTO(Power Take-Off)PowerUnit that iscapableof towing or powering
various TROY-BILTattachments. You canaccessthis capability by
removing the tines attachment (powered by the PTOPower Unit). The PTOPower
Unit isthen availablefor engine powered attachments,or for pulling ortowing non-
poweredattachments. SeeSection 4, PTOPower Unitfor detailedinformation
on installingand operating TROY-BILT PTOattachments.
Usethe Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever(A, Figure3-1) to engageand disengage
powerto the transmission.
Figure 3-1:
A- Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever
B- Forward Interlock Levers C- Wheel Speed Lever
D- Tines/PTO Clutch Lever
This leverhasthree operatingpositions: FORWARD,NEUTRALand REVERSE.
FORWARDisengagedwhen the leveris moved down until the clutch roller (G,
Figure3-2) engagesinto the detent position underthe adjustment block (H, Figure3-2). You will definitely feelthe leverengageinto this position.
Usethe FORWARDsetting to movethe wheels andtines forward, orto apply power to anoptional PTO(PowerTake Off) attachment. (Seealso Forward
Interlock Levers.)
To stop the wheels, tines orany PTO attachment,movetheleverto NEUTRAL
by tapping the leverupwards (Figure 3-3) and releasing.
REVERSEis engagedwhen the lever is pushed(with an openpalm)all the way
up and heldin that position (Figure3-4). Usethis setting to movethe wheels in reverse. To stop moving inreverse, releasethe lever;it automatically returns
to the NEUTRALposition.
E- Depth Regulator Lever F- Handlebar Height Adjustment Lever
G- Engine Throttle Lever
IMPORTANT: Do not operatethe tines or
any PTOattachment in REVERSE.
NEUTRALis this control's normal non- operating position. Thelever returns to
NEUTRALwhen it is tappedout of the FORWARDposition or releasedfrom the
REVERSEposition. NEUTRALposition
is betweenFORWARDand REVERSE (Figure3-3). Usethis setting to stop
the wheels,tinesor any PTOattach- ment.
IMPORTANT: Always shift to NEUTRAL before starting the engine or before engaging the wheels, tines or any PTO
Forward Interlock Levers
The Forward Interlock Levers (B,
Figure3-1) are attachedundereach handlebargrip.
You must squeezeat least one of these
interlock levers up against the handlebar grip wheneverthe Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Leveris engagedin FORWARD position.
Section3: FeaturesandControls
Figure 3-2: FORWARD posiUon;roller (G)rests under lhe adj_t block (H_
Figure 3-3: NEUTRAL position; roller (G) rests against middle area of the ad-
justment block (H).
Figure 3-4: REVERSE position; roller (G) rests against upper area ofthe ad-
justment block (H).
If both Forward Interlock Leversare
releasedbefore first returning the Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever to
NEUTRAL,the enginewill stop. IMPORTANT: The Forward Interlock
Levers are a safety control that stops the engine should you lose control while going forward and cannot shift into
Wheel Speed Lever
Usethe Wheel SpeedLever (C,Fig.3-1) to selectone of threeoperating positions: SLOW,FASTor FREEWHEEL.
- SLOW- Levermovedall the waydown. Most effectivefor normaltilling or for
., FAST- Levermovedall theway up.
Most effectivefor cultivatingorfor fast- speedtransport.
- FREEWHEEL- Leverin betweenSLOW and FAST(wheelswill roll freely). Used
whentransporting the machineon level groundwithout enginepower,andwhen usingstationaryPTOattachments.
IMPORTANT: To avoid transmission damage, always move Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever into NEUTRALbefore shifting
the WheelSpeedLever. IMPORTANT: When shifting into SLOW
or FAST, gently roll the machine forward or backward to help fully engage the
wheel gears. When engaged,the wheels will not turn unless the engine is running
and the Wheels/Tines/PT0 Drive Lever is engagedin FORWARDor REVERSE.
Usethis lever(D, Figure3-1) to engageor disengagepower fromthe transmission
PTOclutchto the tinesor any PTOattach-
ment. Thiscontrol hastwo operating positions: ENGAGEand DISENGAGE.
- ENGAGE- Levermovedintodetentslot farthestfrom engine. Usethis positionto
operatetinesor otherPTOattachments. Aftershifting to ENGAGE,brieflyoperate machinein FORWARDto helpfully engagethe PTOclutch.
DISENGAGE- Lever movedinto detent slot nearestengine. Usethis positionto
disengagepowertotines or otherPTO attachmentsbeforetransporting, loading,
turning, oroperatingin reverse.
IMPORTANT: To avoid transmission
damage, always move the Wheels/Tines/
PTO Drive Lever into NEUTRAL before
shifting the Tines/PTOClutch Lever.
Usethis lever(E, Figure3-1) to regulate the tilling depth of the tines. This control also hasaTRAVELposition, which enablestransport with thetines off the ground.
To operatethe lever, lift up on the handle-
bars, pull the DepthRegulatorLever straight back,and then slide it up or down
to one of the eightdetent heightsettings. Theeight detent positions offer a range of
tine heightsettings. This enablesyou to select the heightthat is most effectivefor
a particularcondition. The top detent
position is theTRAVELsetting. Usethe second orthird detentfrom the top for
shallow tilling andcultivating. Usethe
otherdetents for deepertilling and for
To avoid personal injury, always place the tines in the TRAVEL position before starting the engine. This preventsthe tines from touching the grounduntil youare ready to begin tilling.
Usethis lever(F, Figure3-1) to adjust the
handlebarsto oneof two heightsettings.
1. Tochangetheheight,hold the handle-
barswith one handand loosenthe leverin a counterclockwisedirection.
2. Movethe handlebarsto oneof the two
3. Retightenthe lever.
NOTE:You can swapthe positions of the
inside handlebarratchetsto change the two presetsettings by approximately four
inches higheror lower. SeeSection 2,
Step2: Attach Handlebarfor detailed assembly information.
The tiller handlebarscan be swungout 30°to the rightside for use onlywith the PTOChipper/Shredderattachment. This
is doneby looseningthe mountingbolt on the handlebarbase. Never operate yourtiller orattachments,otherthanthe PTO Chipper/Shredder,with the handle- bars in the right side position. Doingso could result in unsafe handling and personalinjury.
Usethe throttle lever(G, Figure3-1) to adjust enginespeedaswell asto start and stopthe engine.
Move the leverawayfrom the STOP position before starting the engine. Enginespeedsare variableand range
betweenthe FASTand SLOW. Usethe STOPposition to turn the engineoff.
NOTE: A secondarythrottle leveris located onthe front of the 8HPandIOHP
engines. AseparateOn/Offsw_chmay alsobeavailableontheengine. (See EngineOwner'sManualfor information.)
Thekeyswitch starter on electricstart models (A, Figure3-5) hasthree positions: OFF,RUNand START.Turn the keyto STARTto start the engine. Releasethe keyand
it will returnto the RUNposition. Turn
the keyto OFFto stop the engine. (Anotherway to stop the engine is to move the engine
throttle leverto the Figure 3-5 STOPposition.)
Section3: FeaturesandControls
Engine Controls
Referto the engine manufacturer's Engine Owner's Manual (included inthe tiller lit- erature package)to identify the controls on your engine.
IMPORTANT:An engine On/Offswitch, a secondary throttle control, a choke lever and a fuel line shut-off control may be located on the engine. Refer to your Engine Owner's Manual for detailed
To avoid serious personal injury or
damageto equipment, do not startyour engine at thistime. Complete starting
instructionsare describedin Section4,
Before operating your machine, carefully read andunderstandall safety (Section 1), controls (Section 3) and operating instructions (Section 4) in this Manual, in the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on the machine.
Failureto follow these instructionscan
resultin seriouspersonalinjury.
Readthis Section ofthe manual thoroughly before you start the engine. Then,take the time to familiarizeyourself
with the basic operation of the tiller
beforeusing it inyour garden. Find an open, levelareaandpractice usingthe
tiller controls without the tines engaging the soil (put tines inTravelsetting--
Section 3, DepthRegulator Lever). Only after you've becomecompletelyfamiliar
with the tiller should you beginusing it in the garden.
Your tiller and its optional PTO Power Unit attachments are capable of causing serious injury to untrained or carelessoperators.
To avoid serious personal injury or property damage, read the Owner's
Manual that is provided with any optional accessories or attachments
before using the tiller or PTO Power Unit.
Perform the following maintenanceduring thefirst hours of new operation (see MaintenanceSection in this Manualand
maintenanceinformation inthe Engine Owner's Manual).
1. Changeengine oil afterfirst 2 hours of newengine operation.
Figure: 4-1
2. After the first 2 hours of new operation, checkthe gearoil levels inthe
PTOPower Unitandthe tine attachment
3. Checkfor loose or missing hardware on unit. Tighten or replaceas needed.
4. Checktension on forward drive belt after first 2 hours of operation.
StartingandStoppingthe Engine
Thefollowing stepsdescribehow to start and stopthe engine.
IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to engage the tines, wheels, or any PTOattachment
until you have read all of the operating instructions in this Section. Also review
the safety rules in Section 1, Safety and the tiller and engine controls information
in Section3, Featuresand Controls.
Make thefollowing checks and perform the following services before starting the
1. Readthe Safetyand ControlsSections in this Manual. Readthe separate Engine
Owner's Manual provided by the engine manufacturer.
2. Checkunit for looseor missing hardware. Serviceas required.
3. Checkengine oil level. SeeEngine Owner's Manual.
4. Shift the Wheels/Tines/PTODrivelever (Figure4-2) into NEUTRALposition. See
Section3, Controlsfor more information on this lever.
5. CheckSafety Guards. All guards and
covers must besecurely in place.
6. Checkair cleaner. SeeEngineOwner's Manual.
7. Attach spark plug wire to spark plug.
8. CheckEngineCooling System. Clear
cooling fins andair intake screen of debris.
9. Select High/Low Belt Speedrange.
10. Adjust HandlebarHeight.
11. Fillthe fueltank with gasolinein
accordancewith the directions in the separate EngineOwner's Manual. Follow
all instructions andsafetyrules carefully.
Follow gasoline safety rules in this Manual (Section 1) and in the separate
EngineOwner'sManual. Failureto followgasolinesafety instruc-
tions can result in serious personal injuryandpropertydamage.
RecoilStartRope (atfrontofengine)
Figure 4-2." Tiller and engine controls.
Section4: Operation
_ Forward
Regulator Lever
Startingthe Engine:
To help prevent serious personalinjury or damagetoequipment:
Always place Wheels/Tines/PTODrive
Lever into NEUTRAL before starting engine, and before engaging wheels,
tinesor otherPTO-drivenattachments.
Never run engine indoors or in
enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly gas.
Avoid engine muffler and nearby
areas. Temperatures in these areas mayexceed150OF.
1. With the engineoff, placethe
Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever (Figure 4-2) in the NEUTRALposition. If inthe FORWARDposition, tap the lever sharply upward, it should automatically moveinto NEUTRALposition.
2. Putthe DepthRegulator Leverinthe Travel position (leverall the way down) so that the tines are off the ground. To do this, lift uponthe handlebars,pull the lever (Figure4-2) back,andpush it down all the way to the top detent (notched) position.
3. Move theWheel SpeedLever(Figure 4-2) to eitherthe SLOWor FASTposition. Besureto roll the wheelswhile shifting the leveruntil thewheelsengage.
NOTE:If usingaPTOstationary attach- ment, movetheWheelSpeedLeverinto
FREEWHEELand block thewheelsto preventthe equipmentfrom moving(Figure
4-29 onpage29).
4. MovetheTines/PTOClutchLeverinto DISENGAGEposition(Figure4-2).
NOTE:Usethe ENGAGEpositionifyouwant thetinesto revolveor toapplypowertoa
5. If engineis equippedwith afuel valve, turn valveto OPENposition as instructed in theseparate EngineOwner's Manual.
6. If engineis equippedwith an ON/OFF switch, move theswitch to ON.
7. Move engine throttle lever(Figure 4-2) awayfrom STOP.
8. Chokeor prime engine asinstructed in the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
9. If not equipped with anelectric start system, placeone handon thefuel tank to stabilizethe unit when you pull the recoil starter rope. Usethe recoil starter rope to start the engineas instructedin the separateEngineOwner's Manual.
10. If equipped with anelectric start system,turn keyto STARTpositionto crank enginethen releasewhenenginestarts. If
theenginedoesnotstart rightaway,donot
holdkeyatSTARTfor morethan afew seconds.Releasethentry againaftera short pause.Damageto startermotorcanoccurif itis crankedmorethan15secondsper
11. Iftheenginedoesnotstart aftera numberoftries,refertothe EngineOwner's
12. Whenenginestarts, move theThrottle Leverto the SLOWposition andthen graduallymovechoke lever(on enginesso
equipped)to OFFor RUNposition.
13. Movethe throttle speed control to FASTsettingwhen tilling.
Starting Electric Start Engines
with the Recoil Starter Rope
You may,at some point, haveto start an
electricstart enginewith the recoil starter rope. Beforeattempting to do so,
perform the following applicablesteps:
If you suspectthe battery chargeis weak,and there is novisible damage.
Disconnectcables from batteryand cleanboth cableterminals, andthe battery posts inaccordance with the instructions providedin Section 5,
BatteryCareand Maintenance.
Section4: Operation
Reconnectthe cables andsecurely tighten to batteryposts. Theenginewill rechargethe battery if the battery is still good.
If you suspectthe batter is "dead", or if the batteryis damaged,disconnect, and
remove it. Haveit checkedby a qualifiedtechnician.
If battery has beenremoved,wrap cable terminals atend of positive cablewith
electricaltape andsecurethecableto
the batterybracket. This will prevent
Before pulling the recoil starter rope, turn the keyswitch to the RUNposition.
Move theThrottle Lever awayfrom STOPposition and set the chokeas
applicable. SeeEngineOwner's Manual.
Stopping the Engine and Tiller
1. Tostop the wheelsand tines, movethe
Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever into
NEUTRALposition andthen releaseboth ForwardInterlock Levers.
2. Move the engineThrottle Leverto the STOPposition. Thenonelectric start models, turn the keyto OFF. Removethe key for safekeeping.
NOTE: Theenginemayhavea separate Throttle Control Leverand ON/OFFswitch
on the engine. Thesecontrols can also be usedto stop the engine. Seethe Engine Owner's manualfor information specific to your engine.
Operating the Tiller
Whenfirst practicing,keeptheTines/PTO ClutchLeverin DISENGAGEpositionand theWheelSpeedLeverinSLOWposition.
To avoid serious personal injury or
damageto equipment:
Alwaysplace Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever in NEUTRAL before starting engine, and before engagingwheels,
tinesor otherPTOattachments.
Be sure thereare no obstaclesbehind youbeforemovingin reverse.
Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever should automatically return to NEUTRAL
when released from REVERSE position. If it doesnot, movelever to
NEUTRALmanually and discontinue use until you adjust the lever. See
Section 5, Checking and Adjusting
ReverseDrive System.
No reverse motion should occur if Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever is not held up in REVERSE. SeeSection 5,
Checking and Adjusting Reverse Drive System for adjustment steps.
Do not use tiller unless properly adjusted.
Alwaysreturn to NEUTRALand let all motion stop before shifting to
Thefollowing pagesprovide guidelines for using your tiller effectivelyandsafely in variousgardening applications. Be sure to read Tilling Tips& Techniques,in this Section, beforeyou actually putthe
tines into the soil. This isa traditional standard-rotating-tine
(SRT) tiller with forward rotating tines. It operates inacompletelydifferent manner than counter-rotating-tine (CRT)tillers, or
from front-tine tillers.
Movingthe Tiller ForwardandTilling
1. Start the engine and gradually increase engine speedto FAST(see Startingthe
Engine,this Section).
The ForwardInterlock Safety System is designedfor the operator'ssafety. Do not disconnector attempt to defeat the purpose of the system. If the system malfunctions,immediately contactyour
local authorized dealer or the TROY-BILT Technical Service Depart-
ment for assistance. Do not use the tiller or the PTO power unit until the
Forward Interlock Safety System is functioning properly. Always test the system before using the tiller or PTO powerunit.
2. Testthe ForwardInterlock Safety
System. See TestingForward Interlock System,this Section.
Keepaway fromrotatingtines. Rotating
tineswill causeinjury.
3. When practicing, setthe Depth
Regulator Leverto Travel position. Otherwise,set the Depth Regulator Lever
to a desireddepth.
4. Move Tines/PTOClutch Leverto ENGAGEposition if you want the tines to
turn. If practicing, leavein DISENGAGE.
IMPORTANT: Do not move Tines/PTO Clutch Lever to ENGAGE unless
Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever is in
NEUTRAL.Tiller damagemay occur!
5. To movethe tiller forward andengage
the tines,squeezeandholdeither Forward
Interlock Lever(Figure4-3)againstthe handlebargrip, thenmove the
Figure 4-3: Moving tiller forward: squeeze one Forward Interlock Lever
and then move Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever down to FORWARD.
6. Whenthe tiller movesforward, relax and let thewheels power thetiller along
while thetines dig. Walk behindand to one sideof the tiller. Walk on the side
that is not yet tilled (Figure4-4). Usea
firm grip on the handlebarsbut keepyour
arm relaxed. IMPORTANT: Letthe tiller move aheadat
its own pace. Do not push it ahead--this reduces operator control and tilling effi- ciency. Do not push handlebars down in an attempt to dig deeper-- this takes weight off the wheels, reduces traction, and causes the tines to try to propel the
1. Tostop forward motion, tap
Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever upward into NEUTRAL.Then releasethe Forward
Interlock Levers. Thewheels and tines will stop and the engine will continue
2. In an emergency,releaseall of the control levers. Thisstops forward motion and shuts-off the engine.
To Help Avoid Personal Injury or Damageto Equipment:
Be sure no obstaclesare behindyou beforeoperatingthe tiller in REVERSE.
Disengagethe tines, reduce engine speed, and move the Wheel Speed Lever to SLOW position before operating in REVERSE. Avoid using FAST wheel speed until you are familiar withbackingthe tiller.
Figure 4-4: Guide tiller with one hand.
Moving the Tiller in Reverse IMPORTANT: Do not till while in
1. Shift theTines/Wheels/PTODriveLever (Figure4-2) into NEUTRALand movethe
WheelSpeedLever to the SLOW position.
2. Move Tines/PTOClutch Lever(Figure 4-2) into DISENGAGEposition.
3. Verify that the area behindyou is clear.
4. Lift upthe handlebarsuntil the tines
are off theground, thenshift the Wheels/Tines/PTODriveLever allthe way up and hold. You do not needto squeeze
the Forward Interlock Leversto use mve_e.
5. Theunit immediatelyengagesin reverse. Periodicallycheck behindyou while holding the handlebarsupandthe Wheels/Tines/PTOLeverin its upper-most position.
Stopping Reverse Motion
Releasethe Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever- the lever automatically returns to the NEUTRALposition. This stops the
wheels immediately.(TheForward
Interlock Leverswill notstop REVERSE motion.)
ToStopthe Engine
Move the engineThrottle Leverto the STOPposition. Then, on electric start
models, turn keyto OFF. Removethe key for safekeeping.
Section4: Operation
Turningthe tiller is easyand just requires
practice. First find the balance point betweenthe engine and thetines by lifting upthe handlebars(Figure4-5). Onceyou
find the balancepoint, then letthe
poweredwheelsdo theturning as you pushsidewayson the handlebarsin the
direction of theturn. Practice theturning
maneuverdescribed herein alarge open area. Oncecomfortableturning the tiller, you canthen take it to the gardenarea.
1. Atthe endof a row, movethe Wheels/ Tines/PTODrive Lever(Figure4-2)to
NEUTRALpositionand reducethe engine speed.
2. Move the Tines/PTOClutch Lever
(Figure4-2) into the DISENGAGE
3. Resumeforward operation, and lift
handlebarsuntil tines are off theground
(Figure4-5). Findthe balancepoint
betweenthe engine and thetines. Then
pushthe handlebarsin the direction of the turn. Be very careful to keepfeetandlegs
away fromthe tines (which should bedis-
engaged). Letthe poweredwheels do the
hardwork. The insidewheelwill pivotin
placewhile the outsidewheel drives the
tiller around inthe direction ofthe turn.
Figure 4-5: Turning the tiller.
NOTE:Use REVERSEif necessaryto turn
in alimited space.
Section4: Operation
4. Whenthe turn is complete,shift to
NEUTRALand lowerthe handlebars. Move Tines/PTOClutch Leverbackto ENGAGEposition and resumeforward
Transporting The Tiller Around Your Property
When the engineis running, thetiller's
poweredwheels make moving the tiller to
and from the gardeneasy. If the engine is
not running set the WheelSpeedLever to FREEWHEELposition to roll the tiller to
another location.
To help avoid personal injury from revolving tines, always put the
Tines/PTOClutch Lever in DISENGAGE positionbeforetransporting,loading,or unloadingUiler.
1. Placethe Tines/PTOClutch Leverin DISENGAGEposition.
2. MoveDepthRegulatorLeverdownall the
way intotheTravelsetting.
3. If using enginepower, moveWheel SpeedLeverto either SLOWor FAST,and
usethe Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Leverto drivethe wheels.
4. If theengine is stopped, moveWheel SpeedLeverto FREEWHEEL,and manually push tiller.
Testing the Forward Interlock SafetySystem
The Forward Interlock SafetySystem is
designedto shut thetiller engine off immediately if you losecontrol and cannot stop moving FORWARDby
shifting theWheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever into NEUTRAL. Whenyou releaseboth
Forward Interlock Levers,they send ground to the ignition system thereby stopping theengine. Squeezingoneor both levers up against the handlebars enablesthe ignition system;therefore,
you must squeezeat leastone lever whenever the Wheels/Tines/PTODrive
Leveris engagedin FORWARD. IMPORTANT: The interlock system also
prevents the engine from starting if the
Wheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever is engaged
The ForwardInterlockSafetySystem is designedfor the operator's safety. Do not disconnector attempt to defeat the purpose of the system, if the system malfunctions, immediately contactyour
local authorized dealer or the TROY-BILT Technical Service Depart-
ment for assistance. Do not use the tiller or the PTO power unit until the
Forward Interlock Safety System is functioning properly. Always test the system before using the tiller or PTO powerunit.
HowtoCheckthe Interlock System
The Forward Interlock System hasan electro-mechanicaldesign, and so is subject to normal wearand possiblemal- function. Checkthe system for proper
operationeach time prior to using the
tiller or PTOpower unit.
Figure 4-6: Plug and receptacle of Forward Interlock Safety System must be securely connected.
To test the ForwardInterlockSystem:
1. Movetiller outside to levelground. Removeany obstacles.
2. Checkthat the ForwardInterlockwire harnessplug, at the bottom ofthe handle-
bars (Figure4-6), is securelyconnected
to the receptacleon the top, right sideof the transmission.
3. MoveWheel SpeedLever(Figure4-2)
to SLOWposition and moveTines/PTO
ClutchLever to DISENGAGE.
4. Start engine asdescribed under Starting andStopping the Engine,in this
section. Setengine throttle lever to SLOW,and let enginewarm up.
5. Squeezeand hold just one of the
Forward Interlock Leversagainst the handlebargrip while movingthe Wheels/
Tines/PTO DriveLever down to FORWARD(Figure4-3). As the tiller
movesforward, releasethe ForwardInter- lock Leverbriefly. The engineshould
start to stall out if the interlock system is working properly. If it does start tostall, quickly squeezethe lever up againstthe handlebargrip, andthen return the
Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Leverto NEUTRAL. Repeatthis test to checkthat
the engine beginsto stall out when the other ForwardInterlock Leveris released.
6. If the enginedoes not beginto shut off
when either ForwardInterlock leveris released,shut theengine off, removethe
key (if electric start), and donotoperate the tiller or PTOpowerunituntil the
systemhasbeenrepaired and isfunc- tioningproperly.
IMPORTANT:To avoid possible damage
to the ForwardInterlock Safetysystem, do not use high-pressure sprays nearthe wire harnessreceptacleor neutralplunger assembly.
Loading and Unloading the Tiller
Thefollowing provides information on tiller loading, unloading, andrequirements before loading and unloading the tiller.
Readthe following instructions carefully
beforeattempting to load or unloadyour tiller.
BeforeLoadingorUnloadingthe Tiller
Ramps must be strong enoughto
support the combined weight of thetiller and handlers.Theyshould providegood
traction to prevent slipping; they should
haveside railsto guide thetiller along
the ramps;and they should havea
locking deviceto securethemto the vehicle.
Handlersshould wear sturdy footwear
that will helpto preventslipping.
Section4: Operation
Turnthe vehicle's engineoff and apply its parkingbrake.
Positionthe loading vehicleso that the
ramp angle isas flat aspossible (the less incline to the ramp,the better).
Loadingthe Tiller
1. Use loading rampsthat arestrong and
wide enough to safely holdthe weight of the tiller andthe operator combined-- your tiller weighs between280 and 325
2. Move the Tines/PTOClutch Lever
(Figure4-2) into DISENGAGEposition.
3. Setthe DepthRegulatorlever (Figure
4-2) to the Travel position.
4. Move WheelSpeedLever (Figure4-2)
into SLOWposition and reducethe enginethrottle speed.
5. Shift the Wheels/Tines/PTOLever
(Figure4-2) into FORWARDposition and follow the tiller up the ramps (Figure4-7). Checkthe wheelsas you move the tiller forward. Ensurethat they moveupthe center of eachramp.
6. Preventtiller from rolling in vehicle.
LeaveWheel SpeedLeverin FASTor SLOWposition, chock wheels with blocks
and tie down the tiller.
Figure 4-7: To go up ramps, use FORWARD drive.
Unloading the Tiller IMPORTANT:Neverunload thetiller in
FORWARDdrive. Thetiller could tip forward andexposeyou to the tines
(which should bedisengagedas instructed).
1. Use loading rampsthat arestrong and
wide enough to safely holdthe weight of the tiller andthe operator combined--
your tiller weighs between280 and 325 Ibs.
2. Move the Tines/PTOClutch Lever (Figure 4-2) to DISENGAGEposition.
3. Setthe DepthRegulatorLever (Figure 4-2) to the Travel position.
4. Move WheelSpeedLever (Figure4-2) to SLOWposition and reducethe engine throttle speed.
IMPORTANT: Look behind you before you backdown the ramp to ensurethat all is clear. While descending, keepchecking for obstacles behindyou.
5. Move and holdthe Wheels/Tines/PT0 Lever into REVERSEdrive and backdown the ramps (Figure4-8). Checkthewheels
asyou move the tiller backward. Ensure that they movedown the center of each ramp.
Figure 4-8: TOgo down ramps, use REVERSE drive.
Changing Speed Belts
Your tiller hastwo belt-driven speed ranges- HIGH RANGEand LOWRANGE
- you pick one or the other by deciding which setof pulleygrooves to movethe forward belt into. Bymoving the belt from onespeed rangeinto the other, in
combination with the FASTand SLOW wheel speeds,you obtain a choice of four
different forward wheel speedsandtwo different tine speeds.
To help avoid serious personal injury, stop the engine, remove the ignition
key, disconnect spark plug wire and move the wire away from the spark plug, and let engine and muffler cool downbeforechangingbelt speeds.
Changingthe beltfrom LOWrange into HIGHrange (or backagain) isa matter of moving the belt from one setof pulley grooves to a second set of pulleygrooves.
This changeis done quickly andwithout tools (Figures4-9 through 4-13).
Figure 4-9: Belt range positions.
Whenthe tiller is moving inREVERSE,the wheels arepowered bya rubber reverse
disc, not bythe belt. Therefore,you have onlytwo reversespeedsSLOWand FAST,
as set with the WheelSpeedLever. Table4-1 showsthe rangeof wheeland
tine speedsavailablewhen using the two
beltspeed rangesand the FASTand SLOWselectionson theWheel Speed
Table 4-1
AvailablewheelandUnespeedsat 3000RPM
Belt WheelSpeedWheel Tine
Lever _ Speed _ Speed
Low Range Slow .5MPH _46RPM
Low Range Fast 1.2MPH 146RPM
High Range Slow .7MPH 200RPM High Range Fast 1.72MPH 200RPM
to HIGHRange
1. To avoid personalinjury, shut off
engine,let all moving parts come to a completestop, then disconnect spark
plug wire from spark plug andmove it away from spark plug beforemaking any adjustments. Wait for the engineand
muffler to cool down.
2. MoveWheels/Tines/PTODriveLever
Section4: Operation
The HIGH speed belt range position combined with a FAST wheel speed setting propelsthe tiller at the fastest pace. Reducethe enginethrottle speed whenstartingoutto help avoidpersonal
injury or propertydamage if using this
3. Kneelon left side of tiller. Tocreate
belt slack, reachoverto right side of the pulleys and push inatthe center of the belt with a finger. At the sametime, use your left hand to work the belt part-way onto the lower-front transmission pulley groove (Figure4-10).
4. Goto right side of tiller and finish seatingthe belt.
5. Still holding the lever up in REVERSE position, and working from the left side of
thetiller, movethe beltfrom the lower- front transmission grooveto the lower-
rear transmission groove.
6. Goto the right side of the tiller and finish seatingthe belt (Figure4-13).
Figure 4-11: Low range to high range. Shows moving belt from top- rear groove onto top-front groove.
7. Checkboth sidesof the high range pulley groovesto verify that the belt is properly seated.
Figure 4-10: Low range to high range. Shows moving belt from lower-rear groove onto lower-front groove.
4. Goto the other side of the tiller to finish seatingthe belt onto the pulley
5. Working from the left side of the tiller, work the beltas muchas possibleonto the top-front engine pulley groove (Figure 4-11).
6. Finish seatingthe beltfrom the right side of thetiller.
IMPORTANT: Proper belt tension is important for good performance. See
Section 5, Drive Belt Maintenance for information on belt maintenanceschedule
and procedures. NOTE: If extra belt slack is needed to
move the belt, just raise the Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever up into REVERSE.This lowers the engine pulley,
and createsmore slack.
Changing Belt From HIGH Range to LOW Range
1. To avoid personalinjury, shut off
engine,let all moving parts come to a complete stop, thendisconnect spark
plug wire from spark plug and move wire awayfrom spark plug before makingany
adjustments. Let engineand muffler cool.
2. Move theWheels/Tines/PTODrive Lever into NEUTRAL.
3. Standon left side of tiller. Useyour right hand to hold the Wheels/Tines/PTO Drive Lever up into REVERSEposition. Useyour left handto movethe belt off top-front engine pulley grooveto top-rear
engine pulleygroove (Figure4-12).
Figure 4-12: High range to low range. Shows moving belt from top- front groove onto top-rear pulley
Figure 4-13: High range to low range. Shows moving belt from
Iower-frent onto lower-rear groove.
7. Checkthat the belt isfully seatedinthe pulley grooves. Checkthis from both
sides of thetiller.
and Tine Speeds
Your tiller hasfour FORWARDwheel/tine speedcombinations for handling a variety
of tilling tasks and gardening jobs. Exper- iment with the tine depth, enginespeed,
and wheel/tinespeedanddeterminethe combination that provides the best
results. Herearesome tips:
1. Advancethe throttle leverso the engine hassufficient power.
2. When tilling untilled or hard earth, do not set the Depth Regulatortoo deep.The
tiller will buckand the enginewill load down.
3. You will know your settings are ideal whenthe tines break-up the soil easily,
the enginedoes not labor, and your progress issteadyand smooth.
SeeTable2, WheelSpeedand BeltRange Selection Guidefor recommendations.
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