The PDU includes two AC power inputs: Primary
and Secondary. The Primary input cord is
permanently attached to the rear of the PDU
(120V models).
IEC-320-C14 inlet is used for the primary input
of the 230V model.
The Secondary input cord is detachable and
connects to the IEC power inlet
at the rear
of the PDU (PDUMH15AT, PDUMH15ATNET IEC-320-C14 inlet; PDUMH20AT,
PDUMH20HVATNET - IEC-320-C20 inlet).
2.2.2 To connect the Secondary input cord:
Form a loop in the Secondary cord 1.
secure the juncture of that loop to the Primary
cord B with a zip tie. Be sure the zip tie is
secured around the Secondary and Primary
cords, as well as through the loop created in
the Secondary cord C. (See diagram). Note:
Give the cord as much slack as possible
between the loop and the cord’s outlet.
On Models PDUMH20HVAT and 2.
PDUMH20HVATNET, both cords should be
tied to the Cable Retention Tray. (See
Once you’ve secured the two cords together 3.
and ensured that the Secondary cord has a
comfortable amount of slack, insert the
Secondary cord outlet into the IEC power inlet.
2.2.3 Connect Input Plug Adapters (Optional
Only): The PDU includes two adapters that
convert one or both of the L5-20P input plugs to
5-20P input plugs. Connecting the adapters is
optional. The PDU will function normally without
connecting the adapters.
2.2.4 Connect Secondary Input Cord to PDU:
Although the PDU will operate without
connecting the Secondary input cord, the
Secondary input is required for the PDU's
Automatic Transfer Switch function.
2.2.5 C19-C20 Cables (optional: Models
only): The PDU includes two C19 to C20
interconnection cables for the two primary and
secondary inlets, which may be used to connect
to upstream UPS sources. Alternately, the user
can supply IEC cables fitted with country-specific
2.2 Connecting the PDU
2. Installation