Trimble 88161 User Manual

9Important safety information
In this chapter:
Geo 7 handheld safety information, page 95
Integrated Laser Rangefinder module safety information, page 97
Important handling information, page 98
WARNING- Before you use this product, make
Geo 7 series User Guide 94
9 Important safety information
Geo 7 handheld safety information
Charging the battery
To charge the handheld’s battery, use only the following authorized Trimble accessories:
the Geo 7 series AC power adaptor (PN {xxxxx-xx}) with the correct international plug converter for your region
the Geo 7 series 12V DC poweradapter when charging from a 12V vehiclePN {xxxxx-xx}
another Trimble branded AC or DC power adaptor designed and approved to work the Geo 7 handheld
Using any other AC adaptor can damage the handheld and may void your warranty. Do not use the AC adaptor with any other product.
For more information, see Charging the battery, page 16.
WARNING - To use power adaptors safely:
- Ensure the input voltage on the adaptor matches the voltage and frequency in your location.
- Make certain that the adaptor has prongs compatible with your outlets.
- Do not use the adaptor in wet outdoor areas .
- Unplug the AC adaptor from power when not in use.
- Do not short the output connector.
- Be aware that there are no user-serviceable parts in this product.
- If the adaptor becomes damaged, replace it with a new Trimble adaptor.
Exposure to radio frequency radiation from Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transmitters
The Geo 7 series is approved as a portable device with respect to Radio Frequency (RF) exposure compliance. The radiated output power of the internal wireless radio transmitters is less than 100 milliwatt, which results in exposure levels far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, even when operated in close proximity to the body. The internalwireless radios operate within guidelines found in international radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, which reflect the consensus of the international scientific community. Trimble therefore believes the internal wireless radios are safe for use by users. The level of electromagnetic energy emitted is hundreds of times lowerthan the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices such as mobile phones. However, the use of wireless radios may be restricted in some situations or environments, such as on aircraft. If you are unsure of restrictions, you are encouraged to ask for authorization before turning on the wireless radios.
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9 Important safety information
Exposure to radio frequency radiation from cellular wireless transmitters
The Geo 7 series handhelds areequipped with wireless cellular modem radios and have been designed and manufactured to meet safety requirements for limiting exposure to radio waves. When used in accordance with the instructions set forth in this manual, the equipment has been independently verified to not exceed the emission limits for safe exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy as specified by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government in 47 CFR
§2.1093. These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the
general population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organization through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
For body worn operation, ensure the device position is a minimum of 1.0 cm from your body when the device is switched on, with no metal structures contained in the carrying accessory.
Electrostatic discharge
The Geo 7 series is designed for outdoor conditions; however under conditions of low humidity extremely high voltage discharge events arepossible. Users are advised that the risk of causing discharge to sensitive electronics can be minimised by avoiding finger contact to the connectors on the sides of the unit.
WARNING - Static electricity can harm electronic components inside your handheld. To prevent
static damage:
- Discharge static electricity from your body before you touch any of the electronic components inside your device, such as a memory module. You can do so by touching an unpainted metal surface.
Charge the battery before using it for the first time. If the battery has been stored for longer than six months, charge it beforeuse. See Charging the battery, page 16
WARNING - Do not damage the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. A damaged battery can cause an explosion or
fire, and can result in personal injury and/or property damage. To prevent injury or damage: –Do not use or charge the battery if it appears to be damaged. Signs of damage include, but are not limited to, discoloration, warping, and leaking battery fluid. –Do not store or leave your device near a heat source such as near a fireplace or other heat-generating appliance, or otherwise expose it to temperatures in excess of 70 °C (158 °F) such as on a vehicle dashboard. When heated to excessive temperatures, battery cells could explode or vent, posing a risk of fire. –Do not immerse the battery in water. –Do not use or store the battery inside a vehicle during hot weather. –Do not drop or puncture the battery. –Do not open the battery or short-circuit its contacts.
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9 Important safety information
WARNING -Avoid contact with the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery if it appears to be leaking. Battery fluid is
corrosive, and contact with it can result in personal injury and/or propertydamage. To prevent injury or damage: –If the battery leaks, avoid contact with the battery fluid. –If battery fluid gets into your eyes, immediately rinse your eyes with clean water and seek medical attention. Do not rub your eyes! –If battery fluid gets onto your skin or clothing, immediately use clean water to wash off the battery fluid.
WARNING -Charge and use the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery only in strict accordance with the instructions.
Charging or using the battery in unauthorized equipment can cause an explosion or fire, and can result in personal injury and/or equipment damage. To prevent injury or damage: –Do not charge or use the battery if it appears to be damaged or leaking. –Charge the Lithium-ion battery only in a Trimble product that is specified to charge it. Be sure to follow all instructions that are provided with the battery charger. –Discontinue charging a battery that gives off extreme heat or a burning odor. –Use the battery only in Trimble equipment that is specified to use it. –Use the battery only for its intended use and according to the instructions in the product documentation.
Using the Geo 7 series in some circumstances can distract you and may cause a dangerous situation. Observe rules that prohibit or restrict the use of mobile devices (for example, avoid operating the device while driving a vehicle).
Don’t attempt to repair the Geo 7 series yourself. Disassembling the product may cause injury to you or damage to the handheld. If the handheld is damaged or malfunctions, contact an Authorized Trimble ServiceProvider. You can find more information about getting service at {link to FAQ or
Service website}.
Integrated Laser Rangefinder module safety information
The Geo 7 series handheld may be fitted with an integrated Trimble Geo 7 series Laser Rangefinder module (model number 88185). The module produces visible and invisible laser beams, which are emitted from the instrument. It is a Class 2 laser product in accordance with IEC60825-1 : 2007 “Radiation safety of laser products”. Eye protection is normally afforded by aversion responses including the blink reflex.
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9 Important safety information
Invisible laser radiation: 905 nm,0.35 μJ max per 8.6 ns pulse at 40Hz max. Visiblelaser radiation: 655nm, 0.7 mW max. FDA Laser Notice No. 50 statement The device (model number 88185) complies with FDA
performance standards for laser products except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007.
WARNING- Do not stare into the laser beam or direct it towards other people unnecessarily.
- Looking directly into the beam with optical aids (for example, binoculars, telescopes) can be hazardous.
- Looking into the laser beam can be hazardous.
Important handling information
Geo 7 series handhelds are rugged and resistant to damage during operation in harsh environments and conditions. However, you should take care of your handheld to maximize its lifeand performance.
To protect the Geo 7 series handheld when not in use, Trimble recommends storing the handheld in the pouch provided.
When using the handheld:
To protect the touch screen from pressure and abrasive objects, Trimble recommends that you apply one of the screen protectors provided with the Geo 7 series handheld.
Protect the touch screen by using your finger or the stylus provided, and avoid using excessive pressure and sharp or abrasive objects.
Keep the outer surface free of dirt and dust.
Ensure that protective covers and doors are appropriately fitted to the external antenna port, SIM, and storage card areas, so that they areprotected from dirt, dust, fluid ingress & electrostatic discharge.
Geo 7 series User Guide 98
9 Important safety information
Protect the handheld from extreme temperatures. For example, do not leave the handheld on the dashboard of a vehicle.
When the battery is removed, the handheld is not waterproof. Avoid exposing the internals of the handheld to dust and moisture when removing the battery. Trimble recommends that you only swap the battery indoors or from inside a vehicle.
Use the hand strap provided with the Geo 7 series handheld.
To clean the handheld, wipe it with a clean dry cloth. Do not immerse the handheld in water.
Extreme temperature environments
The Geo 7 series is designed to work in ambient temperatures between -20° and 60° C and stored in temperatures between -30° and 70° C. The Geo 7 series can be damaged and battery lifeshortened if stored or operated outside of these temperature ranges. Avoid exposing the handheld to dramatic changes in temperature or humidity. When you are using the Geo 7 series or charging the Geo 7 series battery pack, it is normal for the device to get warm.
If the interior temperature of the Geo 7 series exceeds normal operating temperatures (for example, in a hot car or in direct sunlight for extended periods of time), you may experience the following as it attempts to regulate its temperature automatically:
The handheld stops charging
If the handheld can’t regulate its internal temperature, it goes into sleep mode until it cools. Move the handheld to a cooler location out of direct sunlight and wait a few minutes before trying to use the device again.
Geo 7 series User Guide 99
10Support and troubleshooting
In this chapter:
Restarting and resetting the Geo 7 handheld
Updating the Geo 7 handheld operating system
Geo 7 handheld support site
Finding service and support information
Power issues
Backlight issues, page 105
Touch screen issues, page 105
Storage card issues, page 106
Keypad issues, page 107
Connection issues, page 107
GNSS receiver issues, page 113
Real-time DGNSS issues, page 115
Speaker and microphone issues, page 106
Recommended GNSS settings for maximum precision and productivity, page 116
This chapter provides support contacts, and information on common problems that may occur when using the Geo 7series handheld. Please read this section before you contact technical support.
Geo 7 series User Guide 100
10 Support and troubleshooting
Restarting and resetting the Geo 7 handheld
If something is not working as expected, try closing and reopening the application, or restarting or resetting the Geo 7 handheld.
To force an application to closem, tap / Settings / Task Manager. Select the application you want to close, then tap End Task.
If you cannot force the application to close, or if closing and restarting the application does not fix the problem, try restarting the Geo 7 handheld.
To restart the handheld, press the Power/Home button to go to the Home screen, then press the Power/Home button again to launch the Power menu. Tap Restart.
If you cannot turn offor restart the handheld, you may need to perform a hard reset. This forces the operating system to reboot, but may cause unsaved data to become corrupted. A hard reset should be done only if the unit is otherwise unresponsive.
To hard reset the handheld, hold down the Power/Home button for at least 10 seconds until the Trimble logo screen appears.
Note – You can also hard reset the Geo 7 handheld by removing the battery.
If hard resetting the handheld does not help, you may need to completely restore your handheld back to its original settings by performing a factory reset. You should only restore your Geo 7 handheld to factory settings if all other attempts to solve the problem fail. Restoring to factory settings will erase all applications and data stored on the internal storage on the Geo 7 handheld.
To perform a factory reset, hold down the Power/Home button to reset the handheld. When the Trimble logo screen appears, press both the left and right application keys. The Factory Reset menu appears. Followthe instructions on the screen.
Updating the Geo 7 handheld operating system
You can update the Geo X operating system and firmwarewhen updates are available by downloading them from {Geo 7X OS updates site url}. Usually updates are available as patches, but major updates may be available as complete operating system downloads.
For information about erasing all content and settings, and restoring your Geo 7 to its factory state, see Restarting and resetting the Geo 7 handheld, page 101
Finding service and support information
To learn about Do this
Using Geo 7X safely See Registering your
Geo 7X handheld Finding your Geo You can find your Geo 7 series handheld’s serialnumber, International Mobile
Geo 7 handheld safety information, page 95
Contact your local dealer or go to information regarding updates and new products
to receive
Geo 7 series User Guide 101
10 Support and troubleshooting
To learn about Do this
7X serial number, UUID, IMEI or MEID
Service and support from your carrier
Using TerraSync Go to Using TerraFlex Go to Geo 7 handheld
service and support, tips, and downloads
Technicalsupport Go to
The latest information about the GeoExplorer series
Obtaining warranty service
Geo 7 series compliance information
Purchasing replacement and additional accessories
Windows error reporting
Equipment Identity (IMEI), ICCD, or Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) on the Geo 7 device label. Or, go to Start > Settings > System > System Information. MEID/IMEI label:
The MEID ID number is the first 14 digits on the MEID/IMEI label. The IMEI number is all 15digits on the label. For more information, go to
Contact your carrier or go to your carrier’s website.
Go to
contact your Trimble reseller (go to Go to
First, follow the advicein this User Guide, then go to
Contact your local Trimble GeoExplorer reseller. Go to
If for any reason a Microsoft® Windows Error Reporting dialog appears, indicating that the handheld or Trimble field software has encountered a problem and needs to close, you are prompted to send an error report to Microsoft.
{Geo7X technical support webpage}
{Geo 7X support url}
{Geo 7X support url}
{generic GeoExplorer url}
Regional compliance information, page 120
. If you cannot find the information that you need,
{Geo 7X support url}
Trimble recommends that you click Send and then click any subsequent links that are used to obtain additional information.
Trimble can access the report that is sent to Microsoft and use it to improve the Geo 7 series.
Geo 7 series User Guide 102
10 Support and troubleshooting
Geo 7 handheld support site
Comprehensive support information is available online at {support url for Geo 7X}. To contact Trimble for personalized support (not available in all areas), go to
Power issues
Problem Cause Solution
The handheld does not turn on.
The handheld turns on only when connected to a power source.
The screen is blank.
The handheld is not charging.
The battery is flat. Recharge the battery. See
The Power button is not working.
The battery is not charging or holding its charge.
The handheld is turned off.
The handheld has locked up.
The internal temperature has risen above the allowed maximum for charging the battery.
Contact your Trimble reseller.
Charge the battery for at least 15 minutes. If it still fails to turn on, reset the handheld. See
7 handheld, page 101
If this stillfails, the battery may need replacing. See
batteries, page 19
Press the Power button to turn on the handheld. See
on the handheld for the first time, page 21
Reset the handheld. See
handheld, page 101
Do one or all of the following:
Turn off the integrated radios beforecharging the handheld. See Turning on and turning off the wireless
radios, page 1, Using the Wireless Manager, page 52.
Suspend the handheld before charging. See Using
Suspend mode, page 33.
Charging the battery, page 1
Restarting and resetting the Geo
Restarting and resetting the Geo 7
Remove the handheld from any external heat sources (for example, sunlight). The handheld will automatically start charging again when the internal temperature has dropped below the range for charging the battery.
The handheld is connected to a computer which is turned off, or in sleep mode.
The USBPower adaptor / cable is
This may drain the handheld's battery, and the battery will not charge.
Try another USBPower adaptor / cable.
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+ 23 hidden pages