Tri-Edre Tri-Backup - 8 User Guide

Users Guide!
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Licensing and Copyright Agreement
Except as permitted under copyright law, no part of the program or this manual may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of TRI-EDRE.
The program, and this manual, are licensed only for individual use on a single computer. You are permitted by law to make working copies of the software program, solely for your own use. No copy (original or working) may be used while any other copy is in use.
If you ever sell, lend, or give away the original copy of this Software program, all working copies must also be sold, lent, or given to the same person, or destroyed.
Limited Warranty
TRI-EDRE warrants to you that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation for the ninety (90) day period following the date of delivery of the Software to you. If the Software fails to meet the specications of the warranty set forth above, TRI-EDRE liability and your exclusive remedy will be replacement of the CD or a reasonable eort to make the product meet the above warranty specication. Except for the above express limited warranties, TRI-EDRE makes and you receive no warranties or guarantees, express, implied, statutory or in any communication with you, and specically disclaims any implied warranty of non infringement, merchantability or tness for a particular purpose. TRI-EDRE does not warrant that the operation of the program will be uninterrupted or error free.
In no event will TRI-EDRE be liable for any loss of use, loss of prots, interruption of business, or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, however caused and under any head of liability, arising out of use of or in connection with the software.
Tri-BACKUP is a trademark of TRI-EDRE.
All other products are trademarks of their respective companies.
©TRI-EDRE. All Rights Reserved.
22 Place de l’Eglise - 83510 LORGUES (FRANCE)
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Table of contents
Introduction 9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Welcome! 9 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Thank you for registering 9 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
License 9 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Latest version of the software 9 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Software Installation 9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Uninstalling Software 10 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Launch and Register Software 10 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Trial version 10 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Technical support 10 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Contacts 11 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Getting Started 12 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Make a bootable copy of your hard drive 12 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Why? 12 How? 12
Backup your data 12 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why? 12 How? 12
What next? 12 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Basics 13 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Backups 13 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Actions 13 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The operation and organization of Tri-BACKUP 13 ...................................................................................................................................................................................
The documentation for Tri-BACKUP 8 14 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Strategy for your backups 15 ............................................................................................................................................................................................
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Why save? 15 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What to Backup? 15 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What to backup at least? 15 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Where to store backups? 16 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The copy of your hard drive 16 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What type of backup to use? 16 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Create congurations for each backup 16 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
Backup multiple networked computers 17 .................................................................................................................................................................................................
Examples of use 17 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Which action to chose? 18 .................................................................................................................................................................................................
How to choose a type of action? 18
Copies and backups 18 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
You wish to copy your boot disk 18 You want to create a bootable rescue disk 18 You want to make a backup of the contents of a folder 18 You want to make a backup of several separate files 19 You wish a backup that keeps previous versions of each document 19 You want to make a new separate backup for each execution 19 You wish to backup to an FTP server 19 You want to make a local copy of an FTP server 19 You want to compare the contents of two folders 20 You want to synchronize two disks physically distant 20
Synchronization 20 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
You wish to synchronize the contents of two folders 20 You want to synchronize two disks physically distant 21
Other Actions 21 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
You want to compare two states of the same disk 21 You want to regularly empty the contents of a folder 21 You want to compress (and encrypt) the contents of a folder 21 You want to uncompress (and decrypt) the contents of a folder 21 You want to change the visibility or change the owner of the items in a folder 21 You want to display the size of the contents of a folder 21 You want to compare the size of the contents of two folders 22
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You want to compare the contents of two folders 22
Tri-BACKUP 8 - The main application 23 .......................................................................................................................................................................
The main window 23 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Welcome 24 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Create Action 25 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Programmed Actions 27 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Action execution 27 Preview with an immediate action (with the settings of the selected action) 28 Other operations 28 Activate/Deactivate 28 Graph of last executions 28 Execution of actions by a keyboard shortcut 29
Immediate Actions 30 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Use again one of the actions in the list 30
Restoration 31 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Restore from Recent Backups 31 Restore Folder 32 Restore Bootable Disk 32 Restore Evolutive Backup 32 Restore Time Machine backups 33
Last actions 35 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Tools 36 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Edit Common Filters 36 Clean Evolutive Data 36 Global Disk Change 36
Other Tools 36 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Access the Settings folder… 36 Copy the settings of Tri-BACKUP on mounted volumes… 36 Export a list of the contents of a disk/folder… 36 Open a list of contents… 37 Show Information about Connected Disks 37 Duplicate Partitions Map… 37 Copy Hidden Partition Contents… 37
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Create Recovery HD Partition… 37
Volumes 38 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Check status 40 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Preferences 41 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Actions Menu 42 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
GoTo Menu 42 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Tools Menu 42 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Window Menu 42 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Show Logs and Messages 42 Show Daily Reports 42 Show Mac and Tri-BACKUP activity… 42 Show CrashLogs… 43
Edition of the Programmed Actions 44 ........................................................................................................................................................................
Panels 44
Common Buttons and information 45 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Graph of the last executions 45 Preview 45 Summary of settings 45 Save Changes 45
Action panel 46 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Disk (bootable copy) 47 Folders or drives (other actions) 47 FTP server 47 Detection mode of the volumes 48 How is working this detection? 48 Automatic mounting of volumes 49 1/ Using an alias 49 The alias does not seem to work? 50 2/ With the "Mount a remote disk" function 50
Trigger panel 52 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Limitation of executions in a timeslot 53 Protection against unwanted launching 53 Notification in case of non execution 53
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Options panel 54 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Options to create a minimal System 55 Other options 55
Filters panel 57 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Common lters 58 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Filter Editor 59 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Before / After panel 60 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Immediate Actions 61 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Opening an immediate action 61 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Window of an immediate action 62 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Action Type 62 Areas of folders selection 62 Areas navigation buttons 63 Display options 63 The list of contents 63 Information on selection 63 Settings and execution buttons 63
Settings 64 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Analyze 64 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Execution of an action 64 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Tools 65 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Duplicate Partitions Map… 65 .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Copy Hidden Partition Contents… 66 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Create Recovery HD Partition 66 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Tri-BACKUP 8 Scheduler 68 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
Disable automatic execution of actions 69 .................................................................................................................................................................................................
Change the execution context 69 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Execution of actions by a keyboard shortcut 70 ........................................................................................................................................................................................
Errors Summary 70 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Preferences of the Scheduler 70 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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Tri-BACKUP 8 Execute 73 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
Progress Window 73 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
In case of missing volume 73 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Icons meaning (Help menu) 75 ........................................................................................................................................................................................
Error Codes 76........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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Thank you for your condence in purchasing our backup software Tri-BACKUP 8! We are certain that you will nd Tri-BACKUP 8 to be the essential tool to protect your data.
You can start by reading the next chapter, "Getting Started", if you are new to Tri-BACKUP.
Thank you for registering
Thank you for registering. You can receive free technical support and be informed of updates and developments of this product, and all the innovations of our production.
If you purchased our software on TRI-EDRE’s web store (download purchase), you are automatically registered, and you do not need to register again.
If you purchased our software from a reseller or within a bundle, please use the registration page on our web site
You can purchase a license to fully use Tri-BACKUP (see our website). Licenses are available for the "Standard" and for the "Pro" version. A "single-user" license allows the installation and simultaneous use on two machines. Multi-users licenses are available for use on a larger number of machines.
If you do not have a serial number, you can use Tri-BACKUP 8 in demo mode.
Latest version of the software
Check our website to verify that you have the latest version of this software. If this is not the case, you may download the latest version which allows you to use your serial number.
Note: serial numbers are compatible with all versions of the same main version number: a serial number for version 8.0 can be used with versions 8.1, 8.2, etc. A serial number from a previous version (5, 6 or 7, for example) can not be used with Tri-BACKUP 8.
Note: Tri-BACKUP can check the latest available version and download it. See Preferences.
Software Installation
In the disk image you downloaded, the installer is " Tri-BACKUP 8 Installer". Double-click this installer and click the Install button.
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Uninstalling Software
Use the installer " Tri-BACKUP 8 Installer". Double-click this installer and click the Uninstall button.
Note: You can also uninstall Tri-BACKUP 8 from the application, with the Tools menu.
Note 2: If you just want to stop the operation of Tri-BACKUP in the background, open the Tri-BACKUP 8 Preferences and uncheck "Launch Tri-BACKUP Scheduler at startup".
Launch and Register Software
Double-click the application icon to launch it. At rst launch, the application will ask you to enter the Administrator password (the one you use for each update of the system or applications). Then, a dialog asks you to enter your serial number (provided by e-mail or mail when you purchased a license).
This serial number, that is personal, actives all the features of your software.
Keep your serial number in a safe place. You could need to access technical support or updates.
Trial version
At each launch, you will be asked for a serial number if your version is not registered. To use Tri-BACKUP 8 in demo mode, wait until the demo button is active. The demo version is fully useable, but is time limited (and some functions could be limited).
You can enter the serial number at any time by selecting the Register item in the menu Tri-BACKUP 8 > License Registration.
Technical support
Above all, use this guide and the other guides, and our website to check all information on this product and its use. If you do not nd the answer to your questions, please contact our technical support by e-mail (see contact information below).
Please have your serial number, your version number, your OS X version and characteristics of your system ready before initiating contact.
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If you have comments about this program, problems or issues that are not answered in this manual or on our website - or if you are interested in site licenses of software ­please contact TRI-EDRE (specifying the version and serial number of your copy):
by e-mail address:
by mail:
22 Place de l’Eglise
83510 Lorgues
Web site:
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Getting Started
Tri-BACKUP offers a wide range of options to t your needs. But rst, here are some basic actions.
Make a bootable copy of your hard drive
A copy of your internal drive will allow you to restart immediately in case of problems, while keeping your environment, your applications and settings, without having to reinstall the System or applications.
You also use a bootable copy if you need to change the disk from your Mac.
You must have a second drive able to boot your Mac and with a compatible format (GUID Partition and Mac OS extended format). Create a "Bootable Copy" programmed action and start running.
You can schedule the execution of the action to have it executed periodically, so that the copy is updated regularly.
Backup your data
The best protection of your data is to have a copy (the ideal is to have multiple copies stored in dierent places). In case of accidental deletion or loss, you can still use the data from your backup.
Of course, it is important to have an updated backup. A backup that date a year ago has much less interest!
You must have a backup disk. Create a "Copy Folder" action (to backup the contents of a single folder) or a "Mirror Backup" action (to backup multiple disks and folders in a single operation), enter the folder or folders to backup (such as your "home" or your "Documents" and "Images", etc..) and set a regular schedule. The backup will be performed automatically without needing your intervention.
What next?
You have now set up a basic protection of your data. You can then go further in the use of Tri-BACKUP to rene its action according to your needs.
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A backup is a copy of all or part of your data. If you lose the originals, you can use the copy.
Tri-BACKUP allows many ways of copying and backup to t your needs.
Important: Tri-BACKUP copy your data by keeping the hierarchical organization of folders. The copy is identical to the original, and can be used and restored directly from the Finder, without going through Tri-BACKUP.
For all operations (copy, backup etc..), you create an action and dene the settings that suit your needs. Then, you launch the action manually (or set the automatic execution).
Tri-BACKUP offers "Programmed Actions" and "Immediate Actions".
The "Programmed Actions" have been designed to perform copy and backup operations transparently. They keep your settings (you do not have to redo the setting each time) and run automatically (you can also run it manually). Their execution is done in the background and you can continue to use your computer during this time.
Note: The automatic execution may be programmed according to various criteria (frequency, the mounting of a disk or on quitting an application, etc.) and may be associated with a context (home, oce, nomad). You can choose certain actions to be executed only in the current context (for example, that certain actions execute at the oce and not when your computer is at home).
Note: The manual execution can be done from the Programmed Actions panel of Tri-BACKUP 8, but also from the Tri-BACKUP 8 Scheduler process, with the possibility of using quick launch shortcuts.
The "Immediate Actions" were created to visualize, check and compare the contents of folders or disks, when you wish to check the content, or if you want to choose specic les or folders to copy or treated.
You can create as many dierent actions as necessary.
The operation and organization of Tri-BACKUP
The Tri-BACKUP 8 application is used to create actions and dene the operation.
Note: Once you have dened actions, you can quit Tri-BACKUP 8. The automatic execution of your actions will be managed by other applications described below.
The automatic execution of actions is managed by a process (a standalone application called "Tri-BACKUP 8 Scheduler" or Scheduler) that runs continuously in the background and launch actions based on what you decided. This process displays a small icon in the menu bar.
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The execution of the programmed actions uses another standalone application called "Tri-BACKUP 8 Execute".
The documentation for Tri-BACKUP 8
This guide in PDF format can be opened from the application (Help menu). You can also download this documentation on our website.
In addition, you have in the application multiple context-sensitive help panels.
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Strategy for your backups
Why save?
The computers and disks are reliable, but sometimes fall down. In addition we can make mistakes and accidentally delete data. Finally a computer or a disk can be destroyed or stolen.
We must bear in mind that the data in our computer are not completely safe. If the data have any signicance, we must save them (in other words, keep copies).
In addition, a copy of your hard drive can save a lot of time in case of failure, because you can immediately restart the copy to continue using the computer without having to reinstall everything.
What to Backup?
The answer to this question is closely related to your use of the computer. It will not be the same if you use a computer to surf the internet, if you keep your personal data (photos, etc.), or if it is your work tool and it contains many data you have created.
Here are some questions to consider (not exhaustive):
If lost, what data I can easily retrieve or reconstruct (eg, applications and data that can be found easily on the internet) and what data would be unrecoverable (the photos of an exceptional event, the project you are working, your creations, etc.).?
The answer to this question, you'll know what to absolutely save.
How important is this data?
For important data, you will have to heart to save regularly and keep multiple copies in several locations.
What time do I will save with a backup?
For some data that could be found and reinstalled, you can choose to make a copy that will save time. This is for example the case of a copy of the primary disk, immediately usable in case of problems.
What is the ratio of security / cost for me?
We increase the security of data by multiplying backups and medias (disks, etc..), which has a cost. The choice will not be the same for a company whose data is vital, for a professional who has all his work on his computer or a casual user.
What to backup at least?
At least save the contents of your "House" (the folder containing all the data for the current user) because there are grouped your data and all your settings.
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Where to store backups?
Obviously keep its backups next to his computer is good security in case of problems with the computer, but not in case of burglary or re.
For important data, you have to think to have other copies in other locations (hard drives stored in dierent locations, online backups, etc.).
Note: It is of course possible to encrypt a disk or data if you wish them to remain accessible only to authorized persons.
The copy of your hard drive
Make a copy of your startup disk to restart quickly, with your usual environment, your settings, your applications and documents, if something goes wrong with your hard drive. It is also a very simple solution if you want to replace the drive of your computer.
Tri-BACKUP can make copies of your disks, including complete and bootable copy of a disk containing a System. You can easily set the periodic execution of such a copy action, so that the copy is updated regularly and automatically and remains identical to the original. For this, use a Bootable Copy programmed action.
What type of backup to use?
Tri-BACKUP allows several types of backups to suit all needs.
The bootable copy of a disk can be used to create an emergency disk.
The folder copy copies all the contents of a folder or a disk.
The backup mirror provides an identical copy of one or more disks or folders and then easily retrieve a specic document or an entire le after an accident or loss of les.
Note: Caution! Any "mistake" made in the original (damaged, modied or deleted item) is reected in the copy during the next backup.
The evolutive backup creates an identical copy of one or more disks or folders, and keeps the successive versions of each document. So you can retrieve an older version of a document or folder.
Note: This backup type requires more space than a mirror backup and grows gradually as backups are executed.
The incremental backup backs up all or part of one or more disks or folders into a new folder each time. You keep the successive versions of a document or an entire disk.
You can combine these dierent types of backup. Use evolutive backup to save your entire disk, or les particularly valuable. You can use the incremental backup for current projects (the data you are working regularly).
Create congurations for each backup
It is better, more exible and more ecient to create multiple congurations rather than a single backup of all your data. Indeed, some data are more important than others, some are changed very often and others rarely, and so on.
Use the possibility to create multiple congurations to optimize your backup strategy. It will take less time and occupy less space.
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Also made from time to time, global backups and when it makes sense, schedule frequent backups of your important les or sensitive data (clients, projects you're working on right now, etc.).
Backup multiple networked computers
Tri-BACKUP lets you backup all volumes mounted on the desktop. You can, from your desktop, save the contents of the disks of other computers on your network, possibly with dierent congurations for each machine.
You can also reserve a disk on a server for backups of all machines in your network. In this case, each machine will have its own backup folder.
Examples of use
Here's how I use Tri-BACKUP, in association with multiple internal disks, several external hard drives, space on web servers, and use of services like Dropbox.
Copy of the primary disk: Very important! To be able to restart quickly if something goes wrong, I have a copy of my primary drive, which is updated regularly (every day). In fact, I have several copies physically stored in different places.
Copy of current work: Regular copies of documents, with keeping of older versions. The disk where the copy is made is itself backed up and multiple copies are kept in dierent places.
Backups of my pictures: The size of these data is more important and are managed separately, but also there with several copies in dierent locations.
Backups on the Internet: Regular copies of data on the Internet (encrypted). The size of these data is limited because internet does not (currently) allow easy transfer of large
volumes of data. The data is encrypted to increase their protection. This is a copy of last chance, if no other copies would recover the data.
Transfer and data synchronization: Actions regularly update the data between dierent machines, using the local network.
Transfer and data synchronization between two remote disks: Actions allow you to use a portable disk (even smaller than the disks to be synchronized) to compare the
disks and copy the dierences.
Data transfer via the Internet: Some synchronization of data between machines that are not on the same geographical location go through internet. Copy of encrypted data on a web server, and recovery and decryption on an other machine.
Using transfer services such as Dropbox: Data is stored in a disk image (sparsebundle) encrypted. Tri-BACKUP copies the data to the disk image (after it mounted automatically) and another machines retrieves the data transferred by the service.
Note: a sparsebundle disk image is composed of a set of small les and only the modied pieces are transferred, thus reducing the transfer. The use of a standard disk image (one big le) would transfer all of the disk image for each change.
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Which action to chose?
For all operations (copy, backup etc..), you must create or open an action, then dene the settings and launch it (or set the automatic trigger).
Tri-BACKUP offers "Programmed Actions" and "immediate Actions".
The "Programmed Actions" are designed to keep the settings (to avoid having to repeat setup each time) and run automatically (although they can also be launched manually by the user).
The "Immediate Actions" were created to visualize and compare the contents of folders or disks, if you wish to check the content, or to choose specic les or folders to copy or treated.
Note: There are immediate actions that correspond to each of the programmed actions.
How to choose a type of action?
Depending on your needs, you choose the type of action that best suits them. Needs can be diverse, Tri-BACKUP has different actions.
You will nd below an explanation corresponding to the main needs.
Copies and backups
You wish to copy your boot disk
The goal is to have an identical copy of your primary disk directly usable. We can then restart from the copy if necessary, or if the primary disk has a problem.
Use the programmed action "Bootable Copy": The copy will contain the system, your applications, documents and settings (an exact copy of your environment).
If you wish to make a punctual copy, disable the auto-execute settings. Once the action is created, you launch it manually in the panel "Programmed Actions," with the button "Execute Now".
If you want the copy to be automatically and regularly updated to keep it the same as your main drive, program it to run periodically (eg daily).
Note: The rst execution will be long (since everything will be copied). Subsequent runs will be much faster because only a portion of the data will need to be updated.
You want to create a bootable rescue disk
The goal is to have a disk with a minimal system where restart in case of need, for example to repair the main disk.
Use the programmed action "Bootable Copy", with the option to create a minimal System (in the Options panel).
You want to make a backup of the contents of a folder
The goal is to have a copy of certain documents.
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Use the programmed action "Copy Folder": The copy will contain an exact copy of the original. Each execution of the action will update the copy, adding new les and replacing the modied les.
Note: If you want to do this operation one time only, you can use an immediate action "Copy".
You want to make a backup of several separate files
The goal is to have a single backup for several folders.
Use the programmed action "Mirror Backup" that allows you to save multiple folders or disks. The copy will contain a folder for each source folder / disk, each of these folders containing the exact copy of the related original.
Each execution of the action will update the copy, adding new les and replacing the modied les.
You wish a backup that keeps previous versions of each document
The goal is to have a backup of your data with the latest version, while retaining the successive versions of les (when only the latest version is kept with the copy or mirror backup actions).
Use the programmed action "Evolutive Backup": The copy will contain a folder for each source folder / disk, each of these folders containing the exact copy of the related original. Each folder also contains a specic hidden folder where the the old versions of changed or deleted les are kept.
Each execution of the action will update the copy, adding new les and replacing the modied les (the old version is moved to the specic folder).
You want to make a new separate backup for each execution
The goal is to have, for each new backup, a new copy of your data in a new folder.
Use the programmed action "Incremental Backup": The copy will contain a folder for each source folder / disk, each folder containing the copy of the related original.
You can choose to copy, for each execution, only the recent les (old les are not copied to the backup), or all les from the source (the copy is complete and all les will be copied each time, including those who had not been modied since the last backup).
You wish to backup to an FTP server
The goal is to have a backup of your data to an FTP server (eg internet).
Use the programmed action "Copy to FTP Server" which allows you to save multiple folders or disks. The copy will contain a folder for each source folder / disk, each of these folders contains the exact copy of the related original.
Each execution of the action will update the copy, adding new les and replacing the modied les.
Note: This action is similar to the 'Mirror Backup".
Note: You can use an immediate action to review and select items to copy.
You want to make a local copy of an FTP server
The goal is to have a copy of the data from an FTP server on a local disk.
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Use the programmed action "Copy from FTP Server": The copy will contain an exact copy of the original. Each execution of the action will update the copy, adding new les and replacing the modied les.
Note: This action is similar to the action "Copy Folder".
Note: You can use an immediate action to review and select items to copy.
You want to compare the contents of two folders
Use Immediate Action "Compare": The list shows the dierent items. Select les or folders and click the Compare button and the action will compare the contents of each le.
The results are displayed in a list.
You want to synchronize two disks physically distant
The objective is to synchronize two large disks that are not physically accessible simultaneously by using a third portable disk (which does not need to be as big as the two disks) that you can move from one disk to the other.
Use the actions "Create MagicProle" and "Sync with MagicProle". You rst create (with the action "Create MagicProle") a "snapshot" (prole) of the contents of one disk (prole created on the portable disk). Then you compare this prole with the contents of the other disk with the action "Synchro with MagicProle" and only the dierences will be copied to the portable disk to be copied in turn on the rst disk.
Note: The actions "Create MagicProle" and "Sync with MagicProle" also exist as immediate action.
You wish to synchronize the contents of two folders
The objective is to perform the update of two folders by copying the missing documents and the latest documents in the other folder.
Use the programmed action "Synchronize two Folders": The contents of the two folders will be strictly identical after synchronization. Each execution of the action will update the two folders, adding new les and replacing older les with the latest version.
Note: If you want to do this operation from time to time, you can use an immediate action "Synchronize".
Synchronization modes: You can use two modes of synchronization:
- The direct synchronization (Synchonize by comparing the contents of each folder) compares the contents of folders and replace the old les with new ones, and copy the missing les. The options provide dierent behavior for the missing items.
- Synchronization of changes (Synchronize by comparing the changes since the last synchronization) compares the current contents of each folder with the previous contents to detect what has changed. Items that have been modied, added or deleted on one side since the last synchronization will be copied (or deleted) on the other side.
Note: To synchronize with change detection, Tri-BACKUP saves (after each synchronization), in each folder, the list of items in this folder in a special reference le (and invisible) named "" . During the rst synchronization (or if the reference le does not exist), a direct synchronization is performed.
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You want to synchronize two disks physically distant
Use the actions "Create MagicProle" and "Sync with MagicProle" (see previous page).
Other Actions
You want to compare two states of the same disk
The objective is to compare the contents of a disk with its content as it appeared at a previous date (eg before / after installing an application).
Use the action "Create MagicProle" to create a "snapshot" (prole) of the initial content of the disk. This creates an identical copy (as would the action "Copy Folder") but the copied les are empty and the copy obtained has a very small size (it can be saved to a disk image for reference ).
Then use the "Analyze" option in the immediate action "Sync with MagicProle" to list the dierences.
Note: You can also use the action "Compare" by comparing the date of the les (the sizes are of course dierent).
You want to regularly empty the contents of a folder
The aim is to regularly clean specic folders (temporary work folders, caches, etc.).
Use the programmed action "Delete Folder": With each execution, the contents of the folder will be deleted (note that the removal cannot be cancelled). The folder itself is not deleted.
You want to compress (and encrypt) the contents of a folder
The goal is to convert each le in a folder to a compressed le (and possibly encrypted with password).
Use the programmed action "Compress Folder": For each execution, each uncompressed le will be replaced by a compressed version.
Note: The compression format is a proprietary format of Tri-BACKUP. Tri-BACKUP is necessary to decompress and restore the original le.
Note: If you want to compress a copy (not the original), use the action "Copy Folder" and select the compression in the options.
You want to uncompress (and decrypt) the contents of a folder
The goal is to revert each compressed le in a folder to the original document.
Use the programmed action "Uncompress Folder": For each execution, each compressed le will be replaced with the original uncompressed version.
You want to change the visibility or change the owner of the items in a folder
The goal is to edit each le and each folder.
Use immediate action "Modify Folder".
You want to display the size of the contents of a folder
The objective is to quickly visualize the size occupied by each subfolder of a folder.
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Use immediate action "Calculate Size of Contents".
You want to compare the size of the contents of two folders
The objective is to check whether there are dierences in size of the contents of two folders.
Use immediate action "Compare Folders Size".
You want to compare the contents of two folders
The objective is to detect the dierences in two folders.
Use immediate action "Compare Folders Contents".
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Tri-BACKUP 8 - The main application
It is from this application that you create and manage your actions. It is also in this application that you have the reports and tools available to you by Tri-BACKUP 8.
The main window
The main window contains the buttons on the top for creating and managing actions, and buttons on the left for dierent tools. Clicking a button displays the corresponding panel in the center:
Welcome: To start and quickly create your rst programmed actions.
Create Action: This panel allows you to create the programmed actions. Programmed Actions: This panel lists all the programmed actions that you have created. You can edit and run manually. Immediate Actions: In this panel, you can open an immediate action or re-use of the latest actions. Restoration: This panel allows you to restore data that had been saved by Tri-BACKUP.
Latest actions: Results of the last programmed actions executed. Tools: Oers various tools and reports. Volumes: Displays information about the currently mounted disks. Check status: Panel to check the general state of Tri-BACKUP (useful for sending a report to the technical support).
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