Tri-Edre Tri-Backup - 6 User Manual

Which action to chose?
Tri-BACKUP 6 - Which action to chose?! 1 / 7
! Table of contents
..........................................................................................................................................Introduction 3
......................................................................................................................How to choose a type of action? 3
...........................................................................................................................Copies and backups 4
..........................................................................You want to make a backup of the contents of a folder 4
................................................................................You want to make a backup of several separate les 4
..................................................You wish a backup that keeps previous versions of each document 4
.............................................................You want to make a new separate backup for each execution 4
...............................................................................................................You wish to backup to an FTP server 5
.........................................................................................You want to make a local copy of an FTP server 5
.....................................................................................You want to compare the contents of two folders 5
..................................................................................................................................Synchronization 6
...............................................................................You wish to synchronize the contents of two folders 6
.......................................................................................................................................Other Actions 7
..............................................................................You want to regularly empty the contents of a folder 7
...............................................................You want to compress (and encrypt) the contents of a folder 7
.........................................................You want to uncompress (and decrypt) the contents of a folder 7
............................You want to change the visibility or change the owner of the items in a folder 7
Tri-BACKUP 6 - Which action to chose?! 2 / 7
For all operations (copy, backup etc..), you must create or open an action, then dene the settings and launch it (or set the automatic trigger).
Tri-BACKUP oers "Programmed Actions" and "immediate Actions".
The "Programmed Actions" are designed to keep the settings (to avoid having to repeat setup each time) and run automatically (although they can also be launched manually by the user).
The "Immediate Actions" were created to visualize and compare the contents of folders or disks, if you wish to check the content, or to choose specic les or folders to copy or treated.
Note: There are immediate actions that correspond to each of the programmed actions.
How to choose a type of action?
Depending on your needs, you choose the type of action that best suits them. Needs can be diverse, Tri-BACKUP has dierent actions.
You will nd below an explanation corresponding to the main needs.
Tri-BACKUP 6 - Which action to chose?! 3 / 7
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