Tri-Edre Tri-Backup - 3 User Manual

Your Serial Number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook 3
Licencing and Copyright Agreement
This software is Copyright ©1998-2003 TED and ©TRI-EDRE.
Except as permitted under copyright law, no part of the program or this manual may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of TRI-EDRE. The program, and this manual, are licensed only for individual use on a single computer. you are permitted by law to make working copies of the software program, solely for your own use. No copy (original or working) may be used while any other copy is in use. If you ever sell, lend or give away the original copy of this Software program, all working copies must also be sold, lent or given to the same person, or destroyed.
Limited Warranty
TRI-EDRE warrants to you that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation for the ninety (90) day period following the date of delivery of the Software to you. If the Software fails to meet the specications of the warranty set forth above, TRI­EDRE liability and your exclusive remedy will be replacement of the CD or a reasonable effort to make the product meet the above warranty specication. Except for the above express limited warranties, TRI-EDRE makes and you receive no warranties or conditions, express, implied, statutory or in any communication with you, and specically disclaims any implied warranty of non infringement, merchantability or tness for a particular purpose. TRI-EDRE does not warrant that the operation of the program will be uninterrupted or error free. In no event will TRI-EDRE be liable for any loss of use, loss of prots, interruption of busi­ness, or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, however caused and under any head of liability, arising out of use of or in connection with the software.
Tri-BACKUP is a trademark of TRI-EDRE. All other products are trademarks of their respective companies.
©TRI-EDRE. All Rights Reserved.
22 Place de l’Eglise - BP 111
Phone: +33 4 98 10 10 50
Web site: •
Email address: •
Fax: +33 4 98 10 10 55
Table of Content
Introduction........................................................................................................... 5
Welcome! ........................................................................................................... 5
Thank you for registering ...................................................................................... 5
Latest version of the software ............................................................................... 5
Program Setup .................................................................................................... 5
Uninstalling the Software...................................................................................... 5
Upgrade from version 3 ........................................................................................ 6
Upgrade from version 2 ........................................................................................ 6
Launching and Registering the Software................................................................. 6
Technical support................................................................................................. 6
Contacts............................................................................................................. 6
Administrator authorizations (OS X)......................................................................... 8
Activating authorizations to Tri-BACKUP .................................................................. 8
Basics ................................................................................................................... 9
Two types of action: Immediate and Programmed.................................................... 9
What can be backed up or synchronized?............................................................... 9
To execute actions, Tri-BACKUP must be running!.................................................. 10
Backing up........................................................................................................ 10
Backup placement............................................................................................. 11
Restoring .......................................................................................................... 11
Synchronizing .................................................................................................... 11
Multiple congurations ....................................................................................... 12
Backup Strategies................................................................................................ 13
What kind of backup to use? .............................................................................. 13
Background backup ........................................................................................... 13
Create congurations for every backup................................................................. 13
Backup of several computers on the network........................................................ 14
Back up your backup! ........................................................................................ 14
The Different Modes of Backup............................................................................. 15
Manual Backup from the Desktop ....................................................................... 15
Using the Synchronization features ...................................................................... 15
Immediate Backup............................................................................................. 15
Programmed Mirror Backup ................................................................................ 15
Programmed Evolutive Mirror Backup................................................................... 16
Programmed Incremental Backup........................................................................ 16
The Different Modes of Restoration....................................................................... 18
Manual Restoration from the Macintosh Desktop .................................................. 18
Using Synchronization to Restore......................................................................... 18
Using Immediate Restoration .............................................................................. 18
Using the «Restore...» function ............................................................................ 18
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Main Window ....................................................................................................... 20
Preferences......................................................................................................... 22
Immediate Actions ............................................................................................... 24
Interaction with immediate actions ...................................................................... 24
Immediate Copy ................................................................................................ 24
Immediate Backup............................................................................................. 25
Immediate Restore ............................................................................................ 27
Immediate Synchronization................................................................................. 28
Immediate Compression/Decompression.............................................................. 28
Comparison of two folders or disks ...................................................................... 29
Delete a folder’s content .................................................................................... 30
Programmed Actions ............................................................................................ 31
Creating a Programmed Action............................................................................ 31
Choosing the Mode............................................................................................ 32
Choosing Items ................................................................................................. 33
Options panel.................................................................................................... 35
Trigger Panel ..................................................................................................... 38
Exceptions ........................................................................................................ 39
Linked operations .............................................................................................. 41
Restoration ......................................................................................................... 42
Restoration constraints....................................................................................... 42
Restoration’s powerful possibilities ...................................................................... 43
The Restore Window .......................................................................................... 43
Restoring with an Evolutive Backup...................................................................... 44
Security Folder for Restoration ............................................................................ 45
Backup Browser................................................................................................... 46
Other Features..................................................................................................... 47
List of the Latest Operations ............................................................................... 47
List of the Latest Errors ...................................................................................... 47
Information windows .......................................................................................... 47
Access checking ................................................................................................ 47
Search function ................................................................................................. 48
Launching an action from a le ........................................................................... 48
Common Exceptions .......................................................................................... 48
History of Programmed Actions ........................................................................... 48
Compression/Uncompression .............................................................................. 48
Cleaning Evolutive Backup data........................................................................... 49
Locking use and settings .................................................................................... 49
Icons (description) ............................................................................................... 50
F.A.Q. .................................................................................................................. 52
4 Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook



Thank you for purchasing Tri-BACKUP!
Tri-BACKUP is the backup utility for Macintosh to assist you in:
• data backup (mirror or incremental).
• data restoration (in case of le loss).
• data synchronization of two disks or two folders.
• regularly scheduled and synchronized data backup, suited to your needs.

Thank you for registering

You will nd a registration card for your software license enclosed in the package. Please complete the form and send it to us promptly. Once you are registered, you will have access to technical support and will be notied of updates and news about our products.

Latest version of the software

Check our web site “” to know if you have the latest version of this software.
If you do not have the latest version of Tri-BACKUP, download it from the web site using your serial number.
Note: serial numbers are compatible with all versions having the same main version number: a serial number of version 3.0 is useable with versions 3.01, 3.02, etc.

Program Setup

On the CD-ROM, you will nd the application folder «Tri-BACKUP 3 Folder». Drag this folder into your hard disk (you can also download Tri-BACKUP from our web site

Uninstalling the Software

To remove this software from your hard disk:
• run Tri-BACKUP, select all programmed actions, delete these actions and quit Tri-BACKUP (this will remove the les that automatically launch Tri-BACKUP at start up).
• move the application folder «Tri-BACKUP 3 Folder» to the Trash.
Note: Tri-BACKUP is required to recover the les compressed with Tri-BACKUP.
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Upgrade from version 3

If you are a user of Tri-BACKUP 3, and want to continue using the previous settings and congurations that were created, install Tri-BACKUP 3 then copy the folder «ƒTri­BACKUP.prefs» into the «Tri-BACKUP 3 Folder». Now run Tri-BACKUP 3.

Upgrade from version 2

If you are a user of Tri-BACKUP 2, and want to continue using the previous settings and congurations that were created, install Tri-BACKUP 3 then copy les «Tri­BACKUP.Exclusions» and «Tri-BACKUP2.Congurations» (from version 2) into the «Tri-BACKUP 3 Folder». Now run Tri-BACKUP 3.
If you have already used Tri-BACKUP 3 and created new congurations, the old ones will not be imported. To import old settings, remove all the programmed actions rst, quit and re-run.
Note that version 3 needs a new serial number. You cannot use your previous version 2 serial number. Please, contact us for the upgrade or visit our web site http://www.tri­

Launching and Registering the Software

Double-click the application icon to run Tri-BACKUP. When rst launching, you will be prompted to enter your serial number (sent to you by email, or on a sticker on your CD). This serial number will activate all of the features of Tri-BACKUP. Please, keep this number in a safe place (for upgrades and technical support).
Tri-BACKUP will be automatically opened at start up if:
• Under Mac OS 9, you create at least one programmed action that will be automa­tically triggered. Tri-BACKUP will create a le in the folder «Open at Start Up» in your «System Folder».
• Under Mac OS X, select the «Login items» feature in the «System Preferences» and drag the Tri-BACKUP icon in the list.

Technical support

Our technical support is free and can be accessed by e-mail, fax or phone. Please have your serial number and the software version number ready before calling.


If you have comments about this product, problems or questions about this user guide or with our web site – or if you are interested in a site license – please contact TRI-EDRE (specify the version and serial numbers of your copy):
6 Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook
by e-mail address:
by phone or fax:
by mail:
Phone: +33 4 98 10 10 50
Fax: +33 4 98 10 10 55
22 Place de lʼEglise - BP 111
83510 Lorgues (France)
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Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook 9

Administrator authorizations (OS X)

Under Mac OS X, a user has limited access to the les and folders, depending on the rights granted, for each user, the group or the world. When a user attempts to read or de­lete a le without the necessary permissions, the system will not allow the operation.
Numerous les in Mac OS X are protected, and are only accessible to the administrator or «root» user.
Tri-BACKUP, as any application launched by the current user, has the same limited ri­ghts as the user. Tri-BACKUP cannot copy les if the user does not have these rights.

Activating authorizations to Tri-BACKUP

It is possible to grant Tri-BACKUP all authorizations for a full access to all les, in order to run a complete backup, or to create a bootable copy of an OS X system. These authorizations are independent of those of the current user.
When rst launched, Tri-BACKUP will propose to save these authorizations. They can be activated (or deactivated) from the Backup menu (available under OS X only), or automatically (de)activated before each programmed action.
To activate these authorizations, Tri-BACKUP will rst ask for a valid Administrator password. Authorizations will remain active permanently.
To deactivate these authorizations, use the item from the Backup menu.
If Tri-BACKUP is moved or reinstalled, it could be necessary to reactivate these rights.
When the administrator authorizations are active, you are informed in the main window: the current user name (on top right of the main window) is followed by «/0», and a mes­sage is displayed below the programmed actions list.
We added a lock function (in the Tools menu). An administrator can activate these authorizations on a computer, and can lock the use to the existing programmed actions only. Settings, immediate actions and restorations will be accessible only with the correct password. Programmed actions will run normally.
8 Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook


Two types of action: Immediate and Programmed

Immediate Actions
«Immediate Actions» are designed to run a backup, a copy or a synchronization very quickly and easily, with a very few settings.
Possible actions are:
• copy a folder or a disk,
• backup a folder or a disk,
• restoring a le, a folder, or an entire volume,
• synchronizing a folder or a disk,
• compressing, uncompressing or protecting a folderʼs content.
• comparison of folders contents.
• deleting a folderʼs content.
Programmed Actions
For repetitious actions, or actions that you want to be done automatically, Tri-BACKUP offers the «Programmed Actions». The settings of these actions are saved and these actions can be automatically and regularly scheduled and run without any intervention of the user.
Programmed actions can provide:
• backup of folders and disks (with three different modes: mirror, evolutive and incremental),
• synchronization of two folders or disks,
• copy of a folder or a disk,
• compression, uncompression and protection of a folderʼs content.
• deleting a folderʼs content.

What can be backed up or synchronized?

Tri-BACKUP can manage any volume (and its content) on the desktop of your Macin­tosh. It can be the volume from which to backup, the volume to be synchronized or the volume into which the backup should be made.
Tri-BACKUP handles les (documents, applications, etc.) and copies these les when backing up or when synchronizing.
Note: Any volume you need to back up or synchronize must be mounted on the desktop.
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To execute actions, Tri-BACKUP must be running!

Tri-BACKUP doesnʼt install any extensions or control panels.
Under Mac OS 9, in order to automatically launch backups and synchronizations, Tri­BACKUP creates a le into the “Startup Items” and “Shutdown items” folders in the System Folder. Tri-BACKUP will automatically run at every start-up and will quit if necessary.
Under OS 9, do not quit Tri-BACKUP: if you do so, Tri-BACKUP wonʼt be able to make backup until it is relaunched or until the computer is restarted.
Under Mac OS X, select the «Login items» feature in the «System Preferences» and drag the Tri-BACKUP icon in the Login items list.
Under OS X, an option in the Preferences allows that Tri-BACKUP quits and opens automatically between 2 programmed actions. If you do not activate this function, do not quit Tri-BACKUP, or it wonʼt be able to make backup until it is relaunched or until the computer is restarted.
If you scheduled actions at shut down, Tri-BACKUP needs to be open under OS X. Under OS 9, the application will automatically be launched at shut down.

Backing up

Tri-BACKUP automatically makes a backup of your data by copying every modied le onto another disk, onto a network drive, or on a high capacity disk such as Zip or Jaz disks, etc. Tri-BACKUP can save the content of the whole volume or a specic folder. Choose the conguration you need.
Tri-BACKUP makes copies of original les for backup. Files are automatically dupli­cated into the backup location, in much the same way as moving them by hand (except that Tri-BACKUP preserves owners and permissions, when the Finder changes them during a copy). The directory structure (folders, sub-folders, etc.) is kept intact. You can then, even without Tri-BACKUP, check manually what was saved, and you can retrieve a le directly from the Macintosh Desktop.
Three backup modes are available in Tri-BACKUP:
• MIRROR BACKUP: this kind of backup creates an exact copy of a folder or the entire content of any volume you choose. During each backup, the copy is updated to remain identical to the source folder. Tri-BACKUP only copies les that were modied (or added) in the source folder.
• EVOLUTIVE MIRROR BACKUP: this kind of backup creates an exact copy of a folder or the entire content of any volume you choose. During each backup, the copy is updated to remain identical to the source folder. In addition, Tri-BACKUP keeps track of any modied, added or removed le, and saves the last versions of
10 Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook
each modied le. You can limit the number of versions of the same le saved in the backup, and options allow to clean the backup by removing older versions. Tri-BACKUP only copies les that were modied (or added) in the source fol­der.
• INCREMENTAL BACKUP: this mode allows you to keep a copy of every ver­sion of a document. During each backup, Tri-BACKUP copies only the les that have been modied since the last backup, creating a new folder for each backup (previous backups are not overwritten).
Backup settings allow for le compression or le exclusions (aliases, icons, invisible or temporary les, etc.).

Backup placement

Tri-BACKUP species the destination folder where the backup is copied. Tri-BACKUP creates a new folder for each of the volumes or folders to back up, in this destination folder.
For example, if you back up your disks “Hard Disk” and “External Disk” in the “BACKUP” folder on a high capacity disk, the backed up versions of the folders will use the same names as the original volumes; in this example, “Hard Disk” and “External Disk”, would be created in the “BACKUP” folder.
The destination folder is a backup «container».


A le restoration process is linked to the backup operation. It allows all les that were copied during backup (or that were deleted or modied in the source) to be restored in the source folder or volume.
Restoration is used to retrieve lost or deleted les, to retrieve a previous version of a document, or to rebuild an entire folder or disk.
Note 1: Every replacement of an existing le will require conrmation.
Note 2: Tri-BACKUP makes exact copies of les during backup. It is possible to restore a le manually from the backup location to the source folder.


When a synchronization is started, Tri-BACKUP compares the content of the two fol­ders (and of their sub-folders) or of two disks. If a le is missing (or is older) in one of the two folders, it will be overwritten.
When the synchronizing process is over, the content of the two folders (or disks) will be identical, with each of them containing the latest version of the les.
This synchronization is automatic and therefore easier, quicker and safer than opening
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every folder to make copies of les one at a time by hand.
Caution: if a le was modied in one of the two folders, the newest version is kept.
Note: Use the synchronization feature to update a desktop computer and laptop com­puter.
Multiple congurations
A great advantage of Tri-BACKUP is that you can schedule multiple backups or syn­chronization operations. These can be launched automatically, without requesting any user action.
It is possible to create as many congurations as needed. They can be organized in dif­ferent groups for an easier management.
For example, you can schedule:
• an hourly mirror backup of important data (to ensure having an up-to-date copy)
• an incremental backup of a frequently used folder every evening at shutdown (thus keeping successive versions of a report).
• a complete backup of your hard disk, on every 1st day of the month at 8:00 AM (as a reference backup on a CD-ROM).
• different backups for different days of the week.
• a synchronization of your “Customer File” nightly at 11:00 PM (insuring that all computers on your network are up-to-date).
• any other conguration as ts your needs.
12 Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook

Backup Strategies

Although backups can be run manually with Tri-BACKUP, its main purpose is to back up data automatically, without any user interaction. Once congured and scheduled, these operations will do their job, without disturbing you. By creating congurations according to your needs, you will be able to make full backups as well as specic bac­kups of important folders.

What kind of backup to use?

Tri-BACKUP offers multiple backup possibilities (these are detailed in the «The Diffe­rent Modes of Backup» chapter).
A mirror backup lets you have an “exact copy” of your data, which easily retrieves your work environment after accidental loss of data. However, every “error” in the source or every corrupted le will be reected in the destination folder.
The evolutive mirror backup is like a mirror backup, creating an exact copy of your disk or folder. But, when a le is modied or removed, the evolutive backup saves the old version prior to copy the new one in the backup. This way, Tri-BACKUP will save the evolution of the content, and you will be able to go back to a previous version very easily. This backup mode needs more disk space than the mirror backup (and the needed space can be important if old les must be saved for a long time). Options allow you to remove the oldest versions.
The great advantage of an incremental backup is to keep all successive versions of a document at your disposal (for example, you will be able to get a previous version of your document, if you realize that you deleted something which is still needed), without copying old les. This backup is not total (it contains only the recently modied les), but allows light backup.
We recommend combining both kinds of backup, possibly limiting incremental backups to important, frequently used les.

Background backup

Tri-BACKUP can run backups while you work on your computer.
Tri-BACKUP works faster while it is in the foreground of your computer. If it is in background, Tri-BACKUP works slower, but allow you to run another application si­multaneously.
Create congurations for every backup
We recommend setting up several backup congurations to t your needs. Using multi-
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ple congurations optimizes your backup strategy, taking less time and using less space than one full data backup. Also, be sure to execute a global backup as necessary to protect your entire system.

Backup of several computers on the network

Once Tri-BACKUP has completed a backup of all volumes on the desktop of one com­puter, it is possible to save the content of other computer disks on your network, with a different conguration for each computer as needed.
You can also keep a designated hard disk on a server for backup of all computers on the network, allowing each computer its own Tri-BACKUP copy with customized con­gurations.

Back up your backup!

Since it is possible that you may backup data that you later nd unusable, we recom­mend regularly storing copies of your data on a CD or high capacity disk designated for backup copies only.
Keep two backup sets that may be updated interchangeably; for example, keep one set for backups on even days and one set for backups on odd days.
If it is possible, burn a backup CD regularly as a safeguard against a serious crash on your computer system.
Think that your backup will be your last resort. Tri-BACKUP is an easy to use utility that is efcient and quiet during operations. Make the most of it!
14 Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook

The Different Modes of Backup

Tri-BACKUP allows several ways to do a backup.
For each method, the principle used by Tri-BACKUP is the same: a copy of the les, and a copy of the folder structure (folders and subfolders). That way, the result of the backup is similar to the one obtained with a copy from the Finder, but itʼs much more easy and efcient with Tri-BACKUP.

Manual Backup from the Desktop

You can copy a folder (or a volume) directly from the Finder. This can be considered as a backup.
This method is very inefcient, because this method overwrites all backups previously done. However, Tri-BACKUP will be able to restore from this type of backup.

Using the Synchronization features

Synchronization is not the best way to do a backup. Just remember that the synchroniza­tion works in both directions. Any le that you have removed from your hard disk (but still remaining in the backup) would tend to be copied back to your disk.
Itʼs best to use the Immediate Synchronization feature, so that you can precisely control which les to include and the direction of the copy (remember that synchronization can copy in both directions).
Synchronization only copies les that need it. Unmodied les are of course not co­pied.

Immediate Backup

You can perform a backup using this mode. You should limit the use of it for a one-time backup, or if you want to see and control which les will be copied. With this mode, you can do a full copy if all items are selected before running the backup.
Immediate Backup allows an «intelligent» backup, copying only les that need it. You can also activate the compress option to reduce the size of the backup.

Programmed Mirror Backup

This mode allows the easiest restoration of a folder or a disk.
This backup creates an exact copy of a folder or an entire disk. The copy will be updated each time the backup runs (only modied or new les will be copied).
The backup needs a lot of space in the backup volume (as much as the original folder/
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disk), but the compress option can considerably reduce it.
This is a good way to have a recently updated copy of your hard disk, useable in the event of a problem to easily recreate your usual working environment.
Please, keep in mind that any removed or corrupted le will replace the old one in the copy.

Programmed Evolutive Mirror Backup

This mode offers the highest security, and an easy way to restore the data.
This mode creates an exact copy (like the Mirror Backup mode) but, when a le is modied, the copy of the previous version is moved to a «second level backup» place prior to replacement by the new version. This mode can save multiple versions of each document. The backup is updated each time this action is scheduled.
The disk space needed for this backup mode can be quite large and greater than the size of the original folder or disk. Compression can greatly reduce this size.
If you have enough free space (for example if you have a large external hard disk for your backup), this mode is an excellent way to have a copy of your disk as well as the last versions of each document. You will be able to use this copy to restore your disk, or to go back to a prior disk content or a clean version of a document.
The complementary data of an evolutive backup are saved, folder-by-folder, in special folders named «(ƒBACKUP.Evolutive.folder**)». These folders are invisible folders, but you can make them visible in Settings or with one of the Tools menu items. These folders contain previous versions of modied and deleted documents. If you exclude these folders, the copy obtained with this mode is similar to the copy done with a Mir­ror Backup. A «cleaning feature», in the Tools menu, can remove all the evolutive data inside a folder.
Use the options of this backup mode to limit the number of versions and the period of time they will be saved. This will clean the backup and prevent its size to grow up too much.
If you use the «evolutive cleaning» function in the Tools menu, you’ll remove all «evolu­tive» data and will wind up with the same result as a Mirror Backup.

Programmed Incremental Backup

This mode creates a relatively small sized backup.
Only a few portions of the disk (or folder) will be saved for each backup. Only les modied since the last backup are copied.
This is a good way to bring your daily work with you on a small hard disk or car­tridge.
16 Tri-BACKUP 3 User Handbook
It is also a way to preserve the last versions of a document.
This backup mode, which is a partial backup, will not allow a full restoration of a disk or a folder. You should use it in combination with a Mirror Backup (for the complete content) to save important les you are working on.
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+ 39 hidden pages