Tri-Edre TrashMagic 2 Instruction Manual

TrashMagic 2
User Guide
Licensing and Copyright Agreement
This software is Copyright ©2010 TED and ©TRI-EDRE.
Except as permitted under copyright law, no part of the program or this manual may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of TRI-EDRE.
The program, and this manual, are licensed only for individual use on a single computer. you are permitted by law to make working copies of the software program, solely for your own use. No copy (original or working) may be
used while any other copy is in use.
If you ever sell, lend or give away the original copy of this Software program, all working copies must also be sold, lent or given to the same person, or destroyed.
Limited Warranty
TRI-EDRE warrants to you that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation for the ninety (90) day period following the date of delivery of the Software to you. If the Software fails to meet the
specications of the warranty set forth above, TRI-EDRE liability and your exclusive remedy will be replacement of the CD or a reasonable eort to make the product meet the above warranty specication. Except for the above
express limited warranties, TRI-EDRE makes and you receive no warranties or conditions, express, implied, statutory or in any communication with you, and specically disclaims any implied warranty of non infringement, merchantability or tness for a particular purpose. TRI-EDRE does not warrant that the operation of the program will
be uninterrupted or error free.
In no event will TRI-EDRE be liable for any loss of use, loss of prots, interruption of business, or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, however caused and under any head of liability, arising out of use
of or in connection with the software.
TrashMagic 2 is a trademark of TRI-EDRE.
All other products are trademarks of their respective companies.
©TRI-EDRE. All Rights Reserved.
22 Place de l’Eglise - BP 111
Phone: +33 4 98 10 10 50
Fax: +33 4 98 10 10 55
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Table Of Contents
................................................................................................................................Introduction 4
...............................................................................................................................................................What TrashMagic 2 does 4
.................................................................................................................................................What TrashMagic 2 does not do 4
...................................................................................................................................Installation 4
....................................................................................................................................................................Register TrashMagic 2 5
...................................................................................................................................................................Uninstall TrashMagic 2 5
....................................................................................................................................Quick Tour 6
.........................................................................................................................................................TrashMagic 2 Main Window 6
.........................................................................................................................................................................TrashMagic 2 Menu 6
...................................................................................................................Customize settings 7
...............................................................................................................................................................................General Settings 7
......................................................................................................................................................Cache Management Settings 7
.........................................................................................................................................................Protected Volumes Settings 8
...................................................................................................................Advanced Settings 8
.......................................................................................................................................................................Filters And Exclusion 8
.......................................................................................................................................................Caching Mode And le Limit 9
..................................................................................................................Start the Protection 9
.....................................................................................................................................................Users of TrashMagic version 1 9
..........................................................................................................................Data Recovery 10
................................................................................................................................................................................Recovery pane 10
....................................................................................................................................................................................Recover data 11
........................................................................................................................................................................Cleanup the cache 11
............................................................................................................................................F.A.Q. 12
Thanks you for you interest in TrashMagic 2. This User Guide is not long and contains important things. Please, take the time to read it before contacting our Technical Support.
What TrashMagic 2 does
TrashMagic 2 was created to protect you against mistakes ! It will put les and folder detected in Trash in a hidden place on your hard disk.
As a result, if you put something in Trash, and you realize it's a mistake, you can recover it, even if you use the Empty Trash command in the Finder too quickly.
What TrashMagic 2 does not do
TrashMagic 2 is not a data recovery software. It is able to recover trashed les and folder only if it is installed before and if protection is activated.
To recover data from a damaged disk or if TrashMagic 2 was not installed or activated, use a data recovery software (Data Rescue for example).
To install TrashMagic 2, simply drag and drop TrashMagic 2 in the Applications folder on your Macintosh hard disk.
When you download TrashMagic 2 from TRI-EDRE's website, you will have a le called a Disk Images (.dmg)
When you double-click the disk image, a virtual disk will appear on your Desktop. Double-Click to open the virtual disk, your will see this window:
Drag and drop TrashMagic 2 to the Applications folder alias. When the copy is terminated, open the Applications folder, and double-click on TrashMagic 2 icon.
Please, read carefully the following instructions to use TrashMagic 2 correctly.
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