If any package contents are missing or damaged, please contact the retail store, online
retailer, or reseller/distributor that the item was purchased.
TRENDnet TEW-751DR Dual Band Wireless Router produces the ultimate
wireless experience with gigabit wireless speed. The router provides up to
450Mbps for the 2.4GHz band 802.11n wireless connection and 1.3Gbps for the
5GHz band 802.11a wireless connection.
• 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Auto-MDIX LAN ports
• 1 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Internet Port
• 1 x Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) button
• On / Off power switch
• Compliant with IEEE 802.11a/b/g
• Compliant with IEEE 802.11n 2.0
• Compliant with IEEE 802.3 and 802.3u
• Compatible with most popular cable / DSL Internet Service Providers
using Dynamic/Static IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP and DS-Lite connection
• One touch wireless connection using the WPS button
The wireless router allows you to access your network using a wireless
connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless
network. However, the number, thickness and location of walls, ceilings, or other
objects that the wireless signals must pass through, may limit the range. Typical
ranges vary depending on the types of materials and background RF (radio
frequency) noise in your home or business. The key to maximizing wireless
range is to follow these basic guidelines:
1. Keep the number of walls and ceilings between the router and other
network devices to a minimum - each wall or ceiling can reduce your
adapter’s range from 3-90 feet (1-30 meters.) Position your devices so
that the number of walls or ceilings is minimized.
2. Be aware of the direct line between network devices. A wall that is 1.5
feet thick (.5 meters), at a 45-degree angle appears to be almost 3 feet
(1 meter) thick. At a 2-degree angle it looks over 42 feet (14 meters)
thick! Position devices so that the signal will travel straight through a wall
or ceiling (instead of at an angle) for better reception.
3. Building Materials make a difference. A solid metal door or aluminum
studs may have a negative effect on range. Try to position access points,
wireless routers, and computers so that the signal passes through
drywall or open doorways. Materials and objects such as glass, steel,
metal, walls with insulation, water (fish tanks), mirrors, file cabinets, brick,
and concrete will degrade your wireless signal.
4. Keep your product away (at least 3-6 feet or 1-2 meters) from electrical
devices or appliances that generate RF noise.
5. If you are using 2.4GHz cordless phones or X-10 (wireless products such
as ceiling fans, lights, and home security systems), your wireless
connection may degrade dramatically or drop completely. Make sure
your 2.4GHz phone base is as far away from your wireless devices as
possible. The base transmits a signal even if the phone in not in use.
TRENDnet User’s Guide
Hardware Installation
1. Turn off and unplug your cable or DSL broadband modem. This is
2. Position your router close to your modem and a computer. Place the
router in an open area of your intended work area for better wireless
3. Unplug the Ethernet cable from your modem (or existing router if
upgrading) that is connected to your computer. Plug it into the LAN port
labeled 1 on the back of your router. The router is now connected to your
4. Plug one end of the included blue Ethernet cable that came with your
router into the yellow port labeled WAN on the back of the router. Plug
the other end of this cable into the Ethernet port on your modem.
5. Reconnect the power adapter to your cable or DSL broadband modem
and wait for two minutes.
6. Connect the supplied power adapter into the power port on the back of
the router and then plug it into a power outlet or surge protector. Press
the power button and verify that the power LED is lit. Allow 1 minute for
the router to boot up.
7. If you are connecting to a Broadband service that uses a dynamic
connection (not PPPoE), you may be online already. Try opening a web
browser and enter a web site. If a solid light indicates connection on the
Internet port and the router can connect to the Internet. If the LED is
orange, the connection is good but the router cannot connect to the
Connect to an Existing Router
Note: It is strongly recommended to replace your existing router with the
TEW-751DR instead of using both. If your modem is a combo router, you
may want to contact your ISP or manufacturer’s user guide to put the
router into Bridge mode, which will ‘turn off ’ the router (NAT ) functions.
If you are connecting the TEW-751DR router to an existing router to use as a
wireless access point and/or switch, you will have to do the following to the
TEW-751DR before connecting it to your network:
•Change the LAN IP address to an available address on your network.
The LAN ports on the router cannot accept a DHCP address from your
other router.
To connect to another router, please follow the steps below:
1. Plug the power into the router. Connect one of your computers to the
router (LAN port) using an Ethernet cable. Make sure your IP address on
the computer is 192.168.10.xxx (where xxx is between 2 and 254).
Please see the Networking Basics section for more information. If you
need to change the settings, write down your existing settings before
making any changes. In most cases, your computer should be set to
receive an IP address automatically in which case you will not have to do
anything to your computer.
2. Open a web browser, enter and press Enter. When
the login window appears, set the user name to Admin and leave the
password box empty. Click Login to continue.
3. Click Access > Advanced Network. Uncheck the Enable UPnP check
box. Click Save Settings to continue.
4. Click Main > LAN. Uncheck the Enable DHCP Server check box. Click
Save Settings to continue.
5. Under Router Settings, enter an available IP address and the subnet
mask of your network. Click Save Settings to save your settings. Use
this new IP address to access the configuration utility of the router in the
future. Close the browser and change your computer’s IP settings back
to the original values as in Step 1.
6. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the router and reconnect your
computer to your network.
7. Connect an Ethernet cable in one of the LAN ports of the router and
connect it to your other router. Do not plug anything into the Internet
(WAN) port of the router.
8. You may now use the other 3 LAN ports to connect other Ethernet
devices and computers. To configure your wireless network, open a web
browser and enter the IP address you assigned to the router. Refer to
the Configuration and Wireless Security sections for more information on
setting up your wireless network.
TRENDnet User’s Guide
Log in the Web-based Management
1. Open your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Fafari, Chrome, or
Opera) and go to Your router will prompt you for a user
anme and password.
2. Enter the default user name and password and then click Login.
Default User Name: admin
Default Password: 1234567?
3. The main window appears. You can configure the router by using the Setup
Wizard or detail manual configuration.
Main > Wizard
When configuring the router for the first time, it is recommended to use the Setup
Wizard, and follow the instructions on the screen. This wizard is designed to
assist user with a quick and easy method to configure the Internet Connectivity of
this router.
Anytime during the wizard, the user can click the Cancel button to discard any
changes made and return to the main Internet page. Also, the user can click the
Prev button to return to the previous window for re-configuration.
Click Main > Wizard on the left side to access the Setup Wizard.
Welcome to the Setup Wizard
This is the welcome page of the Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions to setup
the router. Click Next to continue.
The router is checking the available Internet connection type.
Step 2: Configure Your Internet Connection
Select one of the connection types for the router. Click the radio button and Next
to continue.
DHCP Connection
When selecting DHCP, this window appears for you to configure. Click Save to
implement the changes and continue.
When selecting PPPoE, this window appears for you to configure. Enter the
PPPoE user name and password provided by the ISP. Click Save to implement
the changes and continue.
When selecting PPTP, this window appears for you to configure. Enter the PPTP
user name, password and other information provided by the ISP. Click Save to
implement the changes and continue.
When selecting L2TP, this window appears for you to configure. Enter the L2TP
user name, password and other information provided by the ISP. Click Save to
implement the changes and continue.
When selecting Static IP, this window appears for you to configure. Enter the
static IP and DNS settings provided by the ISP. Click Save to implement the
changes and continue.
The router starts to check the WAN connection.
Step 3: Confirm Wi-Fi Settings
Once the router finds the correct WAN connection, the window appears providing
the information of wireless connection. Click Exit to finish the configuration.
Router Settings
Router IP Address: Enter the IP address of the router. The default IP address is Once the IP address has been changed and saved, you will need
to enter the new IP address in the browser to get back to the web-based
Default Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask. The default subnet mask is
Host Name: Enter a name for the router.
Local Domain Name: Enter the domain name. This is optional.
Enable DNS Relay: Uncheck the check box to transfer the DNS server
information from your ISP to your computer. If selected, your computer uses the
router for a DNS server.
DHCP Server Settings
Enable DHCP Server: Tick the check box to enable the DHCP server on the
DHCP IP Address Range: Enter the starting and ending IP address for the
DHCP server’s IP assignment.
DHCP Lease Time: The length of time for the IP address lease. Enter the time in
Always Broadcast: If all the computers on the LAN successfully obtain their IP
addresses from the router’s DHCP server as expected, this option can remain
disabled. However, if one of the computers on the LAN fails to obtain an IP
address from the router’s DHCP server, it may have an old DHCP client that
incorrectly turns off the broadcast flag of DHCP packets.
Enabling this option will cause the router to always broadcast its responses to all
clients, thereby working around the problem, at the cost of increased broadcast
traffic on the LAN.
Add DHCP Reservation
Enable: Tick the check box to enable the reservation.
Computer Name: Enter the computer name or select from the drop-down menu
and click <<.
IP Address: Enter the IP address you want to assign to the computer or device.
This IP Address must be within the DHCP IP Address Range.
MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of the computer or device.
Clone Your PC’s MAC Address: If you want to assign an IP address to the
computer you are currently on, click this button to populate the fields.
Click the Add / Update button to save the entry. Click the Clear button to delete
all the information in this section.
DHCP Reservation List
This section displays the reservation entries. The entries include host name, IP
address and MAC address. Tick the Enable check box of the corresponding
entry to enable the reservation. Click the button box of the corresponding
entry to modify the entry. Click the button of the corresponding entry to
remove the entry.
Number of Dynamic DHCP Clients
This section displays the available DHCP clients.
Click the Save Settings button to accept the changes made.
Click the Don’t Save Settings button to discard the changes made.
This window is used to configure the WAN settings manually. There are multiple
parameters that can be configured regarding the Internet connection.
Access Point Mode
In the Access Point Mode section, the user can enable the Access Point Mode.
This feature will change the functionality of this router completely. If this feature is
disabled, the router will function as a normal wireless router. However, after
enabling this feature all routing functionality of this device will be disabled and it
will only function as a wireless access point. Changing this device to act as a
wireless access point allows us to utilize this device to connect to another router
wirelessly. By doing so, we can utilize the IEEE 802.11ac connection speed to its
optimum speed.
Enable Access Point Mode: Tick the check box to change the router to an
access point.
Select Static IP from My Internet Connection Is drop-down list if all the Internet
port’s IP information is provided to you by your ISP. You will need to enter in the
IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) provided to
you by your ISP. Each IP address entered in the fields must be in the appropriate
IP form, which are four octets separated by a dot (x.x.x.x). The Router will not
accept the IP address if it is not in this format.
Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by your ISP.
Default Gateway: Enter the Gateway assigned by your ISP.
Primary DNS Server: Enter the primary DNS server IP address that is supplied
by your ISP.
Secondary DNS Server: Enter the secondary DNS server IP address that is
supplied by your ISP.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to change the MTU for
optimal performance with your specific ISP. 1500 is the default MTU.
MAC Address: The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physical
interface MAC address on the broadband router. It is not recommended that you
change the default MAC address unless required by your ISP.
Clone Your PC’s MAC Address: Click to replace the Internet port’s MAC
address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.
IP Address: Enter the IP address assigned by your ISP.
The default WAN configuration for this router is Dynamic IP (DHCP). This option
allows the router to obtain an IP address automatically from the device that is
connected to the Internet port.
Primary DNS Server: Enter the primary DNS server IP address that is supplied
by your ISP.
Secondary DNS Server: Enter the secondary DNS server IP address that is
supplied by your ISP.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to change the MTU for
optimal performance with your specific ISP. 1500 is the default MTU.
MAC Address: The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physical
interface MAC address on the broadband router. It is not recommended that you
change the default MAC address unless required by your ISP.
Clone Your PC’s MAC Address: Click to replace the Internet port’s MAC
address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.
Internet Connection Type – PPPoE (Username / Password)
Choose PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) if your ISP uses a PPPoE
connection. Your ISP should provide you a username and password. This option
is typically used for DSL services. Make sure to remove your PPPoE software
from your computer. The software is no longer needed and will not work through
a router.
Host Name: The Host Name is optional but may be required by some ISPs.
Leave blank if you are not sure.
Use Unicasting: Tick this option if your ISP uses the unicast method to provide
IP addresses.
Address Mode: Select whether this Internet connection requires the use of a
Dynamic IP or Static IP address. PPPoE usually requires a Dynamic IP
IP Address: Enter the PPPoE IP address. This option is only available when
Static IP is selected.
Username: Enter the PPPoE account user name. This information is given by
the ISP.
Password: Enter the PPPoE account password. This information is given by the
Verify Password: Re-enter the PPPoE account password.
Service Name: This optional field enables the user to enter a service name to
identify this Internet connection here.
Reconnect Mode: Click the radio buttons to specify the reconnect mode. The
user can specify a custom schedule or specify the On Demand, or Manual
option. To specify a custom schedule, use the drop-down menu to select one of
the schedules that has been defined in the Schedules page.
Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maximum idle time during which the Internet
connection is maintained during inactivity.
DNS Mode: When Receive DNS from ISP is selected, it allows the router to
obtain the DNS IP addresses from the ISP. When Enter DNS Manually is
selected, it allows the user to enter DNS IP address manually.
Primary DNS Server: Enter the primary DNS server IP address that is supplied
by your ISP. This field is only available when Enter DNS Manually is selected.
Secondary DNS Server: Enter the Secondary DNS IP address used here. This
field is normally optional. Only one DNS address is required for a functional
Internet connection, but using a second DNS address provides more stability.
This field is only available when Enter DNS Manually is selected.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to change the MTU for
optimal performance with your specific ISP. 1492 is the default MTU.
MAC Address: The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physical
interface MAC address on the broadband router. It is not recommended that you
change the default MAC address unless required by your ISP.
Clone Your PC’s MAC Address: Click to replace the Internet port’s MAC
address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.
Internet Connection Type – PPTP (Username / Password)
Choose PPTP (Point-to-Point-Tunneling Protocol ) if your ISP uses a PPTP
connection. Your ISP should provide you a username and password. This option
is typically used for DSL services.
Address Mode: Select whether this Internet connection requires the use of a
Dynamic IP or Static IP address. PPTP usually requires a Dynamic IP
PPTP IP Address: Enter the PPTP IP address. This option is only available
when Static IP is selected.
PPTP Subnet Mask: Enter the PPTP subnet mask.
PPTP Gateway IP Address: Enter the PPTP gateway IP address.
PPTP Server IP Address: Enter the PPTP server IP address. This is normally
the same as the PPTP gateway IP address.
Username: Enter the PPTP user name. This information is given by the ISP.
Password: Enter the PPTP password. This information is given by the ISP.
Verify Password: Re-enter the PPTP password.
Reconnect Mode: Click the radio buttons to specify the reconnect mode. The
user can specify a custom schedule or specify the On Demand, or Manual
option. To specify a custom schedule, use the drop-down menu to select one of
the schedules that has been defined in the Schedules page.
Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maximum idle time during which the Internet
connection is maintained during inactivity.
Primary DNS Server: Enter the primary DNS server IP address that is supplied
by your ISP.
Secondary DNS Server: Enter the Secondary DNS IP address used here. This
field is normally optional. Only one DNS address is required for a functional
Internet connection, but using a second DNS address provides more stability.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to change the MTU for
optimal performance with your specific ISP. 1492 is the default MTU.
MAC Address: The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physical
interface MAC address on the broadband router. It is not recommended that you
change the default MAC address unless required by your ISP.
Clone Your PC’s MAC Address: Click to replace the Internet port’s MAC
address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.
Internet Connection Type – L2TP (Username / Password)
Choose L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) if your ISP uses a L2TP connection.
Your ISP will provide you with a username and password. This option is typically
used for DSL services.
Address Mode: Select whether this Internet connection requires the use of a
Dynamic IP or Static IP address. L2TP usually requires a Dynamic IP
L2TP IP Address: Enter the L2TP IP address. This option is only available when
Static IP is selected.
L2TP Subnet Mask: Enter the L2TP subnet mask.
L2TP Gateway IP Address: Enter the L2TP gateway IP address.
L2TP Server IP Address: Enter the L2TP server IP address. This is normally the
same as the L2TP gateway IP address.
Username: Enter the L2TP user name. This information is given by the ISP.
Password: Enter the L2TP password. This information is given by the ISP.
Verify Password: Re-enter the L2TP password.
Reconnect Mode: Click the radio buttons to specify the reconnect mode. The
user can specify a custom schedule or specify the On Demand, or Manual
option. To specify a custom schedule, use the drop-down menu to select one of
the schedules that has been defined in the Schedules page.
Maximum Idle Time: Enter a maximum idle time during which the Internet
connection is maintained during inactivity.
Primary DNS Server: Enter the primary DNS server IP address that is supplied
by your ISP.
Secondary DNS Server: Enter the Secondary DNS IP address used here. This
field is normally optional. Only one DNS address is required for a functional
Internet connection, but using a second DNS address provides more stability.
MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to change the MTU for
optimal performance with your specific ISP. 1492 is the default MTU.
MAC Address: The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physical
interface MAC address on the broadband router. It is not recommended that you
change the default MAC address unless required by your ISP.
Clone Your PC’s MAC Address: Click to replace the Internet port’s MAC
address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.
Admin Password
Password: Enter a password for the administrator login.
Verify Password: Re-type the administrator password.
System Name
Gateway Name: Enter a name for the router.
TRENDnet User’s Guide
Enable Remote Management: Remote management allows the router to be
configured from the Internet by a web browser. A username and password is still
required to access the Web Management interface.
Remote Admin Port: Enter the port number used to access the router. It is
required when entering the URL. Example: http://x.x.x.x:8080 whereas x.x.x.x is
the Internet IP address of the router and 8080 is the port used for the Web
Management interface.
Remote Admin Inbound Filter: Select the Remote Admin Inbound Filter rule
from the drop-down menu. Options available for selection are Allow All, and
Deny All. Alternatively, a custom inbound filter rule can be created and applied
to this parameter. Refer to Access > Protocol / IP Filters for more information
about creating custom inbound filter rules.
Details: This field displays the detail information of the selected inbound filter
Click the Save Settings button to accept the changes made.
Click the Don’t Save Settings button to discard the changes made.
Main > Time
This window allows you to configure, update, and maintain the correct time on
the internal system clock. You can set the time zone that you are in and set the
Time Server. Daylight saving can also be configured to automatically adjust the
time when needed.
Time and Date Configuration
Time: Displays the current date and time of the router
Time Zone: Select your time zone from the drop-down menu.