TEW-210APB Wireless
Multi-mode AP
User Manual
Version – Apr 2002

Copyright statement
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior writing of the publisher.
Printed in Taiwan, April 2002
1. Contnets
1 Contents........................................................ 2
2 Introduction .................................................. 3
3 Installation .................................................... 4
4 SNMP Features............................................. 5
4.1 How to install and launch the SNMP Manager......6
4.2 How to change the IP Address..............................8
4.3 Managing Security................................................9
4.4 Advanced Setting.................................................10
4.5 Access Control………………………………………12
4.6 Change community string ...................................13
4.7 Reset device …....…………………………………..14
5 Technical Specifications TEW-210APB.... 15
5.1 Standard Specifications ......................................15
5.2 Environmental.....................................................15
5.3 Power Specifications...........................................15
5.4 Radio Specifications ...........................................15
5.5 Specific Features................................................15
5.6 Physical dimensions ...........................................16

2. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing our TEW-210APB Wireless LAN Access Point. This
manual will assist you with the installation procedure.
The package you have received should contain the following items:
• User manual
• TEW -210APB Access Point
• Power adapter
• SNMP utility CD
Note: if anything is missing, please contact your vendor
A wireless LAN is normally used in a predefined environment. In such a
network, Access Points are mounted at assigned places, each covering its
own area in which wireless nodes can operate. These Access Points are
connected to a wired network to communicate with each other and with
servers and clients on that network.
The TEW-210APB Access Point can be connected to a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
network through a RJ45 (UTP) connector.
This version of the TEW-210APB supports AP and Bridging features. The
Client AP feature is not supported. For more information, please contact
Trendware technical support service. Thank you.

3. Installation
1. Mount the Access Point firmly to the wall or proper location that is
determined during the site survey.
2. Make sure the antennas are in a vertical position (if not, rotate over 90
3. Insert the power connector.
4. Attach the UTP Ethernet cable to the Access Point.
At the front of the Access Point you will see three LEDs.
If all goes well, the middle LED (power) and the lowermost LED(LINK) will fire
and uppermost LED(ACT) will flash whenever there is traffic on the respective
networks which is at least ten times per second for the wireless LAN because
of so-called ‘beacons’.
You can reset the Access Point’s settings to factory defaults by pushing a
paperclip in the little hole next to the power connector.

4. SNMP Features
You can make use of SNMP utility software for connect TEW-210APB which
you want to manage.
Supported features:
• Restrict the authority of user to access WLAN and this unit.
• Support IEEE 802.11 WEP encryption.
• Optimizing the radio configuration via assign the independent spectrum.
• Access Control and WEP encryption for network security.
• Support powerful multi mode function in a same unit.
• Access control table implemented via import or export with text file.