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Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell
Technologies Sàrl, ZA, La Pièce, 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorized Representative, Trend Control
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Table of Contents
1 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................................. 5
1.1Conventions Used in these Instructions .......................................................................................................5
2 ABOUT TOPS................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1Obtain a TOPS Licence ..................................................................................................................10
3.3.2Install the TOPS Licence ................................................................................................................ 12
3.4Install the Java Runtime Environment .......................................................................................................13
3.5Specify the Network Adapter used for the Ethernet Network.................................................................... 14
3.6Configure TOPS to Bind............................................................................................................................ 15
3.7Change the TOPS Password.......................................................................................................................16
These instructions apply to the Trend Open Protocol Server (TOPS) version 1.1. They provide information about
installing, and licensing TOPS.
About TOPS
This section describes TOPS.
This section describes how TOPS should be installed, and licensed.
1.1 Conventions Used in these Instructions
There are numerous items and instructions in this manual, the conventions below are designed to make it quick and
easy to find and understand the information.
Menu commands are in bold type.
Buttons and options that you need to select are in bold type.
The names of text boxes and dialogue boxes are in bold type.
Key combinations that you should press appear in normal type. If joined with a plus sign (+), press and
hold the first key while you press the remaining one(s). For example CTRL+P indicates holding down the
control key while pressing P.
Text you should enter is in Italic type.
1.2 Contacting Trend
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Trend Control Systems Ltd
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Technical Support
Our support department provides technical support during normal office hours. Before contacting them ensure that
you have your Technical Support PIN number available, without this we will be unable to provide you with any
Trend Control Systems Ltd.
Technical Support Department
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RH12 2YF