Tranwo Technology SRC User Manual

RF_Remote Controller
Installation Guide
Manuel de l'utilisateur
Guía de instalación
Guida all'installazione
Prod uct L ay out
1. Pairing Button.
2. Control Button.
3. LED Light.
4. Battery Cover.
Quic k Set up
Step1: Battery On
1. Re move th e back co ver.
2. In stall a C R2032 b atter y.
Step2: Sensor Pairing
1. Tur n on c amera and launc h “iSma rt-CA M” APP. Go to “C amera Setting ” and t ap ”IoT Sensor Setti ng”.
2. Tap the then h ol d the pairing but ton for 3 s econd s wit hin 5 sec onds.
3. The sensor type w ill be di splay ed afte r parin g compl eted. Not e: If pai ring su ccess fully, the LED will light u p fo r 3 seconds. If fa iled, t he LED wi ll blin k.
Desc rip ti on du p rodui t
1. Bouton d'appairage.
2. Bouton de commande.
3. Éclairage LED.
4. Couvercle des piles.
Conf igura tio n rapid e
Étape 1 : Installation des piles
1. Re tirez l e couve rcle ar rière .
2. In stall er une pi le CR20 32.
Étape 2 : Appairage du capteur
1. All um ez la caméra et lan cez l'a pplic ation « i Smart -CAM ». Al lez dans « Par amétr age cam éra » et ap puyez s ur « Para métra ge capt eur IoT ».
3. Le t ype de ca pteur s 'affiche une fois l' appai rage effectué. Rem arque : S i l'app airag e est réu ssi, la L ED s'al lume pe ndant 3 s econd es. S'i l échou e, la LED c ligno te.
Conf igura tio n du capt eur
1. App uy ez dessus pour ac tiver l e systè me d'al arme. L a camér a émet un bip c ourt. Toutes le s al armes de capteu rs fonc tionn ent con formé ment à leu r préré glage .
2. App uy ez à nouveau dess us pour d ésact iver le s ystèm e d'ala rme. La c améra éme t un bip lo ng. Toutes les al ar mes de capteurs s ont dés activ ées.
Spéc ifi ca tio ns
Fré quenc e : 2,4 GHz
Mod ulati on :
- Dim ensio ns :
- Poi ds : 12 g
- Dis tance d e fonct ionne ment RF : 3 0mètr es* (in térie ur)
- Alim en tation : 3V (CR 2032)
- Auto no mie des piles : 1 an*
- Température de fo nctio nneme nt : 0 ~ 40 (32 ~ 1 04 )
La di stanc e de fonc tionn ement e t l'aut onomi e des pil es réel les peu vent var ier en fo nc ti on des mo des d'u tilis ation e t de l'en viron ne me nt de fo nctio nneme nt.
Cet a ppare il est ad apté à un e utili satio n à l'int érieu r uniqu ement . Aucu ne r ésistance à l'e au.
48x 35x15 mm
Sens or Se tt ing
1. Pr ess it to a ctiva te alar m syste m. The camera will mak e a short b eep sou nd. All se ns or alarms will wo rk as pre -set.
2. Pr ess it ag ain to de activ ate the a larm sy stem. The camera wil l make a lon g beep so und. All s en sor alarms will b e off.
Spec ifi ca tio n
- Fre quenc y: 2.4G H z
- Mod ulati on: GFS K
- Dim ensio ns: 48x 35x15 mm
- Weigh t: 12 g
- RF Op erati ng Dist ance: 3 0m* (in door)
- Pow er Supp ly: 3V (CR2032)
- Bat tery Li fe: 1 yea r*
- Ope ratin g Temperature : 0 ~ 40 (32 ~ 10 4)
*Ac tual op erati ng dist ance an d batte ry life m ay vary w ith the u sage pat terns a nd oper ating e nviro nm en t.
The d evice i s suita ble for i ndoor u se only. No water resista nc e.
FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user authority to operate the equipment.
Dise ño de l pr odu cto
1. Botón Asociar.
2. Botón de control.
3. Luz de LED.
4. Tapa de la batería.
Conf igura ció n rápid a
Paso 1: Colocar las pilas
1. Re tire la t apa pos terio r.
2. In stala r una pil a CR203 2.
Paso 2: Asociar el sensor
1. En ciend a la cáma ra e inic ie la apl icaci ón “iSm art-C AM”. Vaya a “Co nfigu ració n de la cám ara” y pu lse “Es table cer el se nsor Io T”.
2. Pu lse y, a continuación, ma nt enga pulsado el b otón de aso ciaci ón dura nte 3 seg undos a ntes de q ue tran scurr an 5 segu ndos.
3. El t ipo de se nsor se m ostra rá desp ués de qu e la asoc iació n se comp lete. Not a: Si la as ociac ión se re aliza c orrec tamen te, el LE D se ilum inará d urant e 3 seg undos . En caso c ontra rio, el L ED parp adear á.
Conf igura ció n del sen sor
1. Pr esión elo par a activ ar la ala rma del s istem a. La cám ara emi tirá un p itido bre ve. Todas las ala rm as de sensor func ionar án segú n lo pree stabl ecido .
2. Pr esión elo de nu evo par a desac tivar e l siste ma de ala rmas. L a cámar a emiti rá un pi tido la rgo. Toda s las alarmas de sens or se des activ aran.
Espe cif ic aci ones
Fre cuenc ia: 2,4 G Hz
Mod ulaci ón
- Dim ensio nes:
- Pes o: 12 g
- Dis tanci a de func ionam iento d e RF: 30m * (inte riore s)
- Fue nte de al iment ación : 3V (CR2032)
- Aut onomí a de las pi las: 1 añ o*
- Temperatura de fu ncion amien to: 0 ~ 40 (3 2 ~ 104 )
La di stanc ia de fun ciona mient o y la auto nomía d e las pil as real es p ue den
* var iar en fu nc ió n de los pa trone s de u so y d el ento rno de fu ncion amien to
El di sposi tivo so lamen te es ade cuado p ara uso e n inter iores . No es her métic o.
48x 35x15 mm
Prod ukt üb ers icht
1. Kopplungstaste.
2. Steuerungstaste.
3. LED-Licht.
4. Akkufachabdeckung.
Sens ore in ste llung en
1. Zu m Aktivi er en des Alarmsyst em s drücken. Die Ka mera gi bt eine n kurze n Sig nalto n aus. All e Se nsoralarme ar beite n wie vor ab eing estel lt.
2. Zu m Deakt ivier en des Ala rm systems noch ei nmal dr ücken . Die Kam era gib t ein en lang en Sign alton a us. Alle Al armsensoren w erden a usges chalt et.
Schn ell ei nri chtun g
Schritt 1: Batterien installieren
1. En tfern en Sie di e rücks eitig e Abde ck ung.
2. Ei ne CR20 32-Ba tteri e insta llier en.
Schritt 2: Sensorkopplung
1. Sc halte n Sie die K amera e in und st arten S ie die App „ iS mart-CAM“. Ruf en Sie „K amera einst ellun gen“ au f und tip pen Sie a uf „Io T-Sensore inste llung en“.
2. Tip pe n Sie auf , halten Si e dann in nerha lb 5 Seku nden 3 Sek unden l ang die K opplu ngsta ste ged rückt .
3. De r Senso rtyp wi rd nach Ab sc hluss der Koppl ung ang ezeig t. Hin weis: B ei erfo lgrei cher Ko pplun g leuch tet die L ED 3 Seku nden la ng. Bei f ehlge schla gener K opplu ng blin kt die LE D.
Layo ut de l pr odo tto
1. Tasto di associazione.
2. Tasto di controllo.
3. LED.
4. Coperchio batteria.
Technis che D aten
Fre quenz : 2,4 GHz Mod ulati on
- Abme ss ungen:
- Gew icht: 1 2 g
- HF- Betri ebsre ichwe ite: 30 m* (in In nenrä umen)
- Str omver sorgung: 3V (C R2032 )
- Bat terie laufz eit: 1 Ja hr*
- Bet riebs tempe ratur : 0 ~ 40 (32 ~ 10 4)
Tatsäch liche B etrie bsrei ch we ite und B atter ielau fzeit k önnen j e nach
Nut zungs bedin gunge n und Bet riebs umgeb ung var iiere n
48x 35x15 mm
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
Das G erät ei gnet si ch nur fü r die Ben utzun g in Inne nräum en. Es is t nicht was serdi cht.
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Impo sta zi one s ensor e
1.P remer lo per at tivar e il sist ema di al larme . La vide ocame ra emet te un bre ve seg nale ac ustic o. Tutti g li a llarmi del sens ore fun ziona no come p reimp ostat i.
2. Pr emerl o di nuov o per dis attiv are il si stema d i allar me. La vi deoca mera eme tte un lu ngo seg nale ac ustic o. Tutti g li a llarmi del sens ore si sp engon o.
Conf igura zio ne rapi da
Procedura 1: Batteria accesa
1. Ri muove re il cop erchi o poste riore .
2. In serir e una bat teria C R2032 .
Procedura 2: Associazione sensore
1. Acc en dere la telecam era e avv iare l' app “iS mart- CAM”. An dare su “Im posta zione t eleca mera” e t occar e “Impo stazi one sen sore Io T”.
2. Toccare , quindi t enere p remut o il tast o di asso ciazi one per 3 s econd i entro 5 s econd i.
3. Il t ipo di se nsore v iene vi suali zzato a l termi ne dell 'asso ciazi one. Not a: Se l'a ssoci azion e è corre tta, il L ED si acc ende pe r 3 secon di. In ca so cont rario , il LED si a ccend e.
Spec ifi ch e
Fre quenz a: 2,4 GH z
Mod ulazi one:
- Dim ensio ni:
- Pes o: 12 g
- Dis tanza o perat iva RF: 3 0m* (al l'int erno)
- Alim en tazione: 3V (CR2032)
- Dur ata bat teria : 1 anno*
- Temperatura di es erciz io: 0 ~ 40 (3 2 ~ 104)
La di stanz a opera tiva e la d urata d ella ba tteri a effet tive po trebb ero
* var iare in b as e al l'uti lizzo e a ll'am bient e opera tivo
Il di sposi tivo è ad atto so lo per l' uso all 'inte rno. Ne ssuna r esist enza al l'acq ua.
48x 35x15 mm
41 0- 0 00 0 99 -00