Tranwo Technology IPCAM RFPIR User Manual

Product Lay ou t
Pairing Button
2. LED Light
3. PIR Sensor
Installation Guide
Manuel de l'utilisateur
Guía de instalación
Guida all'installazione
Quick Setup
Step1 : Bat tery On
1. Re move th e back co ver.
2. In stall t hree AAA ba tte rie s.
Step2 : Sen sor Pairin g
1. Tur n on ca mera an d launc h “iSma rt-CA M” AP P. Go to “Came ra Se tti ng” and t ap ”IoT S ens or Se tti ng” .
2. Tap the th en ho ld th e pai rin g but ton f or 3 se conds wit hin 5 sec onds.
3. Th e sen sor t ype w ill b e displ ayed af ter par ing com plete d.
4. Tap the “R IR Se nso r” fo r det ail ed se tti ngs. Not e: If pai ring su ccess fully, t he LE D wil l lig ht up for 3 s econd s. If fa iled, t he LED wi ll blin k.
Less than 50cm
Sensor Sett in g
1. No . : Senso r Numbe r. Tap it t o sel ect o the r sen sor. ( No. 0 ,1,2… .)
2. Na me : Sens or Name
3. : Sea rch thi s senso r. If sear che d, the se nsor LE D will fl ash fiv e times .
4. Al arm On/ Off : “Al arm Onwi ll enab le you to r eceiv e push me ssage w hen PIR s ensor e vent is t rigge red. Th e int erv al be twe en chec ks is 1 min ute.
the c amera a nd tap “L ocate ” to conf irm.
Not e: 1. Avoid f acing t o glass
windo ws/do ors.
2. Avoi d facin g to heat/ cold so urces .
2 m (Ap prox. )
3. Avoi d facin g swing objec ts.
Specifica ti on
- Fre quenc y: 2.4G H z
- Mod ulati on: GFS K
- Dim ensio ns: 64x 44x24 m m
- Weigh t: 21.5 g
- Det ect Dis tance : 3~5m
- Cov erage An gle : 110°
- Ope ratin g Dista nce: 30 m* (ind oor)
- Pow er Supp ly: 4.5 V (AA Ax3)
- Bat tery Li fe: 1 yea r* (Trigge red t wen ty ti mes a d ay)
- Ope ratin g Temp era tur e:
*Ac tual op erati ng dist ance an d batte ry life m ay vary w ith the u sage pat terns a nd oper ating e nviro nme nt.
0 ~ 40 (3 2 ~ 104)
FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.
2 4
This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user authority to operate the equipment.
41 0-0 00 09 0-0 0