Transmille have taken great care over presenting the extended specicaiton in a manner that is easy to
read while including a high level of detail
Transmille specify specication as both Absolute and Relative specication, with varying calibration
intervals from 90 Days to 2 Years
By ‘Absolute Uncertainties’ this means that all internal components of the multimeter have been
compensated for. is includes staiblity, line voltage variation, temperature and humidity as well as the
uncertainty of calibration as performed by Transmille Ltd. Two specications are provided, the rst for use
at temperatures 1°C from calibration temperature, the second for use at temperatures 3°C from calibration
temperature. e term ‘Tcal’ has been used to indicate the Temperautre of calibration
is does NOT include external sources of uncertainty such as the leads that are used to connect the
multimeter to sources, nor does it include zero osets that may have been stored.
Relative Accuracy refers to the stability of the instrument itself, without any external factors with the
exception of temperature variation. is means that no allowance is made for the uncertainty of calibration.
During re-calibration, the ‘Absolute Uncertainties’ should be used for verication of the instrument. If
the calibration laboratory performing the calibration oers better uncertainties than those of Transmille the
published absolute uncertianties may be used, or new absolute uncertainties can be calculated by combining
the relative specication and uncertainty of calibration.
If the calibration laboratory has LARGER uncertainties than that of Transmille, new absolute
uncertainties must be calculated for the instrument as the absolute specication in this datasheet will no
longer be valid.
All of Transmille’s Absolute Uncertainty specications are presented at a condence interval of 95%,
is is for ease of use in an accredited laboratory where other uncertainty contributions are likely to
be calculated or k=2, minimising the requirement for allowing for dierences in condence intervals
1) Specications valid only when Null veried/performed. Errors caused by thermals on external leads can be
greater than 5uV which equates to 5ppm at the 1V level
2) Specications apply for default lter settings.
3) All DC Voltage ranges are available at both Front and Rear terminals.
4) Input protection of 1,100V RMS is provided on all ranges