Transition Networks PCM16-FX-SC5-01, PCM16-FX-SC20-01, PCM16-FX-SC-01, PCM16-FX-ST-01, PCM32-FX-LC-01 User Manual

*Typical maximum cable distance. Actual distance is dependent upon the physical characteristics of the network installation.
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Diagnostic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Cable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . .4
Technical Specifications . . . . . . . .5
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
PCM16-FX-ST-01 100Base-FX, 1300 nm multimode ST, 2km (1.2 miles)
PCM16-FX-SC-01 100Base-FX, 1300 nm multimode SC, 2km (1.2 miles)
PCM16-FX-LC-01 100Base-FX, 1300 nm multimode LC, 2km (1.2 miles)
PCM16-FX-SC5-01 100Base-FX, 1310 nm single mode SC, 5km (3.1 miles)
PCM16-FX-SC20-01 100Base-FX, 1310 nm single mode SC, 20km (12.4 miles)
Part Number Duplex Fiber-Optic Port
PCM32-FX-ST-01 100Base-FX, 1300 nm multimode ST, 2km (1.2 miles)
PCM32-FX-SC-01 100Base-FX, 1300 nm multimode SC, 2km (1.2 miles)
PCM32-FX-MT-01 100Base-FX, 1300 nm multimode MT, 2km (1.2 miles)
PCM32-FX-LC-01 100Base-FX, 1300 nm multimode LC, 2km (1.2 miles)
PCM32-FX-SC5-01 100Base-FX, 1310 nm single mode SC, 5km (3.1 miles)
PCM32-FX-SC20-01 100Base-FX, 1310 nm single mode SC, 20km (12.4 miles)
PCM16-FX-xx-01 PC Card
PCM32FX-xx-01 PC CardBus
PCM16 (16-bit PC Card) PCM32 (32-Bit CardBus)
Fast Ethernet PCMCIAcards provide a 100Base­FX fiber port to deliver fiber optic connectivity to laptops in high-security, fiber-rich LAN environments. They are offered in either 16-bit PC card or high-performance 32-bit Cardbus versions to match virtually any laptop PC. This eliminates the need for a docking station and a fixed, fiber NIC.
Before installing the PCMCIA card, verify that the box contains the following items:
• Fast Ethernet card (PCM16 or PCM32)
• LAN Driver Diskette (if no floppy drive, go to “ support/download/NIC drivers” to get the required driver).
• This User's Manual
Please notify your sales representative if any item is missing or damaged.
The PCM16- and PCM32-bit fast Ethernet cards can be used in Type II PC card slots. The LED indicators (LINK, ACT, or FDX/Col) oversee the network/board link and activities.
Installing the PCM card
CAUTION: Circuit boards are sensitive to static electricity, which can damage their delicate electronics. You can easily pick up static electricity in dry weather or by walking on a carpeted floor. Flow the rules below to protect your card.
• Ground yourself by touching the metal chassis of your computer before picking up the card.
• Handle the card by the edges only.
To install the PCMCIA cards, do the following:
1. Power OFF the Laptop computer.
2. Gently slide the PCMCIA card all the way into the slot as shown below.
PCM16 & PCM32 Fast Ethernet CIA Cards
Tech Support: 1-800-260-1312 International: 00-1-952-941-7600, 24 hours -- Click the “Transition Now” link for a live Web Chat.
Installation -- continued
Installing the fiber cables
1. Connect the PCMCIA card to the network by using a fiber cable. Ensure that the TX/RX of the cable are paired at both ends as shown below.
2. Power on the computer.
Insert the provided LAN drive diskette into the laptop floppy drive, or go to “ support/download/NIC drivers” to get the required driver.
Refer to the read me file for operating system specific details.
Diagnostic LEDs
Tables 1 and 2 show LED functionality for the 16- and 32-bit PCMxx-FX-xx-01 cards.
Connect fiber cable to PCM card as shown
Connect fiber cable
to other Network
device as shown
Table 1: 16-Bit PCMCIA LED Functionality
LED Color Function
Link/Act Green
• ON when cable connection to a remote device is good
• Blinks when any traffic is present
• OFF when cable connection to a remote device is not
FDX/Col Green
• Lit when full-duplex mode is active
• Blinks when any collision is present
• OFF when half-duplex mode is active
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