Transition Networks E-PSW-FX-03(LH), E-PSW-FX-03(SC), E-PSW-FX-03(LW), E-PSW-FX-03(SM), E-PSW-FX-03(XL) User Manual

Bridging Media Converter
E-PSW-FX-03, E-PSW-FX-03(SC), E-PSW-FX-03(SM)
E-PSW-FX-03(LH), E-PSW -FX-03(XL), E-PSW -FX-03(L W)
TRANSITION Networks E-PSW-FX-03 series two-port bridging media converter, designed to be installed in the TRANSITION Networks Media Conversion Center, E-MCC-1600, segments10BASE-T/100BASE-TX copper and 100BASE-FX fiber Ethernet
collision domains to allow the network administrator to extend the total network diameter, to reduce network congestion, and/or to convert between legacy 10BASE-T and 100BASE-FX environments.
UL Listed C-UL Listed (Canada) CISPR/EN55022 Class A
FCC Regulations
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense.
Canadian Regulations
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise for digital apparatus set out on the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.
European Regulations
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Achtung !
Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkstörgrenzwertklasse A. In Wohnbereichen können bei Betrieb dieses Gerätes Rundfunkstörungen auftreten, in weichen Fällen der Benutzer für entsprechende Gegenmaßnahmen werantwortlich ist.
Attention !
Ceci est un produit de Classe A. Dans un environment domestique, ce produit risque de créer des interférences radioélectriques, il appartiendra alors à l’utilsateur de prende les measures spécifiques appropriées
Trademark Notice
All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright Restrictions
© 1999-2001 TRANSITION Networks. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical – without written permission from TRANSITION Networks.
Printed in the U.S.A. 33101.D
CAUTION: RJ connectors are NOT INTENDED FOR CONNECTION TO THE PUBLIC TELEPHONE NETWORK. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to the public telephone network.
Der Anschluss dieses Gerätes an ein öffentlickes Telekommunikationsnetz in den EG-Mitgliedstaaten verstösst gegen die jeweligen einzelstaatlichen Gesetze zur Anwendung der Richtlinie 91/263/EWG zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen einschliesslich der gegenseitigen Anerkennung ihrer Konformität.
Provides an RJ-45 twisted-pair connector to UTP/STP copper cable and a set of RX (receive) and TX (transmit) ST 1300nm multimode fiber connectors.
Provides an RJ-45 twisted-pair connector to UTP/STP copper cable and an RX (receive) and TX (transmit) SC 1300nm multimode fiber connector.
Provides an RJ-45 twisted-pair connector to UTP/STP copper cable and an RX (receive) and TX (transmit) SC 1300nm singlemode fiber connector.
Provides an RJ-45 twisted-pair connector to UTP/STP copper cable and an RX (receive) and TX (transmit) SC 1300nm singlemode fiber connector.
Provides an RJ-45 twisted-pair connector to UTP/STP copper cable and an RX (receive) and TX (transmit) SC 1300nm singlemode fiber connector.
Provides an RJ-45 twisted-pair connector to UTP/STP copper cable and an RX (receive) and TX (transmit) SC 1550nm singlemode fiber connector.
E-FL-HB-0x00 in the Network . . . . .2
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Fault Isolation and Correction . . . .12
Cable Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . .15
Compliance Information . . . . . . . . .16
The TRANSITION Networks E-PSW-FX-03 series two-port bridging media converter is intended to be installed, singly or in pairs, to provide network distance extension, network congestion reduction, and/or rate conversion between legacy Ethernet
and Fast Ethernet devices.
Standards IEEE 802.3 Case Dimensions 4.75" x 3.0" x 1.0" (119mm x 76mm x 25mm) Shipping Weight 2 pounds (0.9 kilograms) Environment Temperature: 0-50°C (32° to 122° F )
Storage Temperature: -20 to 85°C Humidity 10-90%, non condensing Altitude 0-10,000 feet
Warranty Lifetime
Name of Mfg: Transition Networks
6475 City West Parkway, Minneapolis MN 55344 USA Model: E-PSW-FX-03 Series Bridging Media Converter Part Number: E-PSW-FX-03, E-PSW-FX-03(SC), E-PSW-FX-03(SM),
E-PSW-FX-03(LH), E-PSW-FX-03(LW), E-PSW-FX-03(XL)
Regulation: EMC Directive 89/336/EEC Purpose: To declare that the E-PSW-FX-03 to which this declaration refers is in
conformity with the following standards.
EMC-CISPR 22: 1985 Class A; EN 55022: 1988 Class A; EN 50082-1:1992; EN 60950 A4:1997; IEC 801.2, IEC 801.3, and IEC 801.4; IEC 950
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and Standard(s).
_September 10, 2000_____
Stephen Anderson, Vice-President of Engineering Date
Network Distance Extension
The TRANSITION Networks two-port Ethernet/Fast Ethernet bridging media converter can extend Fast Ethernet half-duplex network distances by separating one or two half-duplex Ethernet or Fast Ethernet copper CSMA/CD collision domain(s) by a half-duplex Fast Ethernet fiber CSMA/CD collision domain or by connecting two half­duplex ur full-duplex Ethernet or Fast Ethernet copper CSMA/CD collision domain(s) over full-duplex fiber.
Network Congestion Reduction
The TRANSITION Networks two-port Ethernet/Fast Ethernet bridging media converter can reduce network congestion by segmenting network traffic Network segmentation is achieved by regulating the number of data signals sent among stations. The bridging media converter scans the destination address on each packet header received on a port, searches a dynamic internal MAC routing table, and forwards the packet only if the data is intended for a station beyond the local collision domain. If the data is intended for a station on the collision domain from which the packet was received, the bridging media converter discards (filters) the packet, since any signal on the local segment already has been received by all stations on that segment. Baseline network performance also is improved because bridging media converters do not forward collision signals or error packets from one collision domain to another.
Rate Conversion
The TRANSITION Networks two-port Ethernet/Fast Ethernet bridging media converter can provide rate conversion between terminal devices on a 10BASE-T copper legacy Ethernet network and terminal devices on a 100BASE-FX fiber Fast Ethernet network, using the auto­negotiation process. When two auto-negotiating devices with multiple capabilities are connected together, the highest performance mode of operation is found based on a priority`table. Each 100BASE-TX station sends a burst of link integrity test pulses, called a fast link pulse (FLP). If the receiving switch is capable of 10BASE-T communication only, the FLPs are ignored and the cable segment operates as 10BASE-T. If the device can support 100BASE-TX operation, the bridging media converter detects the FLPs, uses the auto-negotiation algorithm and FLP data to determine the highest possible cable segment speed and mode, and automatically places both the device and the bridging
media converter into 100BASE-TX mode.
The physical characteristics of the 100BASE-FX cable must meet or exceed IEEE 802.3 100BASE-FX specifications.
Fiber Cable
Bit error rate: 10-9
Fiber Optic Cable Recommended: 62.5 / 125 µm multimode fiber
Optional: 100 / 140 µm multimode fiber
85 / 125 µm multimode fiber
50 / 125 µm multimode fiber E-PSW-FX-03 1300 nm Fiber Optic Transmitter Power: min: -19.0 dBm max: -14.0 dBm Fiber Optic Receiver Sensitivity: min: -30.0 dBm max: -14.0 dBm Typical Maximum Cable Distance*: 2 kilometers E-PSW-FX-03(SC) 1300 nm Fiber Optic Transmitter Power: min: -19.0 dBm max: -14.0 dBm Fiber Optic Receiver Sensitivity: min: - 30.0 dBm max: -14.0 dBm Typical Maximum Cable Distance*: 2 kilometers
Fiber Optic Cable Recommended: 9 µm singlemode fiber E-PSW-FX-03(SM) 1300 nm Fiber-optic Transmitter Power: min: -15.0 dBm max: -8.0 dBm Fiber-optic Receiver Sensitivity: min: - 31.0 dBm max: -8.0 dBm Typical Cable Distance*: 20 kilometers E-PSW-FX-03(LH)** 1300 nm Fiber-optic Transmitter Power: min: -8.0 dBm max: -2.0 dBm Fiber-optic Receiver Sensitivity: min: -34.0 dBm max: -7.0 dBm Minimum Attenuation: 8 dB Typical Cable Distance*: 40 kilometers E-PSW-FX-03(XL) 1300 nm Fiber-optic Transmitter Power: min: -5.0 dBm max: 0.0 dBm Fiber-optic Receiver Sensitivity: min: -34.0 dBm max: -7.0 dBm Minimum Attenuation: 7 dB Typical Cable Distance*: 60 kilometers E-PSW-FX-03(LW) 1550 nm Fiber-optic Transmitter Power: min: -5.0 dBm max: 0.0 dBm Fiber-optic Receiver Sensitivity: min: -34.0 dBm max: -7.0 dBm Spectral Width 0.4 nm FWHM Minimum Attenuation: 7 dB Typical Cable Distance*: 80 kilometers
*Actual distance dependent upon physical characteristics of network installation. **Minimum fiber cable loss MUST be 8.0 dB to prevent receiver damage.
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