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3Com Corporation provides this documentation without warranty of any kind, either implied or
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If you are a United States government agency, then this documentation and the software
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For units of the Department of Defense:
Restricted Rights Legend: Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
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Software clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-7013. 3Com Corporation, 5400 Bayfront Plaza, Santa Clara,
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For civilian agencies:
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The software described in this documentation is furnished under a license agreement included
with the product either as a separate document or on the software distribution diskette in a root
directory file named LICENSE.TXT. If you are unable to locate a copy, please contact 3Com and a
copy will be provided to you.
3Com registered trademarks are registered in the United States and may or may not be registered
in other contries.
3Com, EtherDisk, EtherLink, EtherLink II, EtherLink Plus, Parallel Tasking, SmartAgent, SoftHub, and
Transcend are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. 3TECH and AutoLink are trademarks of
3Com Corporation. 3ComFacts is a service mark of 3Com Corporation.
Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, AT,
Personal System/2, Micro Channel, and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines
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brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Manual revised by John Jeter. Edited by Nancy Kurahashi. Technical illustrations by Tim Buckreus.
Production by Becky Whitmer.
3Com’s EtherLink
have a Lifetime Warranty.
To ensure the very best 3Com service and suppor t, take
the time to complete the product registration card.
Any defective 3Com adapter will be repaired or
replaced, at 3Com’s option, for as long as the adapter
resides in its original IBM
Personal System/2
software is covered by the standard 90-day limited
software warranty).
, TokenLink
, and 3Com Impact
, or compatible computer (driver
III 16/4, Fast EtherLink,
ISDN ISA adapters
Personal Computer,
Customers in the countries shown below should send the completed
registration card to the appropriate address. Customers in other non-U.S.
locations should send the registration card to the U.S. address on the front
of the card.
3Com Asia Ltd., Marketing Department
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4-1Overview of Loading Network Drivers 4-1
4-2AutoLink Information Screen 4-6
4-3Main Menu 4-6
5-1Troubleshooting Overview 5-1
5-2Assembling a Loopback Plug 5-5
A-1RJ-45 Connector Pin Assignments A-2
Text Conventions 2
Notice Icons 2
1-13C592 EISA Adapter Cable and Connector Specifications 1-2
2-1Connectors for 3C592 EISA Adapters 2-5
3-1Software Configuration Options 3-4
4-1Accessing DOS 4-3
5-1Diagnostic Programs 5-7
A-1AUI Connector Pin Assignments A-2
This guide describes how to install the following 3Com
network adapters:
III Parallel Tasking
10 Mbps EISA bus master
3C592-COMBO (10BASE-T, thin coax, and thick coax) adapter
3C592-TPO (10BASE-T ) adapter
Also included is information about installing network drivers,
troubleshooting the adapter, and using the diagnostic tests if
an adapter malfunction occurs.
Throughout this guide, the product number 3C592
designates both members of the EtherLink III family of
10 Mbps EISA adapters.
How to Use This Guide
The following table shows where to find specific information
in this guide.
If you are looking for:
Information about the 3Com EISA bus master network
Instructions for installing the adapterChapter 2
Procedures for connecting the adapter to the networkChapter 2
Instructions for configuring the adapter with the EISA
configuration utility
Procedures for changing software option settingsChapter 3
Instructions for installing network driversChapter 4
Details on troubleshooting and running the diagnostic testsChapter 5
Information on adapter specifications, pin assignments, and
cabling requirements
Information on 3Com’s technical support servicesAppendix B
Turn to:
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Appendix A
The following tables list text and icon conventions that are
used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Text Conventions
Text represented as
screen display
Text represented as
KeysWhen specific keys are referred to in the text, they are
Table 2 Notice Icons
Information NoteInformation notes call attention to important features or
CautionCautions alert you to personal safety risk, system damage,
WarningWarnings alert you to the risk of severe personal injury.
This typeface is used to represent displays that
appear on your terminal screen, for example:
This typeface is used to represent commands that
you enter, for example:
print autolink.log
called out by their labels, such as “the Return key” or
“the Escape key,” or they may be shown as [Return] or [Esc].
If two or more keys are to be pressed simultaneously, the
keys are linked with a plus sign (+), for example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
or loss of data.
■ 3C592-COMBO (RJ-45, BNC, AUI connectors)
■ 3C592-TPO (RJ-45 connector)
The 3Com EtherLink III Parallel Tasking adapters
described in this guide are members of a family of
third-generation Ethernet adapters. This family includes the
32-bit bus master Extended Industry Standard Architecture
(EISA)10 Mbps Ethernet network adapters. This guide
contains installation and diagnostic information about the
following EISA adapters:
The two adapters are functionally identical; they differ only in
the layout of the components on each board and the type of
media supported on the backplates, as shown in Figure 1-1.
The name “3C592 EISA adapter” is used in this guide to refer
to both EtherLink III 10 Mbps EISA adapters unless otherwise
The bus master drivers supplied with this adapter are
compatible with the Fast EtherLink 10/100BASE-T EISA
adapter. The bus master drivers shipped on the 3C59X
EtherDisk diskette are compatible with the 3Com 3C59X
family of EISA and PCI bus master adapters; they are not
backward-compatible with the 3Com 3C5X9 family of
EtherLink III adapters.
The 3C592 EISA adapter connects your EISA-compliant
personal computer to an Ethernet network wired with
IEEE 802.3 standard 10BASE2 or 10BASE5 coaxial cable, or
10BASE-T twisted-pair cable. The cable specification for each
adapter type is shown in Table 1-1.
Figure 1-1 3C592 Adapter Backplates
Table 1-1 3C592 EISA Adapter Cable and Connector Specifications
Adapter TypeCable SpecificationConnector Types
3C592-TPO10BASE-T RJ-45
Thin coax (10BASE2)
Thick coax (10BASE5)
The 3C592 EISA adapter can only be installed in computers
containing EISA expansion slots.
■ AutoLink
■ Automatic adapter recognition for computers running the
The 3C592 EISA adapter supports the following features:
auto installation software, which installs and
configures all Novell
NetWare DOS ODI client software into
your operating system
95 network operating system
■ Auto Select Media Type capability, which enables drivers to
automatically detect the type of media connector that
connects the adapter to the network
■ Network management support through Transcend
■ The Desktop Management Interface (DMI), which increases
PC Link
the manageability of PCs by standardizing how information
relating to PCs is made available and how it is accessed
■ LED notification of link integrity and polarity reversal
The procedures described in this guide are shown in
Figure 1-2.
Install the adapter in an EISA slot.
Configure the Adapter using the
EISA configuration utility.
Load network drivers.
(NetWare or other)
Troubleshoot the adapter.
Figure 1-2 Procedure Overview
This chapter describes how to install the 3C592 EISA adapter
in your computer. An overview of these procedures is shown
in Figure 2-1.
Inspect the adapter.
Install the boot PROM.
Insert the adapter.
Connect to the network.
Go to Chapter 3,
“Configuring the Adapter.”
Figure 2-1 Hardware Installation Overview
After installing the adapter, you can load the network drivers,
as described in Chapter 4. If necessary, you can change the
software option default settings, as explained in Chapter 3.
Inspecting the Adapter
CAUTION: Each adapter is packed in a clear plastic
antistatic container to protect it during shipment. To avoid
damaging any static-sensitive components after removal
from the container, be sure to reduce any static electricity on
your person. One way to do this is to touch the metal chassis
of your computer. You can maintain grounding by wearing a
wrist strap attached to the chassis.
1 Open the shipping container and carefully remove its
The package should contain the following items:
■ 3Com EtherLink III Parallel Tasking EISA bus master
■ EtherLink III Parallel Tasking EISA Bus Master Network
Adapters User Guide
■ 3C59X EtherDisk
2 Verify that you have received all items, and inspect each
item for damage.
If you find any damage, contact your network supplier and
the carrier that delivered the package.
Installing the Boot PROM
The boot PROM is optional and can be purchased separately.
If you are installing it onto the adapter, follow the
instructions that accompanied the boot PROM.
Inserting the Adapter
To insert the adapter into the computer, follow these steps:
1 Turn off the computer and disconnect the unit from its
power source.
2 Remove all jewelry from your hands and wrists.
Inserting the Adapter2-3
3 Select an appropriate expansion slot and remove its
expansion cover plate.
4 Insert the adapter in the EISA slot and secure the screw.
If you have a computer with slots other than EISA slots, be
sure to insert the 3C592 EISA adapter only in an EISA slot.
Figure 2-2 compares the size of the slots in an EISA computer
that has PCI slots. EISA slots are longer than PCI slots and
deeper than ISA slots.
EISA slot
PCI slot
Figure 2-2 PCI and EISA Bus Slots in an EISA Computer
The adapter backplate should be flush with the computer
chassis. Be sure that the connector fingers of the adapter are
completely seated in the slot.
5 Replace the computer cover and reconnect all previously
connected cables.
If you are installing multiple EtherLink EISA adapters in a
computer, you must run the EISA configuration program
after you install each adapter. See the discussions about
installing multiple EISA adapters in Chapter 4.
Confirming Adapter Installation
If you are installing the 3C592 EISA adapter in a computer
running Windows 95, you can confirm the adapter’s
installation by following these steps:
1 After starting Windows 95, double-click the My Computer
2 Double-click the Control Panel icon.
3 Double-click the System icon.
The System Properties box appears, detailing your system
4 Click the Device Manager tab.
A list of devices appears, arranged by type.
5 Click the Network Adapters tab.
The name of the installed 3Com adapter appears, as shown
3Com EtherLink III Bus-Master EISA Ethernet
This confirms the adapter’s installation.
6 Double-click the adapter’s name to display a description
of the adapter and its current status.
The next dialog box confirms that the adapter is working
7 Click the Cancel button to leave each dialog box and
return to the Control Panel.
For on-line help information about any of the fields in the
display boxes, click the question mark (?) in the upper right
corner of the box and move the question mark cursor to the
field of interest and click again.
Connecting to the Network2-5
Connecting to the Network
You must connect the adapter to the network before installing
the drivers.
This section describes how to connect different types of
network cables to the 3C592 EISA adapters. Table 2-1 lists the
types of network cable connectors that are found on 3C592
EISA adapters.
Each 3C592 EISA adapter is equipped with an on-board
transceiver to allow easy connection to the network.
Connecting to Thin Ethernet Cable
The 3C592-COMBO adapter is factory-set to use the on-board
transceiver as the default with thin Ethernet cable.
1 Connect the T connector to the adapter’s BNC connector
(see Figure 2-3).
Thin Ethernet
Figure 2-3 Connecting Thin Ethernet Cable
2 Align the T connector’s slots with the pegs on the BNC
3 Push the T connector in and twist it clockwise until it stops.
The next step is to load the drivers, as explained in Chapter 3.
Connecting to Twisted-pair Cable
The 3C592-COMBO and 3C592-TPO adapters are both
equipped with an on-board transceiver for connection to
twisted-pair cable.
1 Make sure that the connector on your cable is wired
appropriately for standard 10BASE-T adapter cards.
Refer to Appendix A for RJ-45 connector pin assignments.
2 Align the RJ-45 connector on the end of the twisted-pair
cable with the notch on the adapter’s plug and insert it
into the adapter socket.
The next step is to load the drivers, as explained in Chapter 3.
Connecting to an External Transceiver
You can install AUI-equipped adapters and, by employing an
external transceiver, use either thin or thick coax, fiber-optic,
or twisted-pair cabling. Follow these steps to connect to an
external transceiver:
1 Locate the adapter’s AUI connector and move the slide
latch to the open position, as shown in Figure 2-4.
2 Connect the AUI cable or transceiver to the AUI connector
on the adapter, as shown in Figure 2-5.
3 Move the slide latch to the closed position to lock the
cable in place.
4 Connect the other end of the AUI cable to the external
Connecting to the Network2-7
The next step is to load the drivers, as explained in Chapter 3.
If you are running Windows 95, you can confirm the network
connection by double-clicking the Network Neighborhood
icon. The presence of the Entire Network icon in the display
box confirms the network connection.
Slide latch
Figure 2-4 Slide Latch
Figure 2-5 Connecting the AUI Cable
Auto Select Media Type
The Auto Select Media Type function is implemented by all
drivers contained on the 3C59X EtherDisk diskette supplied
with the 3C592 EISA adapter. This includes NetWare ODI drivers
and NDIS 2.01 drivers. It also includes NDIS 3.0 drivers for
Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, and Windows NT
The NDIS drivers function with 386 and later processors.
If you have one of these drivers installed, as soon as you
connect a network cable to the system, the Auto Select
Media Type function will detect the type of cable making the
connection and automatically select that media type. If you
change the type of network cable connected to the adapter,
you must reload the driver in order for the Auto Select Media
Type function to detect the cable type.
If the driver is unable to detect what type of cable is
connected or whether there is any cable connected, the Auto
Select Media Type function defaults to the type of connector
that is stored internally in the EEPROM. The default setting for
the 3C592-COMBO adapter is 10BASE-T (twisted-pair).
This chapter explains how to configure the 3C592 EISA
adapter using the EISA configuration diskette that came
with your computer and the EtherDisk diskette supplied with
the adapter. The configuration process is shown in Figure 3-1.
Configure the adapter using the
EISA configuration utility.
Copy the .CFG file from
Change software option settings.
Go to Chapter 4,
“Loading Network Drivers.”
Figure 3-1 Adapter Configuration Overview
EtherDisk Diskette
The EtherDisk diskette supplied with the 3C592 EISA adapter
contains the following:
■ An adapter configuration file (!TCM5920.CGF) used by the
EISA configuration utility on the EISA diskette
■ The Configuration and Diagnostic Program for running
diagnostics on the adapter and changing the Media Type,
Network Driver Optimization, or Full Duplex settings (if desired)
after initial configuration
■ Adapter drivers and instructions for driver installation
Configuring the Adapter
You must run the EISA configuration utility program as part
of the adapter configuration process.
If your computer is running Windows 95, skip the next section
and follow the instructions in the section “Using Windows 95.”
If you are using a network operating system (NOS) other than
Windows 95, follow the instructions in the next section.
Using a NOS Other Than Windows 95
To run the EISA configuration utility program, follow these steps:
1 Install the 3C592 EISA adapter in your EISA computer.
(Refer to Chapter 2 for instructions.)
Make sure the adapter is firmly seated in the slot.
2 Insert the EISA configuration diskette provided with your
computer into the floppy drive.
The EISA configuration diskette that came with your computer
contains a utility program that automatically configures the
EISA adapter.
3 Turn on the power.
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