Trane ZN520, Tracer Unit Ventilator User Manual

Installation Owner Diagnostics
Tracer Unit Ventilator
ZN.520 for Classroom
Installation of New Units
1. Follow all instruction for installation of classroom unit ventilators as detailed in UV­IOM-1 (Installation Operation Maintenance manual).
2. Disconnect power or disable the circuit breaker to unit.
3. Run communication link wire when required. (See wiring diagram in the unit).
4. Install zone sensor when required. (See wiring diagram in the unit and zone sensor submittals).
5. Reapply power.
6. Check for GREEN Status LED operation to ensure power has been made to the TracerTM ZN.520 unit controller.
Start-up Procedures
7. Check for YELLOW Comm LED operation to help ensure com­munication has been made to the Tracer ZN.520 unit control­ler when required.
Peel IDENTIFICATION TAG from unit and place in the Appendix of this document, or on building plans for future location use. The actual room location on the tag may be hand written.
Power Up Sequence
Manual output test can be initiated at any time in the power up se­quence or during normal opera­tion.
When 24 VAC power is initially ap­plied to the controller, the follow­ing sequence occurs:
1. Green Status LED turns on.
2. All outputs are controlled Off.
3. The controller reads input val­ues to determine initial values.
4. Standalone control is assumed unless occupancy data is com­municated.
5. Random start timer expires (5 to 30 seconds, random).
Start-up Procedures
6. Power-up control Wait feature is applied. When power up control Wait is enabled, the controller waits 120 seconds to allow ample time for commu­nicated control data to arrive. If, after 120 seconds, the con­troller does not receive a com­municated occupancy request, the unit assumes standalone operation.
7. All modulating valves and damper calibrate closed, face and bypass damper calibrate to bypass (when present).
8. Normal operation begins after 290 (potentially) seconds have passed.
Note: Manual output test can be initiated at any time .
Tracer® ZN.520 Overview
The Trane® Tracer® ZN.520 con­troller is a factory-installed and commissioned, direct-digital controller (DDC) offering for classroom unit ventilator sys­tems. (See Figure 1: “Tracer ZN.520 Control Board”) The Trac­er ZN.520 can also be applied to other Trane® interoperable HVAC equipment, including the fan coil and blower coil products. (For more information see, Table 1:
Tracer™ ZN.520 Unit Controller features and coil availability, on page 8 for more information.) For
more information regarding the application of the Tracer ZN.520 to other Trane products, contact the appropriate local Trane sales office.
Trane offers a complete solution to space comfort control with the flexibility of Integrated Comfort System (ICS) and stand-alone control packages. The ICS control package combines HVAC equip­ment and building management into one environmental comfort system.
Integrating the Tracer ZN.520 on classroom unit ventilators, and tying them to a Tracer Summit® system will provide a complete building management system. The stand-alone control package offers the features and function­ality of the direct digital control without a front-end building au­tomation system, while providing future considerations for ICS.
Equipment problems can often be diagnosed on each unit without having to access the unit compo­nets. These diagnostics can be re­ceived remotely via a modem with a Tracer Summit building automa­tion system, thus reducing the number of actual on-site service calls; through the Rover® service tool connected to a communica­tion jack located inside the Trace zone sensor; or connected to the unit.
General Information
Figure 1: Tracer ZN.520 Control Board
The Tracer ZN.520 is factory­mounted, tested, wired, config­ured and commissioned for the se­lected application.
The Tracer ZN.520 configuration has flexible point and product con­figurations. For example, with point configuration, a specific bi­nary point can be configured to ac­cept input from either a time clock or some type of generic device.
General Information
Table 1: Tracer™ ZN.520 Unit Controller features and coil availability
Fan Speeds
Face and
2-pipe changeover X X X X X X X 2-pipe hot water
2-pipe steam only X X X X X 2-pipe changeover/
electric heat
2-pipe cool only X X X X 2-pipe cool only/
electric heat 4-pipe hot water/
chilled water 4-pipe changeover X X X X 4-pipe steam/chilled
X1 X X X
Electric heat only X X DX/hot water X DX/steam X
X X X DX/electric heat X X DX cooling only X
1. Multiple fan speeds are available in hydronic units only.
2. Auxiliary heat is designed to bring on baseboard heat as the second stage of heating. The baseboard heat must be the same type as the
unit heating coil.
3. Units with face bypass dampers cannot actively dehumidify.
Controller Circuit Board Features
Auto Test Button
Status LED
Communications LED
Service Button and LED
Figure 2: Tracer ZN.520 unit controller circuit board
Zone Sensor Connections
Controller Features
Each Tracer ZN.520 unit controller circuit board is equipped with en­hancements to help facilitate ser­vice, testing, and diagnosis.
Each board has
q Manual test button, q Status LED, q Communication status LED, q Service button, q Quick terminal connectors, and q Easy to read screen printing.
(See Figure 1: “Tracer ZN.520 Control Board”).
The Trane Tracer ZN.520 unit con­troller is serviced using Rover®, the ICS software service too. Rover is designed to support the Tracer ZN.520 unit controller on the class­room unit ventilator.
For “remote” access to the com­municating units, the zone sensors offered with the Tracer ZN.520 have a telephone style (RJ-11) con­nector allowing field connection between Rover and the zone sen­sor; however, the RJ-11 connector must be connected to the terminals TB2-5 and TB2-6 on the Tracer ZN.520 unit controller. (See Figure
3: “Rover service tool connected to the RJ-11 communication jack in a zone sensor”)
The zone sensor may also be used when trying to locate a unit. By pressing the O N button on the zone sensor for 5 seconds or using the “wink” command in Rover, the cir­cuit board receives the signal caus­ing the Communication LED to “wink”. Winking allows visual identifier on the board for service technicians.
The Tracer ZN.520 also includes features such as a test output to manually test all of the end devices and color coded wires (i.e. red for heating valves and blue for cooling valves) to aid in the troubleshoot­ing process.(See “Manual Output
Test” on page48, for more infor­mation.)
Figure 3: Rover service tool connected to the RJ-11 communication jack in a zone sensor
Typical Components
A typical classroom unit ventilator system with a DDC package con­sists of the following physical com­ponents, in addition to the mechanical equipment:
q Tracer ZN.520—contains the
sensor input circuits, service adjustments, microprocessor control electronics, and communications hardware.
Power is supplied by a separately mounted 24 VAC\90 VA transformer.
q Sensor Modules—a variety of
analog sensors that provide temperature and optional humidity sensing and CO2 sensor; and an operator interface to the Tracer ZN.520 for operating modes, status, and temperature setpoints.
q Standard End Devices—a
variety of devices that help to gather information, control capacity, and provide ventilation are used by the Tracer ZN.520 in its control algorithm to condition the space to the desired temperature and relative humidity level. (See “Standard
End Devices ” on page13, for more information.)
Communication Configurations
Note: The Tracer ZN.520 is a configured controller. It will not operate without a valid downloaded configuration file.
The Tracer ZN.520 controller sup­ports ICS and peer-to-peer com­munications as well as stand­alone operation. A number of con­trol features may be configured at the factory or by using the Rover service tool. (See “Configuration”
on page32, for more information.)
Integrated Comfort System
Note: The Tracer ZN.520 controller may only be used with Tracer Summit version
11.0 or greater with a Comm5 communications card.
Classroom unit ventilators can op­erate as part of a large building au­tomation system controlled by Tracer Summit. The Tracer ZN.520 is linked directly to the Tracer Summit via a twisted pair commu­nication wire. Each Tracer Summit building automation system can
connect to a maximum of 120 Tracer ZN.520 controllers.
Figure 4: Communications link wire
The ICS system allows for com­plete communication with the classroom unit ventilators via Tracer ZN.520 unit controller. All points connected to the Tracer ZN.520 may be observed from the Tracer Summit front-end control­ler. The Tracer Summit can also initiate an alarm on a loss of per­formance or equipment malfunc­tions.
The ICS system also allows all of the classroom unit ventilators to share information without the presence of hardwired sensors at each unit. Some typical shared points include outside air temper­ature, entering water temperature, and occupancy schedules.
Peer-to-Peer Communications
On a peer-to-peer communication system, multiple Tracer ZN.520 controllers may share data, via a twisted pair communication wire, without the need for a Tracer Sum­mit system. (See Figure 5: “Peer-
to-peer communication connec­tions”)
Peer-to-peer communications al­lows features such as master/slave operation, in which multiple units operate off of a single zone sensor. This is typically seen in large spac­es requiring multiple units.
The Rover service tool is required to set up peer-to-peer communica­tions.
Figure 5: Peer-to-peer communication connections
Communication Configurations
In a stand-alone configuration, commands for operation are deter­mined based on input from the zone sensor, humidity sensor, and factory- or field-mounted time­clock.(See Figure 6: “Typical class-
room unit ventilator installation ”)
q The timeclock is wired to the
Tracer ZN.520 to index the unit between occupied and unoccupied modes.
q A unit-mounted, analog,
outside-air temperature sensor is used to initiate the dry bulb economizer and freeze avoidance routines.
q On changeover units, a unit-
mounted, analog, entering water temperature sensor is used to automatically control the system in the heat/cool mode.
These sensors are required for proper system operation and are provided as standard on stand­alone units.
Figure 6: Typical classroom unit ventilator installation
Communication Interface
Important! To help ensure optimal performance of the Rover service tool, please use the latest version. To obtain the latest version contact your local Trane sales represent­tative or service technician.
Note: Refer to the Tracer system manuals for more information on communica­tions.
The Tracer ZN.520 communicates via Comm5 (LonTalk) to a building management system, the Rover service tool, and other unit control­lers on the communications link. Each Tracer ZN.520 requires a unique address for the system to operate properly. Every Tracer ZN.520 has this address (Neuron ID) embedded in the microproces­sor, which eliminates the need for field-addressing of the units. Each unit also ships from the factory with a unit identification tag. (See
“Location Identifier ” on page38, for more information.)
Building automation system
Trane offers a state-of the art front­end building automation system designed to coordinate and moni­tor Trane equipment and control­lers: Tracer Summit.
The Tracer Summit system allows the user to monitor and/or change Tracer ZN.520:
q status, parameters, sensor data,
diagnostics, and internal variables; and
q setpoints, operating modes,
and outputs.
Service tool
Trane also offers a service tool to work in conjunction with the Tracer Summit system or with peer-to­peer and stand-alone systems: the Rover service tool.
Communication to the Tracer ZN.520, or multiple controllers, can also be accomplished by using the ICS software service tool.
A personal computer running Rov­er may be directly connected to a standalone Tracer ZN.520; con­nected to the communications jack in the Trane zone sensor; or con­nected to a communicating unit’s Tracer ZN.520 unit controller, to ac­cess all of the units on a communi­cating link.
Rover allows the user to interface with the Tracer ZN.520, but will not allow any advanced control (e.g. equipment scheduling or trend­ing). To purchase a copy of the ICS software service tool, contact the BAS department at your local Trane dealer.
Trane has lead the industry with BACnet interoperability and Trane is now expanding the realm of in­teroperable solutions by offering LonMark certified unit controllers. The Tracer ZN.520 controller con­forms to the LonMark Space Com­fort Controller profile. (See
“Appendix—Data Lists” on page64, for more information.)
This allows the ZN.520 to be used as a unit controller on other control systems that support LonTalk and the SCC profile. Now building own­ers have more choices and design engineers have more flexibility to meet the challenges of building au­tomation.
Standard End Devices
Table 2: End Device Specifications
Device Characteristic Description
Fan Status Switch Material Contact Blade—Pilot duty rated
Operating Temperature Range -40°F/250°F (-40°C/120°C) Contact Form SPST-NO
Preset Fan status - 0.07”
Low Temperature Detection Switch (Freezestat)
OutsideAir Sensor/discharge AirSensor/Entering Water Temperature Sensor/Unit Mounted, Zone Return-air Temperature Sensor
Trip Temperature:
Release Temperature
Rating—Auto Reset
Sensing Element
36°F ± 2°F (2°C + - 1.11°C)
44°F ± 3°F (6.67°C + - 1.67°C)
Pilot Duty (24 VAC)
FLA 10.0 5.0
LRA 60.0 30.0
Thermistor 10 KOhms @ 77°F ± 1.8°F (25°C ±1°C)
120 VAC 240 VAC
Standard End Devices
Table 2: End Device Specifications
Device Characteristic Description
Outside Air Actuator Description Three-point floating with spring return
Ambient Temperature Rating -25°F to 125°F Power Consumption 5 VA Torque 35 in-lbs.
Drive Time 90 seconds, 95 degree stroke
Face and Bypass Actuator Description Three-point floating
Ambient Temperature Rating 32°F to 122°F Power Consumption 3 VA Torque 35 in-lbs.
Drive Time 80-110 seconds, 95 degree stroke
2-way Control Valve Description Three-point modulating
Ambient Temperature Rating 140°F at 95% relative humidity Drive Time 50 seconds Max Pressure 400 psi water Close Off Varied by size and Cv
Temperature Water 200°F maximum
Standard End Devices
Table 2: End Device Specifications
Device Characteristic Description
3-way Control Valve Description Three-point modulating
Ambient Temperature Rating 140°F at 95% relative humidity Drive Time 50 seconds Max Pressure 400 psi water Close Off Varied by size and Cv
Temperature Water 200°F maximum
Time clock Size 2.83'' x 4.0'' x 2.06''
Power Consumption 4.4 VA Switch SPDT dry contacts, silver cadmium oxide Switch Rating 16A 250V resistive, 1000 Watts tungsten Minimum Switching Current 100mA,230V Shortest Switching Time 1 minute Ambient Temperature Range -14°F to 131°F Wiring Connections Screw terminals suitable for #10 to #24 AWG
Backup Seven day capacitor backup
Zone sensor
Zone Sensor Wiring Size And Maximum Lengths
16-22 AWG: up to 200 feet
Standard End Devices
Table 2: End Device Specifications
Device Characteristic Description
Humidity Sensor Sensing Element Polymer capacitive
Sensing Element Accuracy: ± 5% over 20-95% RH @ 77ºF Range 0 to 99% RH Operating Temperature Range 0°F to 140ºF Max Supply Voltage 24VDC Output Characteristics 4 to 20 MA for 0-100% RH
Drift Rate Less than 1% per year
CO2 Sensor Sensing Element Accuracy: ± 100ppm full scale
Range 0-2000 ppm Operating Temperature Range 59°F to 95ºF Supply Voltage 24VAC Output Characteristics 0-10 VDC for 0-2000 ppm Power consumption 10 VA
Drift Rate ±5% full scale over four years
Fan Relay
Contact Rating
Terminals 0.25 quick connect Contact material Silver-Cadium Oxide
Coil 24 vac 2.7 va
20 amps at 120/240 vac 3/4 hp at 120 vac 1 1/2 hp at 240 vac 20 amps @ 28 vdc DPDT
Table 2: End Device Specifications
Device Characteristic Description
Control Transformer
Standard End Devices
Type N.E.C. Class 2 Primary Voltage 120 vac
Secondary voltage
24 vac at 90 va Manual reset 4amp fuse in 24-volt circuit
Tracer ZN.520 board and mounting hardware:
Height: 5.25 inches (133 mm.)
Width: 5.50 inches (140 mm)
Depth: 2.25 inches (57 mm)
Power Requirements
18 to 32 VAC (24 VAC nominal)
50 or 60 Hz
570 mA AC
Operating Environment
Installation and Wiring
32° to 140°F (0× to 60°C)
5% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Storage Environment
-40° to 185°F (-40° to 85°C)
5% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Agency Listings
UL and CUL 916 Energy Man­agement System
Agency Compliance IEC 1000­4-2 (ESD), IEC 1000-4-4(EFT), IEC 1000-4-5 (Surge)
Figure 7: Tracer ZN.520 circuit board schematic
Installation and Wiring
Binary Inputs
Each binary input associates an in­put signal of 0 VAC with open con­tacts and 24 VAC with closed contacts.
Table 3: Binary inputs (typically 24 mA AC)
Description Terminals Terminal Function
Binary input 1 (BI 1)
Binary input 2 (BI 2)
Binary input 3 (BI 3)
Binary input 4 (BI 4)
J2-1 24 VAC
J2-2 Input
J2-3 24 VAC
J2-4 Input
J2-5 24 VAC
J2-6 Input
J2-7 24 VAC
J2-8 Input
Binary Outputs
Outputs are load side switching tri­acs. The triac acts as a switch, ei­ther making or breaking the circuit between the load (valve, damper, contactor, relay) and ground.
Table 4: Binary outputs
Installation and Wiring
Description Terminals
Fan high J1-1 12 VA
Fan medium, Exhaust fan
Fan low J1-3 12 VA
No connection J1-4 (Key) — Cool open, face bypass cool valve
DX, 2-position cooling valve, BI 5
Cool close J1-6 12 VA
Face/bypass damper open J1-7 12 VA
Face/bypass damper close J1-8 12 VA
Heat open Face bypass isolation valve, 2-position heating valve Electric heat 1st stage
Heat close Electric heat 2nd stage
Economizer damper open J1-11 12 VA
Economizer damper close J1-12 12 VA
J1-2 12 VA
J1-5 12 VA
J1-9 12 VA
J1-10 12 VA
Load Energized Load De-energized
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
1 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
24 VAC RMS (typical)
Generic/baseboard Heat Binary Output
Table 5: Generic binary outputs
Description Terminals Output
Generic/ baseboard heat output TB4-1 12 VA 1 VAC RMS
24VAC TB4-2 12 VA NA NA
Load Energized Load De-energized
24 VAC RMS (typical)
Installation and Wiring
Analog Inputs
Table 6: Analog inputs
Description Terminals Function Range
Zone TB3-1 Space temperature input 5° to 122°F
Ground TB3-2 Analog ground NA Set TB3-3 Setpoint input 40° to 115°F
Fan TB3-4 Fan switch input 4821 to 4919 (Off)
Ground TB3-6 Analog ground NA Analog Input 1 J3-1 Entering water temperature -40° to 212°F (-40° to 100°C)
J3-2 Analog ground NA
Analog Input 2 J3-3 Discharge air temperature -40° to 212°F (-40° to 100°C)
J3-4 Analog ground NA
Analog Input 3 J3-5 Outdoor air temperature / Generic
J3-6 Analog ground NA
Analog Input 4 J3-7 Power port 4-20 mA
J3-8 Universal input
Generic 4-20ma Humidity CO2
J3-9 Analog ground NA
(-15° to 50°C)
(4.4° to 46.1°C)
2297 to 2342 (Auto) 10593 to 10807 (Low) 13177 to 13443 (Medium) 15137 to 16463 (High)
-40° to 212°F (-40° to 100°C)
0 – 100% 0 – 100% 0 – 2000ppm
The Tracer ZN.520 circuit board is mounted in the left-hand end pock­et for all classroom unit ventilator configurations. The sheet metal mounting plate has raised emboss­es to accept the mounting feet on the circuit board. (See Figure 8:
“Classroom unit ventilator control box with close-up of horseshoe embosses and circuit board mounting feet. ”) This design al-
lows the Tracer ZN.520 controller to be secured with a minimal num­ber of sheet metal screws.
Installation and Wiring
Figure 8: Classroom unit ventilator control box with close-up of horseshoe embosses and circuit board mounting feet.
Installation and Wiring
The mounting position on the ver­tical classroom unit ventilator
configuration allows complete ac­cess to the Tracer ZN.520 by re­moving the front panel. (See
Figure 9: “Vertical classroom unit ventilator end pocket”) The
mounting plate swings out of the way with the removal of a single screw to allow access to the com­ponents behind the control board.
The mounting plate on the hori-
zontal classroom unit ventila­tor configuration is designed to
slide out with the removal of a sin­gle screw for complete access to the Tracer ZN.520. (See Figure 10:
“Horizontal classroom unit venti­lator end pocket”) The location of
the control board on this unit con­figuration allows complete access to the other components in the end pocket when the front panel is removed.
For additional convenience, quick connects and modular wire har­nesses are used on the control board and mounting plate. (See
Figure 11: “Quick connects to con­trol board in the classroom unit ventilator”) These quick connects
help facilitate ease of wiring devic­es (e.g., zone sensor) to the control board, and helps add accessibility to major components.
Figure 11: Quick connects to control board in the classroom unit ventilator
Figure 9: Vertical classroom unit ventilator end pocket
Figure 10: Horizontal classroom unit ventilator end pocket
Installation and Wiring
Warning! Disconnect all elec­trical power before servicing unit to prevent injury or death due to electrical shock. Use copper conductors only. The use of aluminum or other incorrect types of wire may result in overheating and equipment damage.
Caution: To prevent damage
to the unit ventilator, refer to the diagram provided on the inside of the unit's access panel for specific wiring infor-
mation. All controls are wired at the factory. Single point power, zone sensor, and communication wiring is to be installed by the contractor.
Important! All wiring must comply with state, local, and federal guidelines. Contact the appropriate local agency for furthur information.
Important! Wires for temperature sensors, communication lines, 24 VAC, and contact closure sensing inputs should not be bundled with or run near high voltage wiring.
q Power wiring must be
separated from the Tracer ZN.520 and all low voltage wires. External input wires should be run in separate conduits from high voltage wires.
q Wires connected to pin headers
should be formed and routed so as to cause minimum strain on the Tracer ZN.520 connector.
q A minimum of 1.5" clearance
(from the pin centerline) for wires up to 16 AWG is recommended for bending and forming wires.
q All sensor and input circuits are
at or near ground potential. Do not connect any sensor or input circuit to an external ground connection.
q A close-coupled ground
connection is required for the Tracer ZN.520. T
q Table 7: Tracer ZN.520 Wiring
Requirements, shows Tracer ZN.520 wire types and lengths.
Table 7: Tracer ZN.520 Wiring Requirements
Application Wire Type Length
Contact Closure 18 AWG
24 VAC 16-22 AWG
Thermostat 16-22 AWG
Zone Sensor
16-22 AWG
Belden 8760 or equivalent
Up to 1000 ft.
Up to 1000 ft.
Up to 1000 ft.
Up to 200 ft.
Up to 5000 ft.
The Tracer ZN.520 controller is powered by 24 VAC. (See Table 7:
“Tracer ZN.520 Wiring Require­ments”)A total of two 1/4-inch
quick-connect terminals are pro­vided for 24 VAC connection to the board.
Figure 12: Power connection to the Tracer ZN.520 unit controller
Installation and Wiring
Installing the Wall­Mounted Zone Sensor (Optional)
Zone sensor location is an impor­tant element of effective room control and comfort.
The best sensor location is typical­ly on a wall, remote from the HVAC unit. Readings at this loca­tion assure that the desired set­point is achieved across the space, not just near the unit itself.
Note: It may be necessary to subdivide the zone with multiple units to ensure adequate control and comfort throughout the space.
The following are typical areas where the zone sensor should NOT be mounted:
q Near drafts or “dead spots”
(e.g., behind doors or corners);
q Near hot or cold air ducts;
q Near radiant heat (e.g., heat
emitted from appliances or the sun);
q Near concealed pipes or
q On outside walls or other non-
conditioned surfaces; or
q In air flows from adjacent
zones or other units.
Figure 13: Proper zone sensor placement
Note: All zone sensor wiring will be done in the factory unless zone sensor options are selected to be wall mounted.
When a unit-mounted speed switch is selected with a wall­mounted zone sensor, the contrac­tor must disconnect the cooling setpoint on the unit mounted sen­sor if the wall mounted cooling setpoint is used. The zone signal will be cut at the factory. The unit­mounted speed switch cannot be used as a zone sensor.
THe communications link is not connected in the factory. Commu­nications should be wired to the wall-mounted sensor.
Humidity and CO2 Sensors
Humidity and CO2 sensors should be mounted in a similar location as the zone sensor.
Installation and Wiring
Figure 14: Relative humidity sensor
Figure 15: CO2 Sensor
Typical Wiring Diagram—Wall Mounted Zone Sensor
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