Trane YSD 155F, YHD 155F, YSH 155F, YHH 155F, YSD 180F Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance
Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners Voyager™
Gas/ Electric
Model Number:
Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and air­conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury. When working on the equipment, observe all pre cautions in the literature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.
May 2014
YS*150–300 YH*150-300
Warnings, Cautions and Notices
Warnings, Cautions and Notices. Note that warnings,
cautions and notices appear at appropriate intervals throughout this manual. Warnings are provide to alert installing contractors to potential hazards that could result in personal injury or death. Cautions are designed to alert personnel to hazardous situations that could result in personal injury, while not ices indicate a situation that may result in equipment or property-damage-only accidents.
Your personal safety and the proper operation of this machine depend upon the strict observance of these precautions.
ATTENTION: Warnings, Cautions and Notices appear at
appropriate sections throughout this literature. Read these carefully:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. It could also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property-damage only
Important Environmental Concerns!
Scientific research has shown that certain man-made chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring stratospheric ozone layer when released to the atmosphere. In particular, several of the identified chemicals that may af fect the ozone layer are refrigerants that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and those containing Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (HCFCs). Not all refrigerants containing these compounds have the same potential impact to the environment. T rane advocates the responsible handling of all refrigerants-including industry replacements for CFCs such as HCFCs and HFCs.
Responsible Refrigerant Practices!
Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are important to the environment, our customers, and the air conditioning industry. All technicians who handle refrigerants must be certified. The Federal Clean Air Act (Section 608) sets forth the requirements for handling, reclaiming, recovering and recycling of certain refrigerants and the equipment that is used in these service procedures. In addition, some states or municipalities may have additional requirements that must also be adhered to for responsible management of refrigerants. Know the applicable laws and follow them.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required!
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure to electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.
Before installing/servi cin g th is un it, technicians MUST put on all PPE required for the work being undertaken (Examples; cut r esistant glov es/sleev es, butyl gloves, safety glasses, hard hat/bump cap, fall protection, electrical PPE and arc flash clothing). ALWAYS refer to appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and OSHA guidelines for proper PPE.
When workin g with or around hazardous c hemicals, ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS/SDS and OSHA/GHS (Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) guidelines for information on allowable personal exposure levels, proper respiratory protection and handling instructions.
If there is a risk of ener gized electrical contact, ar c, or flash, technicians MUS T put on all PPE in accordance with OSHA, NFPA 70E, or other country-specific requirements for arc flash protection, PRIOR to servicing the unit. NEVER PERFORM ANY SWITCHING, DISCONNECTING, OR VOLTAGE TESTING WITHOUT PROPER ELECTRICAL PPE AND ARC FLASH CLOTHING. ENSURE ELECTRICAL METERS AND EQUIPMENT ARE PROPERLY RATED FOR INTENDED VOLTAGE.
Failure to follow instructions could result in death or serious injury.
Proper Field Wiring and Grounding Required!
All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified personnel. Improperly installed and grounded field wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To avoid these hazards, y ou MUST follo w requir ements for field wiring installation and grounding as described in NEC and your local/state electrical codes. Failure to follow code could result in death or serious injury.
© 2014 Trane All rights reserved RT-SVX26K-EN
Water Damage!
Non-factory penetrations through the base of this unit are not allowed. Any penetration in the base of the unit may aff ect the water tight integrity of the unit and lead to water leaks in to the conditioned space. Failure to follow instructions could result in equipment and property damage.
Overview of Manual
Note: One copy of this document ships inside the control
panel of each unit and is customer property . It must be retained by the unit’s maintenance personnel.
This booklet describes proper installation, operation, and maintenance procedures for air cooled systems.
By carefully reviewing the information within this manual and following the instructions, the risk of improper operation and/or component dama ge will be minimized.
It is important that periodic maintenance be performed to help assure trouble free operation. A maintenance schedule is provided at the end of this manual.
Should equipment failure occur, contact a qualified service organization with qualified, experienced HVAC technicians to properly diagnose and repair this equipment.
Warnings, Cautions and Notices
Revision Summary
RT-SVX26K-EN (27 May 2014)
New Low Leak Economizer & Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD) Options
Updated Model Number Description Section
Added back Warranty Section
Table of Contents
Model Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Unit Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
System Input Devices & Functions . . . . . . . 7
Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Unit Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Unit Clearances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Unit Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Unit Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Rigging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
General Unit Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Main Unit Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Space Temperature Averaging . . . . . . . . . 25
Factory-Mounted Unit Options . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Circuit Breaker (FIYUCB) & Unit Disconnect (FIYUDC)
Powered and Unpowered Convenience . . 31
Return Air Smoke Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Through the Base Gas Utility Option . . . . 35
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
ReliaTel Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
System Status Checkout Procedure . . . . . .44
Resetting Cooling and Heating Lockouts . .45 Zone Temperature Sensor (ZTS) Service Indi-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Zone Temperature Sensor (ZTS) Test . . . .46
Programmable & Digital Zone Sensor Test 47
Wiring Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Pre Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Test Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Verifying Proper Air Flow (Units with Belt Drive Indoor Fan)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Start Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Economizer Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Compressor Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Dehumidification Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Heating Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Variable Air Volume Applications (Multi-zone, Traditional VAV)
Final System Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Fan Belt Adjustment—Belt Drive Units . . 41
Monthly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Final Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Model Number Descriptions
Model Number Description
YS D 150 F 3 R H A A 12 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12
All products are identified by a multiple character model number that precisely identifies a pa rticular type of unit. An explanation of the alphanumeric identification code is provided. Its use will enable the owner/operator, installing contractors, and service engineers to define the operation, specific components, and other options for any specific unit.
When ordering replacement parts or requesting service, be sure to refer to the specific model number and serial number printed on the unit nameplate.
Digit 1 — Unit Type
Y = Packaged Gas/Electric
Digit 2 — Efficiency
S = Standard Efficiency H = High Efficiency
Digit 3 — Airflow Configuration
D=Downflow H=Horizontal
Digit 4, 5, 6 — Nominal Gross Cooling Capacity (MBh)
150 = 12½ Tons, 60Hz 155 = 15 Tons, 50Hz 180 = 15 Tons, 60Hz 175 = 17½ Tons, 50Hz 210 = 17½ Tons, 60Hz 200= 20 Tons, 50Hz 240 = 20 Tons, 60Hz 250= 25 Tons, 50Hz 300 = 25 Tons, 60Hz
Digit 7 — Major Design Sequence
F = Microchannel Type Condenser
Digit 8 — Voltage Selection
3 = 208-230/60/3 4 = 460/60/3 W = 575/60/3 K = 380/60/3 D = 380-415/50/3
Digit 9 — Unit Controls
R = Reliatel
Digit 10 — Heating Capacity
H = Gas Heat - High L=Gas Heat - Low V = Gas Heat - SS Ht Ex - Modulating X = Gas Heat - SS Ht Ex - Low Z = Gas Heat - SS Ht Ex - High
Digit 11 — Minor Design Sequence
Digit 12, 13 — Service Sequence
00 = None 01 = 18mm Microchannel Condenser
Note: ‘01’ only available on select
Digit 14 — Fresh Air Selection
0=No Fresh Air D = Econ Dry Bulb w/ Barometric
F = Econ Reference Enthaply w/ H = Econ Comparative Enthaply w/ K = Low Leak Econ w/ Barometric M = Low Leak Econ Reference P = Low Leak Econ Comparative
Relief Barometric Relief Barometric Relief
Relief Enthalpy w/ Barometric Relief Enthalpy w/ Barometric Relief
Digit 15 — Supply Fan/Drive Type/Motor
0=Standard Motor 1 = Oversized Motor 3 = High Efficiency Motor 6 = Single Zone Variable Air Volume
Standard Motor 7 = Multi-Speed Standard Motor 8 = Single Zone Variable Air Volume
Oversized Motor 9 = Multi-Speed Oversized Motor A = Single Zone Variable Air Volume
Standard Motor w/ Shaft
Grounding Ring B = Multi-Speed Standard Motor w/
Shaft Grounding Ring C = Single Zone Variable Air Volume
Oversized Motor w/ Shaft
Grounding Ring D = Multi-Speed Oversized Motor w/
Shaft Grounding Ring E = VAV Supply Air Temperature
Control - Standard Motor F = VAV Supply Air Temperature
Control - Oversized Motor G = VAV Supply Air Temperature
Control - Standard Motor w/ Shaft
Grounding Ring H = VAV Supply Air Temperature
Control - Oversized Motor w/
Shaft Grounding Ring
Digit 16 — Hinged Service Access / Filters
0 = Standard Panels/Standard A = Hinged Access/Standard Filters
B = Standard Panels/MERV 8 Filters C = Hinged Access/MERV 8 Filters
D = Standard Panels/MERV 13 Filters E = Hinged Access/MERV 13 Filters
Digit 17 — Condenser Coil Protection
0 = Standard Coil 1 = Standard Coil With Hail Guard 4 = CompleteCoat™Condenser Coil 5 = CompleteCoat™Condenser Coil
with Hail Guard
Digit 18 — Through The Base Provisions
0 = No Through The Base Provisions A = Through The Base Electric B = Through The Base Gas C = Through The Base Electric/Gas D = Through The Base Access
Digit 19 — Disconnect Switch/ Circuit Breaker
0 = No Disconnect/circuit break 1 = Unit Mounted Non-Fused
Disconnect Switch
2 = Unit Mounted Circuit Breaker
Digit 20 — Convenience Outlet Option
0 = Without Convenience Outlet A = Unpowered Convenience Outlet B = Powered Convenience Outlet
Digit 21 — Communications Options
0 = Without Communications Options 3 = Novar 2024 Controls Interface 4 = Novar 3051 Controls Interface 5 = Novar 3051 Communications
6 = Building Automation Control
Interface with Demand Control Ventilation
Network Communications Interface
Digit 22 — Refrigeration System Option
0 = Standard refrigeration system A = Thermal Expansion Valve (TXV) B = Dehumidification (Hot Gas
Digit 23 — Refrigeration Controls
0 = Without Refrigeration Controls 1=Frostat
9, 20
Digit 24 — Smoke Detector
0 = Without Smoke Detector A = Return Air Smoke Detector B = Supply Air Smoke Detector C = Return/Supply Air Smoke
D = Plenum Smoke Detector
18 18
Model Number Description
Digit 25 — System Monitoring Controls
0 = No Monitoring Controls 1 = Clogged Filter Switch 2 = Fan Failure Switch 3 = Discharge Air Sensing 4 = Clogged Filter Switch and Fan
Failure switch
5 = Clogged Filter Switch and
Discharge Air Sensing
6 = Fan Failure Switch and Discharge
Air Sensing
7 = Clogged Filter Switch, Fan Failure
Switch and Discharge Air Sensing
8 = NOVAR Return Air Sensor (Novar
9 = NOVAR Zone Temp Sensor
(Novar 3051)
A = Condensate Drain Pan Overflow
B = Clogged Filter Switch and
Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
C = Fan Failure Switch and
Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
D = Discharge Air Sensing and
Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
E = Clogged Filter Switch, Fan Failure
Switch and Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
F = Clogged Filter Switch, Discharge
Air Sensing Tube and Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
G = Fan Failure Switch, Discharge Air
Sensing Tube and Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
H = Clogged Filter Switch, Fan Failure
Switch, Discharge Air Sensing and Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
Digit 26 - System Monitoring Controls
0 = No Monitoring Controls A = Demand Control Ventilation
B = FDD (Fault Detection and C = FDD (Fault Detection Diagnostics)
Diagnostics) & Demand Control Ventilation
Digit 27 - Unit Hardware Enhancements
0 = No Enhancements 1 = Stainless Steel Drain Pan
Digit 28 - Short Circuit Current Rating
0 = Standard SCCR A = 65kA SCCR Option
22, 23
Digit 31 - Advanced Unit Controls
0 = Standard Unit Controls 1=Human Interface
Note: Most Factory Installed Options
available for Downflow Air
Discharge units only. Please verify
with ordering system for
Model Number Notes
1. Some field set up required.
2. Requires ReliaT el Options Module.
3. Requires Economizer.
4. All 22
reheat coil (B) require additional factory installed options: Frostat, and 2” pleated filters.
5. Must be orde red with Through-
the-Base Electrical option or Horizontal-Side Access and either Unit Mounted Disconnect or Circuit Breaker.
6. Available factory installed on
downflow AND horizontal units. Verify with ordering system.
7. Cannot be fused.
8. Must be factory installed when
using Through-the-Base Options.
9. ReliaTel Options Module is
required when ordering the following accessories: Clogged Filter Switch, Fan Fail Switch, Condensate Overflow Switch, Discharge Air Se nsing Kit, Frostat, V enti latio n Override, Smoke Detector, Dehumidification and Modulating Gas Heat Furnace.
10. Opti on cannot be ordered in
conjunction with field installed economizer on downflow units. Must be factory installed. The return air smoke detector may not fit up or work properly on the Voyager units when used in conjunction with 3 accessories (such as bolt on heat wheels, economizers, and power exhaust). Do not order the return air smoke detectors when using this type of accessory.
11. Unit mounted disconnect and
circuit breakers are mutually exclusive of each other.
digit model numbers for
12. Through-the-base electrical option or Horizontal-Side Access must be ordered with either unit mounted disconnect or circuit breaker. When adding heat, you must order Electric Heat.
13. This option consists of the Novar return air sensor (Novar #WTS-10) that is wired and shipped in the return air section of the unit. The sensor ships with approximately 15’ of extra wire for dropping down the return air duct (downflow only).
14. Available on high efficiency, downflow units only.
15. All Factory Installed Options are Built-to-Order. Check order services for estimated production cycle.
16. The Novar control option includes the following factory installed and wired devices: Novar ETM-2024 or Novar 3051 rooftop controller, fan proving switch, clogged filter or unit shutdown switch, Cool 1, Cool 2, Heat switch and disc harge air sensor (Novar 2024 is downflow only).
Note: Option cannot be ordered in
conjunction with a factory installed smoke detector.
17. For use with multi-speed and SZVAV units only.
18. Novar is not available with SZ VAV products.
19. Demand Control Ventilation Option includes wiring only. The
sensor is a field-installed only
20. Frostat is standard on VAV units.
21. Supply and/or return smoke detector may not be used with the plenum smoke detector.
22. Only available where MOP is above 60A.
23. 575 VAC option is 25kA.
24. Standard filters are not available with Low Leak Economizers.
25. Human Interface is standard with FDD (Fault Detection Diagnostics).
General Information
Unit Description
Before shipment, each unit is leak tested, dehydrated, charged with refrigerant and compressor oil, and run tested for proper control operation.
For major design sequence F units, the condenser coils are microchannel type aluminum coils.
Direct-drive, vertical discharge condenser fans are provided with built-in thermal overload protection.
The ReliaT el™ Control Module is a microelectronic control system that is referred to as “Refrigeration Module” (RTRM). The acronym RTRM is used extensively throughout this document when referring to the control system network.
This module through Proportional/Integral control algorithms perform specific unit functions that governs unit operation in response to; zone temperature, supply air temperature, and/or humidity conditions depending on the application.
The stages of capacity control for these units are achieved by starting and stopping the compressors.
The RTRM is mounted in the control panel and is factory wired to the respective internal components. The RTRM receives and interprets information from other unit modules, sensors, remote panels, and customer binary contacts to satisfy the applicable request for cooling.
Economizer Control Actuator ReliaTel™ Control
The ECA monitors the mixed air temperature, return air temperature, minimum position setpoint (local or remote), power exhaust setpoint, CO ambient dry bulb/ enthalpy sensor or comparative humidity (return air humidity against ambient humidity) sensors, if selected, to control dampers to an accuracy of ±5 percent of stroke. The actuator is spring returned to the closed position any time that power is lost to the unit. It is capable of delivering up to 25 in·lb of torque and is powered by 24 Vac.
RTCI—ReliaTel™ Trane Communication Interface (Optional)
This module is used when the application calls for an ICS™ building management type control system. It allows the control and monitoring of the system through an ICS panel. The module can be ordered from the factory or ordered as a kit to be field installed. Follow the installation instruction that ships with each kit when field installation is necessary.
setpoint, CO2, and
RLCI—ReliaTel™ LonTalk Communication Interface (Optional)
This module is used when the application calls for an ICS™ building management type control system that is LonT alk. It allows the control and monitoring of the system th rough an ICS panel. The module can be ordered from the factory or ordered as a kit to be field installed. Follow the installation instruction that ships with each kit when field installation is necessary.
RBCI—ReliaTel BACnet™ Communications Interface (Optional)
This module is used when the application calls for an open BACnet protocol. It allows the control and monitoring of the system through an ICS panel. The module can be ordered from the factory or as a kit to be field installed. Follow the installation instructions that ships with each kit when field installation is necessary.
RTOM—ReliaTel™ Options Module (Optional)
The RT OM monitors the supply fan proving, clogged filter , supply air temperature, exhaust fan setpoint, supply air tempering, Frostat™ and smoke detector. R efer to system input devices and functions for operation.
RTAM—ReliaTel™ Air Handler Module (Standard with Traditional VAV)
RTAM receives information from the supply duct static pressure transducer. Attached to the module are the supply air heating potentiometer, supply air cooling setpoint potentiometer, supply pressure setpoint potentiometer, static pressure deadband potentiometer, morning warm-up setpoint potentiometer, reset setpoint potentiometer , an d 5 DIP switches.
System Input Devices & Functions
The RTRM must have a zone sensor or thermostat input in order to operate the unit. The flexibility of having several mode capabilities depends upon the type of zone sen sor or thermostat selected to interface with the RTRM.
The descriptions of the following basic Input Devices used within the RTRM network are to acquaint the operator with their function as they interface with the various modules.
Refer to the unit’s electrical schematic for the specific module connections. The following controls are available from the factory for field installation.
Supply Fan Failure Input (Optional)
The Fan Failure Switch (FFS) can be connected to sense indoor fan operation. If air flow through the unit is not
General Information
proven by the differential pressure switch connected to the RTOM (factory set point 0.07“ w.c.) within 40 seconds nominally, the RTRM will shut off all mechanical operations, lock the system out, send a diagnostic to ICS, and the SERVICE output will flash. The system will remain locked out until a reset is initiated either manually or through ICS.
Drain Pan Condensate Overflow Switch (Optional)
This input incorporates the Condensate Overflow Switch (COF) mounted on the drain pan and the ReliaT el Options Module (RTOM). When the condensate level reaches the trip point for 6 continuous seconds, the RTOM will shut down all unit function until the overflow condition has cleared. The unit will return to normal operation after 6 continuous seconds with the COF in a non-tripped condition. If the condensate level causes the unit to shutdown more than 2 times in a 3 day period, the unit will be locked-out of operation. A manual reset of the diagnostic system through the Zone Sensor or Building Automation System (BAS) will be required. Cycling unit power will also clear the fault."
Clogged Filter Switch (Optional)
The unit mounted clogged filter switch monitors the pressure differential across the return air filters. It is mounted in the filter section and is connected to the RTO M. A diagnostic SER V ICE signal is sent to the remote panel if the pressure differential across the filters is at least
0.5” w.c. The contacts will automatically open when the pressure
differential across the filters decreases to approximately
0.4” w.c. The clogged filter output is energized when the supply fan
is operating and the clogged filter switc h has been clo sed for at least 2 minutes. The system will continue to operate regardless of the status of the filter switch.
Please note that on units equipped with factory installed MERV 13 filters, a clogged filter switch with different pressure settings will be installed. This switch will close when the differential pressure is approximately 0.8”w.c. and open when the differential falls to 0.7” w.c.
Compressor Disable (CPR1/2)
This input incorporates the low pressure control (LPC) of each refrigeration circuit and can be activated by opening a field supplied contact installed on the LTB.
If this circuit is open before the compressor is started, the compressor will not be allowed to operate. Anytime this circuit is opened for 1 continuous second during compressor operation, the compressor for that circuit is immediately turned “Off”. The compressor will not be allowed to restart for a minimum of 3 minutes should the contacts close.
If four consecutive open conditions occur during the first three minutes of operation, the compressor for that circuit will be locked out, a diagnostic communicated to the remote panel (if installed), and a manual reset will be required to restart the compressor .
Phase Monitor
The Phase Monitor is a three-phase line monitor module that protects against phase loss, phase reversal and phase unbalance. It is intended to protect compressors from reverse rotation. It has an operating input voltage range of 190–600 Vac, and LED indicators for ON and FAULT. There are no field adjustments and the module will automatically reset from a fault condition.
Low Pressure Control ReliaTel Control
When the LPC is opened for 1 continuous second, the compressor for that circuit is turned off immediately. The compressor will not be allowed to restart for a minimum of 3 minutes.
If four consecutive open conditions occur during the first three minutes of operation, the compressor will be loc ked out, a diagnostic communicated to ICS™ if applicable, and a manual reset will be required to restart the compressor.
Discharge Line Thermostat ReliaTel Control
The high pressure controls and disc harge line thermostats are wired in series between the compressor outputs on the RTRM and the compressor contactor coils. If the high pressure control switch or discharge line thermostat open, the RTRM senses a lac k of current while calling for cool ing and locks the compressor out. This is an auto reset loc kout. If the circuit is open three consecutive times when the contactor coil should be on, the RTRM sets a manual lockout for that compressor.
Power Exhaust Control (Optional)
The power exhaust fan is started whenever the position of the economizer dampers meets or exceed the power exhaust setpoint when the indoor fan is on.
The setpoint panel is located in the return air section and is factory set at 25 percent.
Lead/Lag Control (Dual Circuit Only)
Lead/Lag is a selectable input located on the RTRM. The RTRM is configured from the factory with the Lead/Lag control disabled. T o activate the Lead/Lag function, simply cut the wire connected to J3-8 at the RTRM. When it is activated, each time the designated lead compressor is shut off due to the load being satisfied, the lead compressor or refrigeration circuit switches. When the
RTRM is powered up, i.e. af ter a power failure, the control will default to the number one circuit compressor.
General Information
Evaporator Frost Control
This input incorporates the Frostat™ control (FOS) mounted in the indoor coil and can be activated by closing a field supplied contact installed in parallel with the FOS.
If this circuit is closed before the compressor is started, the compressor will not be allowed to operate. Anytime this circuit is closed for 1 continuous second during compressor operation, the compressor for that circuit is immediately turned “Off”. The compressor will not be allowed to restart for a minimum of 3 minutes should the FOS open.
Note: Zone sensor required for units configured for
Single Zone VAV indoor fan system control to enable Single Zone VAV functionality.
Zone Sensor Module (ZSM) (BAYSENS106*)
This electronic sensor features three system switch settings (Heat, Cool, and Off) and two fan settings (On and Auto). It is a manual changeover control with single setpoint. (Cooling Setpoint Only.)
Zone Sensor Module (ZSM) (BAYSENS108*)
This electronic sensor features four system switch settings (Heat, Cool, Auto, and Off) and two fan settings (On and Auto). It is a manual or auto changeover control with dual setpoint capability. It can be used with a remote zone temperature sensor BAYSENS075*.
Zone Sensor (BAYSENS110*)
This electronic sensor features four system switch settings (Heat, Cool, Auto, and Off) and two fan settings (On and Auto) with four system status LEDs. It is a manual or auto changeover contro l with dual setpoint capability . It can be used with a remote zone temperature sensor BAYSENS075*.
Programmable Zone Sensor (BAYSENS119*)
Programmable Night Setback: Auto or manual c hangeover with seven-day programming. Keyboard selection of Heat, Cool, Fan, Auto, or On. All programmable sensors have System On, Heat, Cool, Service LED/indi cato rs as standard. Night Setback Sensors have one (1) Occupied, one (1) Un-occupied, and one (1) Override program per day.
Remote Zone Sensor (BAYSENS073*)
This electronic sensor features remote zone sensing and timed override with over ride cancellation. It is used with a
Trane Integrated Comfort™ building management system.
Remote Zone Sensor (BAYSENS074*)
This electronic sensor features single setpoint capability and timed override with override cancellation. It is used with a Trane Integrated Comfort™ building managemen t system.
Remote Zone Sensor (BAYSENS016*)
This bullet type temperature sensor can be used for outside air (ambient) sensing, return air temperature sensing, supply air temperature sensing, and remote temperature sensing (uncovered). Wiring procedures vary according to the particular application and equipment involved. Refer to the unit’s wiring diagrams for proper connections.
Remote Zone Sensor (BAYSENS075*)
This electronic sensor can be used with BAYSENS119* Remote Panels. When this sensor is wired to a BAYSENS119* Remote Panel, wiring must be 18 AWG Shielded Twisted P air (Belden 8760 or equivalent). Refer to the specific Remote Panel for wiring details.
Wireless Zone Sensor (BAYSENS050)
This electronic sensor features five system settings (Auto, Off, Cool, Heat, and Emerg ency Heat) and with On and Auto fan settings. It is a manual or auto c hangeover control with dual setpoint capability. Other features include a timed override function, lockable system settings, and Fahrenheit or Celsius temperature display. Included with the wireless zone sensor will be a receiver that is to be mounted inside the unit, a mounting bracket, and a wire harness.
High Temperature Sensor (BAYFRST003*)
This sensor connects to the RTRM Emergency Stop Input on the L TB and provides high limit “sh utdown” of the unit. The sensor is used to detect high temperatures due to fire in the air conditioning or ventilation ducts. The sensor is designed to mount directly to the sheet metal duct. Each kit contains two sensors. The return air duct sensor (X1310004001) is set to open at 135°F.
The supply air duct sensor (X131 0004002) is set to open at 240°F. The control can be reset after the temperature has been lowered approximately 25°F below the cutout setpoint.
Thermostat (BAYSTAT150)
This thermostat is a multi-stage 3 heat/2 cool, auto­changeover digital display thermostat. It is a programmable thermostat, and a 7-day programmable stat with night setback shall be available. In addition, it is wall mounted.
General Information
Thermostat (BAYSTAT151)
This thermostat is a single-stage 1 heat/1 cool, auto­changeover digital display thermostat. It is a non­programmable, wall-mounted thermostat.
Thermostat (BAYSTAT155)
This thermostat is a multi-stage 3 heat/2 cool, auto changeover digital display thermostat. It is a non­programmable, wall-mounted thermostat, and it can be used for Economizer Operation.
Smoke Detector Sensor (Optional)
This sensor is only applicable on units equipped with a RTOM. It provides high limit “shutdown” of the unit and requires a manual reset. The sensor is used to detect smoke due to fire in the air conditioning or ventilation ducts.
The supply and return air smoke detectors are
designed to shut off the unit if smoke is sensed in the supply air stream or return air stream. This function is performed by sampling the airflow entering the unit at the return air opening. Follow the instructions provided below to assure that the airflow through the unit is sufficient for adequate sampling. Fa il ure to follow these instructions will prevent the smoke detectors from performing it's desig n function.
Airflow through the unit is affected by the amount of dirt and debris accumulated on the indoor coil and filters. To insure that airflow through the unit is adequate for proper sampling by the return air smoke detector, complete adherence to the maintenance procedures, including recommended intervals between filter changes, and coil cleaning is required.
Periodic chec ks an d maintenance procedures must be performed on the smoke detector to insure that it will function properly . For detailed instructions concerning these checks and procedures, refer to the appropriate section(s) of the smoke detector Installation and Maintenance Instructions provided with the literature package for this unit.
In order for the supply air smoke detector or return air smoke detector to properly sense smoke in the supply air stream or return air stream, the air velocity entering the smoke detector unit must be between 500 and 4000 feet per minute.
Equipment covered in this manual will develop an airflow velocity that falls within these limits o ver the entire airflow range specified in the evaporator fan performance tables.
There are certain models, however, if operated at low airflow, will not develop an airflow velocity that falls within the required 500 to 4000 feet per minute range. For these models, the design airflow shall be greater than or equal to the minimum cfm specified in the table provided below.
Failure to follow these instructions will prevent the smoke detector from performing its design function.
Unit Model
YHD180 5300 cfm
Minimum Allowable Airflow with
Return Air Smoke Detector
Wa ll Mounted Relative Humidity Sensor (BAYSENS036*)
Field installed, wall mounted humi dity sensor is used to control activation of the hot gas reheat dehumidification option.
Humidity set points can be selected for relative humidity levels between 40 percent and 60 percent by adjusting the DEHUMID setting on the ReliaTel Options Module; see
“RTOM—ReliaTel™ Options Module (Optional),” p. 7.
Duct Mounted Relative Humidity Sensor (BAYSENS037*)
Field installed, duct mounted humidity sensor is used to control activation of the hot gas reheat dehumidification option.
Humidity set points can be selected for relative humidity levels between 40 percent and 60 percent by adjusting the DEHUMID setting on the ReliaTel Options Module; see
“RTOM—ReliaTel™ Options Module (Optional),” p. 7.
Human Interface - 5 Inch Color Touchscreen (Optional)
The 5 inch Color T ouc hscreen Human Interface provides an intuitive user interface to the rooftop unit that speeds up unit commissioning, shortens unit troubleshooting times, and enhances preventative maintenance measures. The human interface includes several features including:
Data trending capabilities by means of time seri es graphs
Historical alarm messages
Real-time sensor measurements
On board system setpoints
USB port that enables the downloading of component runtime information as well as trended historical sensor data
Customized reports
General Information
Unit Inspection
As soon as the unit arrives at the job site:
V erify that the nameplate data matches the data on the sales order and bill of lading (includin g electrical data).
Verify that the power supply complies with the unit nameplate specifications.
Visually inspect the exterior of the unit, including the roof, for signs of shipping damage.
Visually inspect the internal components for shipping damage as soon as possible after delivery and before it is stored. Do not walk on the sheet metal base pans.
If concealed damage is discovered, notify th e carrier’s terminal of damage immediately by phone and by mail. Concealed damage must be reported within 15 days.
– Request an immediate joint inspection of the
damage by the carrier and the consignee.
– Do not remove damaged material from the
receiving location.
– T ake photos of the damage, if possible. The owner
must provide reasonable evidence that the damage did not occur after delivery.
Notify the appropriate sales representative before installing or repairing a damaged unit.
Precautionary Measur es
Fiberglass Wool!
Product contains fiberglass wool. Disturbing the insulation in this product during installation, maintenance or rep air will expose you to airborne particles of glass wool fibers and ceramic fibers known to the state of California to cause cancer through inhalation. You MUST wear all necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including gloves, eye protection, a NIOSH approved dust/mist respir ator , long sleeves and pants when working with products containing fiberglass wool. Exposition to glass wool fibers without all necessary PPE equipm ent could r esult in cancer, respiratory, skin or eye irritation, which could result in death or serious injury.
First Aid Measures
Eye Contact - Flush eyes with water to remove dust. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Skin Contact - Wash affected areas gently with soap and warm water after handling.
Take precautions to prevent condensate from forming inside the unit’s electrical compartments and motors if:
The unit is stored before it is installed; or,
The unit is set on the roof curb, and temporary heat is provided in the building. Isolat e al l side p anel servi ce entrances and base pan openings (e.g., conduit holes, S/A and R/ A openings, and flue openings) from the ambient air until the unit is ready for start-up.
Note: Do not use the unit’s heater for temporary heat
without first completing the start-up procedure detailed under “Start Up,” p. 37.
The manufacturer will not assume any responsibility for equipment damage resulting from condensate accumulation on the unit’s electrical and/or mechanical components.
Unit Clearances
Figure 1, p. 12 illustrates the minimum operating and
service clearances for either a single or multiple unit installation. These clearances are th e minimum distances necessary to assure adequate serviceability, cataloged unit capacity, an d peak operating efficiency.
Providing less than the recommended clearances may result in condenser coil starvation, “short-circuiting” of exhaust and economizer airflows, or recirculation of hot condenser air.
Avoid breathing fibergl as s dust.
Use a NIOSH approved dust/mist respirator.
Avoid contact with the skin or eyes. W ear long-sleeved, loose-fitting clothing, gloves, and eye protection.
Wash clothes separately from other clothing: rinse washer thoroughly.
Operations such as sawing, blowing, tear-out, and spraying may generate fiber concentrations requiring additional respiratory protection. Use the appropriate NIOSH approved respiration in these situations.
Unit Dimensions
5' 8"
5' 0"
Figure 1. Typical installation clearance for single and multiple unit applications
Figure 2. Unit dimensional data for 12½ tons standard efficiency units
2710 mm
(106 11/16”)
1273 mm (50 1/8”)
168 mm
(6 5/8”)
651 mm (25 5/8”)
1799 mm
(70 13/16”)
213 mm
(8 3/8”)
745 mm
(29 5/16”)
68 mm
(2 11/16”)
25 mm
1453 mm (57 3/16”)
152 mm
Unit Dimensions
Note: ½ NPT Gas Connection
Figure 3. Unit dimensional data for 12½ tons standard efficiency units
Unit Dimensions
3091 mm
(121 11/16”)
1372 mm
173 mm
(6 13/16”)
679 mm (26 3/4”)
2138 mm (84 3/16”)
227 mm
(8 15/16”)
25 mm
830 mm
(32 11/16”)
1643 mm
(64 11/16”)
151 mm
(5 15/16”)
68 mm
(2 11/16”)
Figure 4. Horizontal duct dimensional data 12½ tons standard efficiency units
Figure 5. Unit dimensional data 15–25 tons standard efficiency units
Note: ½ NPT Gas Connection
Figure 6. Unit dimensional data 12½ ton high efficiency units
1372 mm
25 mm
679 mm (26 3/4”)
1643 mm
(64 11/16”)
(121 11/16”)
152 mm
3091 mm
843 mm
(33 3/16”)
227 mm
(8 15/16”)
68 mm
(2 11/16”)
2138 mm (84 3/16”)
Unit Dimensions
Note: ½ NPT Gas Connection
Figure 7. Unit dimensional data 15–25 tons high efficiency units
1629 mm
(64 1/8”)
25 mm
679 mm (26 3/4”)
152 mm
1643 mm
(64 11/16”)
(121 11/16”)
3091 mm
843 mm
(33 3/16”)
227 mm
(8 15/16”)
68 mm
(2 11/16”)
(84 3/16”)
2138 mm
Note: ½ NPT Gas Connection
Unit Dimensions
Figure 8. Unit dimensional data 15–25 tons standard efficiency units, 12½–25 tons high efficiency units
Figure 9. Horizontal duct dimensional data 15–25 tons standard efficiency units, 12½–25 tons high efficiency units
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