Odyssey Split Systems are compact, exible and easy on the budget.
Odyssey: The next generation
Trane provides an unparalleled offering with its
next generation Odyssey™ light commercial split
Odyssey Split Systems
are ideal for office
buildings, hotels,
schools, churches,
municipal and
industrial facilities.
These air-cooled
split systems are
designed and tested
to be flexible and
Trane provides greater application flexibility by allowing Odyssey units to be
matched with alternate offerings within the Trane portfolio.
Outdoor Unit Compressor Options
Tons 6 7½ 10 12½ 15 20 25
Single X X X
Dual X X X X
Manifolded X X X X
Heat Pump
Single X X X
Dual X X
Indoor Unit Options
Tons 5 7½ 10 12½ 15 20 25
Air Handler
Single Circuit X X X
Dual Circuit X X X X X X X
systems line. Unlike typical split systems on the
market, Odyssey offers easy servicing,
built-in reliability, ease of installation and
outstanding customer service.
• 8-12% increase in energy efciency
• Safer for the environment
• Expanded system controls (ReliaTel™)
• Full rated capacity delivered at designed
Flexible applications
Trane offers single, dual and manifolded
compressor options, each with their own
benets. Single compressor outdoor units feature
a single refrigeration circuitry, lowering job
installation costs by requiring only one set of
refrigerant lines.
Equally important, Odyssey offers single
refrigerant circuit/capacity unloading models.
The unloading units feature dual manifolded
scroll compressors with two stages of capacity
modulation and a single refrigeration circuit.
Dual compressor/dual circuit models give true
stand-by protection - if one compressor fails, the
second will automatically start-up. Also,
the rst compressor can be serviced without
shutting down the unit since the refrigerant
circuits are independent.
Dual compressor models also save on energy
costs. During light load conditions, only one
compressor will operate to save energy. On select
air handlers, a factory installed variable frequency
drive (VFD) is available. These 2 speed and Single
Zone VAV (SZVAV) solutions combined with
condensing units that have multiple compressors
provide increased part load performance (IEER)
when conditions are not at the max design
condition. Additionally, some states have adopted
codes that require this type of performance.
Easy to install
Odyssey units are built with installation in mind.
With a smaller footprint, the outdoor unit
takes up less space and weighs less, making its
installation more efcient and economical.
Our indoor air handlers are built to be installed
in conned spaces, tting through standard
doorways and freight elevators.
Built-in reliability
Our split systems stand apart from other
manufacturers in quality, reliability and total
value. We run-test our systems at the factory
to ensure at installation they will function and
operate as designed, giving you peace of mind.
Backed by our warranties,
Trane ensures your split system will function as
needed, when needed - with no interruptions to
comfort and your day-to-day business.
Easy to service
Designed for easy servicing, Odyssey units
have standardized cabinets and components.
Numbered and color-coded wiring may speed up
service time.
Available when needed
Odyssey products are stocked in numerous
warehouse locations to make it easy to ship a unit
to you. Whether it’s an emergency replacement
for a unit that went down, a
planned replacement or new construction,
Odyssey will provide the right product, at the
right place and at the right time.
Odyssey Split Systems
exceed the Trane
reputation for quality
and reliability. A wide
range of models allows
you to select a system
that will meet your
particular comfort and
building needs.