Trane SCWF29, SCWF32, SCWF35, SCWF38, SIWF20 User Manual

Commercial Self-Contained
IntelliPak® Signature Series 20-80 Ton Water-Cooled Air Conditioners 20-60 Ton Air-Cooled Air Conditioners Remote Air-Cooled Condensers
December 2001 PKG-PRC002-EN
Affordable Self-Contained Value from Trane…
Signature Series Self-Contained Units
Trane’s advanced technology brings unmatched reliability, high performance, and affordable cost!
Hinged and removable control
Waterside economizer (cleanable option shown)
2-inch flat filter box inside unit casing
Sight glasses with ports for viewing while unit is running
panel door for easy access
Unit mounted microprocessor control with easy-to-read human interface panel
Energy saving single fan with inlet guide vanes or
variable frequency drive
Internally trapped drain for low cost
Waterside valve package option to enhance system efficiency
©2001 American Standard Inc.
Two-bolt connection on cleanable condenser for quick, easy maintenance
Trane 3-D for reliability, efficiency and quiet operation
Scroll Compressor
Introduction 2
Features and Benefits 4
Application Considerations 8
Selection Procedure 12
Model Number Description 14
General Data 17
Performance Data 22
Airside Pressure Drops 22 Waterside Pressure Drops 29 Water-Cooled Units 31 Air-Cooled Units 60 Heating Coils 68
Controls 69
Electrical Data 79
Dimensions and Weights 81
Mechanical Specifications 95
Options 97
Features and Benefits
Why consider the Signature Series self-contained floor-by-floor systems?
Improved Cash Management
• Factory-installed and tested options reduce field labor and installation risk, while improving system reliability
• Requires less sophisticated maintenance than built-up systems
Tenant Satisfaction
• Complete HVAC system on each floor minimizes tenant inconvenience during routine maintenance
• Tenants can control system after hours to increase productivity and minimize expense
Low First Cost
• Reduce field labor, installation time, and cost with factory packaged controls and piping
• Reduce installed tonnage up to 20 percent by taking advantage of building diversity and VAV flexibility
• Flexible air discharge arrangement matches most building configurations
Lower Installed Cost
• Single point power connection
• Single point water connection
• Factory commissioned and tested controls
• Factory installed options
• Internally trapped drain connection
Economical Operation
• Free cooling with waterside or airside economizer
• Energy savings with floor-by-floor system since only units on floors requiring cooling need to operate
• Significant annual energy consumption reduction due to partial occupancy after-hours, when compared to a central chilled water system
• Simple heating alternatives include perimeter radiation and fan-powered VAV
• Energy savings from the integrated water valve control using pump unloading
Assured Acoustical Performance
• Flexible, horizontal discharge plenum provides smooth airflow, reducing static pressure losses for optimum acoustical performance
• Multiple compressor design reduces acoustical levels. Scroll compressor design smooths gas flow for quieter operation
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Features
• Sloped drain pan
• Stainless steel sloped drain pan option
• Internally trapped drain connection
• Double wall construction option
• Matt-faced fiberglass insulation
• High efficiency throwaway filter option
• Easily cleanable evaporator, condensers, and waterside economizers
• Filter access door allows easy removal to encourage frequent filter changing
• Airside economizer with Traq™ damper allows direct measurement and control of outdoor air
Enhanced Serviceability
• Self-supporting removable panels
• Quick access service panel fasteners
• Eye level control/service center
• Refrigerant line sight glasses in view during operation
Features and Benefits
Standard Features
• 20 through 80 ton industrial/commercial water-cooled self-contained units
• 20 through 60 ton industrial/commercial remote air-cooled self-contained units
• Fully integrated, factory-installed, and commissioned microelectronic controls
• Unit mounted human interface panel with a two line x 40 character clear language (English, Spanish, or French) display and a 16-function keypad that includes custom, diagnostics, and service test mode menu keys
• Improved Trane 3-D
• Compressor lead/lag
• CV or VAV system control
• Low ambient compressor lockout adjustable control input
• FROSTAT units
• Daytime warmup (occupied mode) on units with heat and morning warmup operation on all units
• Supply air static overpressurization protection on units with inlet guide vanes or variable frequency drives (VFD’s)
• Supply airflow proving
• Supply air tempering control with heating option
• Supply air heating control on VAV with hydronic heating option
• Emergency stop input
• Mappable sensors and setpoint sources
• Occupied/unoccupied switching
• Timed override activation
• Refrigeration circuits are completely factory piped and tested on water­cooled units
• Factory piped and tested, mechanically cleanable water-cooled condensers
• Two-bolt removable condenser waterboxes for quick and easy cleaning
• Sloped drain pans to ensure complete condensate removal for IAQ
• Internally trapped drain connection with cleanout
• Internally isolated centrifugal supply fan
• 14-gauge galvanized steel framework with easily removable painted exterior panels of 18-gauge galvanized steel
• UL listing on standard options
• Fan belts and grease lines are easily accessible
• Access panels and clearance provided to clean both evaporator and waterside economizer coil fins
coil frost protection on all
scroll compressor
• Condensing pressure control on all variable water flow systems with valves
• Programmable water purge during unoccupied mode
• High entering air temperature limit
• Low entering air temperature limit with waterside economizer or hydronic heat
Optional Features
• Trane communication interface module: ICS interface control module
• Generic BAS interface
• Comparative enthalpy control
• Ventilation override from up to five external inputs
• Remote human interface controls up to four units
• Fully integrated, factory-installed/ commissioned variable frequency drive control with or without optional integrated bypass
• Fully integrated, factory-installed and commissioned inlet guide vanes on FC supply fan
• Waterside economizer with factory installed piping and controls
• Waterside modulating condensing temperature control valves include factory installed piping and control wiring
• Removable cast iron headers on cleanable waterside economizer
• Flexible horizontal discharge plenum with or without factory cut holes
• Heating options include hot water, steam, and electric
• Refrigerant suction discharge line service (shut-off) valves
• Protective coatings for the unit and/or evaporator coils
• Double wall construction
• Stainless steel sloped drain pan
• Medium efficiency throwaway filters
• Through-the-door non-fused disconnect switch
• Trane’s air quality Traq airside economizer mixing box
• High duct temperature thermostat
• Dual electrical power connection
reset input
damper in
FC Fans With Inlet Guide Vanes
Trane’s forward-curved fans with inlet guide vanes pre-rotate the air in the direction of the fan wheel. This decreases static pressure and horsepower. The unloading characteristics of a Trane FC fan with inlet guide vanes results in superior part load performance.
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD)
Variable frequency drives are factory installed, wired, and tested to provide supply fan motor speed modulation. VFD’s are quieter and more efficient than inlet quide vanes and may even be eligible for utility rebates. The VFD’s are available with and without a manual integrated bypass option, controlled through the human interface (HI) panel. Bypass control provides full nominal airflow control to CV zone setpoints in the unlikely event of a drive failure by manually placing the drive in the bypass mode.
Field Installed Accessories
• Airside economizer control with or without mixing box
• Programmable sensors with or without night set back for CV and VAV systems
• ICS zone sensors used with Tracer system for zone control
• Field installed module kits available for field upgrade of controls
• Ultra low leak dampers for 0-100 percent modulating fresh air economizer
Features and Benefits
Integrated Self-Contained Systems
Integrated Comfort™ System (ICS)
Trane’s Integrated Comfort (ICS) increases job control by combining IntelliPak
Signature Series self­contained units and a Tracer management system. This integrated system provides total building comfort and control. Building owners and managers not only save energy when using ICS—they have the ability to automate their facilities and the convenience of a control system interface.
Simplifying The Comfort System
Trane’s designers combined new technology and innovation to bring you more system capabilities and flexibility. Our Integrated Comfort with HVAC equipment is easy to use, install, commission, and service.
Everything you need to know about your self-contained VAV system is available using Tracer
, Trane’s family of building automation products. Tracer software package that minimizes custom programming requirements and allows easy system setup and control using your personal computer. Operating data from all system components is readily available for evaluation. You can control, monitor, and service your facility—all from your personal computer.
The IntelliPak
self-contained unit, as part of Trane ICS, provides powerful maintenance monitoring, control, and reporting capabilities. Tracer self-contained unit in the appropriate operating mode for: system on/off, night setback, demand limiting, setpoint adjustment based on outside parameters and much more. You can monitor unit diagnostic conditions through Tracer such as: sensor failures, loss of supply airflow, and an inoperative refrigerant circuit.
system (ICS)
is a
places the
IntelliPak contained monitoring points available using Tracer
Signature Series self-
• Compressor on/off status
• Ventilation status
• Condenser water flow status
• Heat status
• Supply air pressure
• Supply air temperature
• Suction temperature of each circuit
• Entering economizer water temperature
• Zone temperature
• Entering condenser water temperature
• Supply air temperature reset signal
• Morning warmup sensor temperature
• Entering air temperature
Tracer control points for IntelliPak
Signature Series Self-Contained Units
• Cooling and heating setpoints
• VAV discharge air temperature setpoints
• Supply air pressure setpoint
• Cooling and heating enable/disable
• Air economizer enable/disable
• Airside economizer minimum position
• Unit priority shutdown
Commissioning, control, efficiency, and information…it simply all adds up to one reliable source…Trane.
Trane 3-D® Scroll Compressor
Simple Design with 70% Fewer Parts
Fewer parts than an equal capacity reciprocating compressor means significant reliability and efficiency benefits. The single orbiting scroll eliminates the need for pistons, connecting rods, wrist pins, and valves. Fewer parts lead to increased reliability. Fewer moving parts, less rotating mass, and less internal friction means greater efficiency than reciprocating compressors.
Patented 3-D Scroll Compliance
Trane 3-D scroll compliance provides important reliability and efficiency benefits. 3-D compliance allows the orbiting scrolls to touch in all three dimensions, forming a completely enclosed compression chamber that leads to increased efficiency. In addition, 3-D compliance means the orbiting scrolls only touch with enough force to create a seal— so there is no wear between the scroll plates. The fixed and orbiting scrolls are made of high strength cast iron—resulting in less thermal distortion, less leakage, and higher efficiencies. The most outstanding feature of the scroll compressor 3-D compliance is that slugging will not cause failure. In a reciprocating compressor, however, liquid or dirt can cause serious damage.
Low Torque Variation
The 3-D scroll compressor has a very smooth compression cycle with torque variations that are only 30 percent of that produced by a reciprocating compressor. This means the scroll compressor imposes very little stress on the motor for greater reliability. Low torque variation means reduced noise and vibration.
Suction Gas Cooled Motor
Compressor motor efficiency and reliability are further optimized with this design. Cool suction gas keeps the motor cooler for longer life and better efficiency.
Proven Design Through Testing and Research
With over twenty years of development and testing, Trane 3-D scroll compressors have undergone more than 400,000 hours of laboratory testing and field operation. This work combined with over 25 patents makes Trane the worldwide leader in air conditioning scroll compressor technology.
Features and Benefits
One of two matched scroll plates — the distinguishing feature of the scroll compressor.
The Chart above illustrates low torque variation of 3-D Scroll compressors as compared to a reciprocating compressor.
Self-Contained Acoustical Recommendations
Successful acoustical results are dependent on many system design factors.
Following are general acoustical recommendations. For more information, or if there is concern about a particular installation, contact a professional acoustical consultant.
Location and Orientation of the Mechanical Equipment Room
Locate the equipment room adjacent to stairwells, utility rooms, electrical closets, and rest rooms if possible (See figure below). This minimizes the acoustic effects and risk of workmanship or installation errors. Place the discharge and return air ductwork over these less acoustically sensitive areas, using vertical or horizontal fresh air shafts. Consult code requirements for fresh air and smoke purge constraints.
Return Air Ductwork
Duct the return air into the mechanical equipment room. Connect ductwork to the unit if local code dictates. The return air ductwork must have an elbow inside the equipment room. This elbow will reduce sound transmissions through the return duct. Extend the ductwork from the elbow far enough to block the “line of sight” to the exterior of the equipment room. Use a minimum ductwork length of 15 feet to the equipment room exterior. Line the duct with two-inch, three-pound density insulation. Use multiple, small return ducts for better acoustical performance to the occupied space.
Supply Air Ductwork
Insulate the supply air duct with two-inch, three-pound density insulation. Extend this lining at least 15 feet out from the equipment room wall, keeping the duct aspect ratio as small as possible. Minimize large flat panels since they
transmit sound. In addition, small aspect ratios will minimize potential “oil canning” of the duct due to flow turbulence.
The flexible horizontal discharge plenum option helps avoid complicated ductwork transitions. Ductwork turning vanes typically improve pressure drop but degrade acoustical performance.
Recommended Maximum Air Velocities
The maximum recommended velocity for the discharge air duct is 2,000 fpm. The maximum recommended velocity for the return air duct is 1,000 fpm. Limit air velocities below these operating points to minimize the risk of flow turbulence that causes regenerated noise. Using round supply duct and static regain allows maximum discharge air velocities up to 3,000 fpm. Lining round supply duct also substantially lowers frequency noise attenuation. However, flow regenerated noise potential increases dramatically at air velocities over 3000 fpm.
Equipment Room Location and Orientation
Equipment Room Construction Options
The preferred equipment room wall construction is concrete block. If this is not feasible then a double stud offset wall is suggested (See figure). This removes physical contact that would transmit sound through the equipment room wall to the occupied space. Interweave fiberglass insulation between the wall studs. Use two layers of sheetrock on each side of the wall.
Workmanship details are critical to acoustical performance. Seal all wall and floor penetrations by the ductwork, water piping, and equipment room access doors with a flexible material such as caulk and/or gasketing to stop noise and air leaks.
Locate the equipment room door away from acoustically sensitive areas like conference rooms. The door should swing out of the equipment room, if possible, so that the low pressure in the equipment room pulls the door in to help maintain a tight seal.
Equipment Options
The flexible horizontal discharge plenum allows multiple tested outlet options. This minimizes the risk of acoustic and/or pressure drop problems by avoiding complex transitions close to the fan discharge.
Static Pressure Versus Acoustics
Design the system to minimize the total static pressure required from the self­contained unit fan. Typically a change in static pressure of only 0.5 inches can reduce NC level by approximately 2 or 3 in the occupied space.
Isolation Recommendations
The Signature Series unit fan and compressors are internally isolated. Therefore, external isolation is not required. Consult a vibration specialist before considering external or double vibration isolation.
Design duct connections to the unit using a flexible material. Consult local codes for approved flexible duct material to prevent fire hazard potential.
Double Stud Offset Wall with Interwoven Insulation
Piping Connections
Rubber isolator connectors are recommended for condenser piping to prevent vibration transmission to or from the building plumbing. The Signature Series self-contained unit is internally isolated and does not require additional isolation. However, ensure proper system vibration isolation design prevents vibration transmission from the building plumbing to the unit. Also be sure to properly isolate the drain line.
Condenser Water Piping
Piping Location and Arrangement
Provide at least 24 inches of clearance between the piping and the unit for service. Place the risers away from the side of the unit if possible. Be sure to allow sufficient space for valves and unions between the piping and the self­contained unit. Lay out condenser piping in reverse returns to help balance the system. This is accomplished by equalizing the supply and return pipe length. Multi-story buildings may use a direct return system with balancing valves at each floor. Install all heat exchangers and most cooling tower piping below the sump operating water level to prevent overflow during unit and/ or system shut down.
Free Cooling Opportunities and Alternatives
Free cooling is available with either the airside or waterside economizer options.
Waterside Economizer
The waterside economizer substantially reduces the compressor energy requirements because it uses the cooling water before it enters the condensers. Additional equipment room space is not required since the coils are contained within the overall unit dimensions.
Disadvantages include higher airside pressure drop and a higher head on condenser water pumps.
The coils may be mechanically cleanable (optional) for ease in maintenance versus expensive and difficult chemical cleaning methods.
Airside Economizer
The airside economizer substantially reduces compressor, cooling tower, and condenser water pump energy requirements using outside air for free cooling. It also reduces tower make up water needs and related water treatment.
Disadvantages include building requirements that locate the mechanical room and self-contained unit toward an exterior wall to minimize ductwork , building barometric control, or additional air shafts. Also, airside economizers require additional mechanical room space.
Recommended Pump Location
Locate pump downstream of the cooling tower and upstream of the self-contained unit. This provides smoother and more stable unit operation.
When the tower and pump are both roof mounted, be sure to provide the necessary net positive suction head pressure to prevent cavitation. Raise the tower or submerge the pump in a sump to provide positive suction. To prevent an on-line pump failure, use a standby pump to avoid a complete system shutdown. Several partial capacity pumps or variable speed pumps may be used. Review the economics of these alternate pumping options.
Strainers and Water Treatment
Water strainers are required at the unit inlet to eliminate potential unit damage from dirty water. Specify a water basket­type strainer to avoid an incorrect stream strainer application. Untreated or poorly treated water may result in equipment damage. Consult a water treatment specialist for treatment recommendations.
Isolation Valves
Install isolation valves at each unit before the strainer and after the condenser. This allows periodic servicing of the unit or
Waterside Economizer Piping
strainer while allowing other units in the system to remain in operation.
Pressure Gauges
Install pressure gauges on the inlet and outlet of the self-contained unit. Select the gauge’s scale so that the unit design operating point is approximately mid­scale.
Install thermometers on the condenser water inlet and outlet lines to each unit for system analysis. Trane Company recommends using a thermometer temperature range of 40 to 140 F, using a 2 F temperature increment.
The unit condensate drain is internally trapped to offset the pressure differential that exists during fan operation. Install a trapped drain in the low point of the mechanical equipment room floor to collect water from cleaning operations.
Condensing Pressure Control (Water-Cooled condensers)
Often cold condensing water applications between 35 F (1.7 C) and 54 F (12.2 C) require a condensing pressure control valve. Any unit with variable-flow waterside valves can modulate water flow to maintain a user defined condensing temperature. However, to
utilize this feature, the building water system must be capable of operating at reduced water flow rates through the self-contained units. It is imperative to install variable volume pumps or an external bypass in the water distribution system.
Waterside Economizer Flow Control
Units equipped with waterside economizer control valves can be set up for variable or constant water flow.
Use constant water flow
systems that are not capable of unloading water supply to the unit. The economizer and condenser valves will operate in complement to one another to provide continuous water flow.
Use variable water flow
flow systems that can take advantage of pump unloading for energy savings. Since non-cooling operation restricts water flow during part load economizing or condensing temperature control, it is imperative to install variable volume pumps or an external bypass in the water distribution system.
Unit Operating Limits
The minimum recommended airflow for proper VAV system staging and temperature control is 35 percent of nominal design airflow. Adjusting VAV boxes with the appropriate minimum settings will prevent the self-contained unit from operating in a surge condition at airflows below this point. Continuous operation in a surge condition can cause fan failure. Reference General Data Tables on pages 17-20 for minimum airflow conditions.
Signature Series self-contained units use fixed pitch sheaves. Adjust air balancing by obtaining alternate fixed pitch sheave selections from the local Trane sales office.
Use 3 gpm/ton for optimum unit capacity and efficiency. Use 2.5 or 2 gpm/ton to reduce pump energy, cooling tower and piping costs. However, these reduced waterflows may impact unit capacity and efficiency by one or two percent. Consult General Data Tables on pages 17-20 for unit specific waterflow ranges.
setup on water
setup with water
Air Cooled
Remote Air-Cooled Condenser
Unit Location
Unobstructed condenser airflow is essential to maintaining capacity and operating efficiency. When determining unit placement, give careful consideration to assure sufficient airflow across the condenser coils. Avoid these two detrimental conditions: warm air recirculation and coil starvation.
Both warm air recirculation and coil starvation cause reductions in unit efficiency and capacity because of the higher head pressure associated with them. In more severe cases, nuisance unit shutdowns will result from excessive head pressures.
Ensure vertical condenser air discharge is unobstructed. While it is difficult to predict the degree of warm air recirculation, a unit installed with a ceiling or other obstruction above it will experience a capacity reduction that will reduce the maximum ambient operation limit. Nuisance high head pressure tripouts may also occur.
The coil inlet must also be unobstructed. A unit installed closer than the minimum recommended distance to a wall or other vertical riser will experience a combination of coil starvation and warm air recirculation. This may result in unit capacity and efficiency reductions, as well as possible excessive head pressures. Reference the service clearance section on page 93 for recommended lateral distances.
Ambient Limitations
Standard ambient control allows operation down to 45 F (7.2 C) with cycling of condenser fans. Units with the low ambient option are capable of starting and operating in ambient temperatures down to 0 F (-17.8 C). Optional low ambient units use a condenser fan damper arrangement that controls condenser capacity by modulating damper airflow in response to saturated condenser temperature.
Maximum ambient temperature operation of a standard condenser is 115 F (46.1 C). Operation at design ambient above 115 F can result in excessive head pressures. For applications above 115 F, contact the local Trane sales office.
PKG-PRC002-EN 11
Selection Procedure
Following is a sample selection for a standard applied water-cooled self­contained at particular operating conditions. Use Trane Official Product Selection System, TOPSS all final selections or contact your local Trane representative.
Unit Capacities
Determine entering air temperature dry bulb and wet bulb and entering water temperature.
Refer to the Performance Data section beginning on page 32 to find gross total and sensible capacity that best meets capacity requirements.
Apply the cfm correction factors from the capacity correction factor Table PD-1 on page 31 to determine gross total and gross sensible capacities at desired cfm.
Multiply condenser water delta T by the total capacity cfm correction factor to determine new condenser water delta T.
Using design cfm, determine static air pressure drops for accessories from the air pressure drop Charts PD-1 through PD-18. Add accessory static pressure drops to external supply and return static air pressure drops. Use the total air pressure drop to determine rpm and brake horsepower requirements from the appropriate fan curve. Note: The fan curves include refrigerant coil and internal cabinet static loses.
Calculate supply fan motor heat by using the following equation: Fan motor heat (MBh) = 2.8 x fan motor brake horsepower
Determine net total capacity and net sensible capacity by subtracting fan motor heat from gross total capacity and gross sensible capacity.
, for making
Refer to Trane psychometric chart to determine leaving air temperatures.
Waterside Economizer Capacity
After determining that the unit will meet the required mechanical cooling capacity, determine the waterside economizer capacity by referring to the appropriate two-row (low capacity) or four-row (high capacity) waterside economizer capacity tables on pages 32-58.
Determine entering air temperature dry bulb and wet bulb, condenser water flow (gpm), and economizer entering water temperature.
Refer to the appropriate waterside economizer table to find gross total and sensible capacity and the leaving water temperature.
Apply the cfm correction factor for the waterside economizer from the appropriate table to determine the gross total and sensible capacities at the desired cfm.
Multiply the condenser water delta T by the total capacity cfm correction factor to determine the new delta T.
Calculate supply fan motor heat by using the following equation: Fan motor heat (MBh) = 2.8 x fan motor brake horsepower
Determine net total and sensible capacity by subtracting fan motor heat from gross total and sensible capacity.
Refer to the Trane psychometric chart to determine leaving air temperatures.
Selection Example
Design Conditions
Total gross capacity required =
420 MBh = 35.2 Tons
Total sensible capacity required =
315 MBh Entering air temperature = 80/67 Entering water temperature = 85 Water flowrate = 105 gpm Airflow = 14840 cfm at 2.5-inch
duct static pressure
Unit includes:
Inlet guide vanes
Waterside economizer
Medium velocity throwaway filters
Unit Selection
Tentatively select a 35 ton unit Model SCWF 35. Refer to Table PD-19 on page 43 to obtain gross total and sensible unit capacities, and gpm at the design conditions:
Total capacity = 419.0 MBh
Sensible capacity = 309.0 MBh
Leaving water temperature = 94.7 F
Since the design cfm is greater than the nominal cfm, adjust the capacities and condenser water delta T to reflect the higher cfm:
design cfm 14840 = +6% of nom. cfm
nominal 14000
Refer to Table PD-1 on page 31 to obtain the capacity correction factors for +6% of nominal cfm: Cooling capacity multiplier = 1.009 Sensible capacity multiplier = 1.027
Multiply the capacities by the correction factors:
419 MBh x 1.009 = 422.8 MBh
309 MBh x 1.027 = 317.3 MBh The SCWF 35 meets the total and sensible design requirements.
Multiply the delta T of 9.7 F, by the cooling capacity correction factor of 1.009 to obtain new delta T of 9.79 and add this to the entering water temperature to obtain the actual leaving water temperature of
94.79 F.
Determine static air pressure drops through the accessories at the design cfm from Chart PD-3 on page 22: 4-row waterside economizer = 0.37 in. Medium velocity filters = 0.28 in. add this to the 2.5 inch duct static pressure for a total external static pressure of 3.15 inches.
Refer to the fan curve with inlet guide vanes, Chart PD-38 on page 43, to determine approximate brake horsepower and fan rpm:
Fan brake horsepower = 16 bhp
Fan rpm = 1020 rpm
Determine net capacities by subtracting fan motor heat from gross capacities:
2.8 x 16 bhp = 44.8 MBh Net total capacity = 422.8 MBh -
44.8 MBh = 378.0 MBh
Net sensible capacity = 317.3 MBh -
44.8 MBh = 272.5 MBh
Determine waterside economizer capacity by referring to Table PD-17 on page 42. Use entering air of 80/67 and entering water temperature of 55 deg F at 105 gpm. The table provides a gross total capacity of 282.1 MBh and gross sensible capacity of 277.2 MBh and
60.4 deg F leaving water temperature at nominal cfm.
Determine gross capacities at design cfm by applying the cfm correction factors from waterside economizer from Table PD-1 on page 31. Use the following correction factors:
282.1 MBh x 1.009 = 284.6 MBh
277.2 MBh x 1.027 = 284.7 MBh
Apply the cooling correction factor to water delta T to determine new delta T of
5.45 F.
Determine net capacities by subtracting fan motor heat for net total capacity of
239.8 MBh and net sensible capacities of
239.9 MBh.
PKG-PRC002-EN 13
Model Number
Self-Contained Model Number Description
S C W F N 20 4 2 BO A B 2 10 065 B A 1 0 1 0 A A C F A 1 1 0 T 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Digit 1 - Unit Model
S = Self Contained
Digit 2 - Unit Type
C = Commercial I = Industrial
Digit 3 - Condenser Medium
W = Water-Cooled R = Air-Cooled
Digit 4 - Development Sequence
F = Signature Series
Digit 5 - Refrigerant Circuit Configuration
N = Independent (Water-Cooled) M = Manifolded (30, 35, 40, 50, 60-Ton Air­Cooled Only)
Digit 6, 7 - Unit Nominal Capacity
20 = 20 Tons (Water or Air) 22 = 22 Tons (Water Only) 25 = 25 Tons (Water or Air) 29 = 29 Tons (Water or Air) 30 = 30 Tons (Air Only) 32 = 32 Tons (Water Only) 35 = 35 Tons (Water or Air) 38 = 38 Tons (Water Only) 40 = 40 Tons (Air Only) 42 = 42 Tons (Water Only) 46 = 46 Tons (Water Only) 50 = 50 Tons (Air Only) 52 = 52 Tons (Water Only) 58 = 58 Tons (Water Only) 60 = 60 Tons (Air Only) 65 = 65 Tons (Water Only) 72 = 72 Tons (Water Only) 80 = 80 Tons (Water Only)
Digit 8 - Unit Voltage
6 = 200 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph 4 = 460 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph 5 = 575 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
Digit 9 - Air Volume/Temp Control
1 = IGV and Supply Air Temp Ctrl 2 = VFD and Supply Air Temp Ctrl 3 = VFD w/ Bypass and Supply
Air Temp Ctrl 4 = w/o Vol. CTRL, w/ Zone Temp Cool 5 = w/o Vol. CTRL, w/ Zone Temp
Heat/Cool 6 = w/o Vol. CTRL and Supply Air
Temp Ctrl
Digit 10, 11 - Design Sequence
BO = “B” Design
Digit 12 - Unit Construction
A = Vertical Discharge B = Vertical Discharge with Double Wall
Digit 13 - Flexible Horizontal Discharge Plenum Type
B = Std Plenum w/ Factory Cut Holes C = Low Plenum w/ Factory Cut Holes E = Std Plenum w/ Field Cut Holes F = Low Plenum w/ Field Cut Holes H = Std Plenum Double wall
w/ Field Cut Holes
J = Low Plenum Double wall
w/ Field Cut Holes
K = 45” Plenum w/Factory Cut Holes,
Ship Separate
L = Std Plenum w/Factory Cut Holes,
Ship Separate
M = Low Plenum w/Factory Cut Holes,
Ship Separate
N = 45” Plenum w/Field ut Holes, Ship
P = Std Plenum w/Field Cut Holes, Ship
R = Low Plenum w/Field Cut Holes, Ship
T = 45” Double Wall Plenum w/Field Cut
Holes, Ship Separate
U = Std Double Wall Plenum w/Field Cut
Holes, Ship Separate
V = Low Double Wall Plenum w/Field
Cut Holes, Ship Separate
0 = None
Digit 14 - Motor Type
1 = Std Eff. ODP Motor 2 = Premium Eff. ODP Motor 3 = Totally Enclosed Motor
Digit 15, 16 - Motor HP
05 = 5 HP Motor 07 = 7.5 HP Motor 10 = 10 HP Motor 15 = 15 HP Motor 20 = 20 HP Motor 25 = 25 HP Motor 30 = 30 HP Motor 40 = 40 HP Motor 50 = 50 HP Motor (460V & 575V Only)
Digit 17, 18, 19 - Fan RPM
040 = 400 rpm 045 = 450 rpm 050 = 500 rpm 055 = 550 rpm 060 = 600 rpm 065 = 650 rpm 070 = 700 rpm 075 = 750 rpm 080 = 800 rpm 085 = 850 rpm 090 = 900 rpm 095 = 950 rpm 100 = 1000 rpm 105 = 1050 rpm 110 = 1100 rpm 115 = 1150 rpm 120 = 1200 rpm 125 = 1250 rpm 130 = 1300 rpm 135 = 1350 rpm 140 = 1400 rpm 145 = 1450 rpm 150 = 1500 rpm
Digit 20 - Heating Type
A = Steam Coil B = Hot Water Coil C = Electric Heat (1 Stage) F = Hydronic Heat Ctrl Interface G = Elec. Heat Ctrl Interface (1 stage) K = Steam Coil Ship Separate L = Hot Water Coil Ship Separate 0 = Without Heat
Digit 21 - Unit Isolators
A = Isopads B = Spring Isolators 0 = None
Digit 22 - Unit Finish
1 = Paint - Executive Beige 2 = Protective Coating 3 = Protective Coating w/ Finish Coat
Digit 23 - Future Use
0 = None
Digit 24 - Unit Connection
1 = Disconnect Switch 2 = Terminal Block 3 = Dual Point Power (2 Blocks)
Model Number
Self-Contained Model Number Continued —
Digit 25 - Industrial Options
A = Protective Coating Evaporator Coil B = Silver Solder C = Stainless Steel Screws D = A and B E = A and C F = B and C G = A, B, and C 0 = None
Digit 26 - Drain Pan Type
A = Galvanized Sloped B = Stainless Steel Sloped
Digit 27 - Waterside Economizer
A = Mechanical Clean Full Capacity (4-row) B = Mechanical Clean Low Capacity (2-row) C = Chemical Clean Full Capacity (4-row) D = Chemical Clean Low Capacity (2-row) 0 = None
Digit 28 - Ventilation Control
B = Airside Econ w/ Traq
(Top O/A)
C = Airside Econ w/ Standard
Damper (Top O/A)
E = Airside Econ w/ Traq
Comparative Enthalpy (Top O/A)
F = Airside Econ w/ Standard Damper and
Comparative Enthalpy (Top O/A) H = None, 2-Position Damper Ventilation Interface J = Airside Economizer Interface K = Airside Economizer Interface w/ Comparative Enthalpy
Damper and
Digit 29 - Water Piping
D = Left Hand Basic Piping F = Left Hand Intermediate Piping K = Left Hand Basic w/ Flow Switch M = Left Hand Intermediate
w/ Flow Switch
0 = None
Digit 30 - Condenser Tube Type
A = Standard Condenser Tubes B = 90/10 CuNi Condenser Tubes 0 = None (Air-cooled Only)
Digit 31 - Compressor Service Valves
1 = With Service Valves 0 = None
Digit 32 - Miscellaneous System Control
1 = Timeclock 2 = Interface for Remote HI (IPCB) 3 = Dirty Filter Switch 4 = 1 and 2 5 = 1 and 3 6 = 2 and 3 7 = 1, 2 and 3 0 = None
Digit 33 - Control Interface Options
A = Generic BAS Module (GBAS) B = Ventilation Override Module
C = Tracer Comm. Interface Module
(TCI) D = Remote Human Interface (RHI) E = GBAS and TCI F = VOM and TCI G = GBAS and VOM
H = GBAS and RHI J = VOM and RHI K = TCI and RHI L = GBAS, VOM, and TCI M = GBAS, VOM, and RHI N = GBAS, TCI, and RHI P = VOM, TCI, and RHI R = GBAS, VOM, TCI, and RHI 0 = None
Digit 34 - Agency
T = UL Agency Listing 0 = None
Digit 35 - Filter Type
1 = Construction Throwaway 2 = Med Eff. Throwaway
Digit 36 - Miscellaneous Control Option
A = Low Entering Air Temp. Protect
Device (LEATPD)
B = High Duct Temp T-Stat
(Ship Separate)
C = Plenum High Static Switch
(Ship Separate) E = A and B F = A and C H = B and C L = A, B, and C 0 = None
Self-Contained Accessory Model Number Description
P S W F S A 1 1 0 AO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Digit 1 - Parts/Accessories
P = Parts/Accessories
Digit 2 - Unit Model
S= Self-Contained
Digit 3 - Shipment
W = With Unit
Digit 4 - Development Sequence
F = Signature Series G = Modular Series
Digit 5 - Sensors and Other Accessories
S = Sensors
Digit 6 - Sensors (Field Installed)
A = BAYSENS017 - Zone Temp Only (CV and VAV) B = BAYSENS013 - Zone Temp with Timed Override Button (CV and VAV)
PKG-PRC002-EN 15
C = BAYSENS014 - Zone Temp with Timed Override Button, Setpoint Dial (CV and VAV) E = BAYSENS008 - CV Zone Sensor F = BAYSENS010 - CV Zone Sensor with Indicator Lights G = BAYSENS019 - CV Programmable Night Setback Sensor H = BAYSENS021 - VAV Zone Sensor with Indicator Lights J = BAYSENS020 - VAV Programmable Night Setback Sensor K = Remote Sensor Kit L = Outside Air Temperature Sensor Kit M = Outside Air Humidity Sensor Kit 0 = None
Digit 7 - Low Entering Air Temperature Protection Device (Field Installed)
1 = Low Entering Air Tempeature Protection Device 0 = None
Digit 8 - Carbon Dioxide Sensor (field installed)
1 = Carbon Dioxide Sensor Kit 0 = None
Digit 9 - Not Used
0 = None
Digit 10, 11 - Design Sequence
A0 = A Design
Model Number
Remote Air-Cooled Condenser Model Number Description
C C R C 020 4 A AO 1 A 0 0 T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16
Digit 1 - Unit Model
C = Condenser
Digit 2 - Unit Type
C = Commercial I = Industrial
Digit 3 - Condenser Medium
R = Remote
Digit 4 - Development Sequence
C = C
Digit 5, 6, 7 - Nominal Capacity
020 = 20 Tons 029 = 29 Tons 035 = 35 Tons 040 = 40 Tons 050 = 50 Tons 060 = 60 Tons
Digit 8 - Unit Voltage
4 = 460 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph 5 = 575 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph 6 = 200 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
Digit 9 - Control Option
0 = No Low Ambient Damper, I-Pak. A = No Low Ambient Damper, T-Stat. B = Low Ambient, I-Pak. C = Low Ambient, T-Stat.
Digit 10, 11 - Design Sequence
AO = “A” Design Sequence
Digit 12 - Unit Finish
1 = Paint (Executive Beige) 2 = Protective Coating
3 = Protective Coating with
Finish Coat
Digit 13 - Coil Options
A = Non-Coated Aluminum C = Protective Coating Aluminum
Digit 14 - Unit Isolators
0 = None A = Spring Isolators B = Isopads
Digit 15 - Panels
0 = None 1 = Louvered Panels
Digit 16 - Agency Listing
0 = None U = With UL Listing
General Data
20-38 Tons
Table GD-1. SCWF/SIWF Water-Cooled Self-Contained, 20-38 Tons
Unit Size 2 0 2 2 2 5 2 9 3 2 3 5 3 8 Compressor Data
Quantity 2 2 2 1/1 1/1 3 3 NominalTon/Comp 10 10 10 15/10 15/10 10 10 Circuits 2 222233
Evaporator Coil Data
Rows 2 232434 Sq. Ft. 21.81 21.81 21.81 29.98 29.98 31.35 31.35 Sq. m (2.03) (2.03) (2.03) (2.79) (2.79) (2.91) (2.91) FPF 144 144 144 144 144 120 144
Condenser Data
Minimum GPM w/o Econ 3 6 36 36 46 46 54 54 Minimum liters / sec. w/o Econ (2.27) (2.27) (2.27) (2.9) (2.9) (3.41) (3.41) Minimum GPM w/ Econ 41 41 41 60 60 65 65 Minimum liters / sec. w/ Econ (2.59) (2.59) (2.59) (3.79) (3.79) (4.1) (4.1) Maximum GPM 80 8 0 80 102 102 119 119 Maximum liters / sec. (5.05) (5.05) (5.05) (6.44) (6.44) (7.51) (7.51)
Evaporator Fan Data
Quantity 1 111111 Size (Dia. - inches) 16.5" 16.5" 16.5" 18.25" 18.25" 20" 20" Size (Dia. - mm) (419.1) (419.1) (419.1) (463.6) (463.6) (508) (508) Minimum HP 5 555555 Minimum kW (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) Maximum HP 20 20 20 25 25 2 5 25 Maximum kW (14.91) (14.91) (14.91) (18.64) (18.64) (18.64) (18.64) Minimum Design CFM 6325 6325 6500 8700 8700 9100 9880 Minimum Design liter / sec. (2985) (2985) (3068) (4106) (4106) (4295) (4663) Maximum Design CFM 8500 9350 10625 12325 13600 14875 16150 Maximum Design liter / sec. (4012) (4413) (5014) (5817) (6418) (7020) (7622)
General Data
EER 12.9 12.6 13.4 14.1 13.6 13.3 13.4 IPLV 13.6 12.9 13.6 14.5 13.0 12.8 12.4
Refrigerant Charge - lbs. R-22
Circuit A 24 24 24 28 30 24 25 Circuit B 24 24 24 24 25 24 25 Circuit C - ----2425 Refrigerant Charge - kg R-22 Circuit A (10.9) (10.9) (10.9) (12.7) (13.6) (10.9) (11.3) Circuit B (10.9) (10.9) (10.9) (10.9) (11.3) (10.9) (11.3) Circuit C - ----(10.9) (11.3) Capacity Steps - % 100/53/0 100/53/0 100/53/0 100/62/39/0 100/59/39/0 100/65/31/0 100/65/30/0
Filter Data
Quantity 8 888888 Size (inches ) 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 Size (mm) (508 X 457 X 51) (508 X 457 X 51) (508 X 457 X 51) (508 X 457 X 51) (508 X 457 X 51) (508 X 457 X 51) (508 X 457 X 51) Quantity 4 444444 Size (inches ) 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 Size (mm) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51)
1. Compressors are Trane 3D® scroll.
2. EER and IPV are rated in accordance to the ARI Standard 340/360-93. Based on 80/67 F (26.7/19.4 C) to the evaporator coil, nominal airflow and 85-95 F (29.4/35 C) condenser water.
3. All units operate with R-22. Units ships with full operating charge.
4. Maximum cfm limits are set to prevent moisture carryover on the evaporator coil.
5. Minimum cfm limits are set to ensure stable thermal expansion valve operation at low load conditions.
6. Filter sizes are for units without hot water or steam heating coils.
PKG-PRC002-EN 17
Table GD-2. SCWF/SIWF Refrigerant Circuits, Number of Compressors by Circuit
Unit Size 20/22/25 Ton 1- 10T 1- 10T
29/32 Ton 1- 15T 1- 10T
35/38 Ton 1- 10T 1- 10T 1- 10T
42/46 Ton 1- 15T 1- 10T 1- 10T
52/58 Ton 1- 15T 1- 15T 1- 15T
60/72 Ton 1- 15T 1- 15T 1- 15T 1- 10T
80 Ton 1- 15T 1- 15T 1- 15T 1- 15T
Note: This table depicts compressor location in unit, plan
view from left corner.
Circuit 1 2 3 4
General Data
42-80 Tons
Table GD-3. SCWF/SIWF Water-Cooled Self-Contained, 42-80 Tons
Unit Size 4 2 4 6 5 2 5 8 6 5 7 2 8 0 Compressor Data
Quantity 2/1 2/1 3 3 3/1 3/1 4 NominalTon/Comp 10/15 10/15 15 15 15/10 15/10 15 Circuits 3 333444
Evaporator Coil Data
Rows 3 424346 Sq. Ft. 38.57 38.57 49.09 49.09 49.09 49.09 49.09 Sq. m (3.58) (3.58) (4.56) (4.56) (4.56) (4.56) (4.56) FPF 144 144 144 144 144 144 144
Condenser Data
Minium GPM w/o Econ 64 64 84 84 102 102 112 Minium liters / sec. w/o Econ (4.04) (4.04) (5.3) (5.3) (6.43) (6.43) (7.07) Minimum GPM w/ Econ 64 64 84 84 102 102 112 Minium liters / sec. w/ Econ (4.04) (4.04) (5.3) (5.3) (6.43) (6.43) (7.07) Maximum GPM 142 142 186 186 226 226 248 Maximum liters / sec. (8.96) (8.96) (11.73) (11.73) (14.26) (14.26) (15.65)
Evaporator Fan Data
Quantity 1 111111 Size (Dia. - inches) 25" 25" 25" 25" 27.5" 27.5" 27.5" Size (Dia. - mm) (635) (635) (635) (635) (698.5) (698.5) (698.5) Minimum HP 7.5 7. 5 1 0 10 10 10 1 0 Minimum kW (5.59) (5.59) (7.46) (7.46) (7.46) (7.46) (7.46) Maximum HP 30 30 50 50 50 5 0 50 Maximum kW (22.37) (22.37) (37.29) (37.29) (37.29) (37.29) (37.29) Minimum Design CFM 11200 11960 14250 15080 16900 18700 20800 Minimum Design liter / sec. (5286) (5645) (6725) (7117) (7976) (8825) (9817) Maximum Design CFM 17850 19550 22100 24650 27625 29800 29800 Maximum Design liter / sec. (8424) (9227) (10430) (11634) (13038) (14064) (14064)
General Data
EER 14.1 14.2 13.1 13.5 13.1 13.0 13.0 IPLV 13.9 13.6 12.9 12.5 12.4 11.8 11.4
Refrigerant Charge - lbs. R-22
Circuit A 28 30 28 30 28 30 32 Circuit B 24 25 28 30 28 30 32 Circuit C 24 25 28 30 28 30 32 Circuit D - - - - 24 25 32 Refrigerant Charge - kg R-22 Circuit A (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (14.5) Circuit B (10.9) (11.3) (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (14.5) Circuit C (10.9) (11.3) (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (14.5) Circuit D - - - - (10.9) (11.3) (14.5) Capacity Steps - % 100/71/43/26/0 100/70/41/30/0 100/65/32/0 100/65/30/0 100/71/44/24/0 100/71/43/23/0 100/73/46/20/0
Filter Data
Quantity 4 444444 Size (inches ) 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 Size (mm) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) Quantity 8 888888 Size (inches ) 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 Size (mm) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) Quantity 2 222222 Size 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 Size (mm) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) Quantity 4 444444 Size 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 Size (mm) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51)
1. Compressors are Trane 3D® scroll.
2. EER and IPV are rated in accordance to the ARI Standard 340/360-93. Based on 80/67 F (26.7/19.4 C) to the evaporator coil, nominal airflow and 85-95 F (29.4/35 C) condenser water.
3. All units operate with R-22. Units ships with full operating charge.
4. Maximum cfm limits are set to prevent moisture carryover on the evaporator coil.
5. Minimum cfm limits are set to ensure stable thermal expansion valve operation at low load conditions.
6. Filter sizes are for units without hot water or steam heating coils
General Data
20-60 Tons
Table GD-4. SCRF/SIRF Air-Cooled Self-Contained
Unit Size 2 0 2 5 2 9 30 35 40 50 60 Compressor Data
Quantity 2 1/1 1/1 3 3 2/1 3 4 NominalTon/Comp 10 15/10 15/10 10 10 10/15 15 15 Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Evaporator Coil Data
Rows 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 6 Sq. Ft. 21.81 29.98 29.98 31.35 31.35 38.57 49.09 49.09 Sq. m (2.03) (2.79) (2.79) (2.91) (2.91) (3.58) (4.56) (4.56) FPF 144 144 144 120 144 144 144 144
Evaporator Fan Data
Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Size (Dia. - inches) 16.5" 18.25" 18.25" 20" 20" 25" 25" 27.5" Size (Dia. - mm) (419.1) (463.6) (463.6) (508) (508) (635) (635) (698.5) Minimum HP 5 5 5 5 5 7 .5 10 10 Minimum kW (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) (3.73) (5.59) (7.46) (7.46) Maximum HP 20 25 25 25 25 40 40 50 Maximum kW (14.91) (18.64) (18.64) (18.64) (18.64) (22.37) (37.29) (37.29) Minimum Design CFM 6500 8700 8700 9100 9880 11960 15080 20800 Minimum Design liters / sec. (3068) (4106) (4106) (4295) (4663) (5645) (7117) (9817) Maximum Design CFM 10625 12325 13600 14875 16150 19550 24650 29800 Maximum Design liters / sec. (5014) (5817) (6418) (7020) (7622) (9227) (11634) (14064)
General Data
EER 10.8 10.8 10.8 11.0 11.2 11.3 10.8 9.9 IPLV 11.8 12.1 11.4 12.8 12.6 12.5 12.0 10.0
Refrigerant Charge - lbs. R-22 57.2 66.7 72 57 57.2 66.7 7 2 72
Refrigerant Charge - kg R-22 (25.9) (30.3) (32.7) (25.9) (25.9) (30.3) (32.7) (32.7) Capacity Steps - % 100/53/0 100/62/39/0 100/59/39/0 100/65/31/0 100/65/30/0 100/70/41/30/0 100/65/30/0 100/73/46/20/0
Filter Data
Quantity 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 Size (inches ) 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 20x18x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 Size (mm) (508x457x51) (508x457x51) (508x457x51) (508x457x51) (508x457x51) (406x508x51) (406x508x51) (406x508x51) Quantity 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 Size (inches ) 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 Size (mm) (508x508x51) (508x508x51) (508x508x51) (508x508x51) (508x508x51) (406x635x51) (406x635x51) (406x635x51) Quantity 222 Size (inches) 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 Size (mm) (508x508x51) (508x508x51) (508x508x51) Quantity 444 Size 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 Size (mm) (508x635x51) (508x635x51) (508x635x51)
CCRC/CIRC Unit Match 20 29 29 35 35 40 50 60
1. Compressors are Trane 3D® scroll.
2. EER and IPLV are rated in accordance to the ARI Standard 340/360-93. Based on 80/67 F (26.7/19.4 C) to the evaporator coil, nominal airflow and 95 F (35 C) ambient.
3. All units operate with R-22. Units ships with a dry nitrogen holding charge.
4. Maximum cfm limits are set to prevent moisture carryover on the evaporator coil.
5. Minimum cfm limits are set to ensure stable thermal expansion valve operation at low load conditions.
6. Filter sizes are for units without hot water or steam heating coils
PKG-PRC002-EN 19
Table GD-5. SCRF/SIRF Refrigerant Circuits, Number of Compressors by Circuit
Unit Size 20 Ton 1-10T 1- 10T
25/29 Ton 1-15T 1-10T
30/35 Ton 2-10T 1-10T
40 Ton 1- 10T, 1- 15T 1-15T
50 Ton 2-15T 1-15T
60 Ton 2-15T 2-15T
Note: This table depicts compressor location in unit, plan
view from left corner
Circuit 1 2
General Data
Table GD-6. CCRC/CIRC Remote Air-Cooled Condenser
Unit Size 2 0 2 9 3 5 4 0 5 0 6 0 Gross Heat Rejection (MBH) 493 53 8 640 725 1040 1122 Gross Heat Rejection (kW) (144.5) (157.7) (187.6) (212.5) (304.8) (328.8) Condenser Fan Data
Number/Type 4/Prop 4/Prop 6/Prop 6/Prop 8/Prop 8/Prop Size (inches) 26 26 26 26 26 26 Size (mm) (660.4) (660.4) (660.4) (660.4) (660.4) (660.4) Fan Drive Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct No. of Motors/HP ea. 4/1 4/1 6/1 6/1 8/1 8/1 Nominal CFM 18,800 21,200 35,600 39,800 46,200 56,400 Nominal (liters / sec) (8873) (10005) (16801) (18784) (21804) (26618)
Condenser Coil Data
Circuit 1 Size (in.) 1/46x71 1/64x71 2/46x71 2/46x71 2/64x71 2/64x71 Circuit 1 Size (mm) (1/1168x1803) (1/1626x1803) (2/1168x1803) (2/1168x1803) (2/1626x1803) (2/1626x1803) Circuit 2 No./Size (in.) 1/46x71 1/46x71 1/46x71 1/64x71 1/64x71 2/64x71 Circuit 2 No./Size (mm) (1/1168x1803) (1/1168x1803) (1/1168x1803) (1/1626x1803) (1/1626x1803) (2/1626x1803) Face Area (sq. ft.) 45.4 54.2 68 76.9 94.7 126.2 Face Area (sq.m) (4.2) (5) (6.3) (7.1) (8.8) (11.7) Rows/fpf 4/144 4/144 4/144 4/144 4/144 4/144
Ambient Temperature Operating Range
Standard Ambient (F) 50-115 50-115 50-115 50-115 50-115 50-115 Standard Ambient (C) (10 - 46.1) (10 - 46.1) (10 - 46.1) (10 - 46.1) (10 - 46.1) (10 - 46.1) Low Ambient Option (F) 0-115 0-115 0-115 0-115 0-115 0-115 Low Ambient Option (C) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1)
1. Gross Heat Rejection is at a 20 F (-6.7 C) ITD (Initial Temperature Difference) between condensing temperature and ambient air entering condenser (includes the effect of subcooling).
2. Operating charge is for entire unit, including 100 feet of interconnecting piping.
3. At conditions of 95 F (35 C), condenser is 95 percent full.
Table GD-7. SCRF/SIRF Air–Cooled Self–Contained and CCRC/CIRC Remote Air-Cooled Condenser
Unit Size 2 0 2 9 3 5 4 0 5 0 6 0 Refrigerant Circuit General Data
No. of Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2 Operating Charge - lbs. R-22 36/36 58/36 72/36 94/36 115/58 115/115 Operating Charge - kg R-22 (16.3/16.3) (26.3/16.3) (32.7/16.3) (42.6/16.3) (52.2/26.3) (52.2/56.7) Cond. Storage Cap. - lbs. R-22 44/44 61/44 88/44 105/44 122/122 122/122 Cond. Storage Cap. - kg R-22 (20/20) (27.7/20) (39.9/20) (47.6/20) (55.3/55.3) (55.3/55.3)
1. Gross heat rejection is at a 20 F (-6.7 C) ITD (initial temperature difference) between condensing temperature and ambient air entering condenser (includes the effect of subcooling).
2. Operating charge is for entire system, which includes the air–cooled self–contained, remote air–cooled condenser, and 25 feet of interconnecting refrigerant piping.
3. At conditions of 95 F (35 C), condenser storage capacity is 95% full.
4. To determine the correct amount of refrigerant needed for a particuliar application, reference the
Trane Reciprocating Refrigeration Manual
General Data
Heating Coil
Table GD-7. Self-Contained Heating Coil
Unit Size SCWF 20 - 38 SCWF 42 - 80 SCRF 20 - 35 SCRF 40 - 60 Steam Coil
Coil Type NS NS NS NS Rows Rows 1 1 1 1 No./Size (inches) ((2) 24x58) ((2) 30x81) ((2) 24x58) ((2) 30x81) No./Size (mm) ((2) 609.6x1473.2) ((2) 762x2057.4) ((2) 609.6x1473.2) ((2) 762x2057.4)
FPF 42 42 42 42 Hot Water Coil Coil Type WC WC WC WC Rows 1 1 1 1
No./Size (inches) (2) 24x58 (2) 30x81 (2) 24x58 (2) 30x81
No./Size (mm) ((2) 609.6x1473.2) ((2) 762x2057.4) ((2) 609.6x1473.2) ((2) 762x2057.4)
FPF 80 80 80 80 Filter Data
Quantity 4 4 4 4
Size (inches) 20x18x2 16x20x2 20x18x2 16x20x2
Size (mm) (508x457x51) (406x508x51) (508x457x51) (406x508x51)
Quantity 8 8 8 8
Size (inches) 20x20x2 16x25x2 20x20x2 16x25x2
Size (mm) (508x508x51) (406x635x51) (508x508x51) (406x635x51)
Quantity 2 2
Size (inches) 20x20x2 20x20x2
Size (mm) (508x508x51) (508x508x51)
Quantity 4 4
Size (inches) 20x25x2 20x25x2
Size (mm) (508x635x51) (508x635x51)
1. Hot water and steam heating coils have Prima-Flo® fins without turbulators.
2. For coil capacites, use TOPSS™ (Trane Official Product Selection Program).
3. Full capacity coils consist of two coils stacked and piped in parallel.
PKG-PRC002-EN 21
Performance Airside Pressure Data Drops
Chart PD-1. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 20, 22, 25 and SCRF/SIRF 20
Chart PD-3. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 35, 38 and SCRF/SIRF 30, 35
Chart PD-2. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 29, 32 and SCRF/SIRF 25, 29
Chart PD-4. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 42, 46 and SCRF/SIRF 40
1. Dotted line on construction filters indicates cfm where face velocity exceeds manufacturer’s recommended maximum of 300 fpm. After startup, construction filters must be replaced with medium velocity or high velocity filters.
2. Air pressure drop through electric heat is 0.5 inches WC.
3. Refer to Page 25-26 for pressure drop through flexible horizontal discharge plenum.
4. Refer to Page 24 for pressure drop through heating coils.
Performance Airside Pressure Data Drops
Chart PD-5. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 52, 58 and SCRF/SIRF 50
Chart PD-7. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 72
Chart PD-6. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 65
Chart PD-8. Airside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 80 and SCRF/SIRF 60
1. Dotted line on construction filters indicates cfm where face velocity exceeds manufacturer’s recommended maximum of 300 fpm. After startup, construction filters must be replaced with medium velocity or high velocity filters.
2. Air pressure drop through electric heat is 0.5 inches WC.
3. Refer to Page 25-26 for pressure drop through flexible horizontal discharge plenum.
4. Refer to Page 24 for pressure drop through heating coils.
PKG-PRC002-EN 23
Heating Coils
Chart PD-9. Airside Pressure Drop
Steam Coil 20 to 80-Ton Units
For NS Coils
Performance Airside Pressure Data Drops
Chart PD-10. Airside Pressure Drop
Hot Water Coil 20 to 80-Ton Units
Discharge Plenum
Chart PD-10. Airside Pressure Drop,
Standard Height Discharge Plenum 20 to 38 Ton Unit
Performance Airside Pressure Data Drops
Chart PD-11. Airside Pressure Drop
Standard Height Discharge Plenum 42 to 80 Ton Unit
Chart PD-12. Airside Pressure Drop
Low Height Discharge Plenum 20 to 38 Ton Unit
Note: “Primary” refers to the side where the static pressure drop was measured. This value must be added to the unit external static pressure for proper fan horsepower determination.
Chart PD-13. Airside Pressure Drop
Low Height Discharge Plenum 42 to 80 Ton Unit
PKG-PRC002-EN 25
Performance Airside Pressure Data Drops
Discharge Plenum
Chart PD-14. Airside Pressure Drop
Extended Height Discharge Plenum 20 to 38-Ton Unit
Chart PD-15. Airside Pressure Drop
Extended Height Discharge Plenum 42 to 80-Ton Unit
Performance Airside Pressure Data Drops
Airside Economizer with Standard Damper
Chart PD-16. Airside Pressure Drop
Airside Economizer with Standard Damper 20 to 38-Ton Unit
Chart PD-17. Airside Pressure Drop
Airside Economizer with Standard Damper 42 to 80-Ton Unit
PKG-PRC002-EN 27
Performance Airside Pressure Data Drops
Airside Economizer with Traq™ Damper
Chart PD-18. Airside Pressure Drop
Airside Economizer with Traq™ Damper
Air Flow Rate CFM
Performance Waterside Data Pressure Drop
Chart PD-19. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 20, 22, 25
Chart PD-21. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 35, 38
Chart PD-20. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 29, 32
Chart PD-22. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 42, 46
Note: Each curve provides total water pressure drop through the entire unit including all accessories and internal valves and piping. Do not add curves together.
PKG-PRC002-EN 29
Performance Waterside Data Pressure Drop
Chart PD-23. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 52, 58
Chart PD-25. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 72
Chart PD-24. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 65
Chart PD-26. Waterside Pressure Drop SCWF/SIWF 80
Note: Each curve provides total water pressure drop through the entire unit including all accessories and internal valves and piping. Do not add curves together.
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