Note: One copy of the appropriate service
literature (Installation, Owner, and Diagnostic Manual) ships inside the control panel
of each unit.
About This Manual
Literature Change History
Use this manual for IntelliPak® commercial self-contained models SCWF/SIWF,
SIRG. This is the second issue of this
manual. This revision includes an index,
which was not in the original issue.
It provides specific programming
instructions for “AO” and later design
sequences. For previous design
sequences, contact your local Trane
This manual is divided into multiple
sections based on the unit’s human
interface (HI) panel format. Each section
provides step by step instructions for
programming the unit using the HI. In
addition, each section provides specific
information about the system operating
parameters and their related HI screens,
in the order they appear when scrolling
through the HI.
By carefully following the screen layout
in this manual while referencing the HI
panel, the user can monitor operating
status, set specific operating parameters,
and diagnose system problems.
Some screens shown in this manual are
dependent on unit options and/or model
configuration. Therefore, some screens in
this manual may not appear on a
particular unit’s human interface panel.
Screens that are configuration-dependent are labeled as such. Follow the
appropriate steps for each screen as it
appears and proceed through each
Refer to the table of contents and index
for specific topics contained in this
manual and supporting manuals.
Complete the “Start-Up” procedures in
the applicable Installation, Owner, and
Diagnostic (IOD) manual before attempting to operate or service this equipment
to minimize the risk of improper operation.
Note: The procedures discussed in this
manual should only be performed by
qualified, experienced HVAC technicians.
General Information
• IntelliPak® Self-Contained Installation,
Owner, and Diagnostic Manual SCXFSVX01A-EN
for Modular Series models
Commonly Used Acronyms
and Abbreviations
For convenience, a number of acronyms
and abbreviations are used throughout
this manual. These acronyms are
alphabetically listed and defined below.
Act = active
AH = Air Handler
Annunc = Annunciater
AS = Airside
Aux = auxiliary
BAS = building automation systems
ccfm = (100 cfm) cubic-feet-per-minute
Cfg = Configured, configuration
cfm = cubic-feet-per-minute
ckt = circuit
Cmd = command
Comp (s) = compressor, compressors
Cond = condenser, condensers
Config = configured, configuration
Ctrl = control
CV = constant volume
Cy = cycle
CW = clockwise
CCW = counterclockwise
Dflt = default
Diag = diagnostic
Dmpr = damper
DWU = Daytime Warmup
E/A = exhaust air
ECEM = exhaust control/enthalpy module
Econ = economizer, economizing
Ent = entering
Evap = evaporator
F/A = fresh air
Funct = function
GBAS = generic building automation
system (module)
Heat = Heat, heating
HEAT = where all caps HEAT (module)
HGBP = hot gas bypass
Hi = high
HI = where all caps Human Interface
HVAC = heating, ventilation and air
ICS = Integrated Comfort System
IGV = inlet guide vanes
I/O = input/output
Indep = Independent
IOD = installation/owner/ diagnostic
IPC = interprocessor communications
IPCB = interprocessor communications
bridge (module)
IWC = inches water column
LCD = liquid crystal display
LH = left-hand
Lo = low
Manif = manifolded
Max = maximum
Min = minimum
Misc = miscellaneous
MCM = multiple compressor module
Mod = modulating
MWU = morning warmup
NSB = night setback panel
Num = number
O/A = outside air
Occ = occupied
Pos = position
Pot = potentiometer
PPM = parts per million
Press = pressure
Propor = proportional
psig = pounds-per-square-inch gauge
PWS = part-winding start
R/A = return air
Refrig = refrigerant
RHI = Remote Human Interface
RH = right-hand
rpm = revolutions-per-minute
RTM = RTM module
SA = supply air
SAP = supply air pressure
Sat = saturated
SCM = single compressor module
Setpt = setpoint
SF = supply fan
SRC = source
Stg = stage
Stnd = standard
STP = setpoint
Sw = switch
SZ = single-zone (unit airflow)
TCI = Tracer communications interface
Temp = temperature
UCM = unit control module
Unocc = unoccupied
VAV = variable air volume
VCM = ventilation control module
VDC = volts DC
Ventil = ventilation
VFD = variable frequency drive
VOM = ventilation override module
W/ = with
w.c. = water column
WU = warmup
These terms are used throughout this
manual. Knowledge of these terms is
essential in gaining an understanding of
how these units operate.
Active Setpoint
The setpoint which is currently being
used for control by the setpoint source
Compressor Lockout
All affected compressors stop and
remain off until the condition resets or is
manually reset.
Compressor Protection Switch
A pressure switch installed on the
suction line that prevents compressor
operation below the switch’s setpoint.
The purpose is to prevent no-flow scroll
compressor operation.
Control Band
The range of temperatures or pressures
which would normally be maintained by
the various control functions.
Control Point
The value of a setpoint that an algorithm
is using at any given time.
As applied to SA temperature control,
this refers to a range of temperatures
equally spaced above and below the SA
temperature control point in which the
control algorithm is satisfied.
Economizer Zone Temp Setpoint
A parameter used for setting the Zone
Temp setpoint at a lower value than the
mechanical cooling zone temperature
External Heat
A heat source external to the selfcontained unit that is field installed. i.e.
duct heat or VAV reheat boxes.
External Stop
A binary input on the RTM that allows
unit shutdown when connected to a fieldsupplied switch.
Hydronic Heat
Optional steam or hot water heat coil.
Independent Refrigerant Circuit
All model SCWG/SIWG, SCRG/SIRG and
SCWF/SIWF units have independent
refrigerant circuits.
Low Ambient Compressor Lockout
A function which prevents compressor
operation at low outdoor ambient
Low Entering Condenser Water Temperature
When the entering water temperature
sensor reads a water temperature below
the minimum water temperature input
into the controller. 54 F is the factory
preset temperature.
Low Entering Water Temperature
Compressor Lockout
On units with head pressure control
disabled and an entering water temperature below 54 F, compressor operation
disables. Economizer operation is still
Manifolded Refrigerant Circuit
Only model SCRF/SIRF units, 30-60 tons,
have manifolded refrigerant circuits.
Night Setback (NSB)
Applies to unit control during unoccupied
Night Setback (NSB) Panel
The HI panel display uses this term for
NSB zone sensor.
OA Reset
Outdoor Air Reset - Supply Air Temperature Reset based on Outdoor Air Temperature.
Occupied Zone Low Temperature Limit
The temperature that initiates daytime
A function which causes zone air to purge
and be replaced by outside air.
Reference Enthalpy
An outdoor enthalpy value above which
economizing disables.
Remote Human Interface
A human interface module designed to
be mounted remotely from the unit.
There are some functional differences
between a unit mounted and a remote
mounted human interface module.
Reset Amount Maximum
The maximum amount of reset allowed.
Reset End Temperature
The temperature at which the maximum
reset amount will occur.
Reset Start Temperature
The temperature at which reset will
Space Pressure
The pressure in the building as measured
by the space pressure transducer,
referenced to outside (atmospheric)
Supply Air Pressure High Limit
A pressure limit to prevent unit casing
and/or ductwork overpressurization.
Supply Air Pressure
The pressure in inches water column
(IWC) of the supply duct plenum or outlet
as measured by the supply air pressure
transducer, referenced to local outside
(atmospheric) pressure.
Supply Air Tempering
Turning on heat when the supply air
temperature drops below a preset value
usually due to cold outside air being
brought in to provide building ventilation.
Supply Air Temperature Control Point
The revised value of supply air temperature setpoint after supply air temperature
reset has been applied.
Supply Air Temperature Reset
A function that shifts the SA Temp
Setpoint an amount based on the value of
another parameter—typically Zone Temp
or Outdoor Air Temp. The purpose of this
function is to lower unit capacity to better
meet load requirements.
Water Purge
When the waterside economizer valve
opens to flush out the economizer tubes
to prevent failure due to stagnant water
and sedimentation.
Table P-GI-1. IntelliPak® Points List.
Unit ModuleAnalog InputsAnalog OutputsBinary InputsBinary Outputs
RTMASE damper min posO/A damper actuatorEmergency stopVAV box drive max
SCMEvap temp sensorCond fan speedLow pressure controlCompressor relay
MCMEvap temp sensorCond fan speedLow pressure control - ckt 1 & 2Compressor relay
The IntelliPak® self-contained unit is
controlled by a microelectronic control
system that consists of a network of
modules. These modules are referred to
as unit control modules (UCM). In this
manual, the acronym UCM refers to the
entire control system network.
The unit size, type, heating functions,
peripheral devices, options, exhaust
capabilities, etc. determine the number
and type of modules that a particular unit
may have.
These modules perform specific unit
functions using proportional/integral
control algorithms. They are mounted in
the unit control panel and are factory
wired to their respective internal components. By processing analog and binary
inputs, each module supplies outputs in
the form of modulating voltages (from
other unit modules, sensors, remote
panels, and customer binary contacts) to
perform the applicable request; such as
economizing, mechanical cooling,
heating, ventilation.
The UCM provides some equipment
protection functions both directly and
indirectly, such as duct pressure limits
and compressor lockouts.
Following is a description of each
module’s function within the UCM
RTM Module Board - Standard on all
The RTM is the central processor of the
system. It continuously receives information from the other unit modules, sensors,
the remote control panel, and customer
supplied relays. It interprets this information and responds to cooling, heating, and
ventilation requests by directing the other
modules in the system to energize the
proper unit components. It also directly
initiates supply fan operations, and
economizer operation.
Compressor Modules (SCM and MCM )
The compressor modules (single circuit
and multiple circuit) energize the appropriate compressors and condenser fans
upon receiving a request for mechanical
cooling. The modules monitor the
compressor operation through feedback
from various protection devices.
Heat Module - Standard on all Heating
The heat module directs the unit’s heater
to stage up and down to bring the zone
temperature within the applicable
heating setpoint.
Exhaust/Comparative Enthalpy Module
(ECEM) Option
The ECEM is on units with the comparative enthalpy option. It receives data from
the return air humidity sensor, the return
air temperature sensor, and the return air
space pressure transducer and controls
dampers to maintain space pressure and
humidity levels.
Generic Building Automation System
(GBAS) Module Option
The GBAS module links the RTM with
non-Trane building control systems to
enable communication (input/output
interface) between the systems. It can
accept external setpoints for cooling,
heating, demand limiting, and S/A
Ventilation Override Module (VOM)
The VOM can control the unit’s air
handling functions to perform customerspecified functions, such as space
pressurization, exhaust, purge, unit off,
Interprocessor Communications Board
(IPCB) Option
The IPCB is used to expand communication from the unit’s UCM network to a
remote human interface panel. DIP
switch settings on the IPCB module for
this application should be; switches 1 and
2 “off,” switch 3 “on.”
The TCI module allows external setpoints
for most of the unit functions to be
communicated to the unit’s UCM network
via a Trane ICS
settings on the TCI module for these
applications should be; switches 1, 2, and
3 are “off.”
Human Interface Module (HI)
The HI module illustrated in Figure P-GI-1,
on page 9, enables the user to communicate unit operating parameters; such as
cooling and heating setpoints, demand
limiting, ventilation override modes, etc.
system. DIP switch
The HI module is in the unit’s main control
panel. A small door located in the unit’s
control panel door allows access to the HI
module keypad and display window.
The HI has a 2 line by 40 character LCD
screen to provide status information for
various unit functions and menus to set or
modify operating parameters. There is a
16-key keypad adjacent to the LCD
screen to allow the user to scroll through
the various menus and make adjustments to setpoints, etc.
The information displayed in the LCD
window is top-level status information
unless the operator initiates other
At power-up, the human interface LCD
displays one of four initial screens as
illustrated in the “General Status
Display”section on page 11 and described below:
1. Unit Off (unit off or stopped)
The unit is configured and operational,
but is not running. This screen shows
state, mode, and function information
when the unit is off or stopped.
2. Unit On (unit on)
The unit is configured and operational,
and is running. This screen shows state,
mode, and function information when
the unit is on.
3. VOM Active (a ventilation override
command was received)
This screen shows that the unit is in a
ventilation override mode.
4. No Configuration (the unit needs to be
This screen shows that required
configuration data is missing.
The LCD screen display will go out if no
keys are pressed for 30 minutes. If it goes
out, simply press the STATUS key.
Ventilation Override Module (VOM)
The ventilation override module can be
field-configured with up to five different
override sequences for ventilation
override control purpose. When any one
of the module’s five binary inputs are
activated, it will initiate specified functions such as; space pressurization,
exhaust, purge, purge with duct pressure
control, and unit off.
Once the ventilation sequences are
configured, they can be changed unless
they are locked using the HI. Once
locked, the ventilation sequences cannot
be unlocked.
The compressors and condenser fans
disable during the ventilation operation. If
more than one ventilation sequence
activates, the one with the highest
priority (VOM “A”) begins first, with
VOM “E” having lowest priority and
beginning last.
A description of the VOM binary inputs
follows below.
UNIT OFF sequence “A”
When complete system shut down is
required, the following sequence can be
• Supply fan – Off
• Supply fan VFD – Off (0 Hz)
(if equipped)
• Inlet guide vanes – closed
(if equipped)
• Outside air dampers – Closed
• Heat – all stages – Off, Modulating heat
output at 0 vdc
• Occupied/Unoccupied output – Deenergized
• VO relay – Energized
• Exhaust fan (field-installed) - Off
• Exhaust damper (field-installed) -
PRESSURIZE sequence “B”
This override sequence can be used if a
positively pressured space is desired
instead of a negatively pressurized
• Supply fan – on
• Supply fan VFD – on (60 Hz)
(if equipped)
• Inlet guide vanes/VAV boxes – open
(if equipped)
• Outside air dampers – open
• Heat – all stages – off, hydronic heat
output at 0 vdc
• Occupied/ unoccupied output - energized
• VO relay - energized
• Exhaust fan (field-installed) - off
• Exhaust damper (field-installed) - closed
EXHAUST sequence “C”
With the building’s exhaust fans running
and the unit’s supply fan off, the condi-
tioned space becomes negatively
pressurized. This is desirable for clearing
the area of smoke when necessary; i.e.
from an extinguished fire, to keep smoke
out of areas that were not damaged.
• Supply fan – off
• Supply fan VFD – off (0 Hz)
(if equipped)
• Inlet guide vanes – closed
(if equipped)
• Outside air dampers – closed
• Heat – all stages – Off, hydronic heat
output at 0 vdc
• Occupied/Unoccupied output – deenergized
• VO relay – energized
• Exhaust fan (field-installed) - on
• Exhaust damper (field-installed) - open
PURGE sequence “D”
This sequence could be used for purging
the air out of a building before coming out
of unoccupied mode of operation on VAV
units. Also, it can be used to purge smoke
or stale air.
• Supply fan – on
• Supply fan VFD – on (60 Hz)
(if equipped)
• Inlet guide vanes/VAV boxes – Open
(if equipped)
• Outside air damper – Open
• Heat – all stages – Off, Modulating heat
output at 0 vdc
• Occupied/Unoccupied output – Energized
• VO relay – Energized
• Exhaust fan (field-installed) - On
• Exhaust damper (field-installed) - Open
PURGE with duct pressure control “E”
This sequence can be used when supply
air control is required for smoke control.
• Supply fan – on
• Supply fan VFD – on (if equipped)
• Inlet guide vanes – controlled by supply
air pressure control function with
supply air pressure high limit disabled
• Outside air dampers – open
• Heat – all stages – off, hydronic heat
output at 0 vdc
• Occupied/unoccupied output – energized
• VO relay – energized
• Exhaust fan (field-installed) - on
• Exhaust damper (field-installed) - open
Note: Each system (cooling, exhaust,
supply air, etc.) within the unit can be
redefined in the field for each of the five
sequences, if required. Also the definitions
of any or all of the five sequences may be
locked into the software by using the
human interface panel keypad. Once
locked into the software, the sequences
cannot be changed.
Programming the Unit
The UCM must be programmed with
“job-specific”setup information for the
unit to operate and function properly. The
data necessary for unit operation will
vary depending on factors such as unit
size, type, and options.
This manual provides step by step
instructions for programming setup
information using the HI or RHI. It also
includes instructions for checking unit
operating status, accessing and clearing
diagnostics, and performing service tests.
Some of the displays in this manual may
not appear on the HI or RHI screen during
programming. Only applicable screens
for specific unit options and operating
parameters will display.
Any steps that do not apply to all unit
types are marked accordingly. Ignore any
steps that do not apply to your unit and/or
application. Continue this process until all
applicable screens are programmed with
the required information.
Menu Keys
Any references in this section to the HI
applies to both the HI and RHI, with the
exception of the SERVICE MODE key.
Reference Figure P-GI-2 for an illustration
of the six menu keys. The menu keys are:
MODE. These keys allow access to
various interactive menus so the user
can input and access unit operating data.
Pressing these keys will display the initial
menu screen designated by the key’s
name. The following information describes each key and its function.
If no key is pressed for 30 minutes while
the HI is displaying a menu screen, it will
revert back to the unit operating status
Pressing the status key displays the
operating status screen: On, Unit Stop,
External Stop, Emergency Stop, or
Service Mode. Pressing the NEXT key
allows the operator to scroll to screens
that provide information such as air and
refrigerant temperatures, humidity
levels, fan operation, compressor
operation, heater operation, economizer
positioning, exhaust operation, and
Figure P-GI-1. Human interface module.
heating, cooling, and compressor lockout
setpoints. Pressing the STATUS key while
viewing any of the data screens will
cause the HI to go back to the operating
status screen.
Pressing the SETPOINTS key displays the
first of the setpoint screens, allowing the
user to designate default temperatures
and pressure setpoints. While scrolling
through the setpoint screens, pressing
this key again will cause the LCD to
display the first setpoint screen.
Pressing the DIAGNOSTICS key at any
time will allow the user to view any unit
function failures. The LCD screen will
display one of the diagnostic screens
(depending on which diagnostic, if any, is
present). If no key is pressed for 30
minutes while the screen is displaying
diagnostic information, it will revert back
to the operating status display.
Pressing the CONFIGURATION key
displays the first of the configuration
screens. This allows the user to view or
designate unit configuration data such as
unit type, capacity, system control, etc
Pressing the configuration key at any
level in the configuration menu will
display the first configuration screen.
Note: Unit configuration information is
factory-programmed. Use this key only to
view current configuration data, or to
designate new data if the unit’s configuration data is lost or if new options are added
in the field.
Pressing the SETUP key displays screens
that designate various operating parameters such as temperature and pressure
ranges, limits, percentages, setpoint
source selections, and sensor input
definitions for the control of the unit’s
various operating modes. Pressing the
SETUP key at any level in the SETUP
menu will display the first SETUP screen.
Pressing the SERVICE MODE key displays
the first of the service test mode screens
that allow the user to turn on or off
various unit components for a particular
test being performed. After designating
on/off status, a screen will display
requesting the user to designate the
TEST START time delay for each test.
Data Manipulation Keys
The data manipulation keys allow theuser
to modify data within the screens: ENTER,
CANCEL, + (Plus), - (Minus), PREVIOUS,
and NEXT. See Figure P--GI-2.
This key will confirm new values designated by pressing the + (Plus) or - (Minus)
keys at all edit points. When viewing
status and diagnostics screens, it has no
After changing data, at an editable
screen, but before confirming it with the
ENTER key, pressing the CANCEL key will
return the data to its previous value. This
key shall also function to clear active
+ (Plus) Key
When viewing a setpoint screen, this key
will increase the temperature or pressure
value of the setpoint. When working with
a status menu, it will add the current
status display to the custom menu. When
viewing the setup or service test screens,
it will increase setpoints or toggle choices
on or off at each edit point.
- (Minus) Key
When viewing the setpoint screen, the
minus key will decrease the temperature
or pressure value of the setpoint. When
viewing the setup or service test screens,
it will decrease setpoints or toggle
choices on or off at each edit point. When
viewing the custom menu, pressing the (Minus) key will remove the status screen
from the custom menu. When viewing
diagnostics screens it has no function.
Pressing the PREVIOUS key causes the
LCD to scroll backwards through the
various displays for each menu. At
displays with multiple edit points, it
moves the cursor from one edit point to
Pressing the NEXT key causes the LCD to
scroll forward through the various
displays for each menu. At displays with
multiple edit points it moves the cursor
from one edit point to another.
cause the display to go to the top level
status display and, if the unit is shutdown,
will cause the unit to begin operation in
the appropriate mode no matter what
menu level is currently displayed. If the
current display is an editable display, the
AUTO key will confirm the desired edit.
Pressing the STOP key will cause the unit
to transition to the stop state. If the
current display is editable, pressing the
STOP key will cancel the desired edit.
Pressing this key while viewing any
screen in the SERVICE Mode menu will
start the service test. When viewing
status, setup, setpoint, and diagnostics
screens, it has no function.
The Custom menu is a status menu that
can be customized to contain frequently
used screens. The Custom menu can only
contain five status screens. To create the
Custom menu, press the STATUS key,
followed by the NEXT key (this brings up
the initial status screen). Press the NEXT
key until a screen appears that you would
like to add to the CUSTOM menu. To add
a screen to the Custom menu, press the +
(Plus) key. Once the Custom menu is
programmed, access it by pressing the
CUSTOM key. To remove a status screen
from the Custom menu, press the
CUSTOM key. Press the NEXT key until
the screen you want to remove appears.
Press the - (Minus) key to remove the
Unit Operation Keys
Pressing the AUTO key at any time will
Figure P-GI-2. Human interface keypad.
General Status Display
Anytime the self-contained unit is
powered up or when the STATUS, AUTO,
or STOP keys are pressed, the unit
mounted HI will display one of four
general status display screens. This will
allow the user to navigate through a set
of menus and submenus to provide or
access various monitoring, setup, and
configuration information. The HI will not
display screens that the unit is not
configured for.
1. Unit “Off” or “Stopped”
If at power up the unit is not running, the following display will appear. When this
screen displays, the only functional keys are the menu keys (STATUS, SETPOINTS,
CUSTOM key, and the STOP key.
If the unit has entered an operating state (running), the following display will appear.
When this screen displays, the only functional keys are the menu keys (STATUS,
AUTO key, the CUSTOM key, and the STOP key.
Function in Operation
O/A Flow (CCFM)
(Blank if supply fan off or no VCM)
If at power up the unit is running
following display will appear on the human interface LCD screen.
and has entered a ventilation override mode, the
VO Mode in Operation
(A, B, C, D, E)
Ventilation Override Mode
4. No Configuration
If at power-up the unit has not been programmed with the necessary configuration
data for normal unit operation, the following display will appear at the human interface
LCD screen. When this screen displays, the only functional key is the CONFIGURATION key.
Note: This screen will only appear when the RTM has been field replaced. Refer to the
Configuration Menu section on page 63.
Trouble Indicator
Factory Presets
The UCM controlled unit has many
operating functions that are preset at the
factory, but may be modified to meet the
specific job requirements. Tables P-GI-2,
P-GI-3, P-GI-4, and P-GI-5 identify each
adjustable unit function and the value
assigned to it. The tables also provide a
Table P-GI-2. Control Parameters Setup.
Default system modeAuto 32
Demand limit definition for coolingNone 33
Demand limit definition for heatingNone 34
Economizer minimum position (without IGV or VFD)*15% 59
Economizer minimum position with IGV @ 0%*15% 59
Economizer minimum position with IGV @ 100%*10% 59
Morning warmup typeFull 33
Power-up start time delay0 seconds 34
Supply air low limit*50 F 59
Supply air temperature deadband for cooling*8 F 59
Supply air temperature deadband for heating*4 F 57
Supply air temperature O/A reset start temp cooling90 F 35
Supply air temperature O/A reset end temp cooling70 F 35
Supply air temperature O/A reset start temp heating10 F 36
Supply air temperature O/A reset end temp heating60 F 36
Supply air temperature reset type coolingnone 34
Supply air temperature reset type heatingnone 35
Supply air temperature zone reset start temp cooling72 F 35
Supply air temperature zone reset end temp cooling69 F 35
Supply air temperature zone reset start temp heating65 F 36
Supply air temperature zone reset end temp heating68 F 36
Supply air temperature reset maximum amount cooling5 F 35
Supply air temperature reset maximum amount heating10 F 36
Unit Address1 32
Unit ControlLocal 32
Note: Press the SETUP or SETPOINTS* key to adjust.
space for recording field modifications. If
these factory presets match your
application requirements, simply press
the AUTO key on the HI to begin unit
operation (after completing the Pre-Start
and Start-Up procedures in the appropriate Installation, Owner, and Diagnostic
manual). If your application requires
page beside the function, press the
designated function menu key, then press
and hold the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
its screen appears. Once the proper
screen appears, simply follow the
programming instructions given below
the applicable screen in this manual.
different settings, turn to the referenced
Factory PresetChanged to:Reference Page #
Use Table P-GI-3 to reference factory default setpoints and keep track of setpoint adjustments at start-up. Make necessary adjustments using the setpoint key on the HI.
Table P-GI-3. Default Setpoint Setups.
Factory PresetChanged to:Reference Page #
Daytime warmup - initiate67 F 57
Daytime warmup - terminate71 F 57
Low ambient compressor lockout (std. units)50 F 60
Supply air temp - cooling55 F 57
Supply air temp - heating100 F 57
Unoccupied zone temp - cool85 F 58
Unoccupied zone temp - heat60 F 58
Unoccupied zone temp - MWU72 F 58
Use Table P-GI-4 to reference function setups and keep track of start-up adjustments. Make necessary adjustments using the setup
key on the HI.
Table P-GI-4. Function (Enable/Disable) Setups.
Factory PresetChanged to:Reference Page #
Compressor lead/lagDisable 34
Daytime warmupDisable 32
Morning warmupEnable 33
Supply air temperingDisable 33
Unoccupied economizerEnable 37
Unoccupied heatingEnable 33
Unoccupied mechanical coolingEnable 33
Use Table P-GI-5 to reference module factory setups and keep track of setpoint adjustments. Make necessary adjustments using the
setup key on the HI.
Table P-GI-5. Module Defaults.
Factory PresetChanged to:Reference Page #
GBAS input/output assignments
GBAS input/outputnot assigned 46
Information format
Text displaysEnglish 32
Unit displaysEnglish 32
Reference Enthalpy25 btu/lb. 59
RTM alarm output assignmentsany active diagnostic 47
Sensor source selection for:
Daytime warmupRTM zone temp 40
Monitor Specified Temp. InputRTM zone temp 42
Morning warmupRTM zone temp 41
Unoccupied zone controlRTM zone temp 41
Zone resetRTM aux temp 41
Setpoint source selection for:
Cooling supply air tempdefault 60
Heating supply air tempdefault 61
Morning warmupdefault 62
Unoccupied zone coolingdefault 61
Unoccupied zone heatingdefault 61
Actuator setup:
Direct/reverse actiondirect acting 51-55
Max stroke time150 seconds 51-55
Max voltage10 VDC 51-55
Min voltage2 VDC 51-55
Coil frost cutout temperature30 F 34
Condenser temperature control band:
Temporary low limit suppression10 F 39-40
Upper limit120 F 39-40
Low limit80 F 39-40
Condenser temperature:
Efficiency check point105 F 40
Low ambient control point90 F 40
Control algorithm tuning parametersN/A 56
Max IGV position occupied100% 37
Temperature input offset for:
Heat morning warmup0 F 48
Return air0 F 48
RTM zone temperature0 F 48
RTM aux. temperature0 F 48
Outdoor air0 F 48
Ventilation override definitionN/A 43-45
Password Protected Screens
Some of the operating displays on the
human interface LCD screen are intended for access by qualified users only,
and require a password to change. The
following screens display the various
programming sections that require a
password to view or modify preset
operating parameters. The password for
each screen is a different series of +
(Plus) or - (Minus) key strokes in a
predefined sequence. Following are the
password protected screens and passwords to access them.
The following screen will appear if the PASSWORD is not entered within approximately 15 seconds.
Password Entry Time Limit Exceeded
1. Press the NEXT key until the following screen displays.
Configuration is Password Protected
Please Enter Password: ___________
2. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( + - - - ) to access this restricted screen.
3. Press the ENTER key to confirm the password and enter the menu.
4. Press the NEXT key until the following screen displays.
Ventilation Override Mode _________
Enter Pass word To Lock D e finition:
1. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( + - - + ) to lock each VO mode.
2. Press the ENTER key to confirm the password and lock the definitions.
3. Press the NEXT key until the following screen displays.
Diagnos tic R e s e t is Pas s word Protected
Please Enter Password: ___________
1. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( - + + ) to access this restricted screen.
2. Press the ENTER key to confirm the password and lock the definitions.
3. Press the NEXT key until the following screen displays.
Diagnostic Log is Password Protected
Please Enter Password: ___________
1. Press the + or - keys in this sequence ( - + + -) to access this restricted screen.
2. Press the ENTER key to confirm the password and lock the definitions.
3. Press the NEXT key until the following screen displays.
RTM Supply Airflow Proving: FLOW
Active Supply Air Pressure 2.0 IWC
Active Supply Air Pressure 2.0 IWC
WSM Water Pump Re la y Status: OFF
Active Wa ter Flow Indication Flow
The STATUS menu allows the user to
view various setpoints, operating
conditions (such as temperature and
humidity levels), and unit component
status (such as fan, compressor, heater,
and economizer operation).
STATUS screens in this section are
examples only. Pressing the + (Plus) key
while viewing any of the status display
screens will add that screen to the
CUSTOM menu. When a status screen
displays for 30 minutes without a key
being pressed, the LCD screen will revert
to the general operating status display. If
this happens, press the STATUS key
again to return to the status menu.
Following are sample status screens that
can be viewed by pressing the STATUS
Note: Some of the screens in this section
may not be visible on your HI since they
are applicable only for particular unit
Press the STATUS key to enter into the
status menu. The “STATUS MODE”will
automatically return to the power-up
screen after 30 minutes, if no keys are
Note: The range for all temperature inputs
is –40 to 200 F. “ERR” will appear if the
temperature is out of range.
STATUS Menu Screens
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
General System Status Submenu
Pres s ENTER to View Da ta in This Subme nu
1. Pressing the NEXT key will bypass this section.
RTM Supply Fan Re la y : OFF
Possible values: Fan = On, Off
Airflow = Flow, No Flow
1. Pressing the NEXT key will scroll forward through the screens.
2. Pressing the PREVIOUS key will scroll backwards to view the previously displayed
3. Press the + (Plus) key while viewing any screen to add that screen to the custom
menu. Refer to the custom menu for the creation and maintenance of customized
4. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with IGV or VFD only)
IGV/VFD Cmd 30 %
Possible values: Increasing to 0-100%
(On units without IGV or VFD only)
Decreasing 100 to 0%
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On water-cooled units only)
Possible values: Pump Status = Off, On
Waterflow = Flow, No flow
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Stage 1 OFF Stage 2 OFF Stage 3 OFF
OA Flow 35 0 .0 C C FM OA D a m pe r Pos 0 %
C02 Level 1512 PPM OA Damper Pos 0 %
Pres s ENTER to View Da ta in This Subme nu
(On units with electric heat only)
Electric Heat ENABLED
Possible values: Off, On
Note: Two or three-stage electric heat is a field-provided option.
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with hydronic heat only)
Hydronic Heat ENABLED 0 %
Low Air Temp Limit OK
Possible values: Hydronic Heat = Enabled, Disabled
Valve position = 0-100% open
Low temp air = OK , tripped
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with VCM module or Traq™ damper option only)
Active Min OA Flow Setpoint 342.0 CC FM
Possible values: Unit Airflow = 0 to maximum unit airflow
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with VCM module and CO2 reset enabled)
Active Min OA Flow Setpoint 342.0 C C FM
Possible values: Unit Airflow = 0 to maximum unit airflow
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with VCM module and preheat enabled)
OA Preheat Output Control: ON
Possible values: On, Off
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
End of Subm en u (NEXT) to Enter SETUP
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Co mpre ss o r Sta tu s Sub me n u
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Compress or Rela y K 1 1 OFF
Possible values: K11 = Off, On, Locked, Disabled, Enabled
Disabled by:Compressor ProtectionFrost Protection
Contactor FailureTracer Summit® Lockout
Low Pressure CutoutMinimum Off Time
Bad Cond Temp SensorLow Ambient Lockout
Demand LimitVentilation Override
Low Ent Cond water Temp
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with manifolded refrigerant circuits)
Compress or Rela y K 1 2 OFF
Possible values: K11 = Off, On, Locked, Disabled, Enabled
Note: On models SCWF/SIWF and SCRF/SIRF units, K12 is the “B” compressor on units
with manifolded refrigerant circuits and “C” compressor on all units with independent
refrigerant circuits. Check unit model number, digit 5 to determine which type circuit the
unit has.
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with independent refrigerant circuits)
Compress or Rela y K 3 OFF
Possible values: K3 = Off, On, Locked, Disabled, Enabled
Note: On models SCWF/SIWF, 35-80 tons, K3 is the “B” compressor.
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On model SCWF/SIWF, 60-80 ton units)
Compress or Rela y K 4 OFF
Possible values: K4 = Off, On, Locked, Disabled, Enabled
Disabled by:Compressor ProtectionFrost Protection
Contactor FailureTracer Summit® Lockout
Low Pressure CutoutMinimum Off Time
Bad Cond Temp SensorLow Ambient Lockout
Demand LimitVentilation Override
Low Ent Cond Water Temp
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Low Ambie nt Com p Loc k out Tem p: 32 F
Low Water Temp Com press or Lockout 34 F
Evap Tem p 7 5 .0 F Sat Cond Te m p 8 1 .0 F
Evap Tem p 7 2 .0 F Sat Cond Te m p 9 7 .0 F
Evap Tem p 7 2 .0 F Sat Cond Te m p 9 7 .0 F
Evap Tem p 7 2 .0 F Sat Cond Te m p 9 7 .0 F
Pres s ENTER to View Da ta in This Subme nu
Active Outside A ir Tempe rature 86.0 F
Possible values: Lockout Temperature = -20-80 F
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On units all water-cooled units only)
WSM Ent Cond Wa ter Temp Input 65 .2 F
Possible values: Lockout Temperature = 0-99 F
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Compressor Module Ckt 1
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Compress or Module Ckt 2
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On all SCWF/SIWF 35-80 ton units only)
Compress or Module Ckt 3
1.Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On all SCWF/SIWF 60-80 ton units only)
Compress or Module Ckt 4
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
End of Subm en u (NEXT) to Enter SETUP
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On units with a waterside or airside economizer only)
Eco n o mizer Statu s Subme n u
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Outside Air Dam pe r Pos: 10 %
WSM Entering Water Temperature: 60 F
Water Econ Bypas s Pos: 10 %
Outside Air Dam pe r Pos: 0 %
ECEM Return Air Enthalpy 34.0 B TU /LB
ECEM Return Air Tempe rature 78.0 F
On units with a waterside economizer only)
Water Economizing: DISABLED
Possible values:Economizer = Disable, Enable
Water econ position = opening to/closing to 0-100%
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On units with a waterside economizer or condenser only)
WSM Mixe d A i r Tempe rature: 68 F
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On units with a waterside economizer and condenser only)
Possible values:Water econ position = opening to/closing to 0-100%
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On units with an airside economizer only)
Air Economizing: DISABLED
Possible values:Economizer = Disable, Enable
Outside air = opening to/closing to 0-100%
1. Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
On units with an airside economizer and comparative enthalpy only)
Active Outside A ir Enthalpy 12.0 B TU/LB
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Possible values:
On units with an airside economizer only)
Active Outside A ir Tempe rature 86.0 F
10-99 BTU/LB
ECEM Return Air Humidity 6 2 %
Controlling Setpoint Status Submenu
Pres s ENTER to View Da ta in This Subme nu
Initiate: 67 F is Te rminate: 71 F
On units with an airside economizer only)
Active Outside A ir Humidity 3 0 %
Possible values:
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
End of Subm en u (NEXT) to Enter SETUP
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On all VAV units only)
Active Supply Air Cooling STP From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
NSB Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
ICS (Tracer Summit®)
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On all VAV units with hydronic heat only)
Active Su p p l y A i r H ea ti n g ST P F rom
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
NSB Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
ICS (Tracer Summit
(On all VAV units with hydronic, electric, or external heat only)
Active Daytime Warmup Setpoints
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
Active Oc c upied Zone C ooling STP From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
NSB Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
ICS (Tracer Summit®)
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with hydronic, electric, or external heat with daytime warmup
enabled only)
Active Oc c upied Zone H e a ting STP From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
NSB Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
ICS (Tracer Summit®)
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Active U noc c upied Zone C o oling STP From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
NSB Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
ICS (Tracer Summit®)
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with hydronic, electric, or external heat only)
Active U nocc upie d Zone H e a ting STP From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
NSB Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
ICS (Tracer Summit®)
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
Setpoint Range:50-90 F
High Limit: 40 IWC D e a dba nd: 0.5 IWC
Controlling Sens or Status Submenu
Pres s ENTER to View Da ta in This Subme nu
(On units with hydronic, electric, or external heat only)
Active Morning Warmup Setpoint From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
NSB Zone Sensor Setpoint Input
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
ICS (Tracer Summit®)
Setpoint Range:50-90 F
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with VCM module only)
Active Min OA Flow Setpoint From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
GBAS 0-5 VDC Module
Setpoint Range:0 to max unit airflow
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
(On units with IGV or VFD only)
Active Supply Air Pressure STP From
Possible Values:HI (Keypad) Setpoint Menu
GBAS Module
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
On units with IGV or VFD only)
Active Supply Air Pressure Setpoints
Possible Values:High Limit = 1.6-4.7 IWC
Deadband = 0.1-2.0 IWC
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
End of Subm en u (NEXT) to Enter SETUP
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
1. Pressing the NEXT key will display the following screen.
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