Commercial Rooftop Air Conditioners
with CV, VAV, or SZVAV Controls
“A” and later Design Sequence
Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of
heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training.
Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury.
When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that
warnings, cautions and notices appear at appropriate
intervals throughout this manual. Warnings are provide to
alert installing contractors to potential hazards that could
result in death or personal injury. Cautions are designed to
alert personnel to hazardous situations that could result in
personal injury, while notices indicate a situation that
could result in equipment or property-damage-only
Your personal safety and the proper operation of this
machine depend upon the strict observance of these
Read this manual thoroughly before operating or
servicing this unit.
ATTENTION: Warnings, Cautions, and Notices appear at
appropriate sections throughout this literature. Read
these carefully:
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury. It
could also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that could result in
equipment or property-damage only
Environmental Concerns!
Scientific research has shown that certain man-made
chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring
stratospheric ozone layer when released to the
atmosphere. In particular, several of the identified
chemicals that may affect the ozone layer are refrigerants
that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and
those containing Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and
Carbon (HCFCs). Not all refrigerants containing these
compounds have the same potential impact to the
environment.Trane advocates the responsible handling of
all refrigerants-including industry replacements for CFCs
such as HCFCs and HFCs.
Responsible Refrigerant Practices!
Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are
important to the environment, our customers, and the air
conditioning industry. All technicians who handle
refrigerants must be certified.The Federal Clean Air Act
(Section 608) sets forth the requirements for handling,
reclaiming, recovering and recycling of certain
refrigerants and the equipment that is used in these
service procedures. In addition, some states or
municipalities may have additional requirements that
must also be adhered to for responsible management of
refrigerants. Know the applicable laws and follow them.
Proper Field Wiring and Grounding
All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified
personnel. Improperly installed and grounded field
wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To
avoid these hazards, you MUST follow requirements
for field wiring installation and grounding as described
in NEC and your local/state electrical codes. Failure to
follow code could result in death or serious injury.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure to
electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.
•Before installing/servicing this unit, technicians
MUST put on all PersonalProtectiveEquipment (PPE)
recommended for the work being undertaken.
ALWAYS refer to appropriate MSDS sheets and
OSHA guidelines for proper PPE.
•When working with or around hazardous chemicals,
ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS sheets and
OSHA guidelines for information on allowable
personal exposure levels, proper respiratory
protection and handling recommendations.
•If there is a risk of arc or flash, technicians MUST put
on all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in
accordance with NFPA 70E or other country-specific
requirements for arc flash protection, PRIOR to
servicing the unit.
Failure to follow recommendations could result in
death or serious injury.
Risk of Roof Collapsing!
Confirm with a structural engineer that the roof
structure is strong enough to support the combined
weight of the roofcurb and the unit. Refer to “Unit
Dimensions & Weight Information,” p. 26 for typical
unit and curb weights. Failure to ensure proper
structural roof support could cause the roof to collapse,
which could result in death or serious injury and
property damage.
Warnings, Cautions and Notices
Unit Nameplate
One Mylar unit nameplate is located on the outside upper
left corner of the control panel door. It includes the unit
model number, serial number, electrical characteristics,
weight, refrigerant charge, as well as to other pertinent
unit data. A small metal nameplate with the Model
Number, Serial Number, and Unit Weight is located just
above the Mylar nameplate, and a third nameplate is
located on the inside of the control panel door.
Compressor Nameplate
The Nameplate for the Scroll Compressor is located on the
compressor lower housing.
Max amps is listed on the nameplate and is the absolute
highest amp load on the compressor at any operating
condition (does not include locked rotor amps or inrush).
This value should never be exceeded.
Fiberglass Wool!
Product contains fiberglass wool. Disturbing the
insulation in this product during installation,
maintenance or repair will expose you to airborne
particles of glass wool fibers and ceramic fibers known
to the state of California to cause cancer through
inhalation. You MUST wear all necessary Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) including gloves, eye
protection, mask, long sleeves and pants when
working with products containing fiberglass wool.
Exposition to glass wool fibers without all necessary
PPE equipment could result in cancer, respiratory, skin
or eye irritation, which could result in death or serious
Precautionary Measures
•Avoid breathing fiberglass dust.
•Use a NIOSH approved dust/mist respirator.
•Avoid contact with the skin or eyes.Wearlong-sleeved,
loose-fitting clothing, gloves, and eye protection.
•Wash clothes separately from other clothing: rinse
washer thoroughly.
•Operations such as sawing, blowing, tear-out, and
spraying may generate fiber concentrations requiring
additional respiratory protection. Use the appropriate
NIOSH approved respiration in these situations.
First Aid Measures
Eye Contact - Flush eyes with water to remove dust. If
symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Skin Contact - Wash affected areas gently with soap and
warm water after handling.
Revision Summary
RT-SVX36K-EN (04 Oct 2013)
•Added general information on “VZH Variable Speed
Compressors,” p. 18 and “High Compressor Pressure
Differential Protection,” p. 17
•Updated Table 22, p. 59 (Compressor electrical service
sizing data (20-130 ton)
•Updated Table 78, p. 175(Supply and Exhaust/Return
fanVFD programming parameters), with addition of 006 (TR150 only) to Operation / Display Menu and 1-23
to Load and Motor Menu.
•Updated Supply Fan Performance Curve on Figure 66,
p. 109
•Updated Table 47, p. 118 for 50-59 ton data.
•Added information on “eFlex™ Compressor VFD
Programming Parameters,” p. 177
Overview of Manual
This booklet describes proper installation, start-up,
operation, and maintenance procedures for 20 through
130Ton rooftop air conditioners designed for Constant
Volume (CV), Single Zone VAV (SZVAV), and Variable Air
Volume (VAV) applications. By carefully reviewing the
information within this manual and following the
instructions, the risk of improper operation and/or
component damage will be minimized.
These units are equipped with electronic Unit Control
Modules (UCM) which provides operating functions that
are significantly different than conventional units. Refer to
the “Start-Up” and “Test Mode” procedures within this
Installation, Operation, & Maintenance manual and the
latest edition of the appropriate programming manual for
CV or VAV applications before attempting to operate or
service this equipment.
Note: The procedures discussed in this manual should
only be performed by qualified, experienced HVAC
Note: One copy of the appropriate service literature ships
inside the control panel of each unit.
It is important that periodic maintenance be performed to
help assure trouble free operation. Should equipment
failure occur, contact a qualified service organization with
qualified, experienced HVAC technicians to properly
diagnose and repair this equipment.
Unit Inspection
As soon as the unit arrives at the job site
•Verify that the nameplate data matches the data on the
sales order and bill of lading (including electrical data).
•Verify that the power supply complies with the unit
nameplate specifications.
•Verify that the power supply complies with the electric
heater specifications on the unit nameplate.
•Visually inspect the exterior of the unit, including the
roof, for signs of shipping damage.
•Check for material shortages. Refer to the Component
Layout and Ship with Location illustration.
Warnings, Cautions and Notices
•If the job site inspection of the unit reveals damage or
material shortages, file a claim with the carrier
immediately. Specify the type and extent of the
damage on the “bill of lading” before signing.
•Visually inspect the internal components for shipping
damage as soon as possible after delivery and before
it is stored. Do not walk on the sheet metal base pans.
No Step Surface!
Do not walk on the sheet metal drain pan. Walking on
the drain pan could cause the supporting metal to
collapse, resulting in the operator/technician to fall.
Failure to follow this recommendation could result in
death or serious injury.
•If concealed damage is discovered, notify the carrier's
terminal of damage immediately by phone and by
mail. Concealed damage must be reported within 15
•Request an immediate joint inspection of the damage
by the carrier and the consignee. Do not remove
damaged material from the receiving location.Take
photos of the damage, if possible.The owner must
provide reasonable evidence that the damage did not
occur after delivery.
•Remove the protective plastic coverings that shipped
over the compressors.
Take precautions to prevent condensate from forming
inside the unit’s electrical compartments and motors if:
a. the unit is stored before it is installed; or,
b. the unit is set on the roof curb, and temporary heat
is provided in the building. Isolate all side panel
service entrances and base pan openings (e.g.,
conduit holes, S/A and R/A openings, and flue
openings) from the ambient air until the unit is
ready for startup.
Note: Do not use the unit's heater for temporary heat
without first completing the startup procedure
detailed under “Starting the Unit”.
Trane will not assume any responsibility for equipment
damage resulting from condensate accumulation on the
unit's electrical and/or mechanical components.
On all IntelliPak I units, aTrane factory REQUIRED startup
(mandatory with Evaporative Condensing or optionally
selected ON OTHER UNITS) provides "maximized unit
reliability and overall unit performance," in addition to
preserving the standard factory warranty.
Additional Requirements for Units Requiring
When a new fully assembled IntelliPak is shipped and
received from ourTrane manufacturing location, and, for
any reason, it requires disassembly or partial
disassembly-which could include but is not limited to the
evaporator, condenser, control panel, compressor/motor,
factory mounted starter or any other components
originally attachedto the fully assembled unit-compliance
with the following is required to preserve the factory
•Trane, or an agent of Trane specifically authorized to
perform start-up and warranty ofTrane® products, will
perform or have direct on-site technical supervision of
the disassembly and reassembly work.
•The installing contractor must notifyTrane-or an agent
ofTrane specifically authorized to perform start-up and
warranty ofTrane® products-two weeks in advance of
the scheduled disassembly work to coordinate the
disassembly and reassembly work.
•Start-up must be performed byTrane or an agent of
Trane specifically authorized to perform start-up and
warranty of Trane® products.
Trane, or an agent ofTrane specifically authorized to
perform startup and warranty of Trane® products, will
provide qualified personnel and standard hand tools to
perform the disassembly work at a location specified by
the contractor.The contractor shall provide the rigging
equipment such as chain falls, gantries, cranes, forklifts,
etc. necessary for the disassembly and reassembly work
and the required qualified personnel to operate the
necessary rigging equipment.
Factory Warranty Information
Compliance with the following is required to preserve the
factory warranty:
All Unit Installations
Startup MUST be performed by Trane, or an authorized
agent ofTrane, to VALIDATE this WARRANTY. Contractor
must provide a two-week startup notification toTrane (or
an agent ofTrane specifically authorized to perform
Table of Contents
Warnings, Cautions and Notices .......... 2
Unit Nameplate ..................... 3
Compressor Nameplate ............... 3
Overview of Manual .................. 3
Unit Inspection ...................... 3
Storage ............................ 4
Factory Warranty Information .......... 4
Model Number Descriptions .............. 7
General Information .................... 11
Commonly Used Acronyms .......... 11
Unit Description .................... 11
Rooftop Module (RTM - 1U48 Standard on all
units) ............................. 11
Compressor Modules ................ 12
Human Interface Module ............. 12
Heat Module ....................... 12
Modulating Dehumidification Module MDM
Ventilation Override Module .......... 13
Variable Speed Module .............. 13
Interprocessor Communications Board . 13
LonTalk/BACnet Communication Interface
Module ........................... 13
Exhaust/Comparative Enthalpy Module . 13
Ventilation Control Module ........... 14
Generic Building Automation System Mod-
ule ............................... 14
Multipurpose Module ................ 15
Input Devices & System Functions ..... 15
Constant Volume (CV), Single Zone Variable
Air Volume (SZVAV) & Variable Air Volume
(VAV) Sensors and Controls
............ 15
Constant Volume (CV) Units ........... 19
Single Zone Variable Air Volume (SZVAV)
................................ 19
Variable Air Volume (VAV) Units ........ 20
Space Temperature Averaging ........ 22
Installation ............................. 26
Unit Clearances ...................... 26
Trane Roof Curb and Ductwork ........ 36
Pitch Pocket Location .................37
If a Trane Curb Accessory Kit is Not Used: 37
Unit Rigging & Placement .............38
General Unit Requirements ............40
Main Electrical Power Requirements ....40
Field Installed Control Wiring ..........40
Requirements for Electric Heat Units ....40
Requirements for Gas Heat (SFH_) ......40
Requirements for Hot Water Heat (SLH_) 40
Requirements for Steam Heat (SSH_) . . .41
O/A Pressure Sensor and Tubing Installation
(All units with Statitrac or Return Fans) . .41
Requirements for Modulating Reheat Dehu-
midification (S_HL) ...................41
Condensate Drain Connections ........41
Units with Gas Furnace ...............42
Removing Supply and Exhaust/Return Fan
Shipping Channels (Motors >5Hp) ......42
Optional DDP Supply Fan Shipping Channel
Removal and Isolator Spring Adjustment 42
O/A Sensor & Tubing Installation .......45
Evaporative Condenser Make-up Water and
Drain Line Installation ................45
Gas Heat Units (SFH_) ................48
Flue Assembly Installation ............51
Hot Water Heat Units (SLH_) ...........51
Steam Heat Units (SSH_) ..............52
Disconnect Switch External Handle .....55
Electric Heat Units (SEH_) .............55
Main Unit Power Wiring ..............56
Power Wire Sizing and Protection Device
Equations ..........................62
Field Installed Control Wiring ..........63
Controls Using 24 VAC ...............64
Controls using DC Analog Input/Outputs .64
Constant Volume System Controls ......64
Variable Air Volume and Constant Volume
System Controls .....................64
Unit Replacement .......................77
Table of Contents
Precautionary Measures ............. 77
First Aid Measures .................. 77
Electrical Connection .................. 77
Requirements for Gas Heat ........... 78
Requirements for Hot Water Heat (SLH*) 78
Requirements for Steam Heat (SSH*) . . 78
Space Pressure Sensor and Tubing Installa-
tion (All units with Statitrac) .......... 78
Condensate Drain Connections ........ 78
Supply and Return Duct Connections . . . 79
Lifting procedures .................... 79
Unit Rigging & Placement ............ 79
Installation Checklist .................... 84
20-130 Ton, Air-Cooled and Evaporative Con-
densing ........................... 84
Unit Start Up ........................... 86
Cooling Sequence of Operation ....... 86
Gas Heating Sequence of Operation . . . 91
Modulating Gas Sequence of Operation—Full
and Limited Modulating Gas Furnace . . 92
Electric Heat Sequence of Operation . . . 93
Wet Heat Sequence of Operation ...... 93
Voltage Supply and Voltage Imbalance . 95
Verifying Proper Fan Rotation ........ 101
Direct-Drive Supply Fan Speed Adjustment
System Airflow Measurements ....... 102
VAV Systems with DDP Supply Fan . . . 104
Exhaust Airflow Measurement (Optional with
all Units) ......................... 104
Traq Sensor Airflow Measurement (Optional
with all units equipped with an economizer)
Return Plenum Pressure Control (Units
equipped with Return Fan) .......... 105
Economizer Damper Adjustment ..... 125
Compressor Start-Up (All Systems) . . . 127
Compressor Operational Sounds ..... 129
Evaporative Condenser Startup ...... 130
Pressure Curves ................... 131
Thermostatic Expansion Valves ...... 147
Charging by Subcooling .............148
Low Ambient Dampers ..............148
Gas Furnace Start-Up (Constant Volume &
Variable Air Volume Systems) ........150
Two Stage Gas Furnace ..............150
Full Modulating Gas Furnace .........152
Limited Modulating Gas Furnace ......153
Final Unit Checkout .................154
Startup Checklists ......................155
20-75 Ton — Air-Cooled .............155
24-89 Ton — Evaporative Condenser . . .157
90-130 Ton — Air Cooled .............161
Maintenance ...........................165
Fan Belt Adjustment ................171
Scroll Compressor Replacement ......172
Scroll Compressor Replacements .....173
Monthly Maintenance ...............178
Coil Cleaning ......................179
Fall Restraint .......................182
Final Process .......................182
Unit Wiring Diagram Numbers ...........184
Warranty ..............................187
Commercial Equipment Rated 20 Tons and
Larger and Related Accessories .......187
Factory Warranty Information .........187
Index ..................................188
Model Number Descriptions
S A H L * 5 0 4 0 A 6 8 A 6 B D 8 001 0 0 W 0 0 G 0 B 0 0 0 R 000 8 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
S = Self-Contained (Packaged Rooftop)
A = DX Cooling, No Heat
E = DX Cooling, Electric Heat
F = DX Cooling, Natural Gas Heat
L = DX Cooling, Hot Water Heat
S = DX Cooling, Steam Heat
X = DX Cooling, No Heat, Extended Casing
4 = 460/60/3 XL E = 200/60/3 XL
5 = 575/60/3 XL F = 230/60/3 XL
Note: SEHL units (units with electric
heat) utilizing 208V or 230V require
dual power source.
Note: When the second digit calls for "F"
(Gas Heat), the following values
apply: (please note G and M are
available ONLY on 50 ton models
and above.
G = Low Heat-Limited Modulation
H = High Heat-2-Stage
J = High Heat-Limited
L = Low Heat-2-Stage
M = Low Heat- Full Modulation
0 = No Heat
p = High Heat-Full Modulation
Note: When the second digit calls for "E"
(electric heat), the following
values apply:
D = 30 kWR = 130 kW
H = 50 kWU = 150 kW
L = 70 kWV = 170 kW
N = 90 kWW = 190 kW
Q = 110 kW
Note: When the second digit calls for ''L''
(Hot Water) or ''S''(Steam) Heat,
one of the following valve size
values must be in Digit 9:
High Heat Coil:
1 = .50"2 = .75"3 = 1"
4 = 1.25"5 = 1.5"6 = 2"
Low Heat Coil:
A = .50"B = .75"C = 1"
D = 1.25" E = 1.5"F = 2"
A = First (Factory Assigned)
Note: Sequence may be any letter A thru
Z, or any digit 1 thru 9.
0 = None
1 = Barometric
3 = 100% Exhaust 3 HP w/Statitrac
4 = 100% Exhaust 5 HP w/Statitrac
5 = 100% Exhaust 7.5 HP w/Statitrac
6 = 100% Exhaust 10 HP w/Statitrac
7 = 100% Exhaust 15 HP w/Statitrac
8 = 100% Exhaust 20 HP w/Statitrac
B = 50% Exhaust 3 HP
C = 50% Exhaust 5 HP
D = 50% Exhaust 7.5 HP
F = 100% Exhaust 3 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
G = 100% Exhaust 5 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
H = 100% Exhaust 7.5 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
J = 100% Exhaust 10 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
K = 100% Exhaust 15 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
L = 100% Exhaust 20 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
9 = 100% Return 3 HP w/Statitrac
M = 100% Return 5 HP w/Statitrac
N = 100% Return 7.5 HP w/Statitrac
P = 100% Return 10 HP w/Statitrac
R = 100% Return 15 HP w/Statitrac
T = 100% Return 20 HP w/Statitrac
U = 100% Return 3 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
V = 100% Return 5 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
W = 100% Return 7.5 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
X = 100% Return 10 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
Y = 100% Return 15 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
Z = 100% Return 20 HP w/o Statitrac
(CV Only)
(Exhaust/Return Fan)
0 = None8 = 800 RPM
4 = 400 RPM9 = 900 RPM
5 = 500 RPMA = 1000 RPM
6 = 600 RPMB = 1100 RPM
7 = 700 RPM
(Return Fan only)
C = 1200 RPM H = 1700 RPM
D = 1300 RPMJ = 1800 RPM
E = 1400 RPMK = 1900 RPM
F = 1500 RPM
G = 1600 RPM
Cleanable Wire Mesh
Bag With Prefilter
Cartridge with Prefilter
Throwaway Filter Rack (Filter Not
Bag Filter Rack (Filter Not Included)
StandardThrowaway Filter/
Cartridge Final Filters
High EfficiencyThrowaway Filter/
Cartridge Final Filters
Bag Filters with 2"Throwaway
Prefilters/Cartridge Final Filters
Cartridge Filters with 2"Throwaway
Prefilters /Cartridge Final Filters
= StandardThrowaway Filter
/Cartridge Final Filters with
2"Throwaway Prefilters
= High EfficiencyThrowaway Filters/
Cartridge Final Filters with
2"Throwaway Prefilters
= Bag Filters with Prefilters /Cartridge
Final Filters with 2"Throwaway
= Cartridge Filters with Prefilters/
Cartridge Final Filters with
2"Throwaway Prefilters
Model Number Descriptions
1 = 3 HP FC
2 = 5 HP FC
3 = 7.5 HP FC
4 = 10 HP FC
5 = 15 HP FC
6 = 20 HP FC
7 = 25 HP FC
8 = 30 HP FC
9 = 40 HP FC
A = 50 HP FC
B = 3 HP DDP 80W
C = 3 HP DDP 120W
D = 5 HP DDP 80W
E = 5 HP DDP 120W
F = 7.5 HP DDP 80W
G = 7.5 HP DDP 120W
H = 10 HP DDP 80W (60-89T = 2 x 5 HP)
J = 10 HP DDP 120W (60-89T = 2 x 5 HP)
K = 15 HP DDP 80W (60-89T = 2 x 7.5 HP)
L = 15 HP DDP 120W (60-89T = 2 x 7.5 HP)
M = 20 HP DDP 80W (60-89T = 2 x 10 HP)
N = 20 HP DDP 120W (60-89T = 2 x 10 HP)
P = 25 HP DDP 80W
R = 25 HP DDP 120W
T = 30 HP DDP 80W (60-89T = 2 x 15 HP)
U = 30 HP DDP 120W (60-89T = 2 x 15 HP)
V = 40 HP DDP 80W(60-89T = 2 x 20 HP)
W = 40 HP DDP 120W (60-89T = 2 x 20 HP)
A = No Fresh Air
B = 0-25% Manual
D = 0-100% Economizer
E = 0-100% Economizer w/ TRAQ/DCV
Note: Must install CO2sensor(s) for DCV
to function properly
1 = CV - Zone Temp Control
2 = CV - Discharge Temp Control
4 = CV - Zone Temp Control
Space Pressure Control w/ Exhaust/
Return VFD w/o Bypass
5 = CV - Zone Temp Control
Space Pressure Control w/
Exhaust/Return VFD and Bypass
6 = VAV Discharge Temp Control w/ VFD
w/o Bypass
7 = VAV Discharge Temp Control w/ VFD
and Bypass
8 = VAV Discharge Temp Control
Supply and Exhaust/Return Fan w/ VFD
w/o Bypass
9 = VAV Discharge Temp Control
Supply and Exhaust/Return Fan
with VFD and Bypass
A = VAV - Single Zone VAV - w/ VFD
w/o Bypass
B = VAV - Single Zone VAV - w/ VFD
and Bypass
C = VAV - Single Zone VAV - Supply and
Exhaust/Return Fan w/ VFD w/o Bypass
D = VAV - Single Zone VAV - Supply and
Exhaust/Return Fan w/ VFD w/ Bypass
0 = None
A = Dual Setpoint Manual or Auto
Changeover (BAYSENS108*)
B = Dual Setpoint Manual or Auto
Changeover w/ System Function
Lights (BAYSENS110*)
C = Room Sensor w/ Override and
Cancel Buttons (BAYSENS073*)
D = Room Sensor w/ Temperature
Adjustment and Override and
Cancel Buttons (BAYSENS074*)
L = Programmable Zone Sensor w/
System Function Lights for
Note: *Asterisk indicates current model
number digit A, B, C, etc.These
sensors can be ordered to ship
with the unit.
1=0° Fahrenheit
0=None (cULus Gas Heater, see note)
Note: Includes cULus classified gas
heating section only when second
digit of Model No. is a "F."
21 A = Unit Disconnect Switch
22 B = Hot Gas Bypass
Hot Gas Reheat w/out Hot Gas
Hot Gas Reheat and Hot Gas
23 0 = Without Economizer
Z = Economizer Control w/
W = Economizer Control w/Dry Bulb
24 E = Low Leak Fresh Air Dampers
25 F = High Duct Temperature
26 G = High Capacity Unit
C = Economizer Control w/
Comparative Enthalpy
Reference Enthalpy
H = High Efficiency Unit
V = eFlex Variable Speed Compressor
27 0 =
28 B = GBAS 0-10V
29 A =
30 M = Remote Human Interface
31 N = Ventilation Override Module
32 0 = None
R = Extended Grease Lines
33 0 = Standard Panels
34 V = Inter-Processor
35 M =
7 = Trane LonTalk Communication
36 8 = Spring Isolators
37 6 = Factory-Powered 15A GFI
38 A = Supply Fan Piezometer
Air-Cooled Aluminum Condenser
Corrosion Protected Condenser
A = Evap Condenser
B = Evap Condenser w/ Sump Heater
Evap Condenser w/ Dolphin
WaterCare System
Evap Condenser w/ Sump Heater
and Dolphin WaterCare System
Evap Condenser w/ Conductivity
Evap Condenser w/ Conductivity
Controller and Sump Heater
K = GBAS 0-5V
R = Rapid Restart
Motors w/ Internal Shaft
1 = Differential Pressure Gauge
Extended Grease Lines and
Differential Pressure Gauge
T = Access Doors
U = IRU - w/ Std Panels
W = IRU - w/ Access Doors
Y = IRU w/SST - w/ Std Panels
Z = IRU w/SST - w/ Access Doors
Communication Bridge
BACnet Communication Interface
(BCI) Module
Y = Trane Communication Interface
(TCI) Module
Interface (LCI) Module
Convenience Outlet/Disconnect
J= Temperature Sensor
Model numbers:
B000R0 00800 describes a unit with
the following characteristics:
DX Cooling Only unit w/ no extended
casing, 50 ton nominal cooling
capacity, 460/60/3 power supply,100
percent exhaust with Statitrac, 10 HP
exhaust fan motor with drive
selection No. 8 (80 0 RPM),
throwaway filters, 20 HP supply fan
motor with drive selection No. B
(1100 RPM), 0-100% economizer w/
dry bulb control, supply and exhaust
VFD w/o bypass, no remote panel,
standard ambient control, cULus
agency approval. High capacity unit,
extended grease lines and spring
The service digit for each model
number contains 38 digits; all 38
digits must be referenced.
Model Number Descriptions
S X H K * 1 1 4 0 A H 8 C E C D 8 00 1* * Z * * * * * * * * * *** * **
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
S = Self-Contained (Packaged Rooftop)
E = DX Cooling, Electric Heat
F = DX Cooling, Natural Gas Heat
L = DX Cooling, Hot Water Heat
S = DX Cooling, Steam Heat
X = DX Cooling, No Heat, Extended
A = Throwaway
C = High-EfficiencyThrowaway
D = Bag With Prefilter
E = Cartridge with Prefilter
F = Throwaway Filter Rack (Filter Not
G = Bag Filter Rack (Filter Not Included)
H = StandardThrowaway Filter/
Cartridge Final Filters
J = High EfficiencyThrowaway Filter/
Cartridge Final Filters
K = Bag Filters with 2"Throwaway
Prefilters/Cartridge Final Filters
L = Cartridge Filters with 2"Throwaway
Prefilters /Cartridge Final Filters
M= StandardThrowaway Filter
/Cartridge Final Filters with
2"Throwaway Prefilters
N = High EfficiencyThrowaway Filters/
Cartridge Final Filters with
2"Throwaway Prefilters
P = Bag Filters with Prefilters /Cartridge
Final Filters with 2"Throwaway
Q = Cartridge Filters with Prefilters/
Cartridge Final Filters with
2"Throwaway Prefilters
C = 30 HP (2-15 HP)
D = 40 HP (2-20 HP)
E = 50 HP (2-25 HP)
F = 60 HP (2-30 HP)
G = 80 HP (2-40 HP)
A = 1000 RPM
B = 1100 RPM
C = 1200 RPM
D = 1300 RPM
E = 1400 RPM
F = 1500 RPM
G = 1600 RPM
D = 0-100% Economizer (Std.)
E = 0-100% Economizer w/ TRAQ w/ DCV
Note: Must install CO2sensor(s) for DCV
to function properly
1 = CV - Zone Temperature Control
2 = CV - DischargeTemperature Control
4 = CV - Zone Temperature Control
Space Pressure Control w/
Exhaust VFD w/o Bypass
5 = CV - Zone Temperature Control
Space Pressure Control w/
Exhaust VFD and Bypass
6 = VAV DischargeTemperature Control
w/ VFD w/o Bypass
7 = VAV DischargeTemperature Control
w/ VFD and Bypass
8 = VAV DischargeTemperature Control
Supply and Exhaust Fan w/ VFD
w/o Bypass
9 = VAV DischargeTemperature Control
Supply and Exhaust Fan w/ VFD
and Bypass
A = VAV – Single Zone VAV – w/ VFD
w/o Bypass
B = VAV – Single Zone VAV – w/ VFD
w/ Bypass
C = VAV – Single Zone VAV – Supply and
Exhaust/Return Fan w/ VFD
w/o Bypass
D = VAV – Single Zone VAV – Supply and
Exhaust/Return Fan w/ VFD w/ Bypass
Model Number Descriptions
0 = None
A = Dual Setpoint Manual or Auto
Changeover (BAYSENS108*)
B = Dual Setpoint Manual or Auto
Changeover w/ System Function
Lights (BAYSENS110*)
C = Room Sensor w/ Override and
Cancel Buttons (BAYSENS073*)
D = Room Sensor w/Temperature
Adjustment and Override and
Cancel Buttons (BAYSENS074*)
L = Programmable Zone Sensor w/
System Function Lights for both
CV and VAV (BAYSENS119*)
Note: *Asterisk indicates current model
number digit A, B, C, etc.These
sensors can be ordered to ship
with the unit.
0 = Standard
0 = None (cULus Gas Heater, see note)
1 = cULus
Note: Includes cULus classified gas
heating section only when second
digit of Model No. is a "F."
21 A = Unit Disconnect Switch
22 B = Hot Gas Bypass
23 C = Economizer Control w/
23 Z = Economizer Control w/
23 W = Economizer Control w/Dry Bulb
24 E = Low Leak Outside Air Dampers
25 F = High Duct Temperature
26 G = High Capacity Evap. Coil
27 0 = Air-Cooled Aluminum
28 K = Generic B.A.S Module
29 A = Motors w/ Internal Shaft
30 M = Remote Human Interface
31 N = Ventilation Override Module
32 0 = None
R = Extended Grease Lines
33 0 = Standard Panels
34 V = Inter-Processor
35 Y= Trane Communication Interface
37 6 = Factory-Powered 15A GFI
Comparative Enthalpy
Reference Enthalpy
H = High Cap. Evap. Coil and High
Eff. Cond. Coil (90 Ton)
Condenser Coil
J = Corrosion-Protected
Condenser Coil
R = Rapid Restart
1 = Differential Pressure Gauge
Extended Grease Lines and
Differential Pressure Gauge
T = Access Doors
U = IRU - w/ Std Panels
W = IRU - w/ Access Doors
Y = IRU w/SST - w/ Std Panels
Communication Bridge
(TCI) Module
M = BACnet Communication
Interface (BCI) Module
7 = Trane LonTalk Communication
Interface (LCI) Module
Convenience Outlet
Model numbers:
describes a unit with the following
DX cooling with extended casing,
no heat, 105 ton nominal cooling
capacity, 460/60/3 power supply,
100 percent exhaust with Statitrac,
30 h.p. exhaust fan motor with
drive selection No. 8 - (800 RPM),
high-efficiency throwaway filters,
50 hp supply fan motor with 1200
RPM, economizer, w/ reference
enthalpy control, Supply and
Exhaust with VFD but no bypass,
cULus agency approval.
The service digit for each model
number contains 36 digits; all 36
digits must be referenced.
General Information
Commonly Used Acronyms
For convenience, a number of acronyms and
abbreviations are used throughout this manual.These
acronyms are alphabetically listed and defined below.
•AC = Air Cooled Condenser•MDM = Modulating Dehumidification Module
•BAS = Building automation systems•MPM = Multipurpose module
•BCI = BACnet Communication Interface module•MWU = Morning warm-up
•LCI-I = LonTalk Communication Interface for IntelliPak•VSD = eFlex™variable speed drive compressor
•LH = Left-hand•VSM = Variable speed module
•MCHE = Microchannel Coil•w.c. = Water column
•LPC = Low pressure cutout•WCI = Wireless Communication Interface
•MCM = Multiple circuit module
Unit Description
EachTrane commercial, single-zone rooftop air
conditioner ships fully assembled and charged with the
proper refrigerant quantity from the factory.
An optional roof curb, specifically designed for the S_HL
units is available fromTrane.The roof curb kit must be field
assembled and installed according to the latest edition of
the curb installation guide.
Trane Commercial Rooftop Units are controlled by a
microelectronic control system that consists of a network
of modules and are referred to as Unit Control Modules
(UCM).The acronym UCM is used extensively throughout
this document when referring to the control system
These modules through Proportional/Integral control
algorithms perform specific unit functions which provide
the best possible comfort level for the customer.
They are mounted in the control panel and are factory
wired to their respective internal components.They
receive and interpret information from other unit
modules, sensors, remote panels, and customer binary
contacts to satisfy the applicable request for economizing,
mechanical cooling, heating, and ventilation. Refer to the
following discussion for an explanation of each module
Rooftop Module (RTM - 1U48 Standard on
all units)
The Rooftop Module (RTM) responds to cooling, heating,
and ventilation requests by energizing the proper unit
components based on information received from other
unit modules, sensors, remote panels, and customer
supplied binary inputs. It initiates supply fan, exhaust fan,
exhaust damper, return fan, return damper, variable
frequency drive output, and economizer operation based
on that information.
General Information
Table 1.RTM Resistance Input vs. Setpoint Temperatures
The compressor modules, (Single Circuit & Multiple
Circuit), upon receiving a request for mechanical cooling,
energizes the appropriate compressors and condenser
Heat Module
(1U50 used on heating units)
The Heat module, upon receiving a request for Heating,
energizes the appropriate heating stages or strokes the
Modulating Heating valve as required.
fans. It monitors the compressor operation through
feedback information it receives from various protection
Human Interface Module
(HI - 1U65 standard on all units)
The Human Interface module enables the operator to
adjust the operating parameters for the unit using it's 16
key keypad. The 2 line, 40 character LCD screen provides
status information for the various unit functions as well as
menus for the operator to set or modify the operating
Modulating Dehumidification Module
(Optional 1U107 - used with Dehumidification
The MDM supports specific control inputs and outputs for
Modulating Dehumidification control including
Modulating Reheat and Cooling valve control as well as
the Reheat Pumpout Relay output.The Modulating
Dehumidification control Algorithm provides control
requests to the MDM to accomplish proper
Dehumidification control.
General Information
Ventilation Override Module
(VOM - Optional 1U51)
Important: The ventilation override system should not
be used to signal the presence of smoke
caused by a fire as it is not intended nor
designed to do so.
The Ventilation Override module initiates specified
functions such as; space pressurization, exhaust, purge,
purge with duct pressure control, and unit off when any
one of the five (5) binary inputs to the module are
activated.The compressors and condenser fans are
disabled during the ventilation operation. If more than one
ventilation sequence is activated, the one with the highest
priority is initiated.
Variable Speed Module
(VSM - Optional 1U123)
The Variable Speed module used in eFlex variable speed
units provides a 0-10VDC output analog speed signal to
control the compressor VFD. Table 3 lists VSM output
signal (VDC) and corresponding compressor speed (RPM)
at 0%, 50% and 100% Intellipak command speeds (Spd %):
During Auto Run mode, the Intellipak command speed
(Spd %) can be monitored at the HI.The 0-10VDC signal
and compressor RPM is displayed on theTRV200 inverter
keypad (1U128).
Figure 1.Display -TRV200 inverter keypad (1U128)
Spd 0%Spd 50%Spd 100%
against Table 3. VSM output signal voltage is measured
between terminals 53 and 55 at the VFD (3U119) input.
Figure 2.VSM output signal
Interprocessor Communications Board
(IPCB - Optional 1U55 used with the Optional
Remote Human Interface)
The Interprocessor Communication Board expands
communications from the rooftop unit UCM network to a
Remote Human Interface Panel. DIP switch settings on the
IPCB module for this application should be; Switches 1 and
2“Off”, Switch 3 “On”.
LonTalk/BACnet Communication Interface
(LCI/BCI - Optional 1U54/1U104 - used on
units with Trane ICS™ or 3rd party Building
Automation Systems)
The LonTalk or BACnet Communication Interface modules
expand communications from the unit UCM network to a
TraneTracer Summit or a 3rd party building automation
system and allow external setpoint and configuration
adjustment and monitoring of status and diagnostics.
Exhaust/Comparative Enthalpy Module
(ECEM - Optional 1U52 used on units with
Statitrac and/or comparative enthalpy
The Exhaust/Comparative Enthalpy module receives
information from the return air humidity sensor, the
outside air humidity sensor,and the return air temperature
sensor to utilize the lowest possible humidity level when
considering economizer operation. In addition, it receives
space pressure information which is used to maintain the
space pressure to within the setpoint control band. Refer
to Figure 4, p. 14 for the Humidity vs. Current input values.
TheVSM output signal can also be checked in ServiceTest
mode. Compressor relays should be commanded off as
shown in Figure 2, and the Spd% command can be
changed at the HI. Then check the VSM output signal
General Information
Figure 3.Humidity vs. Current (ECEM Return RH, RTM
Outdoor RH)
Figure 4.Humidity vs. Current (RTM Space Humidity)
Table 4.Outside air flow range with Traq Sensor
20 & 25, 24 & 29 Ton0-14000
30/36 Ton0-17000
40/48 Ton0-22000
50/59, 55 Ton0-28000
60-75, 73-89 Ton0-33000
90-130 Ton0-46000
The velocity pressure transducer/solenoid assembly is
illustrated below. Refer to the “Traq Sensor Sequence of
Operation” section for VCM operation.
Figure 5. Velocity pressure transducer/solenoid
Control Module
Tube from
Tee to low side
of Transducer
Assembly is located
inside the lter
Tube from
Solenoid to high
side of Transducer
Ventilation Control Module
(VCM - Optional 3U218 used with Traq Fresh
Air Measurement and/ or CO2 Sensor)
The Ventilation Control Module (VCM) is located in the
filter section of the unit and is linked to the unit's UCM
network. Using a “velocity pressure” sensing ring located
in the outside air section, allows the VCM to monitor and
control the quantity of outside air entering the unit to a
minimum airflow setpoint.
An optional temperature sensor can be connected to the
VCM which enables it to control a field installed outside air
If the unit has a VCM, an optional CO
connected to the unit to the unit for CO
reset permits the unit to reduce the amount of outside air
entering the unit from the Design OA (Design OA
damper%) to the DCV OA (DCV Minimum damper%) based
on the space or return CO
level.The following table lists
the possible airflow range per unit size.
sensor can be
reset control. CO
Tube from
low side of
Flow Ring
Tube from
high side of
Flow Ring
Generic Building Automation System
(GBAS - Optional 1U51 used with non-Trane
building control systems; 0-5 or 0-10 VDC)
The Generic Building Automation System (GBAS) module
allows a non-Trane building control system to
communicate with the rooftop unit and accepts external
setpoints in form of analog inputs for cooling, heating,
supply air pressure, and a binary Input for demand limit.
Refer to the“Field Installed ControlWiring” section for the
input wiring to the GBAS module and the various desired
setpoints with the corresponding DC voltage inputs for
both VAV and CV applications.
General Information
Phase Monitor (1U3) Standard on 20-89 ton
Continuously monitors line voltage to protect against
phase, loss, imbalance and reversal. If a fault is found with
the supply voltage a LED on the phase monitor will
indicate a fault and a unit External Auto Stop is activated
through the controls. 75 to 130 ton units have a phase
monitor on each compressor.
Multipurpose Module
MPM (Optional 1U105 used on units with
Return Fan or with Evaporative Condenser)
The Multipurpose Module (MPM) receives information
from the Return Plenum Pressure sensor and provides for
Return Fan control to maintain this pressure to the Active
Return Plenum Pressure Setpoint and Deadband. The
liquid line pressure sensor inputs for the refrigeration
circuits are received through the MPM in support of head
pressure control on Evaporative condenser units.
Input Devices & System Functions
The descriptions of the following basic Input Devices used
within the UCM network are to acquaint the operator with
their function as they interface with the various modules.
Refer to the unit's electrical schematic for the specific
module connections.
Constant Volume (CV), Single
temperatures will be monitored during compressor
operation and compressor circuits will be shut down if this
difference exceeds a Human Interface selectable setpoint
Leaving EvaporatorTemperature Sensor
(3RT14 and 3RT15)
An analog input device used to monitor the refrigerant
temperature inside the evaporator coil to prevent coil
freezing. It is attached to the suction line near the
evaporator coil and is connected to the MCM. It is factory
set for 30°F and has an adjustable range of 25°F to 35°F.The
compressors are staged “Off” as necessary to prevent
icing. After the last compressor stage has been turned
“Off”, the compressors will be allowed to restart once the
evaporator temperature rises 10°F above the “coil frost
cutout temperature” and the minimum three minute“Off”
time has elapsed.
Filter Switch (3S21 and 3S58)
This binary input device measures the pressure
differential across the unit filters. It is mounted in the filter
section and is connected to the RTM (1U48). A diagnostic
SERVICE signal is sent to the remote panel if the pressure
differential across the filters is at least 0.5" w.c.The
contacts will automatically open when the pressure
differential across the filters decrease to 0.4" w.c.The
switch differential can be field adjusted between 0.17" w.c.
to 5.0" w.c. ± 0.05" w.c.
Zone Variable Air Volume (SZVAV)
& Variable Air Volume (VAV)
Sensors and Controls
Supply Air Temperature Sensor (3RT9)
This analog input device monitors the supply air
temperature for; supply air temperature control (used with
discharge temperature control), supply air temperature
reset (used with discharge temperature control), supply air
temperature low limiting (used with discharge
temperature control), and supply air tempering. It is
mounted in the supply air discharge section of the unit and
is connected to the RTM (1U48).
Return Air Temperature Sensor (3RT6)
This analog input device is used with a return humidity
sensor when the comparative enthalpy option is ordered.
It monitors the return air temperature and compares it to
the outdoor temperature to establish which temperature is
best suited to maintain the cooling requirements. It is
mounted in the return air section and is connected to the
ECEM (1U52).
Entering EvaporatorTemperature Sensor
(3RT28 and 3RT29)
This analog input device is used with the Leaving
EvaporatorTemp sensor to provide Low Charge Protection
of the refrigerant systems.The difference in these two
Supply and Exhaust Airflow Proving Switches
(3S68 and 3S69)
3S68 is a binary input device used to signal the RTM when
the supply fan is operating. It is located in the supply fan
section of the unit and is connected to the RTM (1U48).
During a request for fan operation, if the differential switch
is detected to be open for 40 consecutive seconds;
compressor operation is turned “Off”, heat operation is
turned “Off”, the request for supply fan operation is turned
“Off” and locked out, exhaust dampers (if equipped) are
“closed”, economizer dampers (if equipped) are “closed”,
and a manual reset diagnostic is initiated.
3S69 is a binary input device used on all rooftop units
equipped with an exhaust fan. It is located in the exhaust/
return fan section of the unit and is connected to the RTM
(1U48). During a request for fan operation, if the
differential switch is detected to be open for 40
consecutive seconds, the economizer is closed to the
minimum position setpoint, the request for exhaust fan
operation is turned “Off” and locked out, and a manual
reset diagnostic is initiated.The fan failure lockout can be
reset; at the Human Interface located in the unit's control
panel, byTracer, or by cycling the control power to the
RTM (1S70 Off/On).
Is a standard mode of operation on 20 thru 130Ton units.
It alternates the starting between the first compressor of
General Information
each refrigeration circuit. On 40 - 89 Ton units only the
compressor banks will switch, not the order the
compressors within a bank, providing the first compressor
in each circuit had been activated during the same request
for cooling. Lead lag is not available with variable speed
Supply and Exhaust/Return Fan Circuit
Breakers (with 1CB1 and 1CB2)
The supply fan and exhaust fan motors are protected by
circuit breakers 1CB1 and 1CB2 respecti vely for 208 -230 V
applications.They will trip and interrupt the power supply
to the motors if the current exceeds the breaker's “must
trip” value. For 460 -575 V applications, fan motors will be
protected with manual motor protectors.The rooftop
module (RTM) will shut all system functions “Off” when an
open fan proving switch is detected.
Manual Motor Protectors (380V through 575V
Manual motor protectors will be used as branch circuit
protection for compressors and supply fan motors.These
devices are capable of providing both overload and shortcircuit protection. Before operating, the manual motor
protector must be switched with the rotary on/off switch to
the “ON” position and the overload setpoint dial must be
set to the appropriate rating of the motor.
Important: In order to avoid nuisance trips, the
overload setpoint dial must be adjusted to
the following calculated value:
Overload Setting = (Motor FLA)
Overload Setting = (Compressor RLA) x 1.12
Return Plenum Pressure High Limit
The Return Plenum Pressure High Limit Setpoint has a
non-adjustable value of 3.5 iwc. When the return plenum
pressure exceeds the Return Plenum Pressure High Limit
for more than 1 second, a “Return Pressure shutdown”
signal is sent, and an automatically resetting diagnostic is
set. After the return fan is off, the Return Pressure
Shutdown signal is cancelled.The unit will not be allowed
to restart within 15 seconds of shutdown. Three
consecutive occurrences of the Return Plenum Pressure
exceeding the Return Plenum Pressure Limit will cause a
manual reset diagnostic.The occurrence counter will be
reset every time the unit goes through a reset, transitions
from Stop to Auto, or transitions into and out of Occupied
or Unoccupied control.
Low Pressure Control (LPC)
LPC is accomplished using a binary input device. LP
cutouts are located on the suction lines near the scroll
compressors.The LPC contacts are designed to close
when the suction pressure exceeds 41± 4 psig. If the LP
control is open when a compressor is requested to start,
none of the compressors on that circuit will be allowed to
operate.They are locked out and a manual reset diagnostic
is initiated.
The LP cutouts are designed to open if the suction
pressure approaches 25± 4 psig. If the LP cutout opens
after a compressor has started, all compressors operating
on that circuit will be turned off immediately and will
remain off for a minimum of three minutes. If the LP cutout
trips four consecutive times during the first three minutes
of operation, the compressors on that circuit will be locked
out and a manual reset diagnostic is initiated.
Saturated CondenserTemperature Sensors
(2RT1 and 2RT2)
These analog input devices are mounted inside a
temperature well located on a condenser tube bend.They
monitor the saturated refrigerant temperature inside the
condenser coil and are connected to the SCM/MCM
(1U49). As the saturated refrigerant temperature varies
due to operating conditions, the condenser fans are cycled
“On” or “Off” as required to maintain acceptable
operating pressures. For evaporative condensers, this
value is determined by the MPM whichconvertsa pressure
to a temperature value that is sent to the MCM to be used
for head pressure control.
Head Pressure Control (HPC)
This is accomplished using one saturated refrigerant
temperature sensors per refrigeration circuit. During a
request for compressor operation, when the condensing
temperature rises above the “lower limit” of the control
band, the Compressor Module (SCM/MCM) starts
sequencing condenser fans “On”. If the operating fans can
not bring the condensing temperature to within the
control band, more fans are turned on.
As the saturated condensing temperature approaches the
lower limit of the control band, fans are sequenced “Off”.
The minimum “On/Off” time for condenser fan staging is
5.2 seconds. If the system is operating at a given fan stage
below 100% for 30 minutes and the saturated condensing
temperature is above the “efficiency check point” setting,
a fan stage will be added. If the saturated condensing
temperature falls below the “efficiency check point”
setting, the fan control will remain at the present operating
stage. If a fan stage cycles four times within a 10 minute
period, the control switches from controlling to the“lower
limit” to a temperature equal to the “lower limit” minus
the “temporary low limit suppression” setting. It will
utilize this new “low limit” temperature for one hour to
reduce condenser fan short cycling.
For Evaporative Condensing units, Head pressure is
monitored with pressure transducers attached to the
Saturated Condensing line and converted to a
temperature by the MPM.This temperature is used to
control the variable speed fan and control the sump pump.
When the temperature rises above the Upper Limit (120F)
the Sump Pump is energized. If the Condensing
Temperature drops below the Lower Limit (70F) the Sump
Pump is de-energized.
General Information
High Pressure Controls (HPC)
High Pressure controls are located on the discharge lines
near the scroll compressors.They are designed to open
when the discharge pressure approaches 650 ± 10 psig.
The controls reset automatically when the discharge
pressure decreases to approximately 550 ± 10 psig.
However, the compressors on that circuit are locked out
and a manual reset diagnostic is initiated after the fourth
occurrence of a high pressure condition.
If the HPC opens after a compressor has started, all
compressors on that circuit will be turned off immediately
and will remain off for a minimum of 15 minutes. If the HPC
trips four consecutive times during the first 3 minutes of
operation, the compressors on that circuit will be locked
out and a manual reset diagnostic is initiated.
Variable speed compressor circuits use a different HPC
switch with 24 VDC contacts input to the inverter.
Otherwise, the variable speed HPC circuit is functionally
the same as described above.
High Compressor Pressure Differential
20-75T units provides High Compressor Pressure
Differential protection for the equipment , also referred to
as Low VI compressor protection.This protection is active
on a per circuit basis and prevents scroll involute stresses
from exceeding levels that could cause compressor
Two levels of control are implemented to support the High
Compressor Pressure Differential protection: Limit and
Diagnostic trips.
During a Limit trip, the controller will determine when the
pressure differential has exceeded predetermined limits
and will then take action by either limiting the compressor
capacity or by unloading/reducing the compressor
capacity on that circuit. Once the pressure differential
returns to an acceptable level, the circuit will become
unlimited if still needed for temperature control.
During a Diagnostic trip, the controller will determine
when the pressure differential has exceeded acceptable
levels for the equipment and will then de-energize the
circuit completely. Once the pressure differential returns
to an acceptable level, the circuit will be allowed to reenergize if still needed for temperature control. If four
Diagnostic trips occur within the same request for
compressor operation, the circuit will be locked out on a
manual reset diagnostic.
If actively limiting or controlling compressor outputs
“OFF” due to a High Compressor Pressure Differential
event, the Limit/Diagnostic event will be found under
Status/ Compressor Status Submenu at the Human
Interface. During a diagnostic trip a diagnostic will be
indicated at the Human Interface.
Outdoor Air Humidity Sensor (3U63)
This is an analog input device used on applications with
100% economizer. It monitors the outdoor humidity levels
for economizer operation. It is mounted in the outside air
intake section and is connected to the RTM (1U48).
Return Air Humidity Sensor (3U64)
This is an analog input device used on applications with
the comparative enthalpy option. It monitors the return air
humidity level and compares it to the outdoor humidity
level to establish which conditions are best suited to
maintain the cooling requirements. It is mounted in the
return air section and is connected to the ECEM (1U52).
Space/Duct Humidity Sensor (5U108)
Analog input device used on applications with modulating
dehumidification option and/or humidification field
installed option. It is used to monitor the humidity level in
the space and for comparison with the dehumidification
and humidification setpoints to maintain space humidity
requirements. It is field mounted in the space and
connected to the RTM (1TB16).
Low Ambient Option 0° Fahrenheit (2U84,
Air cooled units ordered with Low Ambient 0° Fahrenheit
will control the low ambient dampers (2U84, 2U85) to the
programmable Low Ambient Control Point based on
saturated condenser temperature during compressor
Status/Annunciator Output
This is an internal function within the RTM (1U48) module
that provides;
a. diagnostic and mode status signals to the remote
panel (LEDs) and to the Human Interface.
b. control of the binary Alarm output on the RTM.
c. control of the binary outputs on the GBAS module
to inform the customer of the operational status
and/or diagnostic conditions.
Low Ambient Compressor Lockout
Utilizes an analog input device. When the system is
configured for low ambient compressor lockout, the
compressors are not allowed to operate if the temperature
of the outside air falls below the lockout setpoint. When
the temperature rises 5°F above the lockout setpoint, the
compressors are allowed to operate.The setpoint for units
without the low ambient option is 50°F. For units with the
low ambient option, the setpoint is 0°F. The setpoints are
adjustable at the Human Interface inside the unit control
Space Pressure Transducer (3U62)
This is an analog input device that modulates the exhaust
damper or exhaustVFD to keep the space pressure within
the building to a customer designated control band. It is
General Information
mounted in the filter section just above the exhaust
damper actuator and is connected to the ECEM (1U52).
Field supplied pneumatic tubing must be connected
between the space being controlled and the transducer
MorningWarm-Up - Zone Heat (CV and VAV)
When a system changes from an unoccupied to an
occupied mode, or switches from STOPPED to AUTO, or
power is applied to a unit with the MWU option, the heater
in the unit or external heat will be brought on if the space
temperature is below the MWU setpoint.The heat will
remain on until the temperature reaches the MWU
setpoint. If the unit is VAV, then the VAV box/unocc relay
will continue to stay in the unoccupied position and the
VFD output will stay at 100% during the MWU mode.When
the MWU setpoint is reached and the heat mode is
terminated, then the VAV box/unocc relay will switch to the
occupied mode and the VFD output will be controlled by
the duct static pressure. During Full Capacity MWU the
economizer damper is held closed for as long as it takes to
reach setpoint. During Cycling Capacity MWU the
economizer damper is allowed to go to minimum position
after one hour of operation if setpoint has not been
Compressor Motor Winding Thermostats
CSHD compressors (20-70 Ton) Air-Cooled and (2480 Ton) Evaporative Condensers
The compressors contains an internal line break overload
whichstops the compressors under a number of operating
conditions that cause excessi ve motor temperature.These
include rapid cycling, loss of charge, abnormally high
suction temperatures, excessive amperage, phase loss
and low voltage
PTC sensors are embedded in the motor windings of each
Scroll compressor. These sensors are wired to the
protection module which protects the motor from over
temperature that can occur under a number of abnormal
operating conditions.These include rapid cycling, loss of
charge, abnormally high suction temperatures, low
voltage and excessive amperage.
During a request for compressor operation, if the
Compressor Module (SCM) detects a problem outside of
normal parameters, it turns any operating compressor(s)
in that circuit “Off”, locks out all compressor operation for
that circuit, and initiates a manual reset diagnostic.
VZH Variable Speed Compressors
Over current and over torque protection for VZH
compressors are provided by theTRV200 inverter. VZH
over temperature protection is not required.
Freeze Avoidance
FreezeAvoidanceis a feature which helps prevent freezing
of hydronic heat coils and avoiding nuisance hydronic
heat freezestat trips.This is accomplished by opening
inactive hydronic heat valve(s) at low ambient
Typically, when the unit is in a mode where the supply fan
is off, the OA temperature is monitored. If it falls below 45
ºF (5 degrees above the freezestat), the hydronic heat
valve(s) are opened to the Standby Freeze Avoidance
Position. When the OA temperature rises above 47 ºF,
occupied mode is requested, or the supply fan is
requested ON the hydronic heat valve(s) release to normal
When the supply fan is commanded on, the OA dampers
will remain closed for one minute to remove the heat from
the hydronic heating coil.This prevents freezestat trips
and falsely loading the supply air temperature causing
premature compressor operation.This function is
disabled if the Standby FreezeAvoidance Position is set to
Supply Air Temperature Low Limit
Uses the supply air temperature sensor input to modulate
the economizer damper to minimum position in the event
the supply air temperature falls below the occupied
heating setpoint temperature.
Freezestat (4S12)
This is a binary input device used on units with Hydronic
Heat. It is mounted in the heat section and connected to the
Heat Module (1U50). If the temperature of the air entering
the heating coil falls to 40°F, the normally open contacts on
the freezestat closes signalling the Heat Module (1U50)
and the Rooftop Module (RTM) to:
•Drive the Hydronic Heat Actuator (4U15) to the full
open position.
•Turn the supply fan “Off”.
•Closes the outside air damper;
•Turns “On” the SERVICE light at the Remote Panel.
•Initiates a “Freezestat” diagnostic to the Human
High Duct Temp Thermostats (Optional 3S16,
These are binary input devices used with a Trane
Communication Interface Module (TCI).They provide
“high limit” shutdown of the unit and requires a manual
reset.They are factory set to open if the supply air
temperature reaches 240°F, or the return air temperature
reaches135°F. Once tripped, the thermostat can be reset by
pressing the button located on the sensor once the air
temperature has decreased approximately 25°F below the
cutout point.
The Scroll Compressors are protected by circuit breakers
for 208 - 230 volt units which interrupt the power supply to
the compressors if the current exceeds the breakers“must
trip” value. For 460 -575 volt units the Scroll compressors
will be protected with Manual Motor protectors. During a
request for compressor operation, if the Compressor
Module detects a problem outside of it's normal
parameters, it turns any operating compressor(s) on that
circuit “Off”, locks out all compressor operation for that
circuit, and initiates a manual reset diagnostic.
Constant Volume (CV) Units
Zone Temperature - Cooling
Relies on input from a sensor located directly in the space,
while a system is in the occupied “Cooling” mode. It
modulates the economizer (if equipped) and/or stages the
mechanical cooling “On and Off” as required to maintain
the zone temperature to within the cooling setpoint
Zone Temperature - Heating
Relies on input from a sensor located directly in the space,
while a system is in the occupied “Heating” mode or an
unoccupied period, to stage the heat “on and off” or to
modulate the heating valve (hydronic heat only) as
required to maintain the zone temperature to within the
heating setpoint deadband.The supply fan will be
requested to operate any time there is a requested for heat.
On gas heat units, the fan will continue to run for 60
seconds after the furnace is turned off.
Supply Air Tempering
On CV ZoneTemperature Control units, if the supply air
temperature falls 10°F below the zone temperature
setpoint up to half of the available heat capacity will be
brought on until the supply air temperature reaches 10°F
above zone temperature setpoint.
Single Zone Variable Air Volume
(SZVAV) Only
The IntelliPak controls platform supports Single ZoneVAV
as an optional unit control type in order to meet ASHRAE
90.1.The basic control is a hybrid VAV/CV configured unit
that provides discharge temperature control to a varying
discharge air temperature target setpoint based on the
space temperature and/or humidity conditions.
Concurrently, the unit will control and optimize the supply
fan speed to maintain the zone temperature to a zone
temperature setpoint.
Supply Fan VFD Control
Single Zone VAV units are equipped with a VFD-controlled
supply fan which is controlled via a 0-10VDC signal from
the Rooftop Module (RTM). With the RTM supply fan
output energized and the RTMVFD output at 0VDC, the fan
speed output is 37% from the VFD by default; and at 10VDC
the fan speed output is 100%.The control scales the VDC
output from the RTM linearly to control fan speed output
between 37-100%.The VFD will modulate the supply fan
motor speed, accelerating or decelerating as required to
maintain the zone temperature to the zone temperature
setpoint. When subjected to high ambient return
conditions the VFD will reduce its output frequency to
maintain operation. Bypass control is offered to provide
full nominal airflow in the event of drive failure.
Ventilation Control
Units configured for Single Zone VAV control require
special handling of the OA Damper Minimum Position
control in order to compensate for the non-linearity of
airflow associated with the variable supply fan speed and
damper combinations. Units configured for TRAQ with or
without DCV use the same sequence of operation as VAV
or CV units.
Space Pressure Control
For SZVAV units configured with or without Space
Pressure Control (StatiTrac), the Exhaust Enable Setpoint
(based on the outside air damper position) is used when
the Supply Fan is at 100%. A Target setpoint is internally
calculated when the supply fan is at less than 100%. The
exhaust fan is allowed to start when theTarget setpoint is
reached. If the Exhaust Enable Setpoint is set to 0%, then
the exhaust fan will be allowed to start whenever the
Active Minimum position is reached regardless of supply
fan speed.
Occupied Cooling Operation
For normal cooling operation, cooling capacity will be
staged or modulated in order to meet the calculated
discharge air target setpoint. If the current active cooling
capacity is controlling the discharge air within the
deadband, no additional cooling capacity change will be
requested. As the Discharge Air Temperature rises above
the deadband, the algorithm will request additional
capacity as required (additional compressors or
economizer).As the Discharge AirTemperature falls below
the deadband, the algorithm will request a reduction in
active capacity.
Default Economizer Operation
By default, the unit will be setup to optimize the minimum
supply fan speed capability during Economizer Only
operation. If the economizer is able to meet the demand
alone, due to desirable ambient conditions, the supply fan
speed will be allowed to increase above the minimum
prior to utilizing mechanical cooling if discharge air
setpoint falls below the discharge air Lower Limit
(Cooling) setpoint.
General Information
Unoccupied Mode
In Unoccupied mode the unit will utilize setback setpoints,
0% Minimum OA Damper position, and Auto Fan Mode
operation as on normal CV units.The Supply Fan speed,
and cooling and modulating types of heat, will be
controlled to the discharge air target setpoint as is done
during occupied periods.The Supply fan speed during
staged heat control will be forced to 100% as on normal CV
Occupied Heating Operation
If the unit has 2 Stage Gas or Electric Heat, the unit will
drive the supply fan to maximum flow and stage heating
to control to the Zone Heating Setpoint. If the unit has
Modulating Gas or Hydronic heat, the supply fan VFD will
modulate as needed. On an initial call for heating, the
supply fan will drive to the minimum heating airflow. On
an additional call for heating, the heat will control in order
to meet the calculated discharge air target setpoint. As the
load in the zone continues to request heat operation, the
supply fan will ramp-up while the control maintains the
heating discharge air temperature. If the unit has
Modulating Gas or Hydronic heat, heating can be
configured for either the energy saving SZVAV Heating
solution as described above, or with the supply fan
required to ramp to 100% during heating.
Compressor (DX) Cooling
Compressor control and protection schemes will function
identical to that of a traditional unit. Normal compressor
proving and disable input monitoring will remain in effect
as well as normal 3-minute minimum on, off, and interstage timers. Also, all existing head pressure control
schemes will be in effect.
Cooling Sequence
If the control determines that there is a need for active
cooling capacity in order to meet the calculated discharge
air target setpoint, the unit will begin to stage or modulate
compressors accordingly. Once the discharge air target
setpoint calculation has reached the Minimum Setpoint
and compressors are being utilized to meet the demand,
the control will begin to ramp the supply fan speed up
toward 100% to meet any additional cooling demand.
As the cooling load in the zone decreases the zone cooling
algorithm will reduce the speed of the fan down to
minimum per compressor stage and control the
compressors accordingly. As the compressors begin to
stage or modulate back, the supply fan speed will fall back
to the Cooling Stage’s associated minimum fan speed, but
not below. As the load in the zone continues to drop,
cooling capacity will be reduced in order to maintain the
discharge air within the ± ½ dischargeair target deadband.
Variable Air Volume (VAV) Units
Occupied Heating - Supply Air Temperature
When a DischargeTemperature Control unit is equipped
with “Modulating Heat”, and the system is in an occupied
mode, and the field supplied changeover relay contacts
(5K87) have closed, the supply air temperature will be
controlled to the customer specified supply air heating
setpoint. It will remain in the heating status until the
changeover relay contacts are opened.
Occupied Cooling - Supply Air Temperature
When a DischargeTemperature Control unit is in the
occupied mode, the supply air temperature will be
controlled to the customers specified supply air cooling
setpoint by modulating the economizer and/or staging the
mechanical cooling “On and Off” as required.The
changeover relay contacts must be open on units with
“Modulating Heat” for the cooling to operate.
DaytimeWarm-up (VAV Only)
On DischargeTemperature Control units equipped with
heat, if the zone temperature falls below the daytime
warm-up initiate temperature during the occupied mode,
the system will switch to full airflow. During this mode, the
VAV box/unocc relay, RTM K3, will be energized (this is to
signal the VAV boxes to go to 100%). After the VAV box
max stroke time has elapsed (factory set at 6 minutes), the
VFD output will be set to 100%.The airflow will be at 100%
and the heat will be turned on to control to the occupied
heating setpoint. When the zone temperature reaches the
daytime warm-up termination setpoint, the heat will be
turned off, the K3 relay will be de-energized, releasing the
VAV boxes, the VFD output will go back to duct static
pressure control and the unit will return to discharge air
control. If the occ zone heating setpoint is less than the
DWU terminate setpoint, the heat will turn off when the
occ zone heat setpoint is reached, but it will stay in DWU
mode and cycle the heat to maintain setpoint.
Unoccupied Heating - Zone Temperature
When a DischargeTemperature Control unit is equipped
with gas, electric, or hydronic heat and is in the
unoccupied mode, the zone temperature will be controlled
to the default or customer provided setpoint. During an
unoccupied mode for a VAV unit, the VAV box/unocc relay
will be in the unoccupied position and the VFD output will
be at 100%.This means that if there is a call for heat (or
cool) and the supply fan comes on, it will be at full airflow
and the VAV boxes in the space will need to be 100% open
as signaled by the VAV box/unocc relay.
Unoccupied Cooling - Zone Temperature
When the unit is in the unoccupied mode, the zone
temperature will be controlled to the default or customer
provided unoccupied cooling setpoint. During an
unoccupied mode for a VAV unit, the VAV box/unocc relay
will be in the unoccupied position and the VFD will be at
General Information
100%. On units with a VSPD Compressor, during
Unoccupied Cooling operation the VSPD Compressor will
be controlled at its 100% capacity as applied to the unit.
TheVSPD Compressor will be staged On/Off as a standard
staged compressor.
Supply Air Tempering
On DischargeTemperature Control units equipped with
“Modulating Heat”, if the supply air temperature falls 10°F
below the supply air temperature setpoint, the hydronic or
modulating gas heat valve will modulate to maintain the
supply air temperature to within the low end of the
setpoint deadband.
Figure 6. Transducer voltage output vs. pressure input (supply, return, space pressure)
-0.75 to 9.0 Iwc Pressure Transducer Voltage Output vs. Pressure Input
Pressure (inches w.c.)
Supply Duct Static Pressure Control
The RTM relies on input from the duct pressure transducer
when a unit is equipped with a Variable Frequency Drive.
The unit controls will raise or lower the supply fan speed
to maintain the supply duct static pressure to within the
static pressure setpoint deadband. Figure 6 below shows
the pressure transducer output voltage relationship to
input pressure.The unit is comparing supply duct
pressure to ambient (outside) pressure.The pressure
transducer input is factory piped to measure the pressure
in the discharge section of the unit. Refer to Figure 29 to
see how the transducer tubing is connected.
Supply Duct Static Pressure Control
The RTM relies on input from the duct pressure transducer
when a VAV unit is equipped with a Variable Frequency
Drive.This input allows the unit to control the supply fan
speed in order to maintain the supply duct static pressure
to within the static pressure setpoint deadband.
dischargeopening. 20-55 ton sizes are single fan, 60-75 ton
sizes (shown) have two fan assemblies.
Figure 7.DDP supply fan
Direct Drive Plenum (DDP) Supply Fan Option
DDP supply fans are positioned down stream of the fan
board. DDP option includes a grate welded in the unit
General Information
Figure 8. Unit component layout and "ship with" locations
Optional Heat
or final filters
Space Temperature Averaging
Space temperature averaging for Constant Volume
applications is accomplished by wiring a number of
remote sensors in a series/parallel circuit.
The fewest number of sensors required to accomplish
space temperature averaging is four.The Space
Temperature Averaging with Multiple Sensors figure
illustrates a single sensor circuit (Single Zone), four
sensors wired in a series/parallel circuit (Four Zone), nine
sensors wired in a series/parallel circuit (Nine Zone). Any
number squared, is the number of remote sensors
Wiring termination will depend on the type of remote
panel or control configuration for the system. Refer to the
wiring diagrams that shipped with the unit.
General Information
Figure 9. Space temperature averaging
Space Temperature Averaging with Multiple
Sensors Unit Control Modules (UCM)
Unit control modules are microelectronic circuit boards
designed to perform specific unit functions.These
modules through Proportional/Integral control algorithms
provide the best possible comfort level for the customer.
They are mounted in the control panel and are factory
wired to their respective internal components.They
receive and interpret information from other unit
modules, sensors, remote panels, and customer binary
contacts to satisfy the applicable request for economizing,
mechanical cooling, heating, and ventilation. Figure 9
below illustrates the typical location of each “1U”
designated module.
Figure 10. Control module locations for 20-36 ton units
General Information
Figure 11. Control module locations for 40 - 89 ton units
eFlex Variable Speed Compressor Staging
Note: The eFlex variable speed compressor can be
manually controlled only in service test mode
through the Intellipak controller human interface.
TheTRV200 inverter keypad has been
programmed purposely to provide stop, reset, and
diagnostics functions only.This is to prevent
bypass of compressor protection functions
provided by the Intellipak control logic.
Figure 12 generally describes how the Intellipak controller
sequences the eFlex variable speed compressor as
building load increases. It is assumed that the unit is
equipped with an economizer.
At low building loads, the economizer will often meet the
building load and compressor cooling will not be required.
Then as the building load increases and the economizer no
longer can maintain setpoint, the Intellipak controller
sends a signal to the TRV200 inverter to start the variable
speed compressor (1A).TheTRV200 inverter ramps the
compressor up to 50Hz for 10 seconds to insure
compressor startup lubrication. Control is released back to
the Intellipak controller and the compressor runs at
minimum speed command (0 VDC from VSM board).
Until the building load exceeds the variable speed
compressor capacity at minimum speed, the Intellipak
compressor will cycle the variable speed compressor to
meet setpoint (4 minute minimum on/off time). However,
since variable speed unit minimum capacity is about 15%,
this transition cycling will be less than a typical fixed speed
compressor unit which may have 25% minimum capacity.
As the building load increases and eventually equals the
variable speed compressor capacity at minimum speed,
the compressor will run continuously and no longer cycle.
Then as the building load increases, the Intellipak
controller will increase compressor speed to meet the
setpoint.When the variable speed compressor eventually
reaches maximum speed and more capacity is required, a
fixed speed compressor is started while the variable speed
compressor speed is simultaneously ramped back down
to minimum. Note that capacity overlap is provided
between each stage of operation to provide continuous
capacity modulation and minimize compressor cycling
between stages.
[ ] Verify that the nameplate data matches the data on the
sales order and bill of lading (including electrical data).
[ ] Verify that the power supply complies with the unit
nameplate specifications.
[ ] Verify that the power supply complies with the electric
heater specifications on the unit nameplate.
[ ] Visually inspect the exterior of the unit, including the
roof, for signs of shipping damage.
[ ] Check for material shortages. Refer to the Component
Layout and Ship with location illustration.
If the job site inspection of the unit reveals damage or
material shortages, file a claim with the carrier
immediately.Specify the type and extent of the damage on
the “bill of lading” before signing.
[ ] Visually inspect the internal components for shipping
damage as soon as possible after delivery and before it is
stored. Do not walk on the sheet metal base pans.
No Step Surface!
Bridging between the unit's main supports may consist
of multiple 2 by 12 boards or sheet metal grating.
Failure to comply could result in death or severe
personal injury from falling.
[ ] If concealed damage is discovered, notify the carrier's
terminal of damage immediately by phone and by mail.
Concealed damage must be reported within 15 days.
Table 5.Unit Dimensions & Weight Information
Request an immediate joint inspection of the damage by
the carrier and the consignee. Do not remove damaged
material from the receiving location.Take photos of the
damage, if possible.The owner must provide reasonable
evidence that the damage did not occur after delivery.
Take precautions to prevent condensate from forming
inside the unit’s electrical compartments and motors if:
1. the unit is stored before it is installed; or,
2. the unit is set on the roof curb, and temporary heat is
provided in the building. Isolate all side panel service
entrances and base pan openings (e.g., conduit holes,
S/A and R/A openings, and flue openings) from the
ambient air until the unit is ready for startup.
Note: Do not use the unit's heater for temporary heat
without first completing the startup procedure
detailed under “Starting the Unit”.
Trane will not assume any responsibility for equipment
damage resulting from condensate accumulation on the
unit's electrical and/or mechanical components.
Unit Clearances
Figure 13 illustrates the minimum operating and service
clearances for either a single or multiple unit installation.
These clearances are the minimum distances necessary to
assure adequate serviceability, cataloged unit capacity,
and peak operating efficiency.
Providing less than the recommended clearances may
result in condenser coil starvation, “short-circuiting” of
exhaust and economizer airflows, or recirculation of hot
condenser air.
Unit dimensions, 20-75 Ton (SAHL)
Unit dimensions, 90-130 TonFigure 17, p. 33
Typical unit and operation weightsTable 13, p. 35
Center-of-Gravity illustration and related dimensional dataFigure 18, p. 34
Unit dimensions, 20-89 Ton
(SEH_, SFH_, SLH_, SSH_, and SXH_)
Typical unit and operation weights
Center-of-Gravity illustration and related dimensional dataFigure 18, p. 34
(a)Weights shown represent approximate operating weights. Actual weights are stamped on the unit nameplate.
Air-Cooled Condenser
Evaporative Condenser
Figure 14, p. 28, Table 6, p. 28, Table 7,
and Table 8, p. 29,
Figure 15, p. 29, Table 9, p. 30,
Table 10, p. 30, and Table 11, p. 30
Table 14, p. 36
Figure 13. Minimum operation and service clearances for single and multiple unit installation
Single Unit Installation
Return Air Opening
Outside Air Intake
Supply Air Opening
Condenser Section
Optional 2’10-3/4” Exhaust/Return Access Door (180° swing)
Hinged 2’10-3/4” Filter Access Door (180° swing)
Hinged 2’10-3/4” optional Heater or Final Filter Access Door (180° swing)
Hinged 2’10-3/4” Supply Fan Access Door (180° swing) (90-130 ton)
Hinged 2’4-1/2” Control Panel Door (180° swing) (90-130 ton)
Hinged 2’10-3/4” VFD Access Door (180° swing)
Hinged 2’10-3/4” Evap Condenser Access Door (180° swing)
Hinged 2’8” Control Panel Door (180° swing) (20-36 ton)
Hinged 3’6” Control Panel Door (180° swing) (40-89 ton)
Figure 14. SAHL cooling-only units (20 - 75) Use Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8