Applications Guide, Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit
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Smoke is one of the major problems created by a fire. Smoke threatens
life and property, both in the immediate location of the fire and in
locations remote from the fire. The objectives of smoke control include:
•Maintain reduced-risk escape route environments
•Diminish smoke migration to other building spaces
•Reduce property loss
•Provide conditions that assist the fire service
•Aid in post-fire smoke removal
Smoke consists of airborne solid and liquid particulates, gases formed
during combustion, and the air supporting the particulates and gases.
Smoke control manages smoke movement to reduce the threat to life and
property. This chapter describes:
•Methods of smoke control
•Applications of smoke control methods
•Smoke detection and system activation
•Design approaches to smoke control
•Design considerations for smoke control
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
Methods of smoke control
Smoke control system designers use five methods to manage smoke. They
use the methods individually or in combination. The specific methods
used determine the standards of design analysis, performance criteria,
acceptance tests, and routine tests. The methods of smoke control consist
of: compartmentation, dilution, pressurization, air flow, and buoyancy.
Compartmentation method
The compartmentation method provides passive smoke protection to
spaces remote from a fire. The method employs walls, partitions, floors,
doors, smoke barriers, smoke dampers, and other fixed and mechanical
barriers. Smoke control system designers often use the compartmentation
method in combination with the pressurization method.
Dilution method
The dilution method clears smoke from spaces remote from a fire. The
method supplies outside air through the HVAC system to dilute smoke.
Using this method helps to maintain acceptable gas and particulate
concentrations in compartments subject to smoke infiltration from
adjacent compartments. In addition, the fire service can employ the
dilution method to remove smoke after extinguishing a fire. Smoke
dilution is also called smoke purging, smoke removal, or smoke
Within a fire compartment, however, dilution may not result in any
significant improvement in air quality. HVAC systems promote a
considerable degree of air mixing within the spaces they serve and
building fires can produce very large quantities of smoke. Also, dilution
within a fire compartment supplies increased oxygen to a fire.
Pressurization method
The pressurization method protects refuge spaces and exit routes. The
method employs a pressure difference across a barrier to control smoke
movement (
either the refuge area or an exit route. The low-pressure side is exposed to
smoke. Airflow from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure side
(through construction cracks and gaps around doors) prevents smoke
infiltration. A path that channels smoke from the low-pressure side to the
outside ensures that gas expansion pressures do not become a problem. A
top-vented elevator shaft or a fan-powered exhaust can provide the path.
Figure 1 on page 3). The high-pressure side of the barrier is
Methods of smoke control
Figure 1: Sample pressure difference across a barrier
Table 1 provides the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
recommended minimum pressure difference between the high-pressure
side and the low-pressure side.
Table 1: Recommended minimum pressure difference
Building type
SprinkleredAny0.05 (12.4)
Non-sprinklered9 (2.7)0.10 (24.9)
Non-sprinklered15 (4.6)0.14 (34.8)
Non-sprinklered21 (6.4)0.18 (44.8)
Ceiling height
(ft [m])
Minimum pressure
(In.w.c. [Pa])
• The minimum pressure difference column provides the pressure
difference between the high pressure side and the low-pressure side.
• The minimum pressure difference values incorporate the pressure
induced by the buoyancy of hot smoke.
• A smoke control system should maintain the minimum pressure
differences regardless of stack effect and wind.
• The minimum pressure difference values are based on
recommendations in NFPA 92A (NFPA 2000, Recommended Practice
for Smoke Control Systems).
• In.w.c. is inches of water column.
• Pa is Pascals.
Table 2 on page 4 provides the NFPA recommended maximum allowable
pressure difference across doors. The listed pressure differences take into
account the door closer force and door width.
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
Table 2: Maximum allowable pressure differences across doors
• Total door opening force is 30 lb. (133 N); door height is 80 in. (2.03 m). NFPA 101 (NFPA 2003, Life
Safety Code) recommends the door opening force.
• N is Newton.
• m is meter.
• In.w.c. is inches of water column.
• Pa is Pascal.
• The pressure difference values are based on recommendations in NFPA 92A (NFPA 2000,
Recommended Practice for Smoke Control Systems).
Airflow method
The airflow method controls smoke in spaces that have barriers with one
or more large openings. It is used to manage smoke in subway, railroad,
and highway tunnels. The method employs air velocity across or between
barriers to control smoke movement (
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Sample airflow method
Applications of smoke control methods
A disadvantage of the airflow method is that it supplies increased oxygen
to a fire. Within buildings, the airflow method must be used with great
caution. The airflow required to control a wastebasket fire has sufficient
oxygen to support a fire 70 times larger than the wastebasket fire. The
airflow method is best applied after fire suppression or in buildings with
restricted fuel. For more information on airflow, oxygen, and combustion,
refer to Huggett, C. 1980, Estimation of Rate of Heat Release by Means of Oxygen Consumption Measurements, Fire and Materials.
Buoyancy method
The buoyancy method clears smoke from large volume spaces with high
ceilings. The method employs paths to the outside and relies on hot
combustion gases rising to the highest level in a space. At the high point,
either a powered smoke exhausting system or a non-powered smoke
venting system clears the smoke.
Applications of smoke control methods
Applying the methods of smoke control to spaces within a building
provides a building smoke control system. Smoke control methods are
most commonly applied to building spaces to provide zoned, stairwell,
elevator shaft, and atrium smoke control.
It is beyond the scope of this user guide to provide
mathematical design analysis information for smoke control.
For references to design analysis information, see
Appendix A,
Zoned smoke control
Zoned smoke control uses compartmentation and pressurization to limit
smoke movement within a building. Typically, a building consists of a
number of smoke control zones. Barriers (partitions, doors, ceilings, and
floors) separate the zones. Each floor of a building is usually a separate
zone (
Figure 3 on page 6). However, a zone can consist of more than one
floor, or a floor can consist of more than one zone.
The zone in which the smoke is detected is the smoke control zone. Zones
next to the smoke control zone are adjacent zones. Zones not next to the
smoke control zone are unaffected zones.
Pressure differences produced by fans limit smoke movement to adjacent
and unaffected zones. The system may pressurize adjacent zones and
leave all unaffected zones in normal operation (Figure 3(a) and Figure
page 6). Pressurizing adjacent zones creates a pressure sandwich.
Or, the system may pressurize adjacent zones and some unaffected zones
(Figure 3(b),
control zone, putting it at a negative pressure, relative to adjacent zones.
page 6). In either case, the system exhausts the smoke
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
Zoned smoke control cannot limit the spread of smoke within the smoke
control zone. Consequently, occupants of the smoke control zone must
evacuate as soon as possible after fire detection.
Figure 3: Sample arrangements of smoke control zones
+ : Represents high-pressure zone
– : Represents low-pressure zone
When an HVAC system serves multiple floors (Figure 4 on page 7) and
each floor is a separate zone, the following sequence provides smoke
1. In the smoke control zone, the smoke damper in the supply duct
closes and the smoke damper in the return duct opens.
2. In adjacent and/or unaffected zones, the smoke dampers in the return
ducts close and smoke dampers in the supply ducts open.
3. If the system has a return air damper, it closes.
4. Supply and return fans activate.
Applications of smoke control methods
Figure 4: Sample HVAC operation during smoke control
For simplicity, Figure 4 does not show the ducts on each floor or
the penthouse equipment.
When an HVAC system serves only one smoke control zone, the following
sequence provides smoke control:
1. In the smoke control zone, the return/exhaust fan activates, the
supply fan deactivates.
2. The return air damper closes, and the exhaust damper opens
(optionally, the outside air damper closes).
3. In the no-smoke zone, the return/exhaust fan deactivates, the supply
fan activates.
4. The return air damper closes, and the outside air damper opens
(optionally, the exhaust air damper closes).
Stairwell smoke control
Stairwell smoke control uses pressurization to prevent smoke migration
through stairwells to floors remote from the source of the smoke.
Secondarily, it provides a staging area for fire fighters.
In the smoke control zone, a pressurized stairwell maintains a positive
pressure difference across closed stairwell doors to limit smoke
infiltration to the stairwell. Stairwell smoke control employs one or more
of these design techniques: compensated pressurization, noncompensated pressurization, single injection pressurization, and multiple
injection pressurization.
Compensated pressurization technique
The compensated stairwell pressurization technique adjusts air pressure
to compensate for various combinations of open and closed stairwell
access doors. The technique maintains constant positive pressure
differences across openings. To compensate for pressure changes, it either
employs modulated supply airflow or over-pressure relief.
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
If the technique employs modulated supply airflow, a fan provides at least
minimum pressure when all stairwell access doors are open. Either a
single-speed fan with modulating bypass dampers or a variable frequency
drive varies the flow of air into the stairwell to compensate for pressure
If the technique employs over-pressure relief, a damper or fan relieves air
to the outside to maintain constant pressure in the stairwell. The amount
of air relieved depends on the air pressure in the stairwell. A barometric
damper, a motor-operated damper, or an exhaust fan can be used to
maintain the air pressure.
Non-compensated pressurization technique
The non-compensated pressurization technique provides a constant
volume of pressurization air. The level of pressurization depends on the
state of the stairwell access doors. When access doors open, the pressure
in the stairwell lowers. When access doors close, the pressure raises. One
or more single-speed fans provide pressurization air (
Non-compensated stairwell pressurization works best when:
Figure 5).
•Stairwells are in a lightly populated building (for example: telephone
exchanges and luxury apartments).
•Stairwell access doors are usually closed, but when used, remain open
only a few seconds.
Figure 5: Sample non-compensated system
Applications of smoke control methods
Single and multiple injection pressurization techniques
The single injection and multiple injection techniques provide
pressurization air to a stairwell (
more pressurization fans located at ground level, roof level, or any
location in between.
The single injection technique supplies pressurization air to the stairwell
from one location.
Figure 6). Both techniques use one or
The single injection technique can fail when stairwell access doors are
open near the air supply injection point. Pressurization air will escape
and the fan will fail to maintain a positive pressure difference across
access doors farther from the injection point.
The multiple injection technique supplies pressurization air to the
stairwell from more than one location. When access doors are open near
one injection point, pressurization air escapes. However, other injection
points maintain positive pressure differences across the remaining access
Figure 6: Sample single and multiple injection methods
Elevator shaft smoke control
Elevator shaft smoke control uses pressurization to prevent smoke
migration through elevator shafts to floors remote from the source of the
smoke. Elevator shaft smoke control is similar to stairwell smoke control.
The stairwell pressurization techniques described previously are
applicable to elevator shaft pressurization.
Designating an elevator as a fire exit route is an acceptable, though not
typical, practice. NFPA 101 (NFPA 2003, Life Safety Code) allows
elevators to be second fire exit routes from air traffic control towers. For
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
more information about elevator shaft smoke control, refer to Klote, J.K.,
and Milke, J.A. (Design of Smoke Management Systems, 1992).
Atrium smoke control
Atrium smoke control uses buoyancy to manage smoke in large-volume
spaces with high ceilings. The buoyancy of hot smoke causes a plume of
smoke to rise and form a smoke layer under the atrium ceiling. NFPA
92B (NFPA 2000, Guide for Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria, and Large Areas) addresses smoke control for atria, malls, and large
areas. Atrium smoke control techniques consist of smoke exhausting,
natural smoke venting, and smoke filling.
Smoke exhausting technique
The smoke exhausting technique employs fans to exhaust smoke from the
smoke layer under the ceiling. Exhausting prevents the smoke layer from
descending and coming into contact with the occupants of the atrium
Figure 7). Effective smoke removal requires providing makeup air to the
space. Makeup air replaces the air that is exhausted by the fans. If
makeup air is not introduced, the space will develop a negative pressure,
which will restrict smoke movement.
The natural smoke venting technique employs vents in the atrium ceiling
or high on the atrium walls to let smoke flow out without the aid of fans
Figure 8). The applicability of natural venting depends primarily on the
size of the atrium, the outside temperature, and the wind conditions.
When smoke is detected, all vents open simultaneously. The flow rate
through a natural vent depends on the size of the vent, the depth of the
smoke layer, and the temperature of the smoke.
Thermally activated vents are not appropriate for natural
venting because of the time delay for opening.
Figure 8: Sample natural smoke venting technique
Smoke filling technique
The smoke filling technique allows smoke to collect at the ceiling. Without
fans to exhaust the smoke, the smoke layer grows thicker and descends.
Atrium smoke filling is viable when an atrium is of such size that the
time needed for the descending smoke to reach the occupants is greater
than the time needed for evacuation.
People movement calculations determine evacuation time. For
information on people-movement calculations, refer to SFPE 1995, Fire Protection Engineering Handbook.
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
Underground building smoke control
The smoke control objective for underground buildings is to contain and
remove smoke from the alarm zone. The smoke control system fully
exhausts the alarm zone and provides makeup air to replace the
exhausted air.
Setup and zoning of the smoke detectors is part of the fire alarm system
engineering effort. The fire alarm system signals the smoke control
system to start automatic smoke control operations.
In NFPA 101 (NFPA 2003, Life Safety Code), chapter 11.7 states that an
underground building with over 100 occupants must have an automatic
smoke venting system. Chapter 14.3, for new educational occupancies,
provides smoke zoning requirements. Chapter states that
automatic smoke control must be initiated when two smoke detectors in a
smoke zone activate. Chapter states that the system must be
capable of at least 6 air changes per hour.
Smoke detection and system activation
The appropriate smoke detection and system activation approach
depends on the specifics of the smoke control system and on the code
requirements. Automatic activation has the advantage over manual
activation. Automatic activation provides fast and accurate response.
Each smoke control application has detection and activation
•Zoned smoke control
•Stairwell smoke control
•Elevator smoke control
•Atrium smoke exhaust
Smoke detectors located in HVAC ducts should not be the
primary means of smoke control activation. Duct detectors have
long response times and exhibit degraded reliability when
clogged by airborne particles. However, a duct detector signal
may be used in addition to a primary means of activation. For
more information, refer to Tamura, G.T., Smoke Movement & Control in High-Rise Buildings.
Smoke detection and system activation
Zoned smoke control detection and activation
Zoned smoke control activation occurs on a signal from either a sprinkler
water flow switch or a heat detector. For maximum benefit, the zoned
smoke control system should only respond to the first alarm. Two design
techniques that prevent detection of smoke in zones other than the first
zone reporting are:
•Not activating smoke control on smoke detector signals
•Activating smoke control on signals from two separate smoke
detectors located in the same zone
Zoned smoke control should not activate on a signal from a
manual pull station (pull box). If pull box activation does not
occur in the zone that contains the fire, activation incorrectly
identifies the smoke zone.
Stairwell smoke control detection and activation
Stairwell smoke control activation occurs on an alarm signal from any
device, including sprinkler water flow switches, heat detectors, smoke
detectors, and manual pull stations (pull boxes). Most stairwell smoke
control systems operate in the same manner regardless of the source of
the alarm signal.
Elevator smoke control detection and activation
Elevator smoke control activation occurs on an alarm signal from any
device, including sprinkler water flow switches, heat detectors, smoke
detectors, and manual pull stations (pull boxes). Most elevator smoke
control systems operate in the same manner regardless of the source of
the alarm signal.
The description of elevator smoke control detection and
activation does not apply to pressurization systems for
elevators intended for occupant evacuation.
Atrium smoke exhausting detection and activation
Atrium smoke exhausting activation occurs on a signal from a beam
smoke detector. A beam smoke detector consists of a light beam
transmitter and a light beam sensor. Typically, the transmitter and the
sensor are located apart from each other. However, when located together,
the transmitter sends its beam to the opposite side of the atrium. At the
opposite side, the beam reflects back to the sensor.
Atrium smoke control should not activate on a signal from a
manual pull station (pull box). Atrium smoke exhaust systems
have different operating modes depending on fire location.
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
Atrium smoke control should not activate on signals from
sprinkler water flow switches or heat detectors. Since the
temperature of a smoke plume decreases with height,
activation by these devices may not provide reliable results.
Beam smoke detectors minimize interference problems created by
stratified hot air under atrium ceilings. On hot days or days with a high
solar load on the atrium roof, a hot layer of air may form under the
ceiling. The layer can exceed 120
fire may not be hot enough to penetrate the layer and reach ceilingmounted smoke detectors (
Beam-detector installation typically conforms to one of two
configurations: vertical grid or horizontal grid.
Figure 9: Sample stratification
° F (50° C). The smoke from an atrium
Figure 9).
Vertical grid
The vertical grid is the most common beam detector configuration. A
number of beam detectors, located at different levels under the ceiling,
detect the formation and thickening of a smoke layer. The bottom of the
grid is at the lowest expected smoke stratification level.
Horizontal grid
The horizontal grid is an alternate beam detector configuration A number
of beam detectors, located at different levels under the ceiling, detect the
rising smoke plume. Beam detectors are located:
•Below the lowest expected smoke stratification level
•Close enough to each other to ensure intersection with the plume
Design approaches to smoke control
Design approaches to smoke control
Smoke control methods provide a mechanical means of directing smoke
movement in an enclosed space. The application of one or more methods
to a building provides a building smoke control system. Design
approaches to smoke control include the no smoke, tenability, and
dedicated system approaches.
No-smoke approach
The no-smoke approach provides a smoke control system that prevents
smoke from coming into contact with people or property. Almost all smoke
control systems are based on the no-smoke approach.
While the objective is to eliminate all smoke, some smoke occurs in
protected spaces. By molecular diffusion, minute quantities of smoke
travel against pressurization and airflow. These very low concentrations
of airborne combustion products are detected by their odor. These and
higher levels of diffused contaminants may not result in high-risk
Tenability approach
The tenability approach provides a smoke control system that allows
smoke to come into contact with occupants. However, in this approach,
the smoke control system dilutes the by-products of combustion before
they come into contact with people. In atria applications, the natural
mixing of air into a smoke plume can result in significant dilution.
Tenability criteria vary with the application but may include:
•Exposure to toxic gases
•Exposure to heat
Dedicated system approach
The dedicated system approach, such as stairwell and elevator smoke
control, provides a system that has the sole purpose of managing smoke.
It does not function during normal building comfort control.
The advantages of the dedicated system approach include:
•The interface is simple, since there are few components to bypass.
•Modification of controls after installation is unlikely.
•Easy operation and control.
•Limited reliance on other building systems.
The disadvantages of the dedicated system approach include:
•Component failures may go undiscovered since they do not affect
normal building comfort control.
•Building systems may require more physical space.
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
Design considerations for smoke
Two occurrences will hinder smoke control:
•Smoke feedback
Smoke control systems should be designed to address the problems that
are caused by plugholing and smoke feedback.
Plugholing occurs when an exhaust fan pulls fresh air into the smoke
exhaust (
increases the smoke layer depth. It has the potential of exposing
occupants to smoke.
The maximum flow of smoke (Q
depends on the depth of the smoke layer and the temperature of the
smoke. If the required total smoke exhaust is greater than Q
additional exhaust vents will eliminate plugholing. The distance between
vents must be great enough that the air and smoke flow near one vent
does not affect the air and smoke flow near another vent.
Figure 10). Plugholing decreases the smoke exhaust and
) exhausted without plugholing
Figure 10: Sample plugholing
Design considerations for smoke control
Smoke feedback
Smoke feedback occurs when smoke enters a pressurization fan intake
and flows into protected spaces. Design techniques reduce the probability
of smoke feedback:
•Supply air intakes located below openings from which smoke might
flow, such as building exhausts, smoke shaft outlets and elevator
•Automatic shutdown capability to stop the system in the event of
smoke feedback.
For more information on smoke feedback, refer to SFPE 1995, Fire Protection Engineering Handbook.
Chapter 1 Smoke control overview
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