Trane CGAD020C, CGAD040C, CGAD070C, CGAD100C, CGAD025C User Manual

CGAD Liquid Chillers
Air-Cooled Scroll Compressor 20 to 150 Tons
Models: 50 or 60 Hz CGAD020C CGAD040C CGAD070C CGAD100C
Junho 2006
CGAD Air-Cooled Liquid Chillers Designed for great performance. Built to last.
For more than 40 years Trane has been using the best resources available on development engineering, production and marketing to produce quality equip­ments.
All this tradition and know-how were gathered to develop the new generation of CGAD liquid chillers 20 to 150 Tons, equipped with scroll compressors.
© 2004. American Standard Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction Model Description General Data CGAD 20-150TR
Selection Procedures Application Considerations Performance Adjustment Factors Performance Data
Performance Data R-22 Performance Data R-407C
Electrical Data Controls Dimensional Data
CGAD 020C CGAD 025C / 030C CGAD 040C CGAD 050C / 060C
02 04 05
06 07 09 11
11 12
13 16 20
20 21 22
23 CGAD 070C 24 CGAD 080 / 090C 25 CGAD 100C 26 CGAD 120C 27 CGAD 150C 28 CGAD 150C Maintenance and Air Circulation Clearances
Mechanical Specifications General Dimensions
Model Description
1, 2, 3 4 5, 6, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16
0 7 0
C 3 2 0 0 A T
0 0
Dígits 1,2,3 - Model
CGA - Cold Generation Air
Dígit 4 - Model Series
D = Série D
Dígits 5,6,7 - Nominal Capacity (Tons)
= 20 Tons
= 25 Tons
= 30 Tons
= 40 Tons
= 50 Tons
= 60 Tons 070 = 70 Tons 080 = 80 Tons 090 = 90 Tons 100 = 100 Tons 120 = 120 Tons 150 = 150 Tons
Dígit 8 - Service Digit
C = Versão “C”
Dígito 9 - Power Suply and Comand Voltage
3 = 220V/60Hz/3ph - no accessories K = 380V/60Hz/3ph - no accessories 4 = 440V/60Hz/3ph - no accessories H = 380V/50Hz/3ph - no accessories R = 220V/60Hz/3ph - with circuit breaker S = 380V/60Hz/3ph - with circuit breaker T = 440V/60Hz/3ph - with circuit breaker U = 380V/50Hz/3ph - with circuit breaker V = 220V/60Hz/3ph - with disconnect switch X = 380V/60Hz/3ph - with disconnect switch Y = 440V/60Hz/3ph - with disconnect switch Z = 380V/50Hz/3ph - with disconnect switch
Digit 10 - Refrigerant Type
2 = Refrigerant R-22 4 = Refrigerant R-407C
Digit 11 - Piping Configuration
= Standard Piping A = Piping with Service Valves in Suction and Discharge Lines. B
= Piping with Solenoid Valve C = Piping with Solenoid Valve and Service Valves in Suction and
Discharge Lines.
Digit 12 - CH-530 Control Modules
0=Standard Control Module 1 = With Alarm Relay 2 = With Remoto Setpoint Adjustment 3 = With Ice Making / Demand Limit 4 = With Communication COMM3 5 = With Alarm + External Setp. 6 = With Alarm + Ice Making / Demand Limit 7 = With Alarm + Communication COMM3 8 = External Setp. + Ice Making / Demand Limit 9 = External Setp. + Communication COMM3 A = Ice Making / Demand Limit + COMM3 B = Alarm + Ext. Setp. + Ice Making /Dem. Lim. C = Alarm + Ext. Setp. + COMM3 D = Alarm + Ice Making/Dem. Lim + COMM3 E = Ext. Setp. + Ice Making/Dem. Lim. + COMM3 F = All modules
Digit 13 - Coil Type
A = Coil with Aluminum Fins S = Coil with Special protection
(Yellow Fin)
Digit 14 - Expansion Valve
T = Thermostatic Expansion Valve E = Electronic Expansion Valve (only R-22)
Digits 15 and 16 - Accessories
Contact the Marketing Department.
The product code describes optional configuration, capacity and features. It is very important to indicate the correct order of the equipment code in order to avoid future problems in the shipment. Each digit of the product code is described above.
Nominal Capacity
Nominal System
Nominal Current
Nominal Capacity
Nominal System
Nominal Current
Nominal Capacity
Storage Volume
Min. water flow
Max. water flow
Total face area
Operating weight
Shipping weight
Refrigerant type
Capacity stages
Tab. 01 - General Data - CGAD 20-90 TR - 50 or 60 Hz
Model 60 Hz
50 Hz
Model Type
Quantity 2
Inlet connection Outlet connection
Type No. of coils 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Fins per inches No. of rows
Quantity 2 3 3 4 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 Diameter Air flow RPM RPM Motor power Transmission type Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct
General Data
No. of circuits 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
A 72,6 89,3 105,7 148,8 177,0 211,8 251,2 286,4 319,2 277,1 377,4 422,1
A 42,7 52,4 62,1 87,3 103,9 124,3 147,5 168,1 187,3 131,2 160,8 192,6
m3/h m3/h
kg kg
18,5 23,5 27,1 37,3 46,9 53,8 67,3 77,0 84,1 95,9 117,7 145,2 20,4 26,7 31,0 42,3 52,6 62,2 75,8 86,3 94,8 109,4 139,0 165,2
1,103 1,136 1,144 1,134 1,122 1,156 1,126 1,121 1,127 1,141 1,181 1,138
15,2 19,3 22,7 30,6 38,5 45,1 55,2 64,5 70,5 86,1 105,8 129,8 16,9 22,1 25,7 35,1 43,6 51,6 62,9 71,6 78,7 95,7 121,4 141,0
1,114 1,147 1,132 1,148 1,134 1,145 1,140 1,110 1,117 1,112 1,148 1,086
Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
32.620 45.870 44.170 64.560 95.140 95.140 97.690 122.330 122.330 98.118 130.824 163.530
R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C R-407C
50/100 50/100 50/100 25 / 50 20/50 25 / 50 31/50 31/50 33/50 25/50 17/50 17/50
10 15/10 15 10 15/10 15 14 / 10 15 / 10 15 25 20 25
44 41 62 52 79 143 151 143 122 122 173 277
5,5 6,8 8,2 10,9 13,6 16,3 19,0 21.8 24.5 27,3 34,1 42,2
16,4 20,5 24,5 32,7 40,9 49,0 57.2 65.5 73.4 81,8 102,2 139,0
2" 2" 2" 2"
4,7 4,7 4,7 8,5 11,0 11,0 14,0 14,7 14,7 13,1 16,9 19,5
16 16 14 16 16 16 14 14 14 16 16 16
2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 1140 1140 1140
0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 1,12 1,12 1,12
R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22 R-22
1340 1420 1480 1910 2210 2500 3000 3240 3220 3775 4135 4653 1300 1380 1420 1860 2130 2360 2850 3100 3100 3653 3962 4376
1 / 1
2 4
2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 2 1/2"
Aluminum fins, 3/8"- OD copper tubes
75 / 100 70/100 75 / 100 63/100 63/100 83/100 75/100 67/100 67/100
2 / 2
3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6"
4 / 2 4 / 2
ZR300 ZR250 ZR300
6 4 6 6
Note s :
(1 ) D a t a b as e d o n o p er a tio n co nd itio n s a c o rd ing to s t a n d a rt ARI 59 0 - 9 2
(2 ) T h e s e cu r re n t v a lues ref e r to (3 ) T h e s e va lues to th e glo b a l e q u ip m en t c o n s u m p ti o n ( c o m p ress o r s a n d fa n s) (4 ) T h e s e cu r re n t v a lues ref e r to 3 8 0 V / 50 H z power su p p l y (5 ) T h e measu r e m e n ts shown take in t o a c c o u n t th e depth of t he e letric a l fra m e coup l e d to the e q u ipment (s e e p a g e 27 o f thi s m an u a l) (6 ) T h e floor are a measu r e m e n ts d o n o t take in to a c c o nt the b a s e o f the e lectric a l fr a m e co u p led to the e q u ip m en t .
220 V / 6 0 H z
pow e r su p p ly
Selection Procedures
Liquid chiller capacity tables 03 and 04, on pages 11 and 12 show the most frequent leaving water temperatures. The table reflects a temperature drop of 5,5 ºC (10ºF) through the evaporator. For low tempera­ture selections, refer to figures 04 and 05 for Adjustment Factors of Ethylene and Propylene Glycol. To select a CGAD Air-Cooled Liquid Chiller Trane, the following information is required: 1 Thermal project load of project in tons of cooling. 2 Chilled water temperature project drop. 3 Leaving chilled water project temperature. 4 Project ambient temperature and refriger­ant type.
The evaporator flow is determined through the following formulas:
L/s =
The flow should be within the limits specified in table 01, General Data (page 05).
Tons X 24
Temperature drop (°F)
kW (Capacity) X 0,239
Temperature drop (°C)
Selection example: Data:
System load required= 70 Tons. Leaving chilled water temp. = 7ºC Chilled water temperature drop = 5,5ºC (10°F) Project ambient temperature = 35ºC
1 Calculate the required chilled water flow using the formula below: GPM =
70 Tons x 24 10ºF 2 Using table 03 (Performance Data - R-22), a CGAD 080 unit at these conditions will output 76,2 Tons with a compressor consumption of 81,1 kW.
3 Determine the evaporator pressure drop using the flow and the evaporator water pressure drop curves, figure 05. Introducing the curve at 168 GPM, the pressure drop for an evaporator with the nominal value of 80 Tons is 9 ft, or 2,74 m.
4 For selection of low temperature units, or applications in which the altitude is significantly above sea level, or the temperature drop is different from 5,5 ºC, contact a local Trane engineer for further information.
= 168 GPM
For example: Corrected capacity = Capacity (not adjusted) x Glycol Capacity Adjustment Factor Corrected Flow = Flow (not adjusted) x Glycol Flow Rate Adjustment Factor
5 The final unit selection is: CGAD 080B Refrigerant Type: R-22 Cooling capacity =76,2 Tons. Entering temperatures = 12,5 °C Leaving chilled water temperature = 7ºC Chilled water flow =168 GPM Evaporator pressure drop =2,74 m Compressor consumption = 81,1 kW
Minimum leaving chilled water tempera­ture setpoint
The minimum leaving chilled water temperature setpoint is 4ºC. For applica­tions where a lower setpoint is required, a glycol solution must be used. Contact the local Trane engineer for further information.
Note: The selection above is an example for manual equipment selection. Please note that a more accurate data check is required for a correct selection.
Application Considerations
Unit Sizing
Unit capacities are listed in the Perfor­mance Data section. Intentionally over­sizing a unit to assure adequate capacity is not recommended. The excess in the system and compressor capacity calcula­tion results in an over-sized liquid chiller. In addition, an oversized unit is usually more expensive to purchase, install and operate. If over-sizing is desired, consider using two units.
Unit Placement
1 Setting the Unit
2 Isolation and Sound Transmissions
The most effective isolation solution is to locate the unit away from any sound sensitive area. Structurally transmitted sound can be reduced by vibration eliminators. Spring isolators have proved to be of little efficiency in CGAD Air-Cooled Liquid Chiller installations and thus are not recommended. An acoustical engineer should always be consulted on applica­tions with critical acoustic reduction levels. For maximum isolation, water lines and electrical conduits should also be isolated. Wall sleeves and rubber-isolated piping hangers can be used to reduce the sound transmitted through water piping. To reduce the sound transmitted through electrical conduits, use flexible electrical conduits. State and local codes on sound emissions should always be considered. As the environment in which a sound source is located affects the sound pressure, unit placement must be carefully evaluated.
Two conditions should be avoided in order to achieve optimum performance: warm air recirculation and coil starvation. Warm air recirculation occurs when the airflow from the condenser fans discharged back at the condenser coil inlet, due to installation site restrictions.
B - Provide Vertical Clearance
C - Provide Side Clearance
D - Provide enough clearance between devices
Coil starvation occurs when the free airflow to the condenser coil is restricted. Both warm air recirculation and coil starvation cause reductions in unit efficiency and capacity, due to the associated high discharge pressures. See page 24 (Mainte­nance and air circulation clearances).
4 Unit Location
A General
Unobstructed airflow for the condenser is essential to assure efficient operation and the liquid chiller capacity. When determin­ing unit placement, careful considerations must be given to assure enough air flow across the condenser heat-transfer surface.
E - Installations in locations surrounded by walls
Application Considerations
Evaporator hydraulic piping components
The figure below shows how to proceed with the installation of the water piping. An air purge is placed on the evaporator and at the water outlet. Provide additional air purges at high piping points to release it from the chilled water system.
Evaporator Drain
The evaporator drain connection must be piped to an available strainer in order to drain the evaporator even during operati­on. Install a gate valve in the drain line.
Thermometers and Manometers
It is essential to install thermometers (ite­ms 5 and 12 in the figure) and manometers (item 9) at the chilled water inlet and outlet. These instruments must be installed close to the unit, with a maxi­mum scale of 1°C for thermometers and 0,1 kgf/cm2 for manometers.
Important: In order to avoid evaporator damages, do not exceed a 150-psig wa­ter pressure.
The manometer with connection should be installed at water inlet and outlet accor­ding to item 9 in the figure below in order to avoid reading mistakes. Manometers and thermometers must be installed at the appropriate height to avoid parallax errors*. Thermometers must be of glass or mer­cury-scale type, with colored contrasting fluid, and provide easy reading.
- Manometers must be equipped with
- Install gate valves to isolate the manome-
ters when they are not being used.
Use piping joints to facilitate assembly and disassembly services.
Inlet and outlet must be equipped with gate valves to isolate the evaporator during service, and a globe valve must be instal­led at the outlet to adjust the water flow.
Verify that safety interlockings, particularly the flow-switch, are installed in straight and horizontal runs, with vanes adequate to the pipe diameter, and the distance from cur­ves and valves must be at least 5 times its diameter, on each side.
Water treatment
The use of untreated or improperly treated water may result in scaling, erosion, corro­sion, algae and slime. The services of a qualified water treatment specialist should be engaged to determine what treatment, if any, is advisable. Trane do Brasil assumes no responsibility for equipment failures resulting from the use of untreated or improperly treated water.
Fig. 01 - Components
* Parallax error: Apparent displacement of an object, when the observation point changes. It is especially said of the apparent deviation of a measure instrument needle, when it is not observed from a vertical point of view (parallax error).
1 - Drain 2- Joint 3- Flexible Connection 4- Water Flow Switch
5- Thermometer 6- Globe Valve 7- Cage Valve 8 - Air Purge 9- Manometers with cage valves 10- Joint 11- Flexible Connection 12- Thermometer
13- Water Filter 14- Cage Valve
E- Water Inlet S- Water Output
Performance Adjustment Factors
Fig. 02 - Evaporator Pressure Drop - 20 to 60 Tons Units
Load loss (Ft. of water)
Unit Conversion
From: Gallons/min (GPM)
Feet of water (Ft Water) Pa
To: L/s
Multiplier: 0,06308
Fig. 03 - Evaporator Pressure Drop - 70 to 90 Tons Units
Load loss (Ft. of water)
Evaporator Water Flow (GPM)
Evaporator Water Flow ( L/s )
Load loss (kPa)
Evaporator Water Flow (GPM)
Performance Adjustment Factors
Fig. 03a - Evaporator Pressure Drop - 100 to 120 Tons Units
Conversão de Unidades
De: Galões/min (GPM)
Pés de Água (Ft Água)
Para: Multiplicador: L/s 0,06308
Pa 2990
Fig. 03b - Evaporator Pressure Drop - 150 Tons Units
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