Congratulations on the purchase of the new W7 Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD). The W7 ASD is an
18-pulse PWM drive de signe d for use with 3-pha se AC indu ction m otor s. This 18 pulse des ign incl udes
an 18 pulse input diode bridge rectifier combined with and an integral phase shifting transformer.
U.S. Patent 6396723.
Japan Patent pending 2000-179543.
The drive has been designe d for applications that require low total harmoni c distortion (THD) at the
drive input terminals (6% typical) and t o allow compliance with IEEE 519 1992 at the point of common
The W7 ASD is ideally suited to drive variable torque loads. Toshiba's technology, quality, and
reliabili ty enables the motor to develop high torque and provi de compensation for motor sli p, which
results in smooth, quick starts and hi ghly efficie nt operation. The W7 ASD uses digitally-contro lled
pulse width modul ation. The progra mmable functio ns may be acces sed via th e easy-to -us e menu. Th ese
features, combin ed with Tos hiba's high-performa nce soft ware , delivers unparalle led motor control and
The W7 ASD is a very powerful tool, yet surprisingly simple to operate. The W7 ASD h as an easy-to-
read LCD screen that provides easy access to the many monitoring and programming features of the
W7 ASD. The motor control s oftware is menu-driv en, which a llows f or easy a ccess to the motor contr ol
parameters and quic k cha nges when required.
To maximize the abilities of your new W7 ASD, a working familiarity with this manual will be
required. This manual has been prepared for the W7 ASD installer, ope rator, and ma intenance
The W7 ASD is truly Reliability in motion.
Important Notice
The instructi ons cont ained in this manual ar e not intende d to cover all det ails or variat ions i n equipment
types, nor may it provide for every possible contingency concerning the installation, operation, or
maintenance of this equipment. Should additional information be required cont act your Toshiba
The contents of this manual shall not become a part of or modify any prior or existing agreement,
commitment, or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation of Toshiba International
Corporation. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Toshiba
International Corporatio n and any sta tements contained here in do not create new warrantie s or modify
the existing warra nty.
Any electrical or mechanic al modifications to this equipment without prior written consent of
Toshiba International Corporation will void all warranties and may void the UL/CUL listing or
other safety certi fications. Unauthoriz ed modifications may also re s u lt in a safety h azard or
equipment damage.
Misuse of this equipment could result in injury and equipment damage. In no event will T oshiba
Corporation be r es p on sible or liable for direct, indirect, special, or consequential damage or
injury that may result from the misuse of this equipment.
About This Manual
This manual was written by the Toshiba Technic al Publications Group. This group is ta sked with
providing te chnical docu menta tion f or the W7 Adjustable Speed Drive. Every effort has been made to
provide accurate and concise informati on to you, our customer.
At Toshiba we’re continuously searching for better ways to meet the constantly changing needs of our
customers. Email your comments, ques tions, or concerns about this publicati on to the
Manual’s Purpose and Scope
This manual provides information on how to safely install, opera te, maintain, and dispose of your
Adjustable Speed Drive. The information provided in this manual is applicable to the
W7 Adjustable Speed Drive only.
This operation manual provides information on the various features and funct ions of this powerful costsaving device, including
•System operation,
•Configuration and menu options, and
•Mechani cal and electrical spec ifications.
Included is a section on general safety instructions that describe the warning labels and symbols that are
used. Read the manual c omple tely be fore ins t allin g, op erati ng, perf orming mai nte nance, or dis posi ng of
this equipment .
This manual and the accompanying drawings sh ould be considered a permanent part of the equipment
and should be readily available for referen ce and review. Dim ensions shown in the manual are in metric
and/or the English equivalent.
Because of ou r commit ment to c ontinu ous im prov ement, Toshiba Inte rnati onal Cor pora tio n reserve s the
right, without prior notice, to update information, make produ ct changes, or to discontinue any product
or service identified in this publica tion.
Toshiba International Corporation (TIC) shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, or
consequential damages resulting from the use of the information contained within this manual.
This manual is copy righted. No part of this manua l ma y be photocopied or reproduce d in any form
without the prior wr itten consent of Tos hiba Intern ational Corpor ation.
appearing in thi s manual are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Reliability in motion™ is a trademark of the Toshiba Interna tional Corporat ion.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S .A.
Contact ing Toshiba’s Custome r Support
Toshiba’s Customer Support Cen ter can be contacted to obtain help in res olving any Adjustable Speed
Drive system problem that you may experience or to provide application information.
The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CS T), Monday through Fr iday. The Support Cente r’s toll free
number is US (800) 231-1412/Fax (713) 466-8773 — Canada (800) 527-1204.
You may also contact Toshiba by writing to:
Toshiba International Corporation
13131 West Litt le York Road
Houston, Texas 77041-9990
Attn: ASD Product Manager.
For further information on T oshiba’s products and services, please visit our website at
W7 Adjustable Speed Drive
Please complete the Warranty Card supplied with the ASD and return it to Toshiba by prepaid mail. This will
activate the 12 month warranty from the date of installation; but, shall not exceed 18 months from the shipping
Complete the following information and retain for your records.
Model Number: ______________________________________________________________________
Serial Number:_____ _________________________________________________________________
Project Number (i f applicable):_____ _____________________________________________________
Date of Installation:__________________________________________________________________
Inspected By:______________________________________________________________________
Name of Application:_________________________________________________________________
Table of Contents
Gener a l Sa fe t y Inf o r ma t i on . ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. 1
Safety A le r t Sy m b o l .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. 1
Signa l Wo r ds .... .......... .......... ......... .......... ... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... ....... 1
Specia l S y mb o ls . ... .......... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... ............ 2
Electri cal Hazard S ym b ol .... .. ... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. .......... .......... .. 2
Explosion Hazard Symbol .......................................................................................... 2
Install at i on P r ec au ti o n s ....... ... .......... ......... ... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. 5
Location and Ambient Requirements ......................................................................... 5
System S et u p Req u i re m e n ts ... .......... .. .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .. 9
Opera ti on a l an d Ma in t en ance Prec au t io n s .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ... 10
Service Life Information ........................................................................................... 10
Motor C h a ra ct e ri s tics ..... .. .......... .......... ......... ... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... 11
Instal la t io n a n d Con nection s ...... .. ... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ....... 1 3
Install at i on N ot e s ... .. .......... .......... .. .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... ..... 13
Mounting the ASD ........................................................................................................... 14
Conne ct in g th e A SD .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .. .......... .......... ..... 15
System G r o un d i ng . ... ......... .......... .. .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ....... 1 5
Power Connections ...................................................................................................15
Lead Length Specifications ....................................................................................... 16
Startup and Test ........................................................................................................ 16
I/O and Co n tr o l . .. .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ... 17
I/O Term in a l D escriptio n s ... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ... ......... .......... .......... ..... 18
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manuali
W7 ASD Control .............................................................................................................. 21
W7 ASD Spare Parts Listing .............................................................................................. 156
iiW7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
General Safety Information
DO NOT attempt to install, operate, maintain or dispose of this equipment until you have read and
understood all of the product safety information and directi ons that are contained in this manual.
Safety Alert Symbol
The Safety Alert Symbol indicates that a potential personal injury hazard exists. The sym bol is
comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing an exclamation mark.
Signal Words
Listed below are the signal words that are used th roughout this manual followe d by their descriptions
and associated symbols. When the words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION are used in this
manual they will be followed by important safety information that must be carefully adhered to.
The word DANGER preceded by th e safety al ert symbol in di ca t es th a t an imminent l y h az ar d o us
situatio n exis ts that, if not avoi ded, will result in death or s erious injury to perso nnel.
The word WARNING prec eded by the safety alert s ym bol indicates tha t a potentially hazardous
situatio n exis ts that, if not avoi ded, could result in deat h or ser ious injury to personne l.
The word CAUTION preceded by the safety alert symbol indicates that a potentially hazardous
situation exists which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
The word CAUTION without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially haz ardous situati on exists
which, if not avoided, may result in equipment and property damage.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual1
Special Sy mbols
To identify special hazards, other symbols may appear in conjunction with the DANGER, WARNING
and CAUTION signal words. Thes e symbols indicate are as that require special and/or strict adherenc e
to the procedures to prevent serious injury to personnel or death.
Electrical Hazard Symbol
A symbol which indicates a hazard of injury from electr ical
shock or burn. It is comprised of an equilateral triangle
enclosing a lightning bolt.
Explosion Hazard Symbol
A symbol which indicates a hazard of injury from exploding
parts. It is comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing an
explosion image.
Equi pment Warning Labels
DO NOT attempt to insta ll, operate, perform maintenance, or dispose of this equipment until you have
read and understood all of the product labe ls and user directions that are contained in this manual.
Shown below are examples of safety labels tha t may be found attached to the equipment. DO NOT
remove or cover any of the labe ls. If the labels are damaged or if a dditional labels are required, contact
your Toshiba sales representative for additional labels.
Labels atta ched to the equipment are there to provide useful information or to indica te an imminently
hazardous s ituation tha t m ay result in serious injury, severe property and equipment damage, or death if
the inst r uctions are not followed.
Figure 1. Examples of labels that may be found on the equipment.
HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE Behind These Panels.
Contact With Energized Main Bus Will Cause
Severe Injury, Death, Fire, Explosion, Or
Property Damage.
Turn Off And Lockout Primary And
Control Circuit Power Before Opening
These Panels.
Qualified Operators Only.
Excessive Loadin g of Operating Shaft
Can Prevent Contact or From Clos in g
Properly Resulti ng In Major Damage.
Do Not Use Contactor Shaft To Drive
Accessories Such As Mechanical Interlocks
Which Require More Than 5 Kgf-cm Of
Torque To Operate.
Can Cause Severe Injury, Death, Explosion,
Fire, Or Property Damage.
Only Qualified Personnel Should Be Permitted
To Operarate or Service This Equipment.
Disconnect And Lockout Primary And Control
Circuit Power Before Servicing.
Keep All Panels And Covers Securely In Place.
Never Defeat, Modify, Or Bypass Safety
Foreign Voltage May Be Present At Interface
Terminals. Isolate Before Performing Service
Or Repairs.
Unauthorized Modifications To This Equipment
Will Void The Warranty.
Capacitors Are Charged. Wait
At Least 5 Minutes Before Entry.
Check For Charged Voltage
To Dissipate To A Safe Level
Before Opening The Equipment.
2W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Qualified Personnel
Installatio n, ope ratio n, and maint enanc e shal l be perfor med by Qualified Personnel Only. A Qualified
Person is one that has the skills and knowledge relating to th e c onstruction, ins tallation, operation, and
maintenance of the el ectrical equi pme nt and has re ceived safety training on the haza rds involved (Re f er
to the latest edition of NFPA 70E for additional safety requirements).
Qualified Personnel shall:
•Have carefully rea d the enti re ope ration manual.
•Be familia r with the construction and function of the ASD, the equipment being driven, and the
hazards involved.
•Able to recognize and properly addr es s hazards associated with the application of motor-driven
•Be traine d and au thorized to safely e nergize, de-energize, ground , lockout/tagout circuits and
equipment, and clear faults in accor d ance with es tablish ed safety p r actices.
•Be trained in the proper care and use of protecti ve equipment such as safety shoes, rubber gloves,
hard hats, safety glasses, face shields, flash clothing, etc., in accordance with established safety
•Be trained in rend ering first aid.
For further information on workplace safety visit
Equipment Inspection
•Upon receipt of the equipment inspe ct the packaging and equipment for shipping dama ge.
•Carefully unpack the equipment and check for parts tha t m ay have been damaged during shi pping,
missing par ts, o r conce aled da mage. I f any disc repanc ies a re dis covere d, it should be n oted wit h th e
carrier prior to accepting the shipment, if poss ible. File a claim with the carr ier if necessary and
immediately notify your Toshiba sales representati ve.
•DO NOT install or energize equipment that has been damaged. Damaged equipment may fail
during operation resulting in equipment damage or personal injury.
•Check to see that the rated capacity and the model number specified on the nameplate conform to
the order specifi cations.
•Modification of this equipment is dangerous and must not be performed except by factory trained
representat ives. When modificati ons are re quired contact your Toshiba sales representative .
•Inspections may be required before and after moving installed equipment.
•Keep the equ ipm ent in an upright positi on.
•Contact your Toshiba sales representative to report discrepancies or for assistance if required.
Handling and Storage
•Use prope r lifting te chniques when moving the ASD; including properly sizing up the load, getting
assistance, an d usi ng a forklift if required.
•Sto re in a well-ventilated cover ed locat io n and prefe r ably in the original carton if the equip me n t
will not be used upon receipt.
•Store in a cool, clean, and dry location. Avoid storage locations with extreme temperatures, rapid
temperature ch anges, high humidity, moisture, dust, corrosive gases, or metal particles.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual3
•The storage temperature range of the W7 ASD is 14 to 104° F (-10 to 40° C).
•Do not store the unit in pl aces tha t are e xposed to outside we ather c onditi ons (i. e., wi nd, rain , snow,
•Store in an upright position.
Never dispose of electrical components via inc ineration. Contact your state environmental agency for
details on disposal of electrical components and packaging in your area.
4W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Installation Precautions
Location and Ambient Requirements
•The Toshiba ASD is intended for permanent installations only .
•Installation should conform to the 2005 National Ele ctrical Code — Article 1 10 (Requirements
For Electric al Insta ll ati o ns ), all regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, and any other applicable national, regional, or industry codes and standards.
•Select a mounting location that is easily accessible, has adequate personnel working space, and
adequate il lum ination for adjustment, inspecti on, and maintenance of the equipment (refer to 2005
NEC Article 110-13).
•A noncombustible insulating floor or mat should be provided in the area immediately surrounding
the electrica l system.
•Do Not mount the ASD in a location that would produce catast rophic results if it were t o fall from
its mounting loca tion (equipment damag e or injury).
•Do Not mount the ASD in a locati on that would allow it to be exposed to flammable chemical s or
gasses, water, solvents, or other fluids.
•Avoid installation in areas where vibration, heat, humidity, dust, fibers, metal particles, explosive/
corrosive mists or gases, or sources of electrical noise are present.
•The installation location shall not be expo se d to direct sunlight.
•Allow proper cl earance spaces for installation. Do not obstruct the ventilation openings. Refer to
the section titled
•The ambient operating temperature range of the W7 ASD is 14 to 104° F (-10 to 40° C).
•See th e sec ti on titl ed I nst alla tion an d Conne ctio ns on pg. 13 for a dditio nal informati on on i nsta lling
the drive.
Installation and Connections on pg. 13 for further information on ventilation
Mounting Requirements
•Only Qualified Personnel should install this equipm ent.
•Install the unit in a secure and upright position in a well-ventilated area.
•A noncombustible insulating floor or mat should be provided in the area immediately surrounding
the electrica l system at the plac e w h ere maint en ance operations are to be performed.
•As a minimum, the installation of the equipment should conform to the 2005 NEC Article 110
Requirements F or Ele ctric al Ins tal latio ns , OSHA, as we ll as any o the r appli cable nati ona l, reg ional,
or industry codes and standards.
•Installation practices should conform to the la test revision of NFPA 70E Electrical Safety
Requirements for Employee Workplaces.
•It is the responsibility of the pers on installing the ASD or the electrical main tenance personnel to
ensure that the unit is installed into an enclosure that will protect personnel against elect r ic shock.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual5
Conductor Requirements and Grounding
•Use sepa rate me tal c ondui ts fo r rout ing the i nput power, output power, a nd cont rol cir cuits a nd e ach
shall have its own ground cable.
•A separate ground cable should be run insi de the conduit with the input power, output power, and
and control circuit s.
•DO NOT connect control terminal strip return marked CC to eart h ground.
•Always ground the unit to prevent electrical shock and to help reduce electrical noise.
•It is the responsibility of the pers on installing the ASD or the electrical main tenance personnel to
provide proper grounding and branch circui t protection in accor danc e with the 2005 NEC and any
applicable local codes.
The Metal Of Conduit Is Not An Acceptable Ground.
Power Connections
Contact With Energized Wiring Will Cause Severe Injury Or Death.
•Turn off, lockout, and tagout all power sources before proceeding to connect the power wiring to
the equ ip ment.
•After ensuring that all power sources are turned off and isolated in accordance with esta blished
lockout/ta gout procedures, connect three-phase power source wiri ng of the correct voltage to the
correct input terminals and connect the out put terminals to a motor of the correct voltage and type
for the application (refer to 2005 NEC Article 300 – W iring Methods and Article 310 – Conductors
For General Wiring). Size the branch circuit conductors in accordance with 2005 NEC Table
•Adh er e to the recommended conductor sizes listed in the section titled Cable/Terminal
Specifications on pg. 154. If multiple conductors are use d in parallel for the inp ut or output power,
each branch of the parallel set shall have its own conduit and not share its conduit with other
parallel set s (i .e., place U1, V1, and W1 in one conduit and U2, V2, and W2 in anoth er) (refer to
2005 NEC Article 300.20 and Article 310.4). Nat ional and local electrical codes should be
referenced if three or more power conduc tors are run in the same conduit (refer to 2005 NEC
Article 310 adjustment factors).
Note:National and local codes should be referenced when running more than three
conductors in the same conduit.
•Ensure that the 3-phase input power is Not connect ed to the output of the ASD. This will damage
the ASD and may cause injury to personnel.
•Do not insta ll the ASD if it is damaged or if it is missing any component(s).
•Do Not connect resistors ac ross terminals PA – PC or PO – PC. This may cause a fire.
•Ensure the correct phase sequence and the desired direction of motor rotation in the Bypass mode
(if applicable).
•Turn the power on only after attaching and/or securing the front cover.
6W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
•Ensure that primary protect ion exis ts for the input wiring to the equipm ent. This protect ion must be
able to interru pt the available fault current from the power line. The equipm ent may or may not be
equipped with an in put disconnect (option).
•All cable entry openings must be sealed to reduce the risk of entry by vermin and to allow for
maximum cooling efficiency.
•Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
•If using multiple motors provide separate overload protection for each motor and use V/f control.
•External dynamic braking resis tors must be thermally protected.
•It is the responsibility of the pers on installing the ASD or the electrical main tenance personnel to
setup the Emergency Off brak ing syste m of the ASD. The function of the Emergency Off braking
function is to remove output power from the driv e in the event of an emergency. A supplemental
braking system may also be engaged in the event of an emergency.For further information on
braking systems, see
Note:A supplemental emergency st opping system should be used wit h the ASD. Emergenc y
stopping shou ld not be a task of the ASD alone.
•Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
DC Injection Brak ing Current on pg. 65 and Dynamic Braking Enable on pg.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual7
Syste m Integr ation Precautions
The following preca utions are provided as general guidelines for the setu p of the ASD within the
•The Toshiba ASD is a general-purpose product. It is a system component only and the system
design should take this into consider ation. Please conta ct your T os hiba sales represent ative for
application-specific information or for training support.
•The Toshiba ASD is part of a larger system and the safe operation of the ASD will depend on
observing certain precautions and performing proper system integration.
•A detailed system analysis and job safe ty analysis should be perform ed by the systems designer
and/or syste ms inte grator be fore the i nstal lati on of t he ASD com ponent. Con tact your Toshiba sales
representat ive for opti ons availability and for applicat ion-specific system integration inf ormation if
Personnel Protection
•Instal lation, operation, and maintenance sha ll be performed by Qualified PersonnelOnly.
•A thorough understanding of the ASD will be required before the installation, operation, or
maintenance of the ASD.
•Rotating machinery and liv e conductors can be hazardous and s hall not come into contact with
humans. Personnel should be protected from all rotating machinery and electrical hazards at all
•Insulat ors , machine guards, and elect r ical safeguards may fail or be defea ted by the purposeful or
inadvertent actions of workers. Insulators, machine guards, and electrical safeguards are to be
inspected (and tested where possible) at installation and periodically after installation for potential
hazardous conditions.
•Do not allow personnel near rotating machinery. Warning signs to this effect shall be posted at or
near the machinery.
•Do not allow personnel near exposed electrical conductors. Human contact with ele ctrical
conductors can be fatal. Warning signs to this effect shall be posted at or near the hazard.
•Personal protection equipment shall be provide d and used to protect employees from any hazards
inherent to system operation.
•Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
8W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
System Setup Requirements
•When using the ASD as an integral part of a large r system, it is the responsibility of the ASD
installer or main tenanc e p er sonnel to ensure t h at there is a f ail-sa f e in place, i.e., an arrangement
designed to switch the system to a safe condition if there is a fault or failure.
•System safety features should be employed and designed into the integrated system in a m anne r
such that s ys te m op e r at io n , ev en in th e ev e nt of sy s te m fa i lu r e, wi ll no t cau s e h arm o r res ul t in
personnel injury or system damage (i.e., E-Off, Auto-Restar t settings, System Interlocks, etc.).
•The programming s etup and system configurat ion of the ASD may allow it to start the moto r
unexpect edly. A familiarity with the Auto-restart and the Remote/Local settings and function is a
requirement to use this product.
•Improperl y desig ned or impr operly inst al led syst em interl ocks may ren der the m otor unabl e to star t
or stop on command.
•The failure of external or ancillary components may cause intermittent system operation (i.e., the
system may sta rt the motor without warning).
•There may be thermal or physical properties, or ancillary devices i ntegrated into the overall system
that may allow for the ASD to start the motor without warning. Signs to this effect must be posted
at the equipment installati on site and near the drive n equipment.
•If a secondary magnetic contactor (MC) is used between the ASD out put and the load, it should be
interlocke d to halt the ASD before the secondary contact opens. If the output contactor is used for
bypass operati on, it must be interlocked such that commercial power is never applied to the ASD
output terminals (U, V, W).
•Power factor improvement capacitors or surge absorbers must not be installed on the output of the
•Use of the built-in system protective features is highly recommended (i.e., E-Off, Overload
Protection, etc.).
•The operating controls and system status indicato rs should be clearly readabl e and positioned
where the operator can se e the m wit hout obstruction.
•Additi onal warnings and notifications shall be pos ted at the equipment ins tallation loca tion as
deemed required by Qualified Personnel.
•Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual9
Operational and Maintenance Precautions
•Turn off, lockout, and tagout the main powe r, the cont rol power, and instrumentation connections
before inspecti ng or servicing the drive, or opening the door of the enclo su r e.
•Turn off, lockout, and tagout the main powe r, the cont rol power, and instrumentation connections
before proceeding to disconnect or connec t the power wiring to the equipment.
•The capac itors of t he ASD mai ntain a resi dual c harge for a pe riod of time after turn ing the ASD off .
The required time for each ASD ty pef orm is indica ted with a cabine t label and a Charge LED.
Wait for at least the minimum time ind icated on the enclosure-mounted label and ensure that the
Charge LED has gone out before opening the door of the ASD once the ASD power has been
turned of f.
•Turn the power on only after attaching (or closing) the front cover and Do Not remove the front
cover of the ASD when the power is on.
•Do Not attempt to disassemble, modify, or repair the ASD. Call your Toshiba sales representative
for repair information.
•Do not place any objects inside of the ASD.
•If the ASD should emit smoke or an unusual odor or sound, turn the power off immediately.
•The heat si nk and other components may become ext remel y hot to the t ouch. All ow the unit to cool
before coming in contact with these items.
•Remove power from the ASD during extended periods of non-use.
•The system should be inspected periodically for damaged or improperly functioning parts,
cleanliness, and to ensure that the connectors are tightened securely.
•Ensure that the Run functions (F, R, Preset Speed, etc.) of the ASD are off before perf ormi ng a Reset. The post-rese t settings may allow the ASD to start unexpectedly.
•Retry or Reset settings may allow the motor to start unexpectedly. Warnings to this effect sh ould
be clearly poste d near the ASD and the motor.
•In the event of a power failure, the motor may restart after power is restored.
•Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
DO NOT install, operate, perform maintenance, or dispose of this equipment until you have rea d and
understood all of the product warnings and use r direc tions. Failure to do so may res ult in equipment
damage, operator injury , or loss of life.
Service Life Information
Part NameService LifeRemarks
Large Capacity Electrolytic
Cooling Fan26,00 0 H o urs
5 Years
When not used for long periods,
charge semi-annually.
Listed below are some va riable speed AC motor contro l conc epts with which the user of the
W7 Adjustable Speed Drive should become familiar.
Pulse Width Modula tio n Op e ration
The W7 ASD uses a sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control system. The output current
waveform generated by the ASD approaches that of a perfect sin e wa ve; however, the output waveform
is slightly dis torted. For this reason, the motor may produce more heat, nois e, and vibration when
operated by an ASD, rather than directly from commercial power.
Overload Protecti on Adjustment
The W7 ASD sof tware monitors the output current of the system and determines when an overload
condition occ urs . The overload current level is a percentage of the rating of the motor. This function
protects the motor from overload.
The default setting for the overload detection circuit is set to the maximum rated current of the ASD at
the factor y. This sett ing will have to be adjusted to m atch the rat ing of the motor with which the ASD is
to be used. To change the overload re ference level, see
Electro nic Thermal Protection #1 on pg. 70.
Power Factor Correction
DO NOT connect a power factor correction capacitor or surge absorber to the output of the ASD.
If the ASD is used with a motor that is equipped with a capacitor for power factor correction, remove
the capacitor fro m the motor.
Connecting e ither of t hese device s to the out put of the ASD may c ause the ASD to mal func tion an d tri p,
or the output device may cause an over-c urrent condition resu lting in damage to the device or the ASD.
Light Load Conditions
When a motor is operated under a continuous light load (i.e., at a load of less than 50% of its rated
capacity) or it drives a load which produces a very small amount of inertia, it may become unstable and
produce abnormal vibration or trips because of an over-current condition. In such a case , the carrier
frequency may be lowered to compensate for this undesirable condition (see Program
Note:For proper operation, the carrier fre quency must be 2.2 kHz or above except when
PWM Carrier Frequency).
operating in the Constant Torque or Variable Torque modes.
Load-pro du ce d Nega tiv e Torque
When the ASD is used wi th a loa d that pro duc es negat ive torq ue (an ove rhauli ng loa d), the over -vol ta ge
or over-current protective functions of the ASD may cause nuisance tripping.
To minimize the undesirable effec ts of nega tive torque the dynami c bra king system may be used. The
dynamic braking system converts the regenerated energy into heat that is dissipated using a braking
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual11
resistor. The braking resistor must be s uitably matched to the load. Dyna mi c braking is also e ffective in
reducing the DC bus voltage during a momentary over-voltage condition.
If under extreme conditions t he dynamic braking s ys tem or a component of this system were to fail, the
dynamic braking resistor may experience an exte nded over-current condition. The DBR circuit was
designed to di ssi pate excessive amou nts of heat and if t he extend ed over -curre nt condit ion were al lowed
to exceed the circuit parameters, this condition could result in a fire hazard.
To combat this condition, the 3-phase input may be connected using contactors that are configured to
open in the event of an extended DBR over-current condition or an int ernal circuit failure. Using a
thermal sen sor an d/or overloa d pro tect ion as th e 3- phase input c ont actor driv e sig nal, t he con tact ors wil l
open and remove the 3-phas e input power in the event of an ext ended DBR over -current or sys tem overvoltage condition.
Motor Braking
The motor ma y continue to rotate an d coast to a stop after being shut off due to the in ertia of the load. If
an immediate stop is required, a braking system should be used. The two most common types of motor
braking system s use d with the W7 ASD are DC Inject ion Bra k ing and Dynamic Braking.
For further information on braking systems, see DC Injection Braki n g Current on pg. 65 and
Dynamic Braking Enable on pg. 68.
ASD Characteristics
Over- current Protection
Each W7 ASD model was designed for a specified operating powe r range . T he ASD will incur a trip if
the design specifications are exceeded.
However, the ASD may be operated at 100% of the specified output-current range continuously or at
120% for a limited time as ind icated in the section titled
Also, the Overcurren t Stall Le ve l setting may be adjus ted to help with nuisance over-current trips.
When using the ASD for an a pplication tha t controls a motor which is r ated significantly less than the
maximum current rating of the ASD, the over-c urrent limit (Thermal Overload Protectio n) setting will
have to be changed to match the application. For further information on this parameter, see
Thermal Protection #1 on pg. 70.
ASD Capacity
The W7 ASD must not be used with a motor that has a significantly larger ca pacity, even i f the motor is
operated under a small load. An ASD being used in this way will be susceptible to a high-output peak
current which may result in nuisance tripping.
Do not apply a level of input voltage to an ASD that is beyond that which the ASD is rated. The input
voltage may be stepped down if require d with the use of a step-down transformer or som e other type of
voltage-reduction system.
Current/Voltage Specifications on pg. 155.
12W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manua l
Installation and Connections
The W7 Adjustable Speed Drive may be set up initially by performing a few simple configuration
settings. To operate properly, the ASD must be securely mounted and connected to a power source (3phase AC input at the L1/R, L2/S, and L3/T terminals). The control terminals of the ASD may be used
by connecting th e termi nals of the Control Terminal Strip to the proper sensors or signal input sou rces
(see the section titled
The output terminals of the ASD (T1/U, T2/V, and T3/W) must be connected to the motor that is to be
controlled (see
As a minimum, the installation of the ASD shall conform to Article 110 of the 2005 NEC, the
Occupational SafetyandHealth Administration requirements, and to any other loca l and regional
industry code s a nd st andards.
Installation Notes
When a brake-equipped motor is connected to the ASD, i t is possible that the b r ake may not release at
startup be cause of i nsuf f icie nt vo ltage . To avoid this, Do Not conn ect t h e b rake or t he b ra ke cont ac to r to
the output of the ASD.
If an output cont actor i s used for byp ass opera tion, it mus t be int erlock ed such tha t commer cial po wer is
never applied to the output terminals of the ASD (T1/U, T2/V, or T3/W).
If a secondary magnetic contact or (MC ) is used betwe en the output o f the ASD and the motor, it should
be interlocked such that the ST – CC connection is disconnected before the output cont actor is opened.
I/O and Control on pg. 17).
Figure 17 on pg. 24).
Do Not open and then close a secondary magneti c contactor bet w een the ASD and the m otor unless the
ASD is off and the motor is not rotating.
Note:Re-applicat ion of power via a secondar y contact while the ASD is on or while the
motor is s t il l turnin g m ay cause ASD dam a g e.
On some devices the ST-to-CC connection is further enhanced by the operat ion of the MS1 AUX relay
circuit. The MS 1 AUX relay circuit is normally open and closes the ST-to-CC connection (via ST1)
only after normal system p o w er is available. Th e MS1 AUX relay circuit prohibits the ST-to-CC
connection in the event that the MS1 contactor fails to close during start up or if MS1 opens while the
ASD is running. For the 460 volt ASD this feature is availab le on the 75 HP and above systems.
Figure 2. Alternative ST activation using the MS1 AUX circuit configuration.
The ASD input voltage should remain within 10% of the spec ified input volta ge range. Input voltages
approaching the upper or lower limit settings may require that the overvoltage and undervo ltage stall
protection level parameters be adjusted. Voltages outside of the permissible tolerance should be
The frequency of the inp ut power should be ±2 Hz of the specified input frequency.
Do not use an ASD with a motor t hat has a power rating that is higher than the rated output of the ASD.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual13
The ASD is designed to operate NEMA B motors. Consult with your sales representative before using
the ASD for special applica tions such as with an explosion-proof motor or applications with a piston
Do Not apply commercial power to the output terminals T1/U, T2/V, or T3/W.
Disconnect the ASD from the motor before megging or applying a bypa s s voltage to the motor.
Interface problems may occur when an ASD is used in conjunction with some types of process
controllers. Signal isolati on ma y be req uired to prevent controll er and/or ASD malfunction (c ontact
your Toshiba sales repre s entative or the process controller manufacturer for additional informat ion
about compatibility and signal isolation).
Use caution when setting the output fre quency . Over speeding a motor decreases its abilit y to deliver
torque and may result in da ma ge to the motor and/or the driven equipment.
All W7 ASDs are equipped with internal DC bus fuses. However, not all W7 ASDs are equip ped wit h
internal primary power input fuses (HP-dependent).
Mounting the ASD
Install the unit securely in a well ventilated area that is out of direct sunlight using the mounting holes
on the rear of the ASD.
The ambient temperature rating for the W7 ASD is from 14 to 104° F (-10 to 40° C). The process of
converting AC to DC, and then back to AC produces heat. During normal ASD operation, up to 5% of
the inp u t energy to the ASD may be dissipated as heat. If installing t h e A SD in a cabinet, ensur e that
there is adequate ventilation.
Do Not operate the ASD with the enclosure door open or removed.
Note:Ensure that the ventilation ope nings are not obstructed.
ASDs produce high-frequency noise — steps must be ta ken during installation to avoid the negative
effects of noise. Listed below are some examples of measures that will help to combat noise problems.
•Separate the input and output power conductors of the main circuit. Do not instal l the input and
output wires in th e sam e duct or in parallel with each other, and do not bind them to gether.
•Do not insta ll the input or output powe r conductors of the main circuit and the wires of the control
circuit in the sa me duct or in parallel with each other, a nd do not bind them together.
•Use shielded wires or twis te d wires for the control circuits.
•Ensure that the grounding terminals (G/E) of the ASD are securely connected to ground.
14W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manua l
•Connect a surge suppressor to every electromagnetic contactor and every relay installed nea r the
•Install noise f ilters as required.
Connecting the ASD
Refer to the section titled Installation Precautions on pg. 5 and the section titled Lead Length
Specifications on pg. 16 before attempting to connect the ASD and the motor to electrical power.
System Grounding
Proper grounding helps to prevent elec trical shock and to reduce ele ctrical noise. The ASD is designed
to be grounded in accordance with Article 250 of the 2005 NEC or Section 10/Part One of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
The grounding condu ctor shall be sized in accordance with Article 250-122 of the 2005 NEC or Part
Note:The metal of conduit is not an acceptable ground.
The input power, output power, and control lines of the system shall be run in separate metal co nduits
and each shall have its own ground conductor.
Power Connections
6 of the CEC.
Connect the 3-phase input power to the input terminals of the W7 ASD at L1/R, L2/S, and L3/T.
Connect the output term inals T1/U, T2/V, and T3/W of the W7 ASD to the motor.
The input and output conductors and terminal lugs used shall be in accordance with the specifications
listed in the section titled
An inductor may be connecte d ac ross terminals PA and PO to provide additional filtering. When not
used, a j u mper must be connecte d across these terminals (see
Connect the input and output power lines of the W7 ASD as shown in Figure 3.
Install a molded case circ uit breaker (MCCB) or fuse between the 3-phase power source and the W7
ASD in accordance with the fault current setting of the ASD and 2005 NECArticle 430.
Note:In the event that the motor rotates in the wrong direction when powered up, reverse
any two of the three A SD output power leads conn ected to the motor.
Figure 3. ASD/Motor connection diagram.
Cable/Terminal Specifications on pg. 154.
Figure 17 on pg. 24).
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual15
Lead Length Specifications
Adhere to the 2005 NEC and any local codes during the installation of ASD/Motor systems . Ex cessive
lead lengths may advers ely effect the performance of the motor. Special cables ar e not required. Lead
lengths fr om the ASD to the motor in excess of those listed in
the output of the ASD. Tab le 1 lists the suggested maximum lead lengths for the listed motor voltages.
Table 1. Suggeste d max im um le ad lengths.
Table 1 may require filters t o be added to
230 VoltAll1000 feet
460 Volt
600 Volt
Note:Contact Toshiba for application assistance when using lead lengths in exces s of those
Exceeding the peak voltage rating or the allowable thermal rise time of the motor
insulation will reduce th e life expect ancy of the motor.
For proper operation, the carrier freq uency must be 2.2 kHz or above except when
operating in the Constant Torque or Variable To rque modes.
Startup and Test
Perform the following checks before turning on the unit:
• L1/R, L2/S, and L3/T are connected to the 3-phase input power.
• T1/U, T2/V, and T3/W are connected to the motor.
• The 3-phase input voltage is within the specified tolerance.
• There are no shorts and all grounds are secured.
16W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manua l
I/O and Control
The W7 ASD can be controlled by several input types and combinations thereof, as well as operate
within a wide range of output frequency and voltage levels. This section describes the ASD control
methods and supported I/O functions.
Control Terminal Strip
The Control Terminal Strip PCBA (P/N 48570) supports discrete and analog I/O functions.
The Control Terminal Strip is shown in F igure 5 on pg. 20. Table 2 and lists the names, the default
settings (where applicable), and the descriptions of the input and output termin als.
Figure 17 on pg. 24 shows the basi c connection diagram for the W7 ASD system.
Table 2. Contro l Terminal Strip default assignment terminal names and functions.
STDiscret e Input
RESDiscret e Input
FDiscret e Input
RDiscret e Input
S1Discret e Input
S2Discret e Input
S3Discret e Input
S4Discret e Input
RRAnalog Input
RXAnalog Input
IIAnalog Input
VIAnalog Input
Discrete Input Terminals ⇒ On = connected t o CC.
Analog Input terminals reference CC.
DC Output
DC Output
Discrete Output
Discrete Output
Standby (jumper t o CC to operate the unit) — Multifunctional
programmable discrete input (see
inform ation on this terminal).
Reset — Multifunct ional progr am mable discrete input.
Forward — Multifunctional programmabl e discrete input.
Reverse — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Preset Speed 1 — Multifunctional programm able discrete input.
Preset Speed 2 — Multifunctional programm able discrete input.
Preset Speed 3 — Multifunctional programm able discrete input.
Emergency Off — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
RR — Multifunction programmable analog input
(0.0 to 10 volt input — 0 to 80 Hz output). Reference CC.
RX — Multifunctional programmable analog input
(-10 to +10 VDC input — -80 to +80 Hz outp ut). Refere n c e C C .
II — Multifuncti onal programmable analog i nput (4 [0] to 20 mADC
input — 0 to 80 Hz output) (see
II termin al). Reference CC.
VI — Multifunctional programmable analog input
(0 to 10 VDC input — 0 to 80 Hz output). Reference CC.
24 VDC @ 50 mA output.
PP — 10.0 VDC volta g e source for the external potentiometer.
Low Frequency — Multifunctional programmable discrete output.
Reach Frequency — Multifunctional programmable discrete output.
Frequency Pulse — an output pulse trai n that has a frequency which is
based on the output frequency of the ASD.
Produces an output current that is pr oportional to the magnit ude of the
function assigned to this terminal (see
Fault re la y (co m m o n) .
Fault re la y (N. C .) .
Fault re la y (N. O .) .
Control common (Do Not connect to Earth Gnd).
Terminal Function
(default setting if programmable)
Installation Notes on pg. 13 for further
Figure 5 on pg. 20 for the location of the
Table 8 on page 142).
Circuit Config.
Figure 7 on pg. 23.
Figure 8 on pg. 23.
Figure 9 on pg. 23.
Figure 10 on pg. 23.
Figure 11 on pg. 23.
Figure 12 on pg. 23.
Figure 13 on pg. 23.
Figure 14 on pg. 23.
Figure 15 on pg. 23
Figure 16 on pg. 23.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual17
I/O Terminal Descriptions
Note:The programmable term inal assignments of the discrete input terminals may be
accessed and changed from their default settings as mapped on
ST — The default setting for this terminal is ST. The function of this input as ST is a Standby mode
controller (system is in St a ndby when on). As the default setting, this terminal must be connected to CC for normal operation. If not connected to CC, Off is displayed on the LCD screen. This input
terminal may be programmed to any 1 of the 69 functions that are list ed in
Terminal on pg. 128 for more informati on on this terminal.
RES — The default setting for this terminal is RES. The function of this input as RES is a system
Reset. A momentary connection to CC resets the ASD and any fault indicat ions from the display. This
input terminal may be programmed to any 1 of the 69 possible func tions that are liste d in
page 138. Reset is effectiv e when fa u l te d o nly. See RES Terminal on pg. 106 for more information on
this terminal.
F — The default setting for this terminal is Forward Run. Forward Run runs the motor in the
Forward direction when it is on. This input terminal may be programmed to any 1 of the 69 functions
that are li s t ed in
R — The default setting for this terminal is Reve rse Run. Reverse Run runs the motor in the Reverse
direction when it is on. This input terminal may be programmed to any 1 of the 69 functions that are
listed in
S1 — The default setting for this terminal is S1. The function of this input as S1 is to run the motor at
Preset Speed #1 (see
programmed to any 1 of the 69 functions that are lis ted in Table 6 on page 138. See S1 Terminal on pg.
119 for more information on this terminal.
Table 6 on page 138. See R Terminal on pg. 111 for more information on this terminal.
Table 6 on page 138. See F Termina l on pg . 75 for more information on this terminal.
Preset Speed #1 on pg. 100) when it is on. This input terminal may be
pg. 42 (see Input
Table 6 on page 138. See ST
Table 6 on
S2 — The default setting for this terminal is S2. The function of this input as S2 is to run the motor at
Preset Speed #2 (see
programmed to any 1 of the 69 functions that are lis ted in Table 6 on page 138. See S2 Terminal on pg.
120 for more information on this terminal.
S3 — The default setting for this terminal is S3. The function of this input as S3 is to run the motor at
Preset Speed #3 (see
programmed to any 1 of the 69 functions that are lis ted in Table 6 on page 138. See S3 Terminal on pg.
120 for more information on this terminal.
S4 — The default setting for this terminal is Emergency Off (normally close d). The function of this
input as Emergency O ff is to remove power from the output of t he ASD and may apply a supplemental
braking system usi ng the method selected at the Emg Off Mode selection parameter. This input
terminal may be programmed to any 1 of the 69 functi ons that are lis ted in
Terminal on pg. 121 for more informati on on this terminal.
RR — The default function assigned to this termina l is to carry out the Frequency Mode #1 setting.
The RR terminal accepts a 0 – 10 VDC input signal and controls the function as signed to this te rminal.
This inpu t terminal may be programmed to control the speed or torque of the motor. It may also be used
to regulate (li mi t) the speed or torque of the motor. The gain and bias of this terminal may be adjusted
for application-specific suitability. See
information on this terminal.
RX — The RX termina l accepts a ±10 VDC input signa l and c ontrols the function assigned to this
terminal. This inp ut term inal m ay b e progr ammed t o con trol the sp ee d, tor que, or dire ct ion of the mo tor.
It may also be used to regulat e (limit) the speed or torque of the moto r. The gain and bias of this
terminal m ay be adjusted for applicati on- specific suitabili ty. See
pg. 116 for more information on this terminal.
Preset Speed #2 on pg. 100) when it is on. This input terminal may be
Preset Speed #3 on pg. 101) when it is on. This input terminal may be
Table 6 on page 138. See S4
RR Speed Frequency Setpoint #1 on pg. 107 for more
RX Speed Frequency Setpoint #1 on
18W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manua l
II — The func tion of the II input is to receive a 4 – 20 mA input signal that controls a 0 – 80 Hz output.
This input te rminal may be progr ammed to cont rol the spee d or torque of the m otor an d may not be used
when using the VI in put. Also, the gain and bi as of this terminal may be adjusted. See
VI/II Speed
Frequency Setpoint #1 on pg. 134 for more information on this terminal.
VI — The function of the VI input termina l is to receive a 0 – 10 VDC input signal that cont rols a
0 – 80 Hz output. This input te rm inal may be programmed to control the speed or torque of the motor
and may not be used when using the II input. Also, the gain and bias of thi s te rminal may be adjusted.
VI/II Speed Frequency Setpoint #1 on pg. 134 for more informat ion on this terminal.
P24 — +24 VDC @ 50 mA power supply for customer us e.
PP — The function of output PP is to provide a 10 VDC output that may be divided using a
potentiome ter. The tapped voltag e is applied to the RR input to provide manual control of the RR
programmed functi on.
OUT1 — The default setting for this output terminal is Damper Command. This output terminal may
be programmed to provide an indication tha t 1 of 60 possible events has taken place. This function may
be used to signal external equipment or to activate the brake. The OUT1 contact is rated at 2A/250
VAC. S ee
OUT1 Terminal on pg. 89 for more information on this terminal.
OUT2 — The default setting f or this output terminal is ACC/DEC Complete. This output terminal
may be program me d to provide an indication t hat 1 of 60 pos si b le events ha s taken place. This functi on
may be u sed to signal ex ternal equipm ent or to acti v ate the brake. The OUT2 contact is rate d at 2A/25 0
VAC. S ee
OUT2 Terminal on pg. 89 for more information on this terminal.
FP — The default function of this output terminal is to output a series of pulse s a t a rat e that is a
function of the output frequency of the ASD. As the output fr equency of the ASD goes up so does the
FP output pulse rate. This term inal may be programmed to provide output pulses at a rate that is a
function of the output frequency or the magnit ude of any 1 of the 31 the functions lis ted in
Table 8 on
page 142. See FP Te rmi nal Assignment on pg. 74 for more information on this terminal.
AM — This output te rm inal produces an outpu t curre nt that is proportiona l to the output frequency of
the ASD or of the magnitude of the fu nction as signed to this terminal. The available assig n ments for
this output terminal are listed in
Table 8 on page 142. See AM Terminal Assignment on pg. 55 for more
information on this terminal.
FM — This output terminal produces an output current that is proportional to the output frequency of
the ASD or of the magnitude of the fu nction as signed to this terminal. The available assig n ments for
this output terminal are listed in
Table 8 on page 142. Se e FM Terminal Assi gnment on pg. 73 for more
information on this terminal.
FLC — FLC is the middle leg of a single-pole double-throw (relay) switch. This FLC contact of the
relay is sw itche d be tween FLB and FLA. This cont act may b e program med to s witch be twe en FLB and FLA as a function of any 1 of the 60 condition s li sted in
Table 7 on page 141.
FLB — One of two contacts that, under user-defined conditions, connect to FLC (see Figure 4).
FLA — One of two contacts that, under user -defined conditions, connect to FLC (seeFigure 4).
Note:The FLA and FLC contacts are rated at 2A/250 VAC. The FLB co ntact is rated at
1A/250 VAC.
CC — Control common (Do Not connect to Earth Gnd).
Figure 4. FLA, FLB, and FLC switching contacts shown in the de-energized state.
Note: The rela y is sh own in the Faulted or
de-energized condition. During
normal system oper ation the relay
connection is FLC-to-FLA.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual19
Figure 5. Control Terminal Strip PCBA.
SW1 and SW2 may be switched to
change the full-scale reading of the
AM and FM output terminals. See
the AM Terminal Assignment and
the FM Terminal Assignment
descriptions for further information
on SW1 and SW2.
0–1 mA4–20 mA
0–1 mA4–20 mA
II Terminals
Shown below are the TB1 in put a nd outpu t t ermina ls of the Control Terminal Strip PCBA.
For further information on these terminals see pg. 17.
20W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manua l
W7 ASD Control
The Control PCBA (P/N 56000) serves as the primary control source for the W7 ASD and receives
input from the
W7 ASD Keypad.
The Control PCBA has been enha nced to support two new functi ons: Multiple Proto col
Communications and the ability to com municate in eith er half- or full-duplex mode s.
Using the optional multiple-protocol communications interface: the ASD-NANOCOM, the Control
PCBA may be configured for the type of co mmunications protocol being received and resp ond
appropriate ly to the sending device. The ASD-NANOCOM connects to the J4 and J5 connectors
(see Figure 6). A jumper PCBA (P/N 5536 5) is required at the J4 connecto r if not us ing the ASDNANOCOM.
Control Terminal StripPCBA, an Option Card, RS232/ RS 485 Communication s, or the
The ASD-NANOCOM must be setup to support the desired communications protocol via Program
Comm Settings. Consult the ASD-NANOCOM User’s Manual (P/N 10572-1 .000-000) for a comple te
listing of the setup requirements.
Half or Full duplex com mun ications is available when using RS232/RS 485 com m unications. The
jumpers at the JP1 and the JP2 connectors may be moved from one position to the other to facilitate
either half- or ful l-duplex operation. If no jumpers are used the system will operate in the full duple x
For more information on the W7 ASD communica tion requirements, please visit
WWW.TIC.TOSHIBA.COM to acqui re a copy of the 7-Series Communications User Manual
(see Literature
the ASD-NANO COM User Manual.
Contact your Toshiba representative if more informat ion is required on the ASD-NANOCOM.
Figure 6. Control Board of the W7 ASD (P/N 56000).
Common Serial (TTL) I/O
RS232/RS485 signal I/O
Manuals ⇒Drives Manuals) and WWW.ICCDESIGNS.COM to acquire a copy of
RS232/RS485 signal I/O
JP1 Jumpers — Half-/Full-Dup lex selection.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual21
25-pin D-type connector
Connects to the Control
Terminal Strip PCBA (CN7).
CNU1/1A and CNU2/2A Pinout
Control Boar d CNU1/1A and CNU2/2A pinout (RJ-45 connectors).