Toshiba Using TeleMagic Enterprise Application Bulleti

Computer Telephony Integration
Application Bulletin
AB50-0009 April 1, 1997
Using TeleMagic Enterprise® Ver. 2.2 with
T eleMagic Enterprise V2.2 for Microsoft® Windo ws® is an applicat ion t hat w as de veloped as a Sales Contact system. Thi s s of tware can add important f unct i onal it y t o yo ur t el ephone system when using TeleMagic to dial contacts for calling into your system. To make the link between your TAPI interface on the Strata DK system requires using StrataLink and the special TeleMagic Link provided to gain access to each contact record.
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T eleMagic provides a contact list divided into three levels of access. Normally, the top level or lev el 1 is a company access level , listing the primary number and address of t he company. The second level or level 2 is an individual contact within that organization.
The contacts can also be used to provide a third access level for further division of contacts. Because of the flexible access structure of TeleMagic, the access link for seeking the appropriate cont act r ecord c an be di recte d t o an y of t he l e v els or a speci f ic l evel with th e inde x for matching being definable.
This application bulletin provides the setup and programming information to provide a full desktop dialing and screen-pop integration between the Toshiba StrataLink and Telemagic Enterprise for Windows (Version 2.2 single user) contact manager.
Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.
Telecommunication Systems Division
9740 Irvine Bl vd., Ir vin e, CA 92618-1697 (714) 583-3700
Linking TeleMagic Enterprise for Windows with StrataLink
To enable the Outdialing feature in TeleMagic
1. In the “Telemagic Link” section of StrataLink check the “Auto Activate Link” option. When Telemagic is loaded the St rataLink will automatically establish a communication link with Telemagic, so whenever a phone number is dialed from within Telemagic, the StrataLink will f irs t re ceive the dialing request before it dials.
Using TeleMagic Enterprise® Ver. 2.2 with StrataLink
2. On the “Telemagic Link” section of StrataLink, check the “Pop Dial Menu” option. Then when using the “Dial” button for multiple phone numbers from within Telemagic, StrataLink will popup a Telemagic Dial window box, as seen on the right, to allow selection of the needed dial numbers.
To enable the Incoming Call Screen Pop feature
1. In the StrataLink, add the following Action:
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In the preceding screen dialog box, both the Index Level and the Index Name option, under Pop Telemagic need to be assigned to match your database.
Strata DK I&M April 1997
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