Toshiba Using DayTimer Organizer Application Bulleti

Computer Telephony Integration
Application Bulletin
AB50-0007 April 1, 1997
Using DayTimer Organizer™ V2.0 with
DayTimer Organizer V2.0 for Microsoft® Windows® is a powerful contact management PC application and can ad d import ant fun ctiona lity to your telep hone syst em. It w orks we ll wit h a Strata DK system when used with StrataLink as a TAPI compatible middleware, to provide database lookup and screen-pop features.
When using DayTimer, it is important to understand its capabilities and limitations so it can be used properly. The purpose of this bulletin is to assist you in understanding how to install, set options, and use DayTimer as a TAPI application with the Strata DK system.
Linking DayTimer Organizer V2.0 to the Toshiba StrataLink
The popular DayTimer Org ani zer V2.0 co ntact management software package, in conjunction with StrataLink utility, can efficiently integrate with the Toshiba TAPI Service Provider. For outgoing calls, DayTimer receives the dial string sent by DayTimer and relays the number to the StrataLink/TAPI Service Provider.
For incoming calls, TAPI messages are sent to StrataLink from the Toshiba TAPI Service Provider. StrataLink applies the conditions and filters to this by creating an action which causes DayTimer to locate the database number and display any matching entries, commonly referred to as a “Screen Pop”. Also, when this ends, StrataLink will send another command to clear the selection to be ready for another call.
Strata DKT
RS-232 Link
RPCI to COM Port
Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc.
9740 Irvine Bl vd., Ir vin e, CA 92618-1697 (714) 583-3700
Microsoft Windows PC
Service Provider
Telecommunication Systems Division
DDE Link
DDE Link
DayTimer Organizer
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Installing DayTimer Organizer V2.0

To install DayTimer Organizer V2.0
1. Install the Toshiba TAPI Service Provider (use the installation instructions for the service provider found in Chapter 13 of the Installation and Maintenance Manual).
2. Install DayTimer Organizer V2.0 (use the installation instructions provided by the DayTimer User Guide to install the software).
3. Configure the DayTimer Organizer Settings.
To Configure DayTimer for StrataLink Dialing
Using DayTimer Organizer™ V2.0 with StrataLink
Using the menus: Setu
1. In Local Area Code set to your local area code (i.e. “714”).
2. In Modem Settings, COM port use the dropdown box to select: “Use DDE”
3. In DDE Dialing set:
DDE Server Name: “STRATLNK” Launch Command: C:\StratLink\STRATLNK.EXE Launch if Necessary: set to Checked
To enable the StrataLink screen pop
If you installed StrataLink in a dif f erent direct ory, then change the “launch command” programming accordingly. DayTimer Organizer limits the “Launch Command” field to 26 charac ters or less , thus for this “AutoLaunch” feature to work, the in stallation directory for StrataLink must be chosen to be less than this limit.
In general, do not change other items in the action unless specifically instructed to do so.
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Strata DK I&M April 1997
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