Toshiba OIS120 User Manual

2 Line x 16 Display
4 Line x 20 Display
4 Line x 16 Display
6” Color Display
Ethernet Port on OIS120
Use for programming, connection to PLC, or connection to higher level controller. Communicate across the plant or across the country.
Multi Language Capability
Display text information in any Microsoft supported language. Export text file to co-worker in another country so that he can add his language. Then import text into OISeup32 software.
Pop Up Screens & Keypads
Conserve screen space on touchscreens by popping up a keypad for data entry. Press a flashing alarm button to display a detailed alarm screen.
Alarm and Event Monitoring
Monitor status of alarms and specific events on one screen.
Touchscreens can display process trends graphically for easy interpretation of process/machine history.
Horizontal or Vertical Orientation
Mount the touchscreen so that it best fits the application. Screens can be created in either horizontal or vertical format.
Support for Floating Point Data
IEEE format double register data can be attached to any screen object such as bargraphs, meters, etc.
Serial Port Available for Printing Screens and Alarm Data
Send PLC or connected device information to any serial printer.
Low Cost OEM Keypad Models that Require No Programming Software
Use large memory capacity of Toshiba PLC to store messages and perform data entry.
Keypad Overlays Ship Separately on most Keypad Models
Allows OEMs to easily add custom overlay for specific application.
Color Touch Screens
Operator Interface Stations For Toshiba
Industrial Euipment
Speed Drives
I want to communicate with Toshiba
OIS operation is based on screens and tasks. Screens are created with objects on the screen. Tasks are assigned to the objects. The maximum limit to the number of screens that can be
created is 65,534 (based on available memory). Up to 256 alarms can be defined. Recipes can be block transferred between the OIS and connected devices (or vice versa). The following connection modes are possible:
1 : 1 OIS connected to one device. 1 : N One OIS connected to multiple devices
N : 1 Multiple OISs connected to one device
(Requires Gateway Protocol Converter).
Before the OIS can be used a program must be loaded into it. The program is created on any MS Windows based computer using the OISetup32 software. The OISetup32 software creates nodes,
tasks, tags and screens. Tasks and tags are then assigned to the screens and to objects on the screens. Available tasks are:
Go To Screen Call Popup Display TrendWrite Value to Tag Add Constant to Tag Subtract Constant from TagCopy Tag A to Tag B Swap Tag A & Tag B Copy Tag to LEDCopy PLC Bk to Recipe Bk Copy Recipe Bk to PLC Bki Print DataTurn Bit ON Turn Bit OFF Toggle Bit
The setup screen with floating tools bars, text grid and touch grid (grids are adjustable) is used to create screens with objects. Tasks are then assigned to the objects..
Notes: 1. Most new features require Ver. 3.11 or higher.
2. Ver. 3.11 requires MS Windows 2000 or higher.
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