This Manual is designed to assist in installing, operating, and maintaining the
LF494/LIH04 electromagnetic: flowmeter, i’or safely reasons, and to obtain the opti
mum performance from the flowmeter, read this Manual thoroughly before working
with the product. Keep the Manual within easy reach fcjr reference whenever needed.
The flowmeter to which this Manual refers is NOT designed for applications m which
the functioning of this product is critical to human safety, such as:
♦ Main cejntro! syaicms of nuclear power plants; safely systems in nuclear facilities
• Control systems of medical equipment, including life support machines.
or other ciilical control lines directly affecting human safety.
L The reproduction of the contents of this Manual in any form, whether wholly or in part, is
not permitted without explicit prior consent and approval.
2. 1’hc information contained in this Manual is subject to change or review without prior
3. Be .sure to follow all safety, operating and handling precautions described in this Manual
and ihe regulations in force in the country in which this product is to be used.
HART is a registered trademark of ihe HART Ccrnmunication Foundation,
Teflon is a rcgislcrcd trademark of the DuPont Company.
Forth F.dition
October. 2000
€> Copyright 1999, 2000 hy To.shiha Corporation. All rights reserved.
- 1 -
Safety signs and labels affixed to the product and/or described in this manual give important
information for using the product safely. They help prevent datnagu lo property and obviate
hazards for persons using the product,
Make yourself familiar with signal words and symbols used for safely signs and labcJs, Then
read the safety precautions that follow to prevent an accident involving personal injury,
death or damage to property.
Explanation of signal words
The signal word or words arc used to designate a degree or level of hazard seriousness.
The ssignal words used for the product described in this manual arc WARNING and
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in death or
i^erious injury.
Safety .symbols
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
rhe following symbols are used in safety signs and labels affixed to a product and/or in the
manual for giving safety instructions.
Indicates an action that is prohibited. Simply DON'T do this action.
The prohibited action is indicated by a picture or text inside or next to
the circle
Indicates an action that is mandatory, DO this action,
1 he mandatory action is indicated by a picture or text inside or next to
the circle.
Indicates a potential hazard. The potentially hazardous situation is
indicated by a picture or text inside or next to the triangle.
w hich, if not avoided, may result in minor lo
moderate injuries or in property damage.
- г -
Safety Precautions for Installation and Wiring
Do not diNCOTinecl while circuit h live unless k>cntion is known lo be nonhuzardous.
6,F8A0 7 7 4.
I Oo not modify or disassemble the enclosure,
xdiy Strength dcgtadsition and defects of enclosure can cause explosion.
Do not use parts of other products.
Do not live circuits While assembly of all components is not over.
Install per the National Electrlciil Code for the LS (NEC, ANSI/NFPA 70)
and the Canadian Electrical code for Canada (CEC, CAN/CSA>C22J).
Live pari of electric circuit ora high temperature department can cause
Protective performance degradation for hazardous location can cause
Protective performance degradation for hazardous location can cause
Unsuitable conduit connections for hazardous location can cause ex
■ Turn off mains power before working
on pipes.
Working on pipes while
power is applied can cause
QQ electric shock.
■ Install a switch and fuse to isolate the
LF494/LF404 from mains power.
Power supply from mains
power can cause electric
□ 0 shock or circuit breakdown.
■ Use an appnipriate device to carry
and install the LF494/LF4Q4.
If this product falls to the
ground, injury, or malfunction
of or damage to the product,
can be caused.
■ Du not modify or disassemble the
LF494/LF404 unnecessarily,
( this product cart cause electric
shuck, malfunction uf or
DON T damage to this product.
- 3 -
Safety Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection
■ Turn off mains power before
conducting wiring work.
Wiring while power is applied can cause electric shock,
■ Do not condnet wiring work with bare
Remaining electric charge
■ Ground the LF494/LF404 indepen
dently from power equipment,
^^9 grounding can cause electric
■ Use compression terminal lugs with
insulation sleeve for the termmul
block and GND terminal.
I even if power is turned off
■ Do not work on piping and wiring w ith
wet hands.
f J electric shock.
can still cause electric shock.
Wet hands may result in
^|\ pow'cr input.
/ J \ (A black border and symbol on
6F,8A0 774
Operating this product without
shock or mal fu net ion.
Loose connections can cause
electric shock, fire from
excessive current or system
The label shown left is placed
near the terminal board for
yellow triangle)
Be alert to electric shock.
■ Do not touch the flowmeter main
body when high temperature fluid is
being measured.
The fluid raises the mainy^“V Wiring while power is applied
i body temperature and can
cause burns when toucheil.
■ Do not conduct wiring work with wet
hands.yy neaj ihe icrininal board for
1 Wet hands may result in
electric shock.
■ Do not use a fuse other than the oneUse a rated as follow^]
Using a fuse other than the
\ one specified can cause
V, ;V system failure, damage or
mal ft! action.
■ Do not conduct wiring work when
power is applied.
i can cause electric shock.
The label shown left is placed
/w\^ power input.
/ (A black border and symbol on
yellow triangle)
Be alert to eleciric shock.
Fuse rating:
* 1 A;250V for 100 to 24t)Vacor llOVdc
• 2A^250V for 24 V dc
Diameter 5.2 inm x 20 mm
Melting time characteristic:
Normal blow |
Toshiba does noi 9ccep[ liitbility for any dsimagc or loss, msuerial or personal, caused its a
direct or indirect result of the operation of this product in connection with, or due to, the
occurrence of any event of force majeurc (including fire or earthquake) or the misuse of
this product, whether iutcntiounl or aeddentaJ.
- 4 -
Handling Precautions
■ To obiairi the opiimutn pcrforiimnce from the LJ"494/LF4C4 flowmeter for yeiirs of
coHtinuou!» operation, observe Ihc following preciiutions.
(1) Do not store or instiiJl the flowmeter in:
(2) Exccjlc wiring securely and correctly,
• places where there is direct sunlight. If this is unavoidable, use an appropriate
• places where excessive vibration or mechanical shock occurs,
• places where high i строга lure or high humidity conditions obtain,
■ places where corrosive atmospheres obtain,
• places submerged under water,
To put the flowmeter temporarily on the floor, place ¡t carefully with something to
support it so that the tlowmcicr will not topple over,
Ground the flowmeter whth 1Ш ohm or less ground resistance* * Avoid a common
ground used with other equipment where earth current may flow. Ал independent
ground is preferable
(3) Seal the cable thoroughly at ths cable gland so that the cable is kept airtight. The
apparatus should not be provided with the cable gland. Please prepare yourself lor
the cable glands which could he used in Division 2 hazardous locations.
(4) Make sure the fluid to be measured will not freeze in the detector pipe. This can
cause damage to the detector pipe.
{5) Select appropriate wetted materials suited for the process fluid to be measured.
Otherwise, fluid leakage due to corrosion can be caused,
(6) The converter housing covers ¿re lightened securely at the time of shipment. Do
not remove these covers or glands unless it is necessary to wire new cables or re
place old ones. Otherwise, gradual deterioration of circuit isolation or damage !o
this product can be caused. Tighten the covers securely again if they have hcca re
- 5-
Handling Precautions (continued)
(7) Observe the lollowing precautions when you open the converter housing cover:
• Do not open the cover in the open air unprotected ugainsi rain or wind, I'his
can cause eieciiic shock cr cause damage to the flowmeter electronics,
* Do not open the cover under high ambient teraperaitire or high humidity
conditions or in corrosive atmospheres. This can cause deterioration of
system accuracy or cause damage to the flowmeter electronics,
(8) ThisS product may cause interference to radio and television sets if they are
used near the installation site. Use meta! conduits etc, for cables to prevent
this interference.
(9) Radio transmitters such as transceivers or cellular phones may cause interference
to the flowmeter if they are used near the installation site . Observe the following
precautions when using them;
• Do not use a radio transmitter while the cover of flowmeter converter is open.
» Do not use a transceiver whose output power is more than 5 W.
• Move the antenna of a radio transmitter at least 50 cm away from the ilowtneter
and signal cables when using it,
• Do not use a radio transmitter near the flowmeter while it is operating online.
The transmitter’s output impulse noise may interfere with the flowinder.
• Do not install a radio transmitter antenna near the flowmeter converter and
signal cables,
(10) For reasons of flowmeter failure, inappropriate parameters, unsuitable cable con
nections or poor jnstallaiion conditions, the flowmeter may not operate properly.
To prevent any of these problems causing a system failure, it is recommended that
you have preventive measures designed and installed on the flowmeter sigttal re*
ceiving side.
To store the I.r494/LF404 flowmeter after opening the package, select a
storing place as follows and keep it under the conditions described below:
(1) Avoid places where there is direct sunlight, rain or wind.
(2) Store the product in a weli-vemilaicd place. Avoid places of extremely high
humidity or extremely higher low temperature. The following environment is
* Humidity range: 10 to 90% RH (no condensation)
• LStoruge temperature: -15 to +65* C
(3) Avoid places where vibratioiis or mechanical shock occur.
(4) Uo not leave the converter housing cover open . Open the cover only w'hen
you actually start wiring cables. I.eaving the cover open can cause gradual
deterioration of circuit isolation.
(i) To put the flowmieter temporarily on the floor, place it carefully wi\U something
to support ii so that the flowmeter will not topple over
- 9 -
2, Overview
The LP494/LF404 ciectromagiiclic flowmeter can be use in the following hai;ardous (clas
sified) locations,
(1) FM Approval
Class I , Division 2» Groups B, C and D,
Class n , Division 2, Groups K and G
Class IIE
(2) CSA Certification
Gass I , Division 2, Groups B, C and D,
Class U, Division 2, Groups E, F and G
Class in
The device measures the volumetric flow rates of electrically conductive materiaU on
the basis of Faraday's of electromagnetic induction.
The device consists of two unit.s; the detector» through which the fluid to be measured
flows, and the converter, which receives the electromorive force signals from the
delector, then converts the signals into the 4—20 mA dc signal.
Model LF494/LF404 is a sanitary elcctromagneiic flowmeter designed for applications
handling food and beverages. Sani'.ary flowmeters must be sinictured in such a way dial
operation and handling is simple, easy and thorough for the purpose of sanitary control
such as cleaning, sterilizing and drying, llic flow-meter has no obstacles in the flow
stream and it is designed to provide indispensable conditions for sanitary control and is
fit for flowrate measurcjncnt for food and beverages.
Model LF494/LF404 sanitary flowmeter has Ihe following features:
(J) Fluid flow is not obstructed and pressure loss is negligible.
Toshiba's original noisc-suppression circuit with signal processing capabilities ensures
a stable oulpul.
Has no moving parts and flow indication is quick with high accuracy even under low'
flowrate measurement conditions.
Equipped with a ferrule, compatible with ISO clamp connection, at both ends of the
detector. They can be mounted or dismounted easily and securely.
No obstacles in the flow stream and nowhere remains the fluid along the detector pipe.
Thus deterioration or corrosion of fluid does not <xxmr.
High accuracy, ±0,5% of rale is possible for 0.3-10 m's velocity range.
0,1 lo 0.3 m^s range is available oplionaljy.
The flowmeter has various flow measurement output and control functions as standard
specifications and the optional LCD display for convenient parameter settings.
• 'I’hcse functions can be selected with control keys on the panel.
Intelligent functions
* The widely used HART protocol comm uri real ions system is used as a standard
feature, HART (Highw'ay Addressable Remote Transducer) is a communications
protocol for industrial sensors recommended by HCF (HART Communication
.An easy-io-rcad LCD display (2-line x 16-character display) (optional)
• The backlit LCD display can be read even under poor lighting conditions.
- 10
3. Names of Parts
The oulline drawing of the LF4y4/LF404 flowmeter is shown in Figure 3.1 and (lie in*
The apparatus should not be provided with the cable glands^
Please prepare yourself for the cable glands which could be used in Division2 hazardous locations.
icrnal views of tJie I.F404 converter arc shown in Fifinres 3.2 and 3,3,
Outline ]>ra>i^ing
LF494/LF404 withaiit LCDdispliiy(standarcl)
LF494/I J*'404with IXD display (optiimal)
Figure 3,1 OutliDe drawing of LF494/LF404 Flowmeter
- II -
Tennina] Board of O^'404 Converter
Power supply LcrmijjLils
Digital output (DOl) D02)
Internal grounding terminal
External groondini*
^ terminal
Digital input (Ur) terminal
Common for Dl, DOl and 1X)2
Figure 3*2 Teminnl Bt>ard of LF404 Converter
Current output terminal
- »2 -
Contrri switch or kej's of LF404 Converter
LF404 without LCD Dtsplay
Figure 3J Control switch or keys of LF404 Converter
4. Installntion
Safety Precautions For Installation
Do not live ciremts under envTonmcni of explosive atmospheres.
6F8A0 7 7.4
M Do not use parts of other products.
f Do not live circuits While assembly of all components is not over.
I Install per the National Electrical Code for the US (NEC, ANSI/NFPA 70)
and the Canadian Electrical code for Canada (CEC, CAN/CSA-C22J)«
Live part of electric circuit or a high temperature department can
cause explosion.
Protective performance degradation for hazardous location can
cause explosion.
Protective performance degradation for hazardous location can
cause explosion.
Unsuitable conduit connections for hazardous iocation can cause
■ install a switch and fuse to isolate
the LF494/L.F404 from main power.
Power supply from main
power can cause electric
shuck or circuit
QQ breakdown.
■ Use an appropriate device to carry and
install the LF494/LF404.
If his product falls to the
grou nd, i nj u ry, or
malfiincrioji of or damage (o
[jQ the product, can he caused.
■ Do m>t modify or disassemble the
LF494/LF404 unnecessarily,
Modifying or
disassembling this product
vHy cause electric shock
m a If un ction or d am age to
DON’T product
■ Do not work on piping and wiring
with wet hands.
Wet hands may result in
electric shock
■ Ground the LF494/LF4(M
Independently from power equipment.
Operating this product without
grounding can cause electric
Q0 shock or malfunction.
The label shown left is placed
near the terminal hoard for
power input,
/ J \ (A black border and symbol on
yellow triangle)
Re alcri to electric shock.
4A Location
To Kcicct the inslaUatioii site, follow the prccaations described below:
■ Avoid places where fluid runs in a pulsating torm,
■ Avoid plaees wiihjji the immediate proximiiy of equipment producing electrical
interference (such as motors, transformers, radio transmitters, electrolytic cells, or
oiher equipment causing electromagnetic or electrostatic interference),
■ Avoid places where excessive pipe vibration occurs,
■ Avoid places where there is direct sunlight. If this is unavoidable, use an appropriate
■ Avoid places of loo great an elevation or constricted areas where clearance
for installation or maintenance work is not provided,
■ Design piping so that the detector pipe is always filled with fluid, whether the fluid is
flowing or not,
■ The LF494 detector has no adjustable piping mechanism, Insiall an adjustable short
pipe where needed.
■ Chemical injections should be conducted on the dow-nstream side of the flowmeter
4.2 Mounting Procedure
■ Use an appropriate device to eatry
and inistall the LF494/LF404.working on pipes.
If his product falls lo the
A B ground, injury, ofpower is applied can
malfunciioit of or damage
DO to the product, can be
4.2.1 Pipe checks
Before insiaJling pipes, check for iiny leaning ns illustrated in Figure 4.1. An attempt to
unreasonably connecting pipes that arc inclined may lead to a detector breakdown or
tlnid leakage. Connecting pipes in an eccentric state may also cause local wears and leans
of linings, as well as measurement errors.
Before installing pipes, make sure lo flash the iiiierior of the pipes to remove deposited
■ Turnoff mains power before
Working on pipes while
V_y cause electric shock.
- 16 -
4,2,2 Installation Procedure
The LF4y4/LF404 adopis the ISO ^^^52 ditmp connection mcihcnJTo mount the 1.F494/LF404, see Figure 4.2 and follow the procedure below;
1. Weld a ferrule of the detector to the proces.s pipe on both upstream and downstream
2. Install the LJ’494/LI-404 between the two tcrrulcs w'hicli were welded to the pnjcess
pipes above.
3. InstaU a gasket betw^een ;he grooves of theferruJeon the detector side and lhal of the
ferrule on the process pipe for both upstream and dow^nslream sides, 1 iicn place a
clamp over the joined ferrules as shown in I’igure 4,2 and tigliien with the screw' for
both upstream and downstream process pipes.
When high-temperature fluid is being nieasuredj radiant heal from ihe detector pipe surface and
adjoining pipes may cause the ambient temperature of the converter to go above 60 °C. If the
ambient tempera lure goes above 60^ C, (ry to lower the temperature by measures such as wrap
ping hcal-insulating materials over the detector pipe and adjoining pipes.
- 17 -
4J Piping Connections
(1) Required Pipe Length
If various jaintsS ¡irc used upiitream of the cleiector oullot, the straight pipe length us
shown in Table 4J is required.
Table 4.1 Required straight pipe length on the upstream side
L: Required straight pipe ietiglh—straight pipe length plus half length of the detector.
D: Nominal bore size (diameter)
1. The length of a reducer* if connected, can be counted as a part of the straight pipe
2. No straight pipe letiglh is needed on the downstream side, if a butterfly valve is
installed downstream of the detector, do not let the valve plate protrude into the
pipe of the detector
- U -
C2) PipÊ Orientation
The detector may be installed in horizontal, vertical or sloping pipe runs as shown in
Figure 4,3, However, cxccpl for horizontal installation, llmd should flow from lower to
upper directions. See Figure 4.3.
The electrodes should be positioned horizontally against the ground surface in any piping
installation. See Figure 4.4.
(Jmss-scdiiin A - A
Figure 4.4 Installation position of the detector
Ground surface
(3) Flow Direction
Install the delector in accordance with the flow direction arrow on the detector. See I’ignre 4,5.
If the actual flow runs opposite to the specified flow direction, the following display and
output appears.. (For bidirectional multi-range measurement, sec 103^ “Mulli-rangc
* LCD display (optional)« Instantaneous How rate—indicates negative values»
Totalized flow—no a>unts added,
* Output:Current output—4.0 mA output; Pulse output—No pulses
For bidirectional range measuremenu the flow in opposite direction results in a positive
output value. See 10.3» “Multi-range Functions/’
(4) Preventing sin Empty Pipe Condition
Design an upright pipe run (Figure 4.6) or sufficicjit head pressure (Fig, 4.7) at the
downstream detector oullet if there is a possibility of the detector pipe becoming emptied.
Upright pipe run
Figure 4«6 Detector with 3n upright pipe run at dow'ustream outlet
Figure 4.7 Detector with sufficient head pressure at downstream outlet
- 20 -
(5) Supporting Pipe
Fix Ihc relevant pipes installed on both sides of the detector by attach fittings, etc. to support
the pipe. Y iy supporting the pipes, not only the pipe vibration is reduced but also the damage
to the pipes by the electromagnetic flowmeter's weight and the fluid mass. And it protect
from fluid leakage at flange face (see Figures 4.^ and 4.9).
Figure 4,8 Example of Pipe Fixing Procedure
Figure 4,9 Model Diagram of L'nsupported Pipes
- 21 -
The grounding terminal of the LF494/LK404 Qo’ameter should be grounded with lOUohm
or less ground resistance. Use a heavy copper braid or wire (cross-sectional area 5,5 nun"
minimum) to ground the lerminal and make it as short as possible. The terminal is M4 siiic
and an M4-siiie crimped ring fug should be used to connect the wire to the terminal. Avoid a
common ground where earth currcni may fliw. An independent ground is preferable, See
Figure 4.1(1.
To prevent a iwo-poini grounding, ground the shielded cable on the receiving instrument
Figure 4.10 Grounding Procedure
- 22 -
5, Wiring
Do not live circuits While assembly of all components is not over.
I Install p«r the National Electrical Code for the US (NEC, ANSl/NFPA 70)
and the Canadian Electrical code for Canada (CEC, CAN/CSA-C22J)*
Live part of electric circuit or ^ high temperature department cun
cause explosion.
Protective performance degradation for ha2ardou,s location can
cause explosion.
Unsuitable conduit connections for hazardous location ctm cause
■ Do not work on piping and wiring
with wet hands.
Wei hands can cause system
■ Do nut modify or disassemble the
LF494/LF404 unnecessarily.
Modifying or disassembling
1 jj^ this product can cause elcc-
trie shock, malfunction of or
DON’T damage to this produci.
■ Use the proper cables for wiring of
power and I/O .
Using a cable other :han the
уЛ one specified may c^usc sys-
/ J \ tern failure or damage and
may break watcrproul.
Ш Ground the IvF494/LF404 properly*
Operating this product without
a grounding can cau^e system
■ Prepare yourself for the cable glands
which could be used in Division 2
hazardous Incation.s*
The apparatus should not be
provided with the cable glands.
* The label shown left is placed
Л\ near the terminal board for
/ power input.
" * Be alert to electric shock.
- 23 -
I'lowmeter acuumcy may be affccieJ by the way wiring is executed. Proceed with wiring
taking ihc foJIowiJig prccauiions:
(1) Select the cable runs away from electrical equipment (motors, transformers, or
nidio transmitters) which causes electromagnetic or electrostatic interference.
(2) Deteriorarion of fJowmetcr circuit insulation occurs if the converter interior or
cable ends gel w^et or humidified. 'I’his in turn causes malfunction of flowmeter
or noise problems, Avoid a rainy day if the flowmeter is to be installed outdoors,
l-ven indoors, prevent w^ater from splashing over the flowmeter. Try to finish the
W'iring as quickly as possibJe
(3) The converter has a surge-ai>sorbing barrier installed inside. Therefore, do not
conduct a wdthsiand voltage test for Ihe converter. To check ihe insulation of the
converter, use a voltage of 250 V dc or
5.1 Cables
Use the kind of cables shown in Table 5.1 to vsdre the converter.
Power cable
I/O cableThe number of wires for the output cable depends on the
Notei Use a four-wire cable if the arresters are to be used. See Figure 5.1 below.
5*2 EtKlernal Device Connections and Grounding
The terminal board comieciion;s of ihe 1T494/LF404 flowmeter are shown in Figure 5.1.
Proceed with wiring as described in Section 5.4, “Wiring Procedure."’
Cable type
Three-wire sheathed
cable (Note)
system specifications. Use a shielded cable with nominaJ
cross-sectional area of 1.25 mm^ and overall diameter of
11 to 15 mm.
Table 5*1 Cables
2 mm^
Overall diameter
11 to 15 mm
If power supply is specified as DC, use LI ds positive (+) and L2 as negative (-) terminals.
Instrument Panel:
ordered separately
Currentoulput (4-20mAde)
(■*■) Hs)
I LI I l^|FGt|l3tc|[cq*4 rn|noa|DQl| " f ^ I
I - ground resistant’^
! ***^ Grounded with 1 OOtior less
. V L>jgita] Output 1
: > ragiu^ O^rtput 2
‘ > Digital Input (20 lo 30 V dc)
1 -
IV wire
or more
I/O cable
W >wcr cable
^ '
' \
Power Switch
*1 To use the arresters, ground the GNI) terminal using the wire shown in broken line.
*2 Locale an cxiernal double-pole power switch on the powder line near the flow'meicr and within easy
operation. Mark one the switch as the disconnecting device for the flowmeter,
Use an appropriate swiicli of the rating shown below:
Recommended sw'ilch rating; Rating 250 V ac, fiA or more
Inrush current 15 A or more
— > pQWCï Supply
Figure 5*1 Terminal Block Connections
6F8A07 74
(1) The grounding terminal of the LF494/UH04 flo^mEtcr should be grounded with
100 ohm or less ground resiiilance. Use a heavy copper braid or wire
(cross-seciioniil area 5 .5 mn:" minimum) to ground the terminal and make it as
short as possible. The icnninal is M4 size and an M4-sizc crimped ring lug should
be used lo connect the wire to the tenninaU Avoid a common ground where earth
current may flow . An independent ground is preferable^ See Figure
conductive pipeline grounding and noii-conducrive pipeline grounding procedures.
(2) To prevent a wo-poinl grounding, ground the shielded cable on the receiving
inshiimenl side.
5.2 . for a
I If connection pipe is conductive:
Connect between the grounding terminal
and both ends of the mating flanges with
a heavy copper braid or wire
(cross-section 5.5 min‘ minimum).
If connection pipe is non-conductive:
Use a heavy copper braid or wire
(cross-scciiiin 5.5 mm^ minimum) to
ground he terminal with UK) ohm or
less ground resistance*
Figure 5.2 Grounding Procedure
- 26 -
53 Digital I/O Connections
Digital I/O icrmmEils cottsiM ol conlact oulpul lerniiiials (jilatidard DOl Eind optional
D02), voJlage signal input terminal (Dl, opcioiial), and signal common terminal {COM).
Hach terminal (DOl, D02 and DI) is isolated from internal circuits. Terminal (COM) is
the signal common for the other three terminals {DOl, DOl and DI).
Functions can be assigned for each xnninal with Ihe LCD control keys (option). See
Chapter 10, ‘‘Digital I/O Functions/
To connect an electromagnetic relay ot counter lo the contact output tcrrtiinal (DOl or 1>02)^
put a surge-absorbing diode into the input circuil of the relay or counter. See Figure 5.3 for
an example of electromagnetic counter connection,
Note I: Use a surge-absorbing diode of the rating: current rating lAand voltage rating
200 V minimum.
Note 2: The Solidstaie relay, photo-coupler and resistor are not provided for the standard
model (the one whth no digital I/O specifications). l.eavc the terminals for D02 and
Cable termination and cable connections are described below.
■ Ho not con d net w i ri n g work wt e n■ Eto not w'ork on piping and wiring
power is applied.
Wiring while power is ap-
1 plied can cause clccinc1 electric shock.
Ttic apparatus should not be provided with the cable glands.
Please prepare yourself for the cable glands which could be used in Division2 hazardous
with wet hands.
Wet hands may result in
Use cables as specified in Table 5.1 ^ First, Remove the cable sheath about 70 mm from the
end to expose the coated wires and then strip the wires about 10 [nm. Then attach an
M4-sis:e compression terminal lug to the end of each wire using a compression tool. The
compression terminal should be of Ihe kind with insulated sleeve to prevent shorts between
adjacent terminals. The overall length oi thc wire with the terminal attached should be about
6(.) nmi. Sec Figure .‘5,4 below,
M4-sizc compression terminal lug
- 28 -
5A2 Cable Connections
Connect the term incited cable wires to the terminal board as described below.
Connect the wires securely to :hc terminal board. A loose connection may result in
unsaiisfacLory flowmeter performance. Make sure the wires arc securely connected.
(J) Remove the housing cover for the terminal board shown in Figure 3.1. The terminal board
is located inside the converter as shown in Figure 3,2. Connect the crimped terminal of
each wire to the specified pin of the terminal board . See Figure 5.1 for the terminal board
configuration, Tighten each crimped terminal to the terminal board wiih a screw using a
l*hil!ips screwdriver as shown in Figure 5.6. Loose connection may result in unsatisfactory
flowmeter performance. Make sure the wire is securely connected.
ITic appropriate torque for tightening the terminal board screws is J .2 Ntn (12 kgf- cm).
(2) After the terminal block connecriorij pull the cable a little so that the cable runs straight
from (he terminal block without unnecessary winding.
(3) Attach the terminal cover and screw the housing cover for the terminal block. To keep the
housing seal, lighten securely the cover using a tool fitting with the groove on the cover
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