Toshiba 55G300U, 46G30U, 40G30U User Manual

40 46 55G300U EN-A5--Cover-03.pdf ] 2010/3/10 I-_ 10:24:04
Leading Innovation _>))
Foran overviewof stepsfor settingup your newTV,see Note:Todisplaya HighDefinitionpicture,theTVmustbereceMng
cable provider.
Dear Customer_
Thank you for purchasing this Toshiba LCDTV.This
manual will helpyou use the many exciting features ofyour new LCDTV.Before operating your LCDTV,
pleaseread thismanual completely,and keep it nearbyfor future reference.
Safety Precautions
Thelightningflashwitharrowheadsymbol,withinan equilateraltriangle,isintendedtoalerttheusertothe
presenceofuninsulated"dangerousvoltage"withinthe product'senclosurethatmaybeofsufficientmagnitude
toconstituteariskofelectricshocktopersons. Theexclamationpointwithinanequilateraltriangleis
intendedtoalerttheusertothepresenceofimportant operatingandmaintenance(servicing)instructionsin
To prevent injury, this apparatus must besecurely attached to the floor/wall in accordance with the
installation instructions. Seeitem 25 on page4.
WARNING:Ifyou decideto wall mount this
television,alwaysusea UL Listedwall bracket appropriatefor the sizeand weightof this television. Theuseofany wall bracketotherthana UL Listed wall bracketappropriatefor the sizeandweightofthis televisionforwall mounting this televisioncould result
in seriousbodily injuryand/or propertydamage.See
"Removingthe PedestalStand" (_, page6).
This is a reminder to call the CATVsystepninstaller's attention to Article 820-40 of the U.S. NEC,which
provides guidelines for propergrounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be
connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable entry aspractical. For additional antennagrounding information, seeitems
32 and33 on page4.
The issue
The home theater entertainment experience isa growing trend
and larger flat panel displays are popular purchases. However, flat panel displays are not always supported on the proper stands or installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Tuneinto Safety
* Onesize does NOTfit all Follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for thesafe installation and use of your fiat pane[ display,
* Carefully read and understand all enclosed instructions for
proper use of this product.
* Don't allow children to climb on or play with furniture and
television sets.
* Don't place flat panel displays on
furniture that can easily be used as steps, such as a chest of drawers.
* Remember that children can
become excited while watching a program, especially on a "larger
than life" flat panel display. Care should be taken to place or install the display where it cannot be
pushed, pulled over, or knocked down.
* Care should be taken to route all cords and
cables connected to the flat panel display so that they cannot be pulled or grabbed by curious children.
Wail Mounting:if you decide to wail mount your flat panel display, always:
* Use a mount that has been recommended bythe display
manufacturer and/or listed by an independent laboratory (such as UL, CSA, ETL).
* Follow all instructions supplied by the display and wall mount
* Ifyou have any doubts about your ability to safely install your
flat panel display, contact your retailer about professional installation.
* Make sure that the wall where you are mounting the display is
appropriate. Some wall mounts are not designed to be mounted to walls with steel studs or old cinder block construction. If you are unsure, contact a professional
*A minimum of two people are
installer. @C_ required for installation. Flat panel _o_,_oo_
displays can be heavy,
Flat panel displays that are inappropriately situated on dressers,
bookcases, shelves, desks,
speakers, chests or carts may fall
over and cause injury.
The consumer electronics industry is committed to making home
entertainment enjoyable and safe.
_0_46 55G_00]J F_N-ASindb 2 2010/3/16 FJ_ -05:58:05
1) Read these instrnctions.
2) Keepthese instructions.
3) Heed aiiwarnings.
4) Follow all instructions.
5) Do notusethisapparatus near water.
6) Clean onlywith drycloth.
7) Do notblock any ventilationopenings.Installin accordancewiththe manufacturer'sinstructions.
8) Do notinstallnearanyheatsourcessuch as radiators,heatregisters,stoves,or otherapparatus (includingamplifiers)that produceheat.
9) Do notdefeatthe safetypurposeofthepolarized orgroundingtypeplug. ApolarizedWideblade
thantheother.A groundingtypeplug
plughastwobladeswith onewider hastwo bladesandathirdgrounding
prong.Thewide bladeorthethird prongareprovidedforyour safety.If theprovidedplug doesnotfit intoyouroutlet,consultanelectricianfor replacementof the obsoleteoutlet.
10) Protectthe powercordfrom beingwalkedon or pinched,particularlyatplugs,
conveniencereceptacles,and the point ..........",'
wherethey exit from theapparatus.
11) Only useattachments/accessories specifiedbythe mannfactnrer.
table specifiedbythemannfactnrer,or
soldwiththe apparatus.Whenacart is used,usecaut onwhenmovngthe cart/
apparatuscombinationto avoid injury from tip-over.
13) Unplug this apparatus during lightningstorms orwhen nnnsedfor longperiods of time.
14) Refer all servicingto qualified servicepersonnel. Servicing is required when the apparatushas been damagedinanyway,such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects havefalleninto theapparatus,the apparatushas beenexposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or hasbeendropped.
14a)CAUTION:If theTV isdroppedandthecabinetor
enclosuresurfacehasbeendamagedorthe TVdoesnot operatenormally,takethefollowingprecautions:
ALWAYSturnofftheTVandunplugthe powercordto
NEVERallowyourbodyto comein contactwith any
brokenglassorliquidfromthedamagedtelevision. TheLCDpanelinsidetheTVcontainsglassandatoxic liquid.Iftheliquidcomesincontactwith yourmouth oreyes,oryourskiniscutbybrokenglass,rinsethe affectedareathoroughlywithwaterandconsultyour
ALWAYScontactaservicetechnicianto inspecttheTV anytimeit hasbeendamagedordropped.
15) CAUTION: . Toreducethe risk of electric shock, do not
usethe polarized plug with an extensioncord, receptacle,orother outlet unlessthe bladescan beinsertedcompletelyto preventbladeexposure.
To preventelectricshock,matchwide bladeof plug
to wideslot;fully insert.
16) CAUTION: Do notletchildrenswallow the product or play with theplastic bag.Keepthe productandthe plastic bag
out ofthe reachof children.
17) CAUTION: Do notletwaterorother liquidscomeinto contact with the product,asit mayresultin damage.
. Topreventthe spreadof fire, keepcandlesor other
openflames awayfrom this product at alltimes.
Keeptheproductawayfrom directsunlight,fire or
aheatsourcesuchas aheater.This mayreducethe productlifetime or result in fire.
installation, Care, and Service
Follow these recommendations and precautions and heedall warnings when installing your TV:
19) WARNING:NEVERexpose batteries
to excessive heat snch as snnshine, fire or the like.
20) ALWAYSplugthe product intoanoutlet that is locatedin sucha mannerthat it canbe easily unpluggedin casetheproductrequiresservice.
21) NEVERroutethe product's powercordinsidea wall or similar enclosedarea.
22) Nevermodifythis equipment.Changesor modificationsmayvoid: a)thewarranty,andb) the user'sauthority to operatethis equipmentunderthe
rulesof the FederalCommunicationsCommission.
NeverplacetheTV on anunstable cart,stand,ortable.TheTV mayfall, causingseriouspersonalinjury,
death,or seriousdamagetotheTV. (co_Tfi_7_,,i)
40_46 55G_00U F_N-ASindb 8 2010/3/16 F@ 05:48:05
24) Toavoiddamageto this product, neverplaceor store theTV indirectsunlight;hot,humid areas;orareas
25) Always placetheTV on the floor or asturdy,level,
stablesurfacethat cansupportthe weightof the unit.
To securethe TV,usea sturdystrap from the hook(s)
ontherearoftheTVto a wall stud, pillar,or other immovablestructure. Makesure the strap is tight,
secure,andparallelto the floor.
min. Ho
TV side TV top
iinoeex;s odii ;;in ..............
splashingandthat no objectsfilledwith liquids, such asvases,shallbe placedonthe apparatus.
27) Neverblock or coverthe slotsor openings intheTV
cabinetback, bottom, andsides.NeverplacetheTV:
onabed,sofa, rug,or similar surface;
too closeto drapes, curtains,or walls; or
in a confined spacesuch
as a bookcase,built-in
cabinet,or anyother placewith poor ventilation.
Theslotsand openingsareprovidedto protectthe TVfrom overheatingandto helpmaintainreliable
operationoftheTV.Leaveaspaceof atleast4(four) inchesaroundtheTV.
28) Always placethe back ofthetelevisionatleast four (4) inchesawayfrom anyverticalsurface(suchasa wall)to allow properventilation.
29) Neverallow anythingto rest on or rolloverthe power cord,andnever )lacetheTVwherethe power cord is subjecttowear or abuse.
30) Neveroverloadwalloutletsand extensioncords.
31) Always operatethis equipmentfrom a 120VAC,60 Hzpowersourceonly.
32) Always makesuretheantennasystem is properly groundedto provideadequateprotectionagainst voltagesurgesandbuilt-upstaticcharges(see Section810 of the NationalElectricCode).
Ground clamps
Antenna lead-in wire
Antenna discharge unit
/ (NECSection 810-20)
Grounding conductors
electrode system (NECArt 250 Part-H)
. Use extreme careto makesure you are never in
aposition whereyour body (or any item you are in contact with, such as a ladder or screwdriver)
can accidentally touch overhead power lines. Neverlocatethe antenna near overhead power
lines or other electrical circuits.
. Neverattempt to install any of the following
during lightning activity: a) an antenna system; or b) cables, wires, or any home theater
component connected to an antenna or phone system.
Forbetterperformanceandsaferoperationof yourTOSHIBA TV,follow theserecommendationsandprecautions:
32 °F (0 %) or below, the picture brightness may vary until the LCDwarms up. This is not asign of
35) AlwaysunplugtheTVbeforecleaning.Gentlywipe
thedisplaypanelsurface(theTV screen)usingadry, soft cloth only(cotton, flannel,etc.).Ahardcloth may damagethe surface ofthepanel.Avoidcontact
with alcohol,thinner, benzene,acidic or alkaline solventcleaners,abrasive cleaners,or chemical
cloths,which may damage ....
thesurface.Neverspray _ Ill
volatilecompoundssuch _'>\\ as insecticideon the
cabinet.Such productsmay damageor discolor the cabinet.
Neverspill liquids or push objects of anykind into the TVcabinet slots.
37) While it is thundering, do not touch the
connecting cables or apparatus.
38) For addedprotection ofyour TVfrom lightning
and power surges, always unplug the power cord and disconnect the antennafrom the TVif
you leave the TV unattended or unusedfor long periods of time.
39) ALWAYSunplugthe TVto completelydisconnect
from mainspower.Whenthe TV isturnedoff using theon/off switch, it is notcompletelydisconnected
from powerand a minuteamountof currentis still consumed. (_o_ri_c,d)
40_46 55G_00U EN-ASindb 4 2010/_/16 tv@ 05:48:07
40) During normal use, the TV maymake occasional snapping or popping sounds. This is normal,
especiallywhen the unit is being turned on or off. If these sounds become frequent or continuous,
unplug the power cord and contact a Toshiba Authorized Service Center.
with asharp or heavy Neverstrike the screen
ultravioletradiationfrom the sun.Whenselecting a locationfor thetelevision,avoidlocationswhere
thescreenmaybeexposedto direct sunlight, suchas in front of awindow.
Nevertouch, press,or placeanything ontheLCD
screen.Theseactionswill damagethe LCDscreen. Ifyou needto cleanthe LCDscreen,followthe
instructions in item35 onpage4.
Neverattemptto servicethe TVyourself. Opening andremovingthecoversmayexposeyouto dangerousvoltageor other hazards.Failureto follow
this WARNINGmay resultin deathor serious injury.
Referallservicing not specified in this manualto a
ToshibaAuthorized ServiceCenter.
44) Ifyou havethe TVserviced:
Ask the servicetechnicianto useonlyreplacement
Uponcompletionofservice,asktheservicetechnician to performroutinesafetycheckstodeterminethatthe TVisinsafeoperatingcondition.
45) The coldcathodefluorescentlampinthe LCDpanel containsa smallamountof mercury.
WhentheTV reachestheendof its usefullife, disposeofthe usedTVby theapprovedmethodfor
your area,or ask aqualifiedservicetechnicianto
environmental considerations. For disposal or recycfing information, contact your local
authorities or the Electronics Industries Alliance (ww_z eiae. org).
Note: The lamp(s) inside this product contain mercury. Disposal may be regulated due to
Choosinga location for yourLCDTV
ToDisplay yourLCDTV onthe included PedestalStand:
Observethefollowing safety precautions:
Readand Followthepedestalassemblyinstructions
includedwiththe pedestal. CAUTION:Beforebeginningpedestalassembly,
carefullylaythe front of theLCDPanelface down on aflat, cushionedsurfacesuchasaquilt or blanket. Leavethebottom oftheunit protruding overtheedge
of thesurfaceandassemblethepedestalas indicated below.
Note: Extreme care should always be used
when attaching the pedestal stand to avoid
damage to the LCD panel.
PlacetheTVon a sturdy,levelsurfacethat can
support the weight oftheTV.
Besureto securethe TVto awall, pillar,surface, or other immovablestructure. (_ item25, page4).
ToDisplayyourLCDTV usinga Waft Bracket:
If you decide to wall mount your LCDTV,alwaysuse a UL listed wall bracket appropriate for the size and weight of the LCDTV ([:_ page 2):
1) CAUTION:Two people are required for installation.
2) Unplug and removeany cables and/or other component connectors from the rear of the TV.
3) Removethe screws of the VESAMounting Pattern show in the next page.
4) Always use the screws supplied or recommended
by the wall mount manufacturer.
5) Follow the instructions provided with your wall
bracket. Beforeproceeding, make sure the
appropriate bracket(s) are attached to thewall and the back of theTV as described in the instructions
provided with the wall bracket.
6) After attaching the appropriate bracket(s) to the wall and the back of the TV,remove the pedestal
stand from the TV as described below.
(confin t_ed)
40 46550300UBNASindb 5 2010/,4/16 _-05:48:08
7) VESAMounting Pattern
40" 200x200 mm M6 46" 400x200 mm M8
55" 400x200 mm M8
(mlit in ram)
RemovingthePedestal Stand
1) Carefully lay the front of the unit facedown on a flat, cushioned surface such as aquilt or blanket.
Leavethe stand protruding over the edge of the surface.
Note; Extreme care should always be used when removing the pedestal stand to avoid damage to the LCD panel.
2) Remove thefour screws shown in the right diagram. This will allow removal of the pedestal
3) Onceyou haveremovedall four screws, holding the pedestal stand in place, remove the pedestal
stand from the TV.
40" TV
VESA Mounting Pattern
46" TV
Four screws _L _2___ J
VESA Mounting Pattern
Sturdy strap
55"TV (as short as possible)
VESA Mounting Pattern
Four screws
Hook Sturdy strap
(as short as possible)
CAUTION:Always place the TV onthe floor or asturdy, level, stable surface thatcan support the weight of
the unit. Tosecurethe TV, use asturdy strap from
Four screws J_qL! 2
Sturdy strap
(as short as possible)
the hook(s) on the rear of the TVto awall stud, pillar, or other immovable structure. Make sure thestrap is
tight, secure, and parallel to thefloor.
4046 55G_00U EN-ASindb @ 2010/3/16 iv@ 05:48:11
FCCDeclarationofConformity Comp#anceStatementtPart15):
Important notes aOout Vour £80 7g
The Toshiba40G300U, 40G30U, 46G300U, 46G30U,
and55G300U Televisionscomply with Part 15 of the
FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired
operation. The party responsible for compliance to these rules is:
Toshiba America Consumer Products, L.L.C.
82 Totowa Rd. Wayne, NJ 07470.
Ph: 1-800-631-3811
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by removing
and applying power to the equipment, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
® Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ® Increase the separation between the equipment and
the receiver.
® Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver isconnected.
® Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Caution: Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Toshiba could void the user's authority to operate this equipmenL
The following symptoms are technical limitations of LCD Display teehnology and are not an
indication of malfunetion; therefore, Toshiba is not responsible for pereeived issues resulting from
these symptoms.
1) An afterimage (ghost) may appear on the screen if a fixed, nonmoving image is displayed for a long
period of time. The afterimage is not permanent and will disappear in a short period of time.
2) The LCD panel contained in this TV is
manufactured using an extremely high level of precision technology; however, there may
be an occasional pixel (dot of light) that does not operate properly (does not light, remains
constantly lit, etc.). This is a structural property of LCD technology, is not a sign of malfunction, and
is not covered under your warranty. Such pixels are not visible when the picture is viewed from a
normal viewing distance.
Note: Interactive video games that involve shooting a "gun" type of joystick at an on- screen target may not work with this TV
. QSound and [_] symbol are trademarks of
QSound Labs, Inc.
,, Manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks
of Dolby Laboratories.
,, HDMt, the HDM] logo and High-Definition
Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMt Licensing LLC in
the United States and other countries.
are trademarks, service marks, or certification marks of the Digital Living Network Alliance.
,, INSTAPORT_Mand ]NSTAPORT logo are
trademarks of Silicon Image, Inc. in the United
States and other countries. MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology
licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
40 46550300U ENASindb 7 2010/,4/16 T@05:48:11
importantSafetyinstructions............................... 3
Installation,Care,andService ............................. 3
Chapter1: introduction...................................... g
Features ol your new TV ................................................................ 9
Overview of steps Jill"installing, setting up,
and using your new TV ......................................................... 10
TV lront and side panel controls and connections ....................... 1]
TV back panel connections .......................................................... 12
Chapter 2: Connecting yourTV............................ 13
Overview of cable types ............................................................... 13
About the connection illustrations ................................................ 13
Connecting a VCR and antenna, Cable TV or CamcoMer .......... 14
Connecting a DVD player with ColorStream _'
(component video), a VCR, and a satellite receiver ............. 15
Connecting an HDMI coor DV] de,ice to the HDMI input .......... 16
REGZA-LINK ° connection ......................................................... 17
Connecting a digital audio system ................................................ 18
Connecting a personal computer (PC) ......................................... 18
Connecti ng a home network ......................................................... 19
To connect the TV to a home network ..................................... 20
Chapter3: Usingthe remotecontrol...................... 21
PlX:paring the renlute control lur use ............................................ 21
hlstalling the remote control batteries .......................................... 21
Remote control elli:ctive range ..................................................... 21
Learning about the l_mote control ............................................... 22
Using the remote control to control your other devices ............... 23
Remote Control l_ulctional key chart ........................................... 24
Programming the ivmote control to control your other devices.. 25
Remote control codes ................................................................... 26
Chapter4: Men//layout andnavigation.................. 28
Main Illenu h.,,out ......................................................................... 28
Setup/Installation menu layout ..................................................... 29
Navigating the menu system ........................................................ 29
Chapter5: SettingupyourTV.............................. 30
hlitial Setup ................................................................................... 30
Selecting the menu language ........................................................ 30
TOSHIBA Logo LED ................................................................... 30
Configuring the antenna input source lbr the ANT/CABLE
terminal .................................................................................. 30
Plr)gramming channels into the TV's channel memo U .............. 31
Progran'uning channels automatically ...................................... 31
Setting channel skip .................................................................. 31
Labeling channels ......................................................................... 32
Setting the HDMI _' audio mode ................................................... 33
Viewing the digital signal meter ................................................... 33
Setting the time zone .................................................................... 33
Viewing the system status ............................................................. 34
Chapter6:Usingthe TV'sfeatures........................ 35
Selecting the video input source to view. ..................................... 35
Labeling the video input sources .................................................. 35
Tuning channels ............................................................................ 36
Tuning channels using the
Channel Browser _'_....................................................... 36
Setting the Channel Tuning Mode ............................................ 38
Tuning to the next programmed channel .................................. 39
Tuning to a specific channel
(programmed or unpmgrammed) ................................. 39
Switching between two channels using SurlLockE"_ ............... 39
Selecting the pictulv size .............................................................. 39
Scrolling the TheaterWide v'picture (TheaterWide 2 and 3 only) 4 I
Using the auto aspect ratio li:ature ............................................... 4 I
Using the FREEZE l;:atm_ ........................................................... 42
Adjusting the picture ..................................................................... 42
Selecting the picture mode ........................................................ 42
Adiusting the picture quality .................................................... 43
Using the closed caption mode ..................................................... 43
Base closed captions ................................................................. 43
Digital CC Settings .................................................................. 44
CC Selector ............................................................................... 44
Adjusting the audio ....................................................................... 44
Muting the sound ...................................................................... 44
Using the digital audio selector ................................................ 44
Selecting stel_o/SAP broadcasts .............................................. 45
Adjusting the audio quality ....................................................... 45
Selecting the optical audio output lormat ................................. 45
Using the Dolby °'Digital Dynamic Range Control li:ature..... 46
Using the Locks menu .................................................................. 46
Entering the PIN code ............................................................... 46
If you cannot remember your PIN code ................................... 46
Changing your PIN code .......................................................... 46
Blocking TV programs and movies
by rating (V-Chip) ......................................................... 46
Downloading an additional rating system lot blocking TV
pit)grams and movies .................................................... 47
Locking channels ...................................................................... 48
ldnh)cking programs temporarily ............................................. 49
Using the input lock li'atul_ ...................................................... 49
Using the GameTimer _'............................................................. 49
Using the control panel lock leature ......................................... 49
Using the PC settings li:atulx: ....................................................... 50
Setting the PC Audio .................................................................... 50
Using the Media Player ................................................................ 5I
Using the Media Player with USB ........................................... 5 I
To select the Auto Start lunction .............................................. 5 I
Tu open the Media Player ........................................................ 5 I
Viewing photo files .................................................................. 52
Single View ............................................................................... 52
Slideshow .................................................................................. 52
Playing music files .................................................................... 52
Viewing photo files with playing music files at same time ..... 53
Using a networked server PC ....................................................... 53
Using the Media Player with DLNA ........................................ 53
Viewing movie files .................................................................. 54
Setting up the network addl_sS lur the LAN port ....................... 55
Auto Setup ................................................................................. 56
Manual Setup ............................................................................ 56
Setting the sleep timer .................................................................. 56
Using REGZA-LINK °' ................................................................. 56
REGZA-LIN K°"playback device (DVD player, etc.) cont ml 56
REGZA-LINK ° input source selection .................................... 57
VOLUME and MUTE controls of Audio Receiver ................. 57
Other REGZA-LINK _ lunctions .............................................. 57
Displaying TV status inlormation ................................................ 58
Understanding the auto power oll li:ature .................................... 58
Understanding the last mode memory lcature ............................. 58
Chapter7: Usingthe TV'sadvancedfeatures........... 59
Using the adwlllced picture settings l)atUl_S ............................... 59
Using Dynamic Contrast .......................................................... 59
Using the static gan'una li:atulv ................................................ 59
Selecting the color temperatulv ............................................... 59
Selecting the cinema mode ...................................................... 60
Using the ClcarFrame _'_ leaturc ............................................... 60
Using the Fihn Stabilization lieature ......................................... 60
Using CableCleaF" digital noise reduction ............................... 60
Using MPEG noise ivduction ................................................... 61
Using the Game Mode lcature .................................................. 61
Using the advanced audio settings leatures .................................. 61
Using the QSound _' sound lieature ............................................ 61
Chapter8:Trouhleshooting................................ 62
General tl_lublcsbooting ............................................................... 62
Chapterg:Appendix......................................... 65
Specifications ................................................................................ 65
Acceptable signal lbrmats lor PC IN and HDMI terminals ........ 66
Limited United States Warranty lor LCD Televisions ................. 67
Limited Canadian Warranty lor Tusbiba Brand Flat Panel
Tdevisions ............................................................................. 68
40 4655G300U ENASindb 8 2010/,q/16 T@05:48:12
Featuresof yournew TV
The following are just a few of the many e×citing features of your new Toshiba widescreen, integrated HD, LCD TV:
* Integrated digital tuning (SVSB ATSC and
QAM) eliminates the need for a separate digital converter set-top box (in most cases).
* 1080p output resolution. . Four HDMI' digital, high-definition multimedia
interfaces 1080p input support (_:_ page 16).
. HDMI new capability
INSTAPORT '_' technology reduces lag time when switching HDMI sources.
. One set of ColorStream _ HD high-resolution
component video inputs (_:_ page 15).
* QSound _ audio technologies (_:_ page 61 ). * Digital Audio Out optical audio colmection with
Dolby <' Digital optical output format (_ page 45).
* CableClear _ digital picture noise reduction (_
page 60).
. PC IN (Analog RGB) computer terminal (_:_ page
* Channel Labeling allows you to put the Call
Letters (e.g. ABC, HBO, etc.) on the screen along with the station nmnbers, so you always know what you're watching (_ page 32).
* REGZA-LINK allows control of external devices
from the TV remote via HDM[ colmection(_:_> page 56).
* ClearFrame '_ 120 Hz anti-blur feature (_ page
* DLNA allows you to enjoy multimedia files from
your home network on your TV.
* Media Player allows you to view photo files aim
to play music or movie files.(_:_ page 51).
40 4655G300UENASindb 9 2010/,_/16 T@05:48:13
Overview of steps for installing,
setting up, and using your new TV
Follow these steps to set up your TV and begin using
its many exciting features.
Carefully read the important safety, installation, care, and service information. Keep this manual
for future reference.
2 Observe the following when choosing a location
for the TV:
,, Read "Important notes about your LCD TV"
(_:_ page 7).
,, Place the TV on the floor or a sturdy, level,
stable surface that can support the weight of the
mill Secure the TV to a wall, pillar, or other
immovable structure (_ page 4).
,, Place the TV in a location where light does not
reflect on the screen.
,, Place the TV far enough from walls and other
objects to allow proper ventilation. Inadequate
ventilation may cause overheating, which will damage the TV. THIS TYPE OF DAMAGE IS NOT COVERED UNDER THE TOSHIBA WARRANTY.
3 Do not plug in any power cords until AFTER you
have connected all cables and devices to your TV.
4 BEFORE connecting cables or devices to the TV,
learn the functions of the TV's connections and controls (_:_ pages 11-12).
Connect your other electronic device(s) to the TV (_:_ pages 13-20).
Install the batteries in the remote control (_:_page
See "Learning about the remote control" (_:_>page
22) for an overview of the buttons on the remote control.
Program the remote control to operate your other device(s) (_" pages 23-27).
AFTER connecting all cables and devices, plug in the power cords for your TV and other devices.
Then press POWER on the TV control panel or remote control to turn on the TV. If the TV stops responding to the controls on the remote control or TV control panel and you cannot turn the TV off or on, please unplug the power cords few seconds then re-plug to try again.
See "Menu layout and navigation" for a quick overview of navigating the TV's menu system (_:_ page 28).
Program channels into the TV's channel memory (_ page 31 ).
For details on using the TV's features, see Chapters 6 and 7.
For help, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, Chapter 8.
"!4 For technical specifications and warranty
information, see Chapter 9.
15 Enjoy your new TV!
40 4655G300U ENASindb 10 2010/,q/16 T@05:48:13
TV front and side panel controlsandconnections
Model 40G300U is used in this manual for illustration purposes.
Leftside panel TVfront
2 1
Control panel
Power LED(Green) = Power indicator TOSHIBA Logo LED= O11 or Off (_v page 30).
2 Remote sensor -- Point the remote control
toward this remote sensor (_v "Remote control effective range" oil page 21 ).
3 POWER -- Press to turn the TV oil and off.
If the TV stops responding to the controls on the remote control or TV control panel and you
cannot turn off the TV, please unplug the power cord few seconds then re-plug to try again.
4 ARROWS AV'"gb" --When a menu is on-
screen, these buttons function as up/down/left/ right menu navigation buttons.
5 NENU (ENTER) -- Press to access the menu
system (_ pages 28-29). When a menu is oil- screen, the NENU button on the TV's control
panel functions as the ENTER button.
EXiT -- Press to instantly close all on-screen menu.
CHANNELAT --When no menu is on-screen,
these buttons change the channel (programmed channels only; E:_>page 31 ).
VOLUNE._1_-- These buttons adjust the
volume level.
iNPUT-- Repeatedly press to change the source
yon are viewing (ANT/CABLE,VIDEO1, VIDEO
2, ColorStreamHD,HgiVll1, HgiVll2, HglVll3,
10 HDNI _'_iN -- High-Definition Multimedia
Interface input receives digital audio and uncompressed digital video from an HDM[
device or nncompressed digital video from a DV[ device. HDM[ connection is necessary to receive
1080p signals.
11 VIDE0-2JN -- The side panel A/V connections
are referred to as "VIDE0 2" and include standard A/V connections.
12 USBp0rt-- To access photo or music files.
40 4655G300UENASindb 11 2010/,_/16 F@05:48:14
TV back panel connections
For an explanation of cable types and connections, see pages 13-20.
1 LANIN -- LAN port is used to connect the TV to
your home network.
2 PC IN -- For use when connecting a personal
3 HDNF IN-- High-Definition Multimedia
Interface input receives digital audio and uncompressed digital video from an HDM[
device or uncompressed digital video from a DVI device. HDM[ connection is necessary to
receive 1080p signals.
4 PC/HDNI-1(AUDIO) IN -- PC audio irJput
terminals are shared with HDM[-1 analog audio input terminals, and their use can be configured in the Audio Setup menu ([_ page 50).
5 ANT/CABLE--Antennainput that supports
analog (NTSC) and digital (ATSC) off-air antenna signals and analog and digital Cable TV (QAM) signals.
6 DigitaJ Audio OUT -- Optical audio output in
Dolby Digital or PCM (pulse-code modulation) format for connecting an external Dolby Digital
decoder, amplifier, A/V receiver, or home theater system with optical audio input.
1 2
8 7 6
VIDE0-1 IN -- Standard (composite) video and standard audio inputs plus for connecting devices with composite video.
Note: Standard (composite) video cable carry only video information; separate audio cables are required for a complete
CoJorStream _ HI} -- ColorStream _ high- definition component video input (with standard
stereo audio inputs) for connecting devices with component video output, such as a Toshiba DVD
player with ColorStream _ .
Note: Component video cables carry only
video information; separate audio cables
are required for a complete connection.
40 46550300UENASindb 12 2010/A/16 F@05:48:15
Overview of cable types
CaNes can be purchased from most stores that sell audio/ video devices. Bef%re purchasing any cables, be sure of
connector types required by your devices and the length of each cable.
Coaxial (F-type) cable is used fox" connecting your antenna, cable TV service, and/or cable converter box
to the ANT/CABI.Einput on your TV.
StandardA/Vcables {red/whRe/yeRow)
Standard A/V cables (composite video) usually come
in sets of three, and are for use with video devices with analog audio and composite video output. These cables (and the related inputs on your TV) are typically color-
coded according to use: yellow for video, red for stereo right audio, and white .fUr stereo left (or mono) audio.
Componentvideocanes (red/green/Nue)
Component video cables come in sets of three and are .t%ruse with video devices with component video output.
(ColorStream _ is Toshib_fs brand of component video.) These cables are typically color-coded red, green, and blue. Separate audio cables are required fur a complete
Note: Component video cables provide better picture performance than a standard (composite)
Opticalaudio cable
Optical audio cable is fur connecting receivers with Dolby Digital or PCM (pulse-code modulation) optical
audioinputto theTV's DIGITALAUDIOOUTterminal
(L_¢page 187.
AnalogBGB(15-pin) computercable
Analog RGB (15-pin) computer cable is fur connecting a PC to the TV's PC INterminal (_:<page 18).
Standard LAN cable is used to connect the TV to your home network. (_r page 20).
About the connection illustrations
You can connect different types and brands of"devices to your TV in several different configurations. The connection
illustrations in this manual are representative of typical device connections only. The input/output terminals on
your devices may differ from those illustrated herein. For details on connecting and using your specific devices, refer
to each device's owner's manual.
HDlYlPcable (with HDNILoBe"H_:)B| °'')
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia lnterfixce) cable
is fur use with devices with an HDMI output. An HDMI cable delivers digital audio and video in its
native f%rmat.This cable carries both video and audio
inf%rmation; therefore, separate audio cables are not required for a complete HDMI device connection (_
page 16and page 19).
Note: HDMI cable provides better picture performance than a standard (composite) video.
4046 55G300U EN-ASindb 13 2010/3/16 T£-05:48:18
Connectinga VCRandantenna, CableTVor Camcorder
From CaMe TV or FromCableTV
VIDEO2 inputs onTV rightside panel
You will need:
., coaxial cables ., standardA/V cables
- Ifyou have a mono VCR, connect L/MONO on the TV to your VCR's audio out terminal
using the white audio cable only
standardaudio cables(If you have a mono VCR) Note: When you use a Cable box, you may not
be able to use the remote control to program or
access certain features on the TX
To view the antenna or Cable signal: Select the ANT/CABLEvideo input source on the TV.*
To view basic and premium Cable channels: Turn OFF the VCR. Select the ANT/CABLE video
input source oll the TV.* Tune the TV to channel 3 or 4 (whichever channel the Cable box output is set to).
Use the Cable box controls to change channels.
antenna ! C_
To view the VCR: Turn ON the VCR. Select the VIDEO1 video input
source on the TV.*
To view the camcorder video: Selectthe VIDEO2 video inputsourceon the TV.*
:_-To select the video input source, press INPUTon
the remote control (t:__page 22). To program the TV remote control to operate other devices, see
Chapter 3.
Theunauthorizedrecording,use,distribution,or revisionoftelevisionprograms,videotapes,DVDs, andothermaterialsis prohibitedundertheCopyright Lawsof the UnitedStatesandothercountries,andmay subjectyouto civil andcriminalliability.
40 46550300U F_NASindb 14 2010/,4/16 F@05:48:19
ConflecUflg a DVD player with ColorStream® (component video), a VCR,
arid a sateJJJte receiver
Satellite receiver with componentvideo or DVD player with componentvideo
You will need:
coaxial cables
standardA/V cables
If you have a mono YCR, connect L/MONO on the TV to your VCR's audio out terminal using the white audio cable only
standard audio cables
component video cables
Youcan connect the component video cables
(plus audio cables) from the DVD player or satellite receiver to the Co/erStream terminal
on the TV.The ColorStream HD terminal can be used with Progressive (480p, 720p)
and Interlaced (480i, 1080i) scan systems. A 1080i signal willpmvide the bestpicture performance (1080p is not supported).
If your DVDplayer or satellite receiver does
not have component video, connect a
standard A/V cable to VIDEO 2 on the side panel. If your DVDplayer has HDMI video,
see page 16.
TV back panel
From antenna
To view antenna or Cable channels: Select the ANT/CABLE video input source on the TV.*
To view the DVD player: Turn ON the DVD player. Select the Co[orStream HD video input source oll the TV.*
To view satellite programs using the component video connections:
Turn on the satellite receiver. Select the Co[orStream
HDvideo input sourceon the TV.*
To view the VCR or view and record antenna channels:
Turn ON the VCR. Tune the VCR to the channel you want to watch. Select the VIDEO1 video input source on the TV.*
To record a TV program while watching a DVD: Turn ON the VCR. Tune the VCR to the channel to
record. Select the C0[orStream HDvideo input source on the TV* to view the DVD.
,,- To select the video input source, press INPUT on
the remote control (t=_page 22). To program the TV remote control to operate other devices, see Chapter 3.
Theunauthorizedrecording,use,distribution,or revisionoftelevisionprograms,videotapes,DVDs, andothermaterialsis prohibitedundertheCopyright LawsoftheUnitedStatesandothercountries,andmay subjectyouto civil andcriminalliability.
40 46550300USNASindb 15 2010/4/16 7c@05:43:20
Connecting aft HDNI ®or
device to the HDN] input
The HDM[ input on your TV receives digital audio and uncompressed digital video from an HDM[
source device, or macompressed digital video from a DVI (Digital Visual Interface) source device. This input is designed to accept HDCP (High-
Bandwidth Digital-Content Protection) wogram material in digital form from ElA/CEA-861-D-
compliant m consumer electronic devices (such as a set-top box or DVD player with HDM[ or DVI output).
The HDM[ input can accept and display VGA, SVGA, XGA, WXGA, SXGA, 480i (60Hz), 480p
(60Hz), 720p (60Hz), 1080i (60Hz) and 1080p (24Hz/60Hz) signal formats. For detailed signal specifications, see page 66.
Supported Audio format: Linear PCM, sampling rate 32/44.1/48 kHz
Note: Toconnecta PC to theHDMI input, see page 19.
To connect an HDMI device, you will need: . one HDM[ cable (type Aconnector) per HDM[ device
- For proper operation, it is recommended that
you use an HDMI cable with the HDMI Logo ( H_mr ).
_ Todisplay an 1080i/60Hz signal format, you
will need a Category 2 cable. Conventional
HDMI/DVI cable may not work properly.
_ HDMI cable transfers both video and audio.
Separate analog audio cables are not
required (see illustration).
- See "Setting the HDMI®audio mode" (_,_page 33).
_g_,"] wbackpanel
HDIVlldevice _4 _
..... .....
To view the HDM! device video: Select the HDM[ 1, HDM[ 2, HDM[ 3 or HDM[ 4
video input source on the TV.*
,:, Toselect the video input source, press INPUTon
the remotecontrol (t:+ page 22).Toprogram the TVremotecontrol tooperate other devices, see
Chapter 3.
'°'i_'i_ Controlpanel
To connect a DVI device, you will need:
. one HDMI-to-DV[ adapter cable (HDM[ type A
connector) per DV[ device
- Forproper operation, the length of an HDMI- to-DVl adapter cable should not exceed 9.8 ft
(3m). The recommended length is 6.6 ft (2m).
. one pair of standard analog audio cables per DVI[
- An HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable transfers video only. Separate analog audio cables
are required (see illustration).
_ See "Setting the HDMi° audio mode"
(r:+page 33).
TV back panel
Note: Toensure that the HDM/ orDVI device is reset
properly, it is recommended thatyou follow these procedures:
° When turning on your electronic components,
turn en the TV first, and then the HDMI or DVI device.
° When turning offyour electronic components,
turn off the HDMI or DVI device first, and then the TV
[1] EIA/CEA-861-D compliance covers the
transmission of uncompressed digital video with high-bandwidth digital content protection, which is being standardized for reception of high-definition video signals. Because this is an evolving technology, it is possible that some devices may not operate properly with the TV.
40 46550300U ENASindb 16 2010/,4/16 F@05:48:21
You can control the basic functions of connected audio/video devices using the TV's remote control if you connect a REGZA-LINK compatible audio receiver or playback device. For an explanation of setup and
operations, see page 56.
Playbackdevice (REGZA-LIRRDVDplayer,etc.)
To connect an Audio Receiver and Playback Devices, you will need:
,, HDM[ cables (_:_page 13) Note:
,, [f several devices are connected, REGZA-LINK
feature may not operate properly.
,, For proper operation, it is recommended that you
use HDMI cables with the HDM[ Logo
(Hi2jm| _).
Before controlling the device(s):
,, After completing the above connections, set the
REGZA-LiRKSetup menu as you desire ([_ page
,, The connected devices must also be set. For
details, see the operation manual for each device.
,, The REGZA-L[NK feature uses the CEC
technology as regulated by the HDM[ standard.
,, This feature is limited to models incorporating
Toshiba's REGZA-LI[NK. However. Toshiba is not liable for those operations. Refer to the individual
instruction manuals for compatibility information.
Note: This feature may not work proper/y depending on the devices that are connected.
40 46550300UENASindb 17 2010/,4/16 T@05:48:22
Connectinga digital audiosystem
The TV's DiGiTAL AUDIO OUT terminal outputs a
*Dolby _ Digital or 2-channel down-mixed PCM
(pulse-code modulation) signal for use with an external Dolby °_'Digital decoder or other external audio system with optical audio input.
You will need:
+ optical audio cable (Use an optical audio cable
that has the larger "TosLink" connector and not the smaller "mini-optical" connector.)
Dolby Digital decoderor
_ otherdigital audio system
TV back panel __ ___
To control the audio:
1 Turn on the TV and the digital audio device.
2 Press O on the TV's remote control and open the
Sound menu.
3 Highlight Audi0 Setupand press @.
No te: o Some audio systems may not be compatible
with Dolby Digital bitstream signals. Older
audio systems that are not compatible with standard optical out signals may not work
properly, creating a high noise level that may damage speakers or headphones.
o The DIGITAL AUDIO OUT terminal may not
output some digital audio sources because of copy restrictions.
._- Manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories. Dolby, and the double-D symbol are
trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Connectinga personalcomputer(PC}
With either the PC IN or HDMI connection, you can watch your computer's display on the TV and hear the sound fi'om the TV's speakers.
To connect a PC to the PC IN terminal on the TV: When connecting a PC to the PC IN terminal on the TV, use
an analog RGB (15-pin) computer cable and a PC audio cable.
TV back pauel
[n the Optical Output Format field, select either Dolby Digital or PDM, depending on your device (_c_"Selecting the optical audio output format" on
page 45).
To use a PC, set the monitor output resolution on the PC before connecting it to the TV. The PC IN terminal can accept and display VGA, SVGA, XGA, WXGA and SXGA signal formats. For detailed signal specifications (r,_' page 66). Other formats or non-standard signals will not be displayed correctly. To display the optimum picture, use the PC setting feature (l_y'"Using the PC settings feature" on page 50).
PC audio
Conversion adapter (if necessary)
(comin ued)
40 46550300U ENASindb 18 2010/A/16 F@05:48:24
No te:
The PCaudio input terminals on the TVare shared with the HDMI-1analog audio input terminals (_,,_
page 50).
Some PC models cannot be connected to this TX
An adapter is not needed for corrputers witha
compatible mini D-sub 15-pin terminal. Depending on the DVD'stitle and the
specifications of the PC on which you are playing the DVD-Video, some scenes may be skipped or
you may not be able to pause during multi-angle
Signal names for mini D-sub 15-pin connector
1 R 6 Ground 11 Reserved
G 7 Ground 12 SDA
B 8 Ground 13 H-sync
Reserved 9 5V 14 V-sync
Reserved 10 Ground 15 SCL
To connect a PC to the HDMI termina| on the TV: When connecting a PC to the HDM[ terminal on the
TV, use an HDM[-to DVI[adapter cable and analog audio cables.
[f connecting a PC with an HDM[ terminal, use an HDM[ cable (type A connector). Separate analog cables are not necessary (_:_>page 16).
No te:
Theedges of the images may be hidden.
If receiving a480i (HDMI),480p (HDMI), 720p, 1080Lor 1080p signal program, Native mode
scales the video to display the entire picture within the borders of the screen (Le. no overscanning).
Connectinga homenetwork
The LAN port allows your Toshiba TV to connect to your home network. You can use this revolutionary
home entertainment networking system to access photo, video and audio files that are stored on a DLNA server aim play/display them on your TV. For
supported formats, see page 53.
Note: ° The TV's home network connection allows
access to file sharing only, You will NOTbe able to use the TV to access the Intemet.
° Ifyou use a hub or switch to connect the
TV to your home network, you may not be
able to use the automatic setup and have to manually set up the network address. See page 55.
° Ifyou use a router with built-in DHCP
functionality, use the automatic setup.
Manual setup may not work.
,, If you connect the TV and PC directly, use
Ethernet crossover cable.
The HDMI input can accept and display VGA, SVGA, XGA, WXGA, SXGA,48@ (60Hz), 480p (60Hz), 720p
(60Hz), 1080i (60Hz), and 10S0p (24Hz/60Hz) signal
formats. For detailed signal specifications, see page 66.
40 ,46550300UBNASindb 19 2010/,4/16 T@05:43:25
ToconnecttheTVto a home
the hackofyourTV
Router with Hub
Modern(DSLorCahle} _ _ [] [] ...........
Sever PC(with DLNA server function)
[1] CoaxiaJ or teJephone cabJe (depending on your modem type)
[2] Standard LAN cabJe [3] Do NOT connect a phone jack directJy to the TV's
LAN port.
40_46 55G_00U EN-ASindb 20 2010/3/16 F_05:48:26
Preparing the remote control for
Your TV remote control can operate your TV and many other devices such as cable converter boxes, satellite receivers, VCRs, DVD players, and HTIBs (home theater in a box), even if they are different
If you have a Toshiba device: Your TV remote control is preprogrammed to operate
most Toshiba devices (_x"page 23).
o If the remote control does not operate
correctly, or if the operating range becomes reduced, replace batteries with new ones.
o When necessary to replace batteries in the
remote control, always replace both batteries with new ones. Never mix battery types or use
new and used batteries in combination.
,, Always remove batteries from the remote
control ff they are dead or if the remote control is not to be used for an extended
period of time. This will prevent battery acid
from leaking into the battery compartment.
ff you have a non-Toshiba device or a Toshiba device that the remote control is not
preprogrammed to operate: You call program the TV remote control so it will
operate the other device (t:_ pages 23-27).
Instaflingthe remotecontrol batteries
1 Remove tile battery cover from tile back of tile
remote control.
and lift cover.
Install two "AAA" size batteries, making sure to match the + and - signs on the batteries to the
signs on the battery compartment.
Reinsert the battery cover ill the remote control until the tab snaps.
Caution: Batteries must not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
o Be sure to use AAA size batteries. o Dispose of batteries in a designated disposal
o Batteries should always be disposed of with
the environment in mind. Always dispose of batteries in accordance with applicable laws
and regulations.
Remote control effective range
For optiz_aul_a perforl_aance, aim tile remote control
directly at the TV and make sure there is no obstruction between the remote control and the TV.
Point remote control toward remote sensor on front of TV.
16.4 ft (5m)
40_46 55G_00U EN-ASindb 21 2010/_/16 iv@ 05:48:28
Learning about the remote controJ
The buttons used for operating the TV only are described here. For a complete list of the remote control's functions, see the remote control fmactional key chart (_:_vpage 24),
Q CD -2
5JH G3: 6_-.
Note: The error message "NO TAVA/LABLE" may appear if you press a key for a function
that is not available.
1 POWERturns the TV on and off. When the TV is
on, the green LED indicator on the TV front will be illuminated.
2 FREEZEfreezes the picture. Pressagain to restore the
moving picture (r,,vpage 42).
3 SLEEPaccesses the sleep timer (_; page 56).
4 PICSiZE cycles through the picture sizes: NaturaJ,
TheaterWide1/2/3,Full,4:3HD,Hativeand Do| by Do|
(l,+_'page 39-41).
5 ChannelN,rnbers{0-9,-/100)directly tune channels.
The (_) button is used to tune digital channels (r+_'page
39) or to edit the Favorites List (_,+ page 36).
6 NPUTselects the video input source (_,+ page 35).
7' CH AV cycles through programmed channels when no
menu is on-screen (r+_'page 31).
8 V0L + - adjusts the volume level. 9 FAVBR0WSER accesses the Favorites List in the
Channel Browel :rxl ({_ page 36).
10RECALLdisplays TV status information (r_,+page 58).
11 CHRTN returns to the last viewed channel or source
(l+_'page 39).
12 NUTE reduces or turns off the sound (r_,+page 44). 13 [NFO displays TV status information as well as program
details, when available (r+_'page 58).
14 _ "_ / _ _ While watching TV, these buttons open
the Channel Browser Ix_and tune to the previous/next channel in the channel history (r+_'page 36). (Also see
"Arrow buttons.")
15 Arrowb,tt0ns{AT_I_,) When a menu is on-screen,
these buttons select or adjust programming menus. (Also
see c_ "_ / _'] _.)
16 ENTERactivates highlighted items in the main menu
17' NEN[J accesses the main TV menu system (_,+ pages 28
and 29).
18 EXITcloses on-screen menus.
19 NODESELECTswitchswitchesbetweenTV,CABLE/
SAT, AUX 1, and AUX 2 modes (c+_'page 23). Set to "TV" to control the TV.
40 46550300UENASindb 22 2010/,4/16 F@05:48:29
+ 50 hidden pages