Toshiba 24V4210U, 24V4260U User Manual

Leading innovation _;>>
LEDTV/DVDCombination User'sGuide:
24V4210U 24V4260U
If you need assistance: Toshiba's Support Web site Call Toshiba Customer Support Center:
Within the United States at (800) 631-3811 Outside the United States at (949) 583-3050
For more information, see "Troubleshooting" on page 147 in this guide.
Owner's Record
The model number and serial number are on the back and side of your TV. Record these numbers in the spaces below. Refer to these numbers whenever you communicate with your Toshiba dealer about this LED TV/DVD combination.
Model number:
Serial number:
I Note:To display a High Definition I
picture, the TV must bereceiving a I High Definitionsignal (such as an over-I the-air High Definition TV broadcast, a I High Definition digitalcable program,or I a High Definition digital satellite I program), For details, contact yourTV I
antenna installer, cable provider, or I 4/1GMA3000120013
0 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using closed captions
You can customize the closed caption display characteristics by changing the background color, opacity, text size, type, edge, and
NOTE .:.Thesesettings areavailablefor digital channelsonly.
¢ Youcannot setCaptionTextand Backgroundasthe samecolor.
To customize closed captions: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Preferences menu. 2 Highlight Digital CC Settings, and then press the OK button. 3 Press the (&/y arrow) buttons to highlight the characteristic
you wish to change, and then press the (_11/_ arrow) buttons to select the format for that characteristic.
4 To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the
OK button.
g To revert to the factory defaults, highlight Reset, and then
press the OK button.
Mode. Description
Captionsize Auto,Small,Standard,Large Captiontexttype Auto,Default,Mono(withSerif),Prop.(withSerif),Mono
(withoutSerif),Prop.(withoutSerif),Casual,Cursive,Small Capitals
Captiontextedge Auto,None,Raised,Depressed,Uniform,LeftDropShadow,
RightDropshadow Captiontextcolor Auto,Black,White,Red,Green,Blue,Yellow,Magenta,Cyan Textforegroundopacity Auto,Transparent,Translucent,Flashing,Solid Backgroundcolor Auto,Black,White,Red,Green,Blue,Yellow,Magenta,Cyan Textbackgroundopacity Auto,Transparent,Translucent,Flashing,Solid Captiontextedgecolor Auto,Black,White,Red,Green,Blue,Yellow,Magenta,Cyan
You can use the CC Selector to temporarily override the default analog caption mode (set in Base CC Mode) for a particular channel. However, once you change to another channel, the closed
UsingtheTV'sfeatures _1
Adjusting the audio
caption setting will automatically change back to the current Base CC Mode setting.
You can also use the CC Selector to select digital closed caption services, if available. When such services are not available, the CC
Selector presents a default list of services. If the selected service is not available, the next best service will be used.
To select closed captions: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Preferences menu. 2 Highlight CC Selector, and then press the OK button. 3 Press the (A/V arrow) buttons to select the Closed Caption,
and then press the (_/_ arrow) buttons to select the desired service.
To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the OK button.
Press the EXIT button.
NOTE YoucanalsopresstheSUBTITLEbuttontoopenCCSelectorand
Press the MUTE button to partially reduce (1/2 Mute) or turn off (Mute) the sound. Each time you press the MUTE button, the mute mode changes in the following order: 1/2 Mute, Mute, Volume, 1/2 Mute, etc.
112Mu_e --_ Mute _ Volume _
(Sanlple In,age) Le_,eL_"qf n_ute
If closed caption mode is set to Off when selecting MUTE mode, the closed caption feature becomes active if the TV program is closed captioned. To mute the audio without activating the closed captioning, press the VOL (-) button to set the volume to 0.
For more information, see "Using closed captions" on page 78.
NOTE IfyoumodifyitemsintheSOUNDmenuwhileMuteisactive,Mute
2 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Adjusting the audio
You can use the Digital Audio Selector to conveniently switch between audio tracks on a digital channel (for those channels that have multiple audio tracks). This temporarily overrides tile audio track chosen by tile language option under Audio Setup, see "Selecting stereo/SAP broadcasts" on page 82.
1 Press tile MENU button to open tile Sound menu. 2 Highlight Digital Audio Selector, and then press tile OK
(Sample Image) Digital Audio Selector sc_en
3 Press the (_1 _ arrow) buttons to select the desired service. 4 Press the EXIT button.
The multi-channel TV sound (MTS) feature allows you to output high-fidelity stereo sound. MTS also can transmit a second audio program (SAP) containing a second language, music or other audio information (when provided by individual stations).
When the TV receives a stereo or SAP broadcast, the stereo mark or word "SAP" appears when the DISPLAY button is pressed. The
MTS feature is only available for analog signals on the ANT/CABLE input.
To listen in stereo sound:
1 2 3 4
Press the MENU button to open the Sound menu. Highlight Audio Setup, and then press the OK button.
In the MTS field, select Stereo.
To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the OK button.
To reset the settings to the factory defaults, highlight Reset, and then press the OK button.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures _
Adjusting the audio
_,t !,,J
NOTE o}oYoucantypicallyleavetheTVinStereomodebecauseitoutputs
thetypeof soundbeingbroadcast(stereoormonaural).
¢ If the sound is noisy, select Mono to reducethe noise,
To listen to an alternate language on an ATSC digital station (if available), highlight the Language field in step 3 above, and then press the (4/_ arrow) buttons to select the language you prefer.
To listen to a second audio program on an analog station, if available, select SAP in step 3 above.
1 Press the MENU button. Select Settings, SOUND, MTS. 2 Press the (,_/_ arrow) buttons to select SAP. Press the EXIT
NOTE o:oA secondaudioprogram(SAP)canbeheardonlyonthoseTV
stationsthatofferit. Forexample,astationmightbroadcast
¢ IfyouhaveSAPonandthestationyouarewatchingisnot
audiowill beoutput.However,occasionallythereisnosoundat all in SAPmode.Ifthis happens,settheMTSfeaturetoStereo
If you press the AUDIO button when an analog channel is tuned, the Analog Audio bar appears and displays Stereo, SAE Mono as the options.
If you press the AUDIO button when a digital channel is tuned, the Digital Audio bar will appear and offer different audio choices for the digital channel.
If you press the AUDIO button when an external input is selected, no Audio bar appears.
You can adjust the audio quality by adjusting the bass, treble and balance.
4 UsingtheW's features
Adjusting the audio
To adjust the audio quality: 1 Press tile MENU button to open tile Sound menu. 2 Highlight Audio Setup, and then press tile OK button. 3 Press tile (A/Y arrow) buttons to highlight tile item you wish
to adjust (Bass, Treble, or Balance).
4 Press tile (4/_ arrow) buttons to adjust tile level.
°:° 4 makes tile bass or treble weaker or increases tile balance
in tile left channel (depending on tile item selected).
:* _ makes tile bass or treble stronger or increases tile
balance in tile right channel (depending on tile item selected).
5 To save tile new settings, highlight Done, and then press tile
OK button.
6 To reset tile settings to tile factory defaults, highlight Reset,
and then press tile OK button.
AudysseyPremium TelevisionTM
These televisions use a suite of technologies for better sound
",o Audyssey EQ% provides clear, accurate and natural sound
right out of the box. This technology ensures you enjoy your audio experience as much as your video.
",o Audyssey ABX TM-technology uses sophisticated driver
analysis and low frequency monitoring to extend the range and bass of small speakers .This enables the system to produce lower frequencies than otherwise would be possible.
",o Audyssey _'_Dynamic Volume- automatically adjusts volume to
provide a consistent sound level between television programs, commercials, and between the loud and soft passages of
Audyssey ABX rMtechnology uses sophisticated driver analysis and low frequency monitoring to extend tile range and bass of small speakers.
To turn on Audyssey ABXrM: 1 Press tile MENU button and open tile Sound menu. 2 Highlight Audio Settings, and tile press tile OK button.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures _
Adjusting the audio
3 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to highlight the Audyssey
ABX TM field.
4 Press the (_/_ arrow) buttons to select On.
This feature provides a consistent sound volume between television programs, commercials, and between the loud and soft passages of
movies. 1 Press the MENU button. Select Settings, SOUND, Audyssey
Premium Television, Dynamic Volume.
2 Press the (_/_ arrow) buttons to select ON or Off.
NOTE .:. If DynamicRangeControl is set to On,this featureis
automatically setto Off.
:. This featuredoes not affectthe audio signal outputfrom the DIGITALAUDIOOUTterminal.
You can select the optical audio output format when you connect a Dolby _>Digital decoder or other digital audio systems to the TV's Digital Audio Out terminal.
To select the optical audio output format: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Sound menu.
2 Highlight Audio Setup, and then press the OK button. 3 In the Digital Output Format field, select either Dolby
Digital or PCM, depending on your device.
4 To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the
OK button.
5 To reset the settings to the factory defaults, highlight Reset,
and then press the OK button.
UsingtheDolby_ DigitalDynamicRangeControlfeature
You can further compress Dolby ®Digital dynamic range, allowing you to switch from digital to analog broadcasts at the same dynamic range.
To use the Dolby ®Digital Dynamic Range Control: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Sound menu.
6 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using &e Locksmenu
2 Highlight Audio Setup, and then press tile OK button. 3 In tile Dolby _ Digital Dynamic Range Control field, select
either Compressed. When Standard is selected, tile audio outputs with minimal compression.
4 To save tile new settings, highlight Done, and then press tile
OK button.
5 To reset the settings to the factory defaults, highlight Reset,
and then press tile OK button.
NOTE .:.Thisfeatureisavailablewhentunedtoa digitalRFchannelwith
¢ TheDolby_ DigitalDynamicRangeControlwillfunctionin
Tile Locks menu includes tile Enable Rating Blocking, Edit Rating Limits, Input Lock, Panel Lock, GameTimer and New PIN Code features. You can use these features after entering the correct PIN
1 Press tile MENU button to open tile Locks menu.
(Sample Image) Lock menu screen (fbr USA region)
UsingtheTV'sfeatures _'7
Using the I_cks menu
2 Press the (y arrow) button to display the PIN code entry
screen. Tile Lock System screen appears if a PIN code has not been
(Sample Image) Lock menu - store PIN screen
3 Press tile Channel Number buttons to enter a new four-digit
code, enter tile code a second time to confirm, and then press tile OK button.
Tile Locks/Active screen appears if tile PIN code is already stored.
4 Use tile Number buttons to enter your four-digit code, and then
press tile OK button.
NOTE IfthewrongPINcodeisentered,themessage"IncorrectPINcode,
5 Highlight Retry, and then press the OK button. 6 Enter tile code again, and then press tile OK button.
When tile correct PIN code is entered, tile Locks menu opens.
While tile PIN code entering screen is displayed, press tile INFO
button four times within five seconds. Tile PIN code will be cleared and you can enter a new PIN code.
1 Press tile MENU button to open tile Locks menu. 2 Press tile (y arrow) button to display tile PIN code entering
3 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press tile OK button.
8 UsingtheTV's features
Using parental contivls qbr USA region)
4 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight New PIN Code, and
then press the OK button.
5 Press the Number buttons to enter a new four-digit code.
Reenter the PIN code to confirm it.
6 Press the OK button.
The new PIN code is now active.
NOTE The PiNcode cannot besetto "0000."
Some TV programs and movies include signals that classify the content of the program (as unsuitable for younger viewers). The V-Chip feature in this TV detects the signals and blocks the programs according to the ratings you select.
1 Press the MENU button to open the Locks menu. 2 Press the (y arrow) button to display the PIN code entering
3 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button. 4 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight Enable Rating
Blocking, and then press the OK button.
5 Press the (_ arrow) button to select On.
(Sample h_zage) Locks menu - Enable Rating Blocking selection (tbr USA region)
UsingtheTV'sfeatures _Q
Using parental controls _Or USA region)
(Sample Image) Locks menu screen fro" other regions
6 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight Edit Rating Limits,
and then press tile OK button.
7 Press tile (A/Y/4/_ arrow) buttons, and then press tile OK
A box with an "X" is a rating that will be blocked. As you highlight a rating, a definition for the rating appears at the
bottom of the screen.
To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the OK button.
NOTE AboveselectionofblockinglevelisforU.SV-Chipsystem.For
Canadarating,youcanhighlight"CanadaRS,"andthenpressthe OKbutton.Another"CanadianRatingMenu"screenappears.
In tile future, an additional rating system may become available for use in selectively blocking TV programs and movies.
NOTE Thecurrentlytunedstationmustbereceivingadigitalsignalbefore
To download the additional rating system, if available: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Locks menu. 2 Press the (y arrow) button to display the PIN code entering
3 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button. 4 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight Enable Rating
Blocking, and then press the OK button.
0 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using parental cont/vls (for USA region)
5 Press the (j_ arrow) button to select On. 6 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight Edit Rating Limits,
and then press the OK button.
The Edit Rating Limits screen appears. Highlight Alt RS, and then press the OK button. The Edit Alternate Ratings screen appears.
NOTE o',oTheAItRSbuttonwill onlybeavailableif anadditionalrating
¢ ItmaytakeseveralminutesfortheTVtodownloadtheadditional
¢ TheinformationdisplayedintheAlternateRatingsscreenwill
dependontheconfigurationoftheadditionalratingsystem availableatthetimeofdownload.
8 Press the (AIyI_I_ arrow) buttons, and then press the OK
A box with an "X" is a rating that will be blocked.
9 To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the
OK button.
10 In the Edit Rating Limits screen, highlight Done, and then
press the OK button.
NOTE o',oTheadditionalratingsystemcanonlybedownloadedonetime.
Youwill notbeabletodownloadanyupdatestotherating systemshouldsuchupdatesbecomeavailable.
¢ Theadditionalratingsystemis notdesigned,transmittedor
controlledbytheTVorToshiba,noris theavailabilityofan additionalratingsystemdeterminedor controlledbyToshiba.
Similarly,theratingof programsinanadditionalratingsystemis notdetermined,transmittedor controlledbytheTVorToshiba.
¢ Theadditionalratingsystemisanevolvingtechnology;
UsingtheTV'sfeatures (31
Using parental contlvls _br USA region)
Independent rating system for broadcasters:
Description and Content themes.
MatureAudienceOnly(Thisprogramisspecificallydesignedtobeviewed byadultsandthereforemaybeunsuitableforchildrenunder17.
L)Crudeorindecentlanguage S)Explicitsexualactivity V)Graphicviolence
L)Strong,coarselanguage S)Intensesexualsituations V)Intenseviolence
ParentalGuidanceSuggested(Thisprogramcontainsmaterialparentsmay findunsuitableforyoungerchildren.)
L)Infrequentcoarselanguage S)Somesexualsituations V)Moderateviolence
TV-G GeneralAudience(Mostparentswouldfindthisprogramsuitableforall
TV-Y7, DirectedtoOlderChildren(Thisprogramisdesignedforchildrenage7and TV-Y7FV above.
NOTE:Programsinwhichfantasyviolencemaybemoreintenseormore combativethanotherprogramsinthiscategoryaredesignatedTV-Y7FV.)
TV-Y AllChildren(Thisprogramisdesignedtobeappropriateforallchildren)
Independent rating system for movies:
Ratings: Description and Content themes:
_ _fii}°g__7'_l-oires accompanyingparentor_/i)
°'S_d_'_l_C_[j_f6°_i'___gi_b'_ 'inappro_f6_f
"G GeneralAudience(Appropriateforallages)
2 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using parental cont/vls (for USA region)
Indication other than rating system:
Display. Description:
_N_ONE TheprogramisratedNone,
NOTE Ifyouplacean"X"in theboxnextto"None"Rated,programsrated
"None"or"NotRated"will beblocked;Programsthatdonotprovide
anyratinginformationwill notbeblocked,
To display the rating of the program you are watching, press the INFO button on tile remote control. If it is rated "None" tile word
"NONE" appears in tile INFO screen. If rating information is not provided, no rating will appear in tile INFO screen.
(Sample Image) Enable Rating Blocking screen
Press tile MENU button to open tile Locks menu. Press the (y arrow) button to display the PIN code entering
3 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button. 4 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight Enable Rating
5 Press tile (_ arrow) button to select On. 6 Press tile (V arrow) button to highlight Edit Rating Limits,
and then press tile OK button. Tile Edit Rating Limits screen appears.
7 Highlight Canada RS, and then press tile OK button.
Tile Canadian Rating Menu screen appears.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures (_
Using parental controls (for USA region)
8 Press the (A/Y/4/_ arrow) buttons, and then press the OK
button to select the level of blocking you prefer. A box with an "X" is a rating that will be blocked.
9 To save the new settings, highlight Done, and then press the
OK button.
10 In the Edit Rating Limits screen, highlight Done, and then
press the OK button.
Rating system for programs in English:
Ratings. Description and Content themes.
'G _G_e_lprogrammlng P_ Parental_i]@n_c_6_
T_ Viewers14andolder _1_8_ _d[i]iprogrammlng
Rating system for programs in French:
Description and Content themes.
If you try to tune to a program that exceeds the rating limits you have set, the TV will enter program lock mode and a warning message appears on the screen. Follow the instructions to temporarily unlock the program.
(Sample Illustration) Wan_ing - exceeded rating limit
You can either temporarily unlock the program or select an unlocked program to watch.
4 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using tlTeinput lockJeamw
To temporarily unlock tile program: 1 Press the MUTE button.
2 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button.
If the correct code is entered, the program lock mode is released and the normal picture appears. All locking will be enabled again when you change the channel.
You can use the Input Lock feature to lock the video inputs (Video, ColorStream ®HD, HDMI 1, HDMI 2, and PC) and channels 3 and
4. You will not be able to view the input sources or channels until you unlock the inputs.
To lock/unlock the video inputs: 1 From the Locks menu, press the (y arrow) button to display
the PIN code entering screen. 2 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button. 3 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight Input Lock, and then
press the (_ arrow) button to select the level of video input
locking you prefer.
LocksVideo,d_"oTS'[Pe'am'_jHD,HDMI]_N'_d channelsS'_dn_ci'
4.SelectVideo+if youplayvideotapesviaanANT/CABLEinput.
4 Press the EXIT button.
With the Lock feature, you can lock specific channels. Locked channels can only be accessed by entering the PIN code, see "Entering the PIN code" on page 86.
To lock channels: 1 From the Setup menu, highlight Installation, and then press
the OK button. 2 Press the OK button to select Terrestrial.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures (_
I_)cking channels
3 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to select Channel Options, and
then press the OK button. The list of channels appear.
(Sample Illustration) Channel options
4 Press the ( _ arrow) button, and then press the (A/Y arrow)
buttons to select a channel in the lock column.
5 Press the ON button.
PIN code entry will be required to set a locked channel.
NOTE Ifthe PIN code hasnot yetbeenset,awarningmessageappears.
6 A check appears in the box. 7 To remove the check, press the ON button.
8 Press the EXIT button.
You can use the GameTimer _'_to set a time limit for playing a video game (30-120 minutes). When the GameTimer _'_expires, the TV
enters Input Lock mode and locks out the input source for the video game device.
To set the GameTimer('_):
1 From the Locks menu, press the (y arrow) button to display
the PIN code entering screen.
2 Enter your Four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button. 3 Press the (V arrow) button to highlight GameTimer, and press
the (_ arrow) button to select the length of time until the Input Lock is activated (30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes).
4 Press the (_/_ arrow) buttons to select 30, 60, 90, or 120
6 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
I_)cking channels
To cancel the GameTimer _, select Off in step 3 above. To deactivate the Input Lock once the GameTimer _`_has activated it: Set the Input Lock to Off, see "Using the GameTimer®" on
page 95.
NOTE 4* Amessageappearswhen10minutes,3minutes,andI minute
¢ IftheTVlosespowerwithtimeremaining,theTVwill enterInput
Lockmodewhenpoweris restored(asiftheGameTimerhad beenactivated).YoumustdeactivatetheInputLock,see"Using
the GameTimer®" on page 95.
Usingthepanel lockfeature
You can lock the control panel to prevent your settings from being changed accidentally (by children, for example). When Panel Lock is set to On, none of the controls on the control panel operate except POWER.
To lock the control panel: 1 Press the MENU button to highlight the Locks menu. 2 Press the (y arrow) button to display the 3 Enter your four-digit PIN code, and then press the OK button. 4 Press the (y arrow) button to highlight Panel Lock. 5 Press the (_ arrow) button to select On.
When the control panel is locked and any button on the control
panel (except POWER) is pressed, the message "NOT
AVAILABLE" appears.
(Sample Illustration) Panel Lock screen
UsingtheTV'sfeatures Q7
Using the PC setfings jeature
To unlock tile control panel, select Off in Step 5 above or press and hold tile VOLUME (-) button on tile TV control panel for a few seconds until tile volume icon appears.
You can view an image from a PC on tile TV screen. When a PC is connected to the TV's PC IN terminal, you can use the PC Settings feature to make adjustments to the image. If the edges of the picture are cut off, readjust the Horizontal Position and Vertical Position. If the picture is affected by interference, readjust the Clock Phase and Sampling Clock.
To adjust the PC settings: 1 Repeatedly press the INPUT button to select PC Input mode,
see "Adjusting the picture" on page 76. 2 Press the MENU button to open the Setup menu. 3 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to select PC Settings, and then
press the OK button.
(Sample Image) PC Settings screen
NOTE Ifacomputerisnotconnectedor thereisnoPCinputsignal,this
4 Press the (A/V arrow) buttons to select an item. 5 Press the ('_l/_ arrow) buttons to make the appropriate
(Sample Image) PC Setti_gs - adjustmems scree_
8 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using the PC settings jeature
NOTE ThescreenisdisruptedmomentarilywhileadjustingthePCsettings.
Mode. Description:
HorizontalPosition Movesthepictureleft!right.Theadjustmentrangeiswithin+10from
VerticalPosition Movesthepictureup/down.Theadjustmentrangeiswithin+10from
ClockPhase Helpstoreducenoiseandsharpenthepicture.Theadjustmentrangeis
SamplingClocks Helpstoreducenoiseandminimizeperiodicverticalstripesonthe
Reset Highlightthisitem,andthenpresstheOKbuttontogetanoptimum
_:The default settings and/or adjustment ranges may vary depending on the
input signal format.
You can output or mute sound from your computer when connecting it to your TV, using the AUDIO IN terminal and PC
audio cable. To set the PC Audio:
1 Press the MENU button to open the Sound menu. 2 Highlight Audio Setup, and then press the OK button. 3 Press the (A/V arrow) buttons to select PC Audio, and then
press the (4/_ arrow) buttons to select No or Yes. o*,o Yes: When viewing the PC input, the audio from the PC
Audio input can be heard.
o_o No: When viewing the PC input, there will be no audio.
NOTE BecausethePCandHDMI1 inputssharethesamesetofanalog
audioinputs,thePCAudiomenusettinginfluencestheHDMI1 Audiomenusetting.IfPCAudiois setto"No"theHDMI1Audio
settingchangesto"Auto"If PCAudioissetto "Yes"theHDMI1 Audiosettingissetto"Digital"andisgrayedoutinthemenu.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures QQ
Using the Media Player
,.J ,_J
UsingMediaPlayerwitha USBdevice
You can enjoy photos or music contents stored on a USB storage device.
Photo Viewer specifications: olo Data type: JPEG EXIF ver 2.1
olo File format: JPEG o:o Maximum photo size: 6 MB
o:o Maximum number of files: 500/folder o:o Maximum photo resolution: 4096 x 4096 pixels
o:o Best photo resolution:
1920 x 1080 pixels
Music Player specifications: o:o File format: MP3
olo Sampling frequency: 16 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 24 kHz, olo 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
o1. Bit rate: from 8 to 320 kbps o1. Maximum number of files: 500/folder
Supported file system: FAT16 and FAT32
1 O0 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using the Media Pko_er
NOTE o',.Gently insertthe USBdeviceinto the portanddo not remove
while viewing Media Player.
".. USB device:USBMass StorageClassdevice (MSC)
".. Connectivity is not guaranteedfor all devices.
".. Connectthe USBdeviceto the TV directly.
".. Do not usea USB Hub.
".. Youmust obtainany required permissionfrom copyright owners to usecopyright content. Toshibacannotand doesnot grant
such permission.
".. Dependingonthe file sizeand amountin your USB storage device,it maytakesometimefor loadingto view.A messagewill display on-screen when loading files from the USBstorage
".. Only limited typesof U3 USBdevicearesupported.Therefore,it is suggestednot to use U3USBfor playing Media Player.
".. Non-supportedcharacterswill be replacedwith a square.
When Auto Start is enabled, you will be asked if you want to start the Media Player when a USB device is inserted. If Auto Start is disabled, you must manually start the Media Player from the menu.
To change the Auto Start setting: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Setup menu. 2 Press the (y arrow) button, and then press the OK button. 3 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to highlight Auto Start. 4 Press the (,_/_ arrow) buttons to select On/Off.
Auto Start: 1 Gently insert a supported USB storage device to the USB port
on the rear side of the TV. A prompt will appear.
NOTE IfyourepeatedlyinsertandremovetheUSBconnector,theprompt
UsingtheTV'sfeatures 101
Using the Media Player
2 Press the (4/_ arrow) buttons to select Yes, and then press the
OK button.
The Media Player menu will appear. When you select No, nothing happens.
(Sample Image) Media Player - open screen
NOTE .:o Thepromptwilldisappearafterabout10sec.
¢ IfAutoStartis settooff,youcanstarttheMediaPlayer
Manual Start: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Setup menu.
2 Press the (y arrow) button to select Media Player, and then
press the OK button.
3 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to highlight Photo or Music,
and then press the OK button.
(Sample Image) Media Play screen
NOTE .:o Theviewerwillalsoopeneveniftherearenophotoormusic
¢ WhiletheMediaPlayerisactive,themainmenuscannotbe
There are three types of view modes. Multi View:
1 02 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using the Media Pl(o'er
This view allows you to search for photos in a grid format. These pictures are displayed using thumbnail data in each image file.
(Sample Image) Media Player - photos screen
1 Press the (AITI_I_ arrow) buttons to move the highlight in
one window. If all of the photos will not fit in one screen, when pressing the (4 arrow) button at the top left thumbnail, the screen will move to the previous page. Conversely, when pressing the (_ arrow) button at the bottom right thumbnail, the screen will move to the next page. CH Up/Ch down buttons can be used to page up/down the photo list when there are more photos than will fit onto one screen.
2 When you select a folder, press the OK button to move to the
next layer, or press the RETURN button to return to the previous layer.
3 Press the OK button to view the selected photo in Single View
In this view mode, only files located in the selected directory shall be displayed. This view allows you to change the photo content manually. When moving from Multi View to the Single View, the currently selected photo shall be displayed.
1 Press the (_ arrow) button to view the next photo. Press the (
arrow) button to view the previous photo.
2 Press the (A arrow) button to rotate the image 90 °
counterclockwise. Press the (y arrow) button to rotate the image 90 ° clockwise.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures 103
Using the Media Player
This view allows you to watch a slide show of the photos. In this mode, only files located in the selected directory will be played.
1 To start slide show, press the OK button to select Single View
2 Press the (4/_ arrow) buttons to view the previous or next
To set Interval Time and Repeat settings: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Quick Menu. 2 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to select either Interval Time
or Repeat.
3 Press the (@/_ arrow) buttons to adjust the setting, and then
press the RETURN button.
NOTE ZoomandPicturesizefunctionsaredisable.
To close the Photo Viewer, press the EXIT button. The television will return to the last viewed channel or external input.
You 1 2
3 4
can listen to music from a list of available files.
Press the MENU button to open the Setup menu. Highlight Media Player, and then press the OK button. Press the (V arrow) button to select Music.
Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to select a file or folder. The CH Up/CH Down buttons can be used to page up/down the
music list when there are more files than will fit onto one screen.
5 When you select a folder, press the OK button to move to the
next layer. Press the RETURN button to move back to the previous layer.
6 With the desired file selected, press the OK or PLAY button to
begin playback.
7 Press the STOP button to stop playback
1 04 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Using the Media Pko_er
NOTE o*,oIf playbackfinishesbeforetheSTOPbuttonispressed,thenext
file automatically startsto play from the beginning.
¢ Dependingonthe file size,it maytakesometime for playbackto
To pause playback: o*.o Press the PAUSE button to pause playback. o:* To resume normal playback, press the PLAY or PAUSE
:. To locate a specific file, press the SKIP Reverse or SKIP
Forward button repeatedly.
:. To adjust volume, press VOLUME (+ -) buttons.
NOTE During playback,you can adjustthe SOUNDmenu functions from
the Quick Menu.
To set the repeat mode: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Quick Menu. 2 Highlight Repeat, and press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to select
Off, All or 1.
3 Press the CH RTN button to close the Music Player, and then
press the EXIT button.
While viewing photo files, this allows you to listen to music from a list of available files.
1 While viewing photos in Single View or Slide Show mode,
press the MENU button to open the Quick Menu.
2 Highlight Background Music, and then press the OK button.
The music list appears. 3 Select a music file and press the OK button to start playback. 4 Press the RETURN button twice to return to photo view mode.
The music is now playing in the background.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures 105
Using the Media Player
Contents Description Description
Photo Photolist(Multi View) Seepage137
Sorting Tosortthefoldersandfiles:
1 PresstheMENUbuttonto opentheQuickMenu fromMultiViewmode.
2 Pressthe(A/T arrow)buttonstoselectSod. 3 Pressthe(411/1_,arrow)buttonstoselectTille,
Tille-File sortingrules:
1 Unicodepriority
2 (0,1-9),capitalalphabet
(A,B-Z),smallalphabet (a,b-z),Chinese
3 Increasingorder
New-Fromnewtoold (accordingtothedateand
thepicturewastaken). SingleViewmode
SlideShowmode Skipto previous/nextphoto
SlideShowRepeatplay SlideShowIntervalTimeselection
1 06 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
Setting the sleep timer
Description Description
Music list (Multi View) Seepage 136 Sorting
Tosort thefolders and files: 1 PresstheMENU button to open the Quick Menu.
2 Pressthe(A/T arrow)buttonsto select Sort. 3 Pressthe(4/_ arrow)buttonsto selectTitle,
New,or 01d to set the sortingrule.
Playback Pause
Repeatplay SoundSettings
(Adjusting the audio quality)
NOTE Duringplayback,youcanadjusttheSOUNDmenufunctionsfrom
You can set the sleep timer to turn oft" the TV after a set length of time (maximum of 12 hours).
To set the sleep timer using the remote control:
Press the SLEEP button on the remote control to set the length
of time until the TV turns off.
Repeatedly press the SLEEP button to increase the time in
10-minute increments, or press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to increase or decrease the time in 10-minute increments, (maximum of 12 hours).
To set the sleep timer using the on-screen menus: 1 Press the MENU button to open the Setup menu. 2 Highlight Sleep Timer.
UsingtheTV'sfeatures 107
Automatic Power Down
3 Press the Number buttons to enter the length of time
(maximum of 12 hours) and then press the OK button. Or press the (,_/_ arrow) buttons to increase or decrease in
10-minute increments, (maximum of 12 hours).
NOTE Ifapowerfailureoccurs,thesleeptimersettingmaybecleared.
To display the time remaining until the TV turns off, press the SLEEP button.
NOTE A messagedisplayson-screenwhenoneminuteis remainingonthe
To cancel the sleep timer, Repeatedly press the SLEEP button until it is set to 0 minutes.
The TV can be configured to automatically turn itself off after 4 hours if you do not operate the TV either from the remote control or the TV control panel.
1 From the Preferences menu, highlight Energy Saving
Settings, and then press the OK button.
2 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to select Automatic Power
Press the (4/_ arrow) buttons to select On/Off, and then press the EXIT button.
NOTE Whenthefollowingfeaturesareset,thefeaturethatissetforthe
nearesttimewill function.
¢ AutomaticPowerDown ¢ SleepTimer
¢ Wallpaper/AutoPowerOff ¢ AutoshutdownafterI hourofinactivity(afterpoweringonbyOn
¢ Nosignalautopoweroff(after14minutesofnosignal)
1 08 UsingtheTV'sfeatures
No Signal Power Down
The TV will automatically turn itself oft"after 15 minutes when no signal is detected.
olo You can change the setting to Oft"for the following functions: o}o Low signal strength of an analog channel (no signal detection) *}o Only Audio L/R is connected to external input to listen to
music through the TV speakers.
1 From the Preferences menu, highlight Energy Saving
Settings, and then press the OK button.
2 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to select No Signal Power
Down, and then press the OK button.
3 Press the (A/Y arrow) buttons to highlight the item you wish
to change, and then press the (41_ arrow) buttons to select On/Off.
NOTE o:o DefaultsettingforeachinputisOn,
¢ AwarningmessageappearsapproximatelyI minutebeforethe
This is a new feature that uses CEC technology and allows you to control Toshiba HDMI® CEC compatible devices from the TV
remote control via an HDMI + connection. When the Enable HDMI® CEC in the HDMI® CEC Setup menu is
set to On, the following HDMI® CEC functions are enabled.
With your TV's remote control, or using the HDMI® CEC Player Control menu, you can control the connected HDMI® CEC playback device you are watching.
Available remote control key functions:
Button. Description."
PLAY Beginplayback
STOP Stopplayback
PAUSE Pausethepictureduringplayorrecordmode
SKIPForward SkipForward
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