Windows: Adjust Windows Display Properties to ensure complete
visibility of the Sentinel screen. Close all programs, and with your
pointer aimed in the middle of the screen (not over any icon), click the
right mouse button. A menu window will launch. Click Properties from
the menu. The Display Properties utility window will open. Select the
Settings tab and set the Screen area to 800 by 600 or greater.
A lower setting will prevent viewing each Sentinel window in full view.
A color setting of more than 256 colors, such as 16-bit or 24-bit is also
recommended. This is not required for normal operation of Sentinel
but for satisfactory viewing of pictures you may insert for each field
unit’s screen display. Lower settings (16 or 256 colors) may improve
the speed performance for slower computers.
Sentinel: To configure Sentinel, start the software by double clicking
on the folder icon from the desktop. Double click on the Sentinel icon
inside the folder. Do not click any other Sentinel icons before Sentinel
is completely configured. The other Sentinel modules (AutoComm,
Flow Graph and Flow Optimizer) will not function properly if
launched before the Sentinel software is configured.
Sentinel can also be started by clicking the Start button, then
Programs, then Sentinel folder, and finally Sentinel. This is just
another option of launching the Sentinel central program.
During the window launch, an opening window will briefly display the
logo and software version number. In this window, you will also see
one of these four letter acronyms that designates the software
• BSCM - Basic Software Control Module
• ETCM - ET Control Module - Central Software plus ET
• OFCM - Optimal Flow Control Module - Central Software
plus Flow Optimization
• AFCM - All Feature Control Module - Complete Software
Package with ET Support and Flow Optimization.
After starting Sentinel for the first time, the Software Configuration
will open. This utility window will automatically open the very first time
Sentinel is launched or when a new database is created. Sentinel uses
the default file name Sentinel.mdb to create a main database. To
access this window, select Software Configuration from the Setup /
Utility menu. See Chapter 16 for additional information.
You can enter the name of your organization in the white box at the
top of this window.
NOTE: Throughout this manual, the Sentinel Field Satellite controller
is referred to as Unit or Field Unit.
If you intend to irrigate based on ET (Evapotranspiration), you must
select the source for ET and rain information before proceeding with
the setup. If you select the first ET/Rain Source option, the daily ET
value will be read from the Sentinel database for the specified unit. If
you are not using ET based irrigation, the unit code entered here will
not matter. Sentinel will never use the information. See Chapter 10 for
more details on ET function.
The Schedule Reference Day defaults to the date when the Sentinel
software is first installed. Sentinel will use this date to mark the first
week of the six-week schedule cycle. The software will calculate the
schedules of all field units, even if they are programmed on different
days, in relation to this date. You should never have to change this
Software Configuration
Chapter 3 : Getting Started
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Toro Sentinel Central Software User’s Guide