1800 Power Curve® Snowthrower
Model No. 38026 —Serial No. 270000001 and Up
Form No. 3354-207 Rev A
Operator's Manual
R ead this infor mation carefully to lear n ho w to operate and
maintain y our product properly and to a v oid injur y and
product damag e . Y ou are responsible for operating the
product properly and safely .
Y ou ma y contact T oro directly at www .T oro .com for
product and accessor y infor mation, help finding a dealer ,
or to register y our product.
W henev er y ou need ser vice , g en uine T oro par ts , or
additional infor mation, contact an A uthorized Ser vice
Dealer or T oro Customer Ser vice and ha v e the model and
serial n umbers of y our product ready . Figure 1 identifies the
location of the model and serial n umbers on the product.
W rite the n umbers in the space pro vided.
T his man ual uses 2 other w ords to highlight infor mation.
Impor tant calls attention to special mec hanical infor mation
and Note emphasizes g eneral infor mation w or th y of special
T his sno wthr o w er meets or ex ceeds the ISO standard
8437 in ef fect at the time of pr oduction.
R ead and under stand the contents of this man ual
bef or e the engine is ev er star ted.
T his is the safety aler t symbol. It is used to aler t y ou
to potential per sonal injur y hazards. Obey all safety
messa ges that f ollo w this symbol to a v oid possible
injur y or death.
Impr oper l y using or maintaining this sno wthr o w er
could r esult in injur y or death. T o r educe this potential,
compl y with the f ollo wing safety instr uctions.
T he follo wing instr uctions ha v e been adapted from the
ANSI/OPEI standard B71.3-1995, the ISO 8437:1989
standard, and European Standard EN 786:1996 and EN
Figure 1
1. Model and serial number location
Model No.
Serial No.
T his man ual identifies potential hazards and has safety
messag es identified b y the safety aler t symbol ( Figure 2 ),
whic h signals a hazard that ma y cause serious injur y or
death if y ou do not follo w the recommended precautions .
Figure 2
1. Safety alert symbol
© 2006—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
• R ead the operator’ s man ual carefully . Be thoroughly
familiar with the controls and the proper use of the
equipment. Kno w ho w to stop the unit and diseng ag e
the controls quic kly .
• Nev er allo w c hildren to operate the sno wthro w er .
Nev er allo w adults to operate the sno wthro w er without
proper instr uction.
• K ee p the area of operation clear of all persons
(par ticularly small c hildren) and pets .
• Ex ercise caution to a v oid slipping or falling .
• T horoughly inspect the area where y ou will use the
sno wthro w er . R emo v e all door mats , sleds , boards ,
wires , and other foreign objects .
• R elease the control bar to diseng ag e the rotor blades
before star ting the engine .
Printed in the USA.
All Rights Reserved

• Do not operate the sno wthro w er without w earing
adequate winter g ar ments . W ear footw ear that will
impro v e y our footing on slipper y surfaces .
• Nev er attempt to mak e any adjustments while the motor
is r unning, ex ce pt where specifically recommended b y
T oro .
• Let the motor and the sno wthro w er adjust to the
outdoor temperature before star ting to clear sno w .
• Operating any po w ered mac hine can result in foreign
objects being thro wn into the eyes . Alw a ys w ear safety
glasses or eye shields while operating, adjusting, or
re pairing the sno wthro w er .
• Alw a ys ensure that the v entilation openings are k e pt
clear of debris .
• Before use , c hec k the supply and extension cord for
signs of damag e or aging .
• Nev er operate the sno wthro w er without proper guards ,
plates , or other safety protecti v e devices in place .
• Nev er operate the sno wthro w er near glass enclosures ,
automobiles , windo w w ells , and drop-offs without
properly adjusting the sno w disc harg e angle . K ee p
c hildren and pets a w a y .
• Do not o v erload the mac hine capacity b y attempting to
clear sno w at too fast a rate .
• Look behind and use care when bac king up with the
sno wthro w er .
• Nev er direct the disc harg e at b ystanders or allo w any one
in front of the unit.
• Nev er operate the sno wthro w er without g ood visibility
or light. Alw a ys be sure of y our footing, and k ee p a fir m
hold on the handle . W alk; nev er r un.
• Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating par ts .
K ee p clear of the disc harg e opening at all times .
• Disconnect the mac hine from the po w er source before
c hec king, cleaning, or w orking on the mac hine and
when it is not in use .
• If the cord becomes damag ed during use , disconnect
the cord from the po w er supply immediately . Do not
touc h the cord before disconnecting the po w er supply .
• Do not use the mac hine if the cord is damag ed or w or n.
• K ee p extension cords a w a y from the rotor blades .
• T he po w er supply used with the appliance should be a
residential cur rent device (R CD) with a tripping cur rent
of not more than 30 mA.
• Ex ercise extreme caution when crossing g ra v el dri v es ,
w alks , or roads . Sta y aler t for hidden hazards or traffic .
• Do not attempt to clear sno w from a cr ushed-roc k or
g ra v el surface . T his product is intended for use only on
pa v ed surfaces .
• After striking a foreign object, stop the motor ,
thoroughly inspect the sno wthro w er for any
damag e , and re pair the damag e before operating the
sno wthro w er .
• If the unit should star t to vibrate abnor mally , stop the
motor and c hec k immediately for the cause . Vibration
is g enerally a w ar ning of trouble .
• Stop the motor whenev er y ou lea v e the operating
position, before unclog ging the disc harg e c hute , and
when making any re pairs , adjustments , or inspections .
• W hen cleaning, re pairing, or inspecting, mak e cer tain
that the rotor blades and all mo ving par ts ha v e stopped.
• Do not clear sno w across the face of slopes . Ex ercise
extreme caution when c hanging direction on slopes . Do
not attempt to clear stee p slopes .
Maintenance and Storage
• Chec k all fasteners at frequent inter v als for proper
tightness to be sure that the equipment is in safe
w orking condition.
• Alw a ys refer to this operator’ s man ual for impor tant
details if the sno wthro w er is to be stored for an
extended period.
• Maintain or re place safety and instr uction labels when
necessar y .
Toro Snowthrower Safety
T he follo wing list contains safety infor mation specific to
T oro products or other safety infor mation that y ou m ust
kno w .
• R otating rotor blades can injure fing ers or hands .
Sta y behind the handles and a w a y from the disc harg e
opening while operating the sno wthro w er . K ee p y our
face , hands , feet, and any other par t of y our body or
clothing a w a y from mo ving or rotating par ts .
• Before adjusting, cleaning, re pairing, and inspecting
the sno wthro w er , and before unclog ging the disc harg e
c hute , stop the motor and w ait for all mo ving par ts to
stop .
• Use a stic k, not y our hands , to remo v e obstr uctions
from the disc harg e c hute .
• Before lea ving the operating position, stop the motor
and w ait for all mo ving par ts to stop .
• Do not w ear loose-fitting clothing that could g et caught
in mo ving par ts .
• If a shield, safety device , or decal is damag ed, illegible ,
or lost, re pair or re place it before beginning operation.
Also , tighten any loose fasteners .
• Do not use the sno wthro w er on a roof .

• P erfor m only those maintenance instr uctions described
Sound Power
in this man ual. Before perfor ming any maintenance ,
ser vice , or adjustment, stop the motor and disconnect
the po w er cord from the po w er source . If major re pairs
T his unit has a guaranteed sound po w er lev el of 104 dB A,
based on measurements of identical mac hines per EN 3744.
are ev er needed, contact y our A uthorized Ser vice
Dealer .
• Purc hase only g en uine T oro re placement par ts and
accessories .
T his unit does not ex ceed a hand/ar m vibration lev el of
2.3 m/s
, based on measurements of identical mac hines
per EN 1033.
Sound Pressure
T his unit has a maxim um sound pressure lev el at the
operator’ s ear of 89 dB A, based on measurements of
identical mac hines per EN 11201.
Safety and Instructional Decals
Important: Safety and instr uction decals ar e located near ar eas of potential danger . R eplace dama ged decals.
1. Cutting dismemberment, impeller and cutting dismemberment,
auger hazards—keep bystanders a safe distance from the
1. Thrown object hazard; cutting/dismemberment hazard, impeller and auger—read the Operator’s Manual, keep bystanders a safe distance from
the machine.
2. Electric shock hazard—disconnect the machine from the power outlet and read the instructions before servicing or performing maintenance.
3. Contains recyclable materials, do not discard.

Loose Parts
Use the chart below to verify that all parts have been shipped.
Mounting plate
Chute crank
Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the nor mal operating position.
Machine screw
Chute deector
Rubber washer
Carriage bolt
Metal washer
1. Installing the Upper Handle
and Chute Crank
1. Stand the sno wthro w er on its wheels and position the
upper handle .
2. Inspect the open inter nal wiring; if it is damag ed, do not
assemble . Contact an A uthorized Ser vice Dealer .
Install the upper handle and chute
Install the discharge chute.
T he inter nal wiring could be dama ged during
assembl y , causing serious per sonal injur y when
operating the sno wthr o w er .
• Car efull y assemble the sno wthr o w er so that
y ou will not dama ge the electrical wiring .
• If the wiring is dama ged, do not assemble the
sno wthr o w er . Contact an Authoriz ed Ser vice
Dealer .
3. Carefully inser t the right side of the upper tubing o v er
the end of the lo w er right side tubing ( Figure 3 ).
Figure 3
1. Upper tubing 2. Lower tubing
4. Carefully inser t the left side of the upper tubing into the
end of the lo w er left side tubing ( ).
5. Squeeze the upper tubes tog ether , and wig gle the upper
tubes do wn until the mounting holes in the upper and
lo w er tubing line up ( Figure 3 ).
6. Place the mounting plate o v er the tubes ( Figure 4 ).