Form No. 0453-812
Arctic Cat® Prowler
Installation Instructions - Accessory Kit
HDX VXC Door Kit
(p/n 1436-588)
NOTE: Read these installation instructions thoroughly before beginning the installation process. Retain
these Installation Instructions for future reference.
Kit includes:
0541-946 1 Right-Side Door
0541-947 1 Left-Side Door
2441-228 1 Hinge Plate (Right-Side)
2441-227 1 Hinge Plate (Left-Side)
2441-230 1 Striker Mounting Plate (Right-Side)
2441-229 1 Striker Mounting Plate (Left-Side)
2441-232 1 Steel Kick Panel (Right-Side)
2441-231 1 Steel Kick Panel (Left-Side)
2441-237 2 Wide Steel Clamp
2441-238 2 Hook and Loop Strap
0214-025 6 Hose Clamp
* 8 Flat Washer
* 8 Flanged Lock Nut
* 8 Machine Screw
* 8 Striker Pin Washer
* 2 Striker Pin
* 2 Striker Pin Nut
2441-233 1 Door Shock Link
2441-239 1 Door Handle (Outside)
2441-240 1 Door Latch (Inside)
1541-024 1 Exterior Trim Seal (18’)
0453-812 1 Instruction
* Included in Hardware Kit (1436-576)
NOTE: When installing the doors, the side
restraints and kick panels should be removed.
When the doors are not installed, the side
restraints and kick panel (provided with the kit)
should be installed.
NOTE: The lower outside rubber clamps (A) will
have to be removed. Only the screw and washer
will be used to secure the rear panel to the striker
mounting plate. See Fig. 2.
Fig 2
4. Install the rear panel to the striker mounting panel
using existing machine screw and washer; then
secure the rear panel to the rear ROPS tubes and
roof using existing hardware and clamps.
Using a T-40 torx, remove the two lower torx-
head screws (A) from the right-side and left-side
front ROPS frames tubes. See Fig. 3.
1. The VXC Rear Panel (p/n 1436-557) will have to
be removed if already installed to install the Rightand Left-Side Striker Mounting Plates.
2. With the cargo box raised, place the left-side
striker mounting plate (A) onto the left side arm
rest; then loosely secure the plate to the arm rest
and rear upright ROPS tube using three Hose
Clamps (B) installed from the inside. See Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
3. Repeat step 2 for opposite side.
6. Position left-side Hinge Plate flush against the
front ROPS frame tubes and loosely secure with
screws removed in step 5.
Fig. 3
7. Install Wide Steel Clamp (B) around the front
ROPS tube; then loosely secure the top of the
hinge plate to the tube using two machine
screws, two flat washers, and two nuts.

8. Secure the middle of the hinge plate to the front
ROPS tube using Hook and Loop Strap (C).
Fig. 4
NOTE: The bottom machine screw and nut securing the lower portion of the windshield to the ROPS
tube may have to be loosened in order to install the
hook and loop strap.
9. Torque the bottom two machine screws on the
hinge plate to 20 ft-lb.; then securely tighten the
wide steel clamp.
10. Install new Steel Kick Panel using two Machine
Screws and two Flat Washers (B) and two existing screws (A) from the floor board. See Fig. 5.
NOTE: To aid in the installation of the door, it may
be necessary to open and close the door as the
door is pushed downward onto the hinges.
13. With both doors installed, adjust the striker bolt
up or down or adjust the flat washers until the
doors latch properly. Securely tighten the striker
bolts. See Fig. 7.
Fig. 7
14. The door latch can also be adjusted in or out to
achieve proper door latching. See Fig. 8.
Fig. 8
Fig. 5
11. Repeat steps 4-9 for opposite side.
12. Install left- and right-side Doors onto the hinge
plates; then secure the door’s shock links from
the door to the hinge plate. The quick disconnect
end should attach to the hinge plate. See Fig. 6.
Fig. 6
NOTE: When doors are not installed install existing side restraints using existing hardware.
15. Remove both torx-head screws securing the
lower storage box. See Fig. 9.
Fig. 9
16. Align Closeout Bracket under the striker mounting bracket (A) and align with the holes from
step 15. Install existing torx-head screws (B).
See Fig. 10.