Tilt Switch Kit
For Z Master Mowers
Model No. 112–8349
Form No. 3357-923 Rev A
Installation Instructions
Due to c hanging regulations reg arding the sale
of items containing mercur y , T oro will no long er
sell the tilt switc h. T he switc h should be remo v ed
from the product and retur ned for disposal in the
enclosed shipping container .
T he mercur y contained in the tilt s witch
is poisonous and exposur e to mercur y can
cause sev er e illness.
• Nev er attempt to open or r epair the tilt
s witch.
• A v oid contact with the mercur y .
Removing the Tilt Switch
6. Connect the main wire har ness directly to the
seat switc h.
No Parts Required
Note: T here are no par ts supplied with this
kit to re place the tilt switc h. T he follo wing
instr uctions explain the remo v al of the switc h and
the reconnecting of the existing wire har ness’.
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. Tilt the seat forw ard.
4. F or Z100 and Z400 Z Masters , disconnect the
tilt switc h wire har ness from the seat switc h
( Figure 1 ).
5. R emo v e the bolts holding the tilt switc h to the
frame and disconnect the main wire har ness
from the switc h.
Figure 1
Z100 and Z400 Z Masters
1. Tilt switch 3. Main wire harness
2. Seat switch
7. F or Z200 and Z500 Z Masters , disconnect the
tilt switc h wire har ness from the seat switc h
wire har ness ( Figure 2 ).
8. R emo v e the bolts holding the tilt switc h to the
frame and disconnect the main wire har ness
from the switc h.
9. Connect the main wire har ness directly to the
seat switc h wire har ness .
© 2006—The Toro® Company
8111 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Register at www.Toro.com. Original Instructions (EN)
Printed in the USA.
All Rights Reserved

Recycling the Tilt Switch
No Parts Required
T he tilt switc h on y our unit contains mercur y ,
a hazardous material. Mercur y that is outside a
sealed container v aporizes at room temperature .
T he v apors are har mful. Mercur y can be absorbed
through the skin. Do not attempt to open or
re pair this switc h.
A v er y small amount of mercur y is contained in
a her metically sealed body . T he steel switc h is
then potted in a hard e po xy in a plastic case . It is
unlik ely that the mercur y will ev er escape from the
enclosure . T hese high perfor mance and reliable
inexpensi v e switc hes are recyclable . Mercur y is an
impor tant and beneficial compound but requires
special care in handling and disposal. W hen used
and manag ed properly , mercur y is not a threat to
people or the en vironment. T his infor mation is
presented to users so that they are a w are that these
switc hes contain mercur y and will apply sound
disposal practices when these devices reac h their
nor mal end of life or are damag ed.
Figure 2
Z200 and Z500 Z Masters
1. Tilt switch 3. Main wire harness
2. Seat switch wire harness
Sev eral states ha v e passed la ws concer ning the
disposal of devices containing mercur y . In all the
remaining states it is advisable to follo w similar
procedures . T he la ws state that these sealed
devices contain mercur y and should not be placed
in the g arbag e until the mercur y is remo v ed and
reused, recycled or otherwise manag ed to insure
that it does not become par t of solid w aste or
w aters . Manag ement and disposal practices m ust
be within relev ant federal, state or local la ws .
If the switc h is damag ed or brok en open use
extreme caution in handling . Call y our local w aste
manag ement authority for instr uctions .