TOPRO TP8452CP, TP8452AP Datasheet

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General Description
The TP8452 Mouse Controller is specially designed to control PS/2 mouse device. This single chip can interface three key-switches and four photo-couples direct to 8042. TP8452 can receive command and echo status or data format which are compatible with IBM PS/2 mode mouse. Key debouncing circuit is provided to prevent false entry and improve TP8452 accuracy. In the conventional mouse, a great number of noises are generated when the grid is partially closed or opened. These noises are usually mistaken for movement signals by conventional mouse controller and the cursor of the display screen is thus moved frequently up and down or back and forth. This will consumes a great amount of energy. The TP8452 PS/2 mouse controller provides noise immunity circuits to eliminate these noises in order to reduce energy consumption. Using the auto-speed adjusting circuits, TP8452 promotes the power of the mouse in movement. when TP8452 moves at low speed, it will be very smooth. While at high speed, TP8452 can change the scanning ability of the motion and detects more dots than that of at low speed. According to different speed, the horizontal and vertical counters acquire different dots in the same distance.
* Being compatible with PS/2 mouse mode. * Including buyer testing mode. * Auto speed with dynamic resolutions. * Built-in noise immunity circuit. * Low power dissipation. * Both RC oscillating and crystal oscillating circuits provided. * Three key-switches and four photo-couples inputs. * Both key-press and key-release debounce interval 11 ms. * Through three key-switch inputs, TP8452 can exert seven different output. * PIN to PIN compatible with HM8450. * Improved ESD protection.
* Optical mouse or pen-mouse. * Mechanical mouse or pen-mouse. * Optomechanical mouse or pen-mouse. * Mechanical track ball.
* Optomechanical track ball.
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Pin Assignment
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Pin Description
1 18 VDD I Power. 2 4 Test If it is connected to VDD or floated,TP8452 will work on normal operation.
While it is connect to GND, TP8452 will enter testing mode, you can use
OSCR to select two types of testing mode. 3 5OSC.OUT O Clock output 4 6CLK I/O 8042 auxiliary port CLK line 5 7DATA I/O 8042 auxiliary port DATA line 6 9VSS Ground. 7 10 R I Three key-switches exert seven different combinations totally. 8 11 M I/O Both key-pressed and key-released signals accompanied with 9 12 L I/O horizontal and vertical state will be sent to the host. The status
of the key-switches will be preserved when RXD is transmitting. The debounce interval for both key-press and key-release is 12 ms. In testing mode, L and M are the outputs of motion detector. Use R key can select the two outputs from X1, X2 or Y1, Y2. This feature can help manufacture to adjust the phase of four
photo-couples for improving the yield. 10 13 X1 I Four photo-couple signals denote UP, DOWN,LEFT, and RIGHT 11 14 X2 state During the scanning period, as long as the photo-couples 12 15 Y1 change their states, the value of vertical or horizontal counter 13 16 Y2 will accordingly increase or decrease. 14 17 OSCR I If it is connected a 30kohm resistor to ground, TP8452 will employ
a built in RC ckt to generate clock. While it is connected to VDD,and Test
connect to GND, it will enter testing mode, you can observe X/Y input on
L/M pin.
Function Descriptions
(1) PS/2 Mouse Mode
(A) Operating mode
There are four operating modes in PS/2 mouse :
a. Reset Mode :
In this mode a self-test is initiated during power-on or by a Reset command. After reset
signal, PS/2 mouse will send:
(a) Completion code AA & ID code 00.
(b) Set default:
sampling rate: 100 reports/s non-autospeed stream mode 4 counts/mm disable
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b. Stream Mode:
The maximum rate of transfer is the programmed sampling rate. Data report is transmitted if (a) switch is pressed (b) movement has been detected
c. Remote Mode:
Data is transmitted only in response to a Read Data command.
d. Wrap Mode:
Any byte of data sent by the system, except hex EC ( Reset wrap mode ) or hex FF ( Reset ), is returned by TP8452.
(B) PS/2 Mouse Data Report:
a. In stream mode: A data report is sent at the end of a sample interval.
b. In remote mode: A data report is sent in response to Read Data command.
c. Data report format:
Byte Bit Description
1 0 Left button status; 1 = pressed
1 Right button status; 1 = pressed 2 Middle button status; 1 = pressed 3 Reserved 4 X data sign; 1 = negative 5 Y data sign; 1 = negative 6 X data overflow; 1 = overflow
7 Y data overflow; 1 = overflow 2 0-7 X data ( D0 - D7 ) 3 0-7 Y data ( D0 - D7 )
(C) PS/2 mouse Data Transmission:
a. TP8452 generates the clocking signal when sending data to and receiving data from the
b. The system requests TP8452 to receive system data output by forcing the DATA line to an
inactive level then allowing CLK line to go to an active level.
c. Data transmission frame:
Bit Function 1 Start bit ( always 0 ) 2-9 Data bits ( D0 - D7 ) 10 Parity bit ( odd parity ) 11 Stop bit ( always 1 )
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d. Data Output ( data from TP8452 to system ):
If CLK keep low (inhibit status), data will not transmit. If CLK raised to high and DATA is low(request-to-send),data is updated. After receiving data from system, TP8452 will not start transmitting until CLK and DATA are both high. If CLK and DATA are both high, the transmission is ready. DATA is valid prior to the falling edge of CLK and beyond the rising edge of CLK. During transmission, TP8452 check for line contention by checking for an inactive level on CLK lasting for no more than 100m sec. Contention occurs when the system lowers CLK to inhibit TP8452 output after TP8452 has started a transmission. If this occurs before the rising edge of the tenth clock, TP8452 internal store its data in its buffer and returns DATA and CLK to an active level. If the contention does not occur by the tenth clock, the transmission is completed. Following a transmission, the system inhibits TP8452 by holding CLK low until it can service the input or until the system receives a request to send a response from TP8452.
e. Data Input ( from system to TP8452):
System first check if TP8452 is transmitting data. If TP8452 is transmitting, the system can override the output by forcing CLK to an inactive level prior to the tenth clock. If the transmission of TP8452 beyond the tenth clock ,the system must receive the data. If TP8452 is not transmitting or if the system choose to override the output, the system force CLK to an inactive level for a period of not less than 100u sec while preparing for output. When the system is ready to output start bit (0), it allows CLK to go to active level. If request-to-send is detected, TP8452 clocks in 11 bits. Following the tenth clock,TP8452
checks for an active level on the DATA line, and if found, force DATA low , and clock once more. If framing error occurs, TP8452 continue to clock until DATA is high, then clocks the line control bit and request a Resend. When the system sends out a command or a data that requires a response, the system must wait for TP8452 to response before sending its next output.
(D) PS/2 Mouse Error Handling:
a. A Resend command ( FE ) following receipt of an invalid input or any input with
incorrect polarity.
b. If two invalid input are received in succession, an error code of hex FC will be sent to
the system. c. The counter accumulators are cleared after receiving any command except “Resend”. d. As TP8452 receives a Resend command ( FE ), it transmits its last packet of data. e. In the stream mode ”Resend” is received by TP8452 following a 3-byte data packet
transmission to the system. TP8452 resend the 3-byte data packet prior to clearing the
counter. f. A response is sent within 25 ms if
(a) The system requires a response (b) An error is detected during transmission
g. When a command requiring a response is issued by the system ,another command
should not be issued until either the response is received or 25ms has passed.
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